Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 24: suffering

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Lumian, who couldn't figure it out, didn't think too much, rolled up his sleeves, exposed his right arm, and scratched it with "Fallen Mercury".

After a short period of numbness, it was the pain he had tasted many times, but he didn't frown, watching the blood spill out, staining the silver-black tip of the knife red.

Almost at the same time, the mercury-colored illusory river composed of countless complex symbols appeared in front of Lumian's eyes, and the water droplets of fate stored in the evil short knife leaked from the tip of the knife and flowed into the not-deep wound.

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Lumian concentrated his energy and tried his best to distinguish the fate he wanted to exchange.

He "saw" himself receiving treatment, "saw" himself falling asleep after venting his emotions, and "saw" himself about to go to Aosta Trull.

All these scenes flashed in Lumian's mind, as if he had really witnessed it with his own eyes.

It didn't take long for him to find himself walking outside the catacombs and meeting the ghost of Montsouris in the fate of the last few days.

He hastily picked up the tip of the "Fallen Mercury" and let it stab at the complex symbols that seemed to be formed by the mercury-colored rivers intertwining themselves.

That period of fate was quite heavy, and Lumian couldn't shake it the first time.

Seeing that the illusory river was gradually disappearing, and the picture in his mind became more and more blurred, he quickly poured most of his spirituality into the blade of "Fallen Mercury".

Finally, with his second pry, the fate of "encountering the ghost of Montsouris" escaped from the mercury-colored illusory river, shrinking into tiny droplets, just like mercury beads after a broken thermometer.

The illusory drop of water quickly melted into the silver-black dagger.

It wasn't until this moment that Lumian was really relieved, knowing that he had got rid of the ghost of Montsouris, and "Fallen Mercury" could now be called "Cursed Blade" again.

He had just treated the wound briefly when he suddenly had a wonderful intuition.

Following this intuition, Lumian walked out of the "Golden Rooster Hotel" again, passed between the roaring and crying drunkards and the two groups of people fighting violently, returned all the way to Nightingale Street, and stopped at the place where Maggot was killed. Outside that alley.

He frowned, went in cautiously, and climbed over the barricade.

In the next second, Lumian's gaze naturally fell to the shadow of the corner of the wall.

Something lay quietly in that place ruled by darkness.

Lumian, who realized something, quickly walked over, squatted down, and picked up the item with his gloved left palm. It was a bulging brown leather wallet.

"Magot lost it? The money his subordinates plundered and handed over to him?" Lumian probably understood how the fate of the exchange came true.

Although he couldn't remember whether Maggot dropped his wallet during the fierce fight with him, whether it was dropped at that time or "replaced" later, it didn't affect Lumian's ability to get the money.

He took out the thick stack of banknotes, poured out the gold, silver and copper coins in the coin purse, then dropped the wallet and left the alley.

After returning to Room 207 of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", Lumian lit the calcium carbide lamp and carefully counted the trophies.

He harvested a total of 1265 Filguin 15 Cope, most of which were 10 Filguin and lower than 10 Filguin notes, only one 200 Filguin, one 100 Filguin and two 50 Filguin banknotes, and several louis d'or. Staring at the money for a few seconds, Lumian said with emotion:

"Accepting 10 donations from well-meaning people is not as good as killing a gang leader"

Of course, the money didn't all belong to Maggot, he just managed it on behalf of the Stingers.

Lumian then pulled out a stack of small bills worth 200 Filkins in total, and left room 207 with them,

Go up the stairs one by one.

In less than a minute, he arrived on the 4th floor and stood in front of room 8.

He remembered that Margot had come to the "Golden Rooster Hotel" in the evening to take her from an illegal prostitute named Ethans.

most of the money earned.

At that time, one of Maggot's subordinates should be responsible, but after that, the money must have been handed over to Maggot.

Lumian didn't knock on the door, bent down, and stuffed the stack of banknotes through the crack of the door one by one.

He quickly straightened his back, turned and walked towards the stairs, and disappeared into the dark corridor.

Lumian fell asleep until six o'clock when he heard the church bell ringing.

He slept very soundly last night, and even had the feeling that the "Provocateur" potion had digested a little bit.

"Go to Aosta Trull in the morning, see if Mr. K has replied, and buy some better clothes and cosmetics in the observatory area. In the afternoon, go to the cheap clothing store in Candide Market..." Lumian didn't say anything. Anxious to get up, lying there quietly, thinking about today's arrangements.

After getting rid of the threat of Montsouris' ghost, he puts on the agenda to re-disguise himself.

After staying in bed for a while, he walked out slowly, went to the bathroom to clean himself up, and then went downstairs to buy half a liter of cider and a piece of bread with pork sausage from the vendors.

After filling his stomach, he went to the nearest church square, found an empty corner, and practiced the fighting skills taught by Aurora.

Lumian didn't return to the "Golden Rooster Hotel" until half past nine in the morning, planning to rest for an hour before going to Aosta Trull.

As soon as he entered the lobby of the hotel, he saw three cleaning maids cleaning all the dirty places under the command of Mrs. Firth.

The hotel owner asks someone to clean it every Monday! Lumian retracted his gaze and walked towards the stairs.

At this time, there was the sound of treading footsteps upstairs.

In less than ten seconds, Charlie appeared in Lumian's eyes wearing a linen shirt, dark trousers, and lace-up shoes.

middle. "You didn't go to the hotel?" Lumi'an asked with some doubts.

"Don't you know? I'm off today.

"We can take one day off a week, which day we choose."

Lumian laughed:

"Will this day off result in a reduction in your 'monthly salary' from Mrs. Alice?"

Charlie smiled a little embarrassedly:

"She also has her own entertainment."

While the two were chatting, a foul smell wafted in from the door, and Ruhr and Michel, who were short, ragged, and gray-haired, walked into the hotel.

"You didn't go to the steam train station?" Charlie greeted enthusiastically.

Ruhr approached them first, then kept a distance in a slightly cautious manner

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"The market area is a bit chaotic today, we plan to take a day off."

"What's wrong?" Lumian asked "curiously".

Ruhr unconsciously lowered his voice:

"Magot from the Stinger Gang is dead. Many gang members are looking for someone. People from other gangs may conflict with them at any time, and the police have also come a lot."

"Margot dead?" Charlie blurted out in astonishment.

He just felt that this guy should die yesterday, and he died today?

Ruhr nodded solemnly:

"Hey, I can't go out to make money today."

His wife, Mrs. Michel, comforted him:

"Save some money by not having to go out for lunch."

Before Lumian asked about the specific situation outside, Charlie, who came back to his senses, turned around and ran upstairs.

Lumian turned his eyes slightly and followed.

Pushing, pushing, Charlie quickly climbed to the fourth floor and ran to room 8.

He took a breath and slammed on the wooden door.

"Who?" A slightly hoarse female voice came from inside.

Charlie called out his name aloud.

Lumian saw this woman named Ethans for the first time. Her long flaxen hair fell casually and hung on her shoulders. Her eyes of the same color were a little vigilant, and there was a little tension on her face.

She looked twenty-three or fourteen years old, her appearance was not outstanding, she could only be called delicate, but her face and clothes were tidied up, and the long red dress exposed a large area of ​​fair skin on her chest.

Charlie excitedly said to Ethan:

"You know what? Maggot is dead!

"He's really dead!"

"" Ethan was stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds, her slightly hoarse voice became sharp

"Is that demon really dead?"

"Really." Charlie nodded without hesitation, "You can finally get rid of that demon! You can finally live like a normal person!"

Ethans looked around blankly, only seeing Lumian's expressionless eyes and Charlie's excited expression. "Dead, he's dead?" Constantly whispering, Ethansi thought of the letter that appeared strangely in her room.

money. She began to believe that Maggot was really dead, and her vision blurred rapidly.

Her tears fell one drop after another, and she couldn't help but squat down and buried her face in her arms.

The sobbing sound followed, getting louder and more presumptuous.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.

Lumian looked sideways and saw a young man wearing a white shirt and a black jacket walking up

Come. Behind him were three thugs who had previously belonged to Maggot.

Said: "I am Wilson from the Stinger Gang. From today onwards, I will take care of you instead of Maggot."

Charlie's excited expression froze on his face.

Ethan's crying stopped abruptly.

She slowly raised her tear-stained face and saw Wilson's smile and the shadow cast by his body. A shadow that is too thick to melt away.

Lumi watched quietly, and raised his head invisibly.

On the way to the first floor, Charlie, who was silent for a long time, couldn't help asking

"Is the suffering of the poor really endless?"

"I like a sentence written by Aurora Li very much." Lumian replied blankly, "Sometimes, it's not us who are wrong, but the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, three people came up from the first floor.

They were all police officers in black uniforms, black vests, white shirts, and lace-up boots.

The leading police officer who was 1.85 meters tall glanced at Charlie and Lumian, and suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stretched out his hand to hold the gun at his waist, and asked in a deep voice:

"Charlie Conrent?"

Charlie froze for a moment:

"It's me, officer, what's the matter?"

The police officer winked at his companions and took out steel handcuffs.

As the two companions outflanked, he said to Charlie with a serious expression.

"You are suspected of a murder and we want to arrest you."

"Murder?" Charlie was surprised, terrified and puzzled.

Lumian also raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

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"Mrs. Alice is dead!"