Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 4: Residents (ask for a monthly ticket in t

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"You are so interesting, so interesting!"

The drunk Charlie hooked Lumian's shoulder and walked out of the tiled bar.

There were nearly twenty people singing, gambling, shouting, and venting their inner emotions.

Only at this time, it seems that they are not poor ghosts with a meager salary, but their own masters.

"I thought you'd play Billy with them." Lumian put his arms around Charlie's back and walked towards the stairs leading upstairs with a smile.

Bilibi is a popular gambling game in Trier, and Lumian has only just learned about it.

Unlike Trier's favorite "Fighting Evil", Billy only needs a piece of paper to play - depending on the number of people, the host draws a different number of grids on the paper, ranging from 9 to 64. Each grid is then coded with a number, allowing the participants to choose a bet by themselves.

Finally, the host determines a lucky number by drawing lots, tossing coins, throwing dice, etc., and the winner can take all the bets.

If no one wins, the money goes to the host.

The people who come to the underground bar of the "Golden Rooster Hotel" are either residents here or poor people nearby. Their wallets are quite empty, and they mainly use alcohol instead of money to play gambling games. Chipped in for a glass of wine. Charlie, the first domain name, let out a long belch: "I haven't gotten my salary for this week, so I can't be too indulgent!"

He immediately said to Lumian in an excited tone, "Did you know? I'm currently working as a trainee waiter at the White Swan Hotel, the one on New Street in the hot spring area.

"When I get rich, I'm going to open a hotel of my own, no, when the big hotel comes, I'll hire you to be the head waiter, that **** guy, you don't have to do anything but walk around in a tuxedo and find fault with us , a month's salary is 150 Felkin!"

Apprentice waiters earn a little more than coolies... Lumian smelled of alcohol, but there was no alcohol in his eyes, and he nodded slightly.

At that time, Lumian didn't have a clear idea about this, and he didn't know whether it was more or less. After all, when he was wandering, he only cared about how much food he could get every day, whether there were any kind people to give Rick, and Cole The income of the villagers in Du Village is mainly in kind, which makes him only understand the prices of specific commodities and the gold content of different banknotes, and lacks a clear understanding of the overall situation.

Of course, this is also due to Aurora's high income, so he hardly has to worry about the family situation.

According to Lumian's knowledge, after Aurora became famous, with the increase of published books and signed columns, her income has increased a lot every year. Last year's total author's remuneration seemed to be close to 130,000 Felkin.

However, Aurora earns a lot and spends a lot. Spells, materials, and mystic knowledge are the bulk of her expenses. Moreover, she may still be helping some members of the "Curly-haired Baboon Research Society" who are not doing well, Long-term donations to charities established by the government or churches.

But what puzzled Lumian was that when he said goodbye to Kordu Village, he didn't find a deposit certificate at home. He is very clear that Aurora has always had the habit of saving, and the premise of spending a lot is that she has already saved a lot of money in Sushit Bank and other places.

In this regard, Lumian temporarily suspected that he and his sister were selected as sacrifices or containers, and during the time when they lost their personal freedom, they were killed by the priest Guillaume. Bene's gang took it.

As soon as he walked up to the second floor shoulder to shoulder with Charlie, Lumian heard a mournful cry: "You bastard!"


As a door was slammed shut, the wailing was blocked, leaving only reverberations echoing in the corridor.

A figure dressed in a neat black tuxedo walked from the end of the corridor to the stairs.

This is also a young man, about the same age as Charlie, with brown hair combed into threes and sevens, dark brown eyes without any emotion, and slightly thin lips tightly pressed.

He looks pretty good, holding a black top hat, as if attending an upper-class salon, which is out of tune with the environment of the "Golden Rooster Hotel".

Accompanying the man was the cry of a woman, full of pain and despair.

Watching the man's back disappear into the stairs leading to the ground floor, the ruddy Charlie pouted: "What a bastard!"

"Do you know him?" Lumian is still quite "concerned" about the neighbors around him. After all, he may live here for a while, and the more he understands the environment, the safer he will be.

"His name is Laurent, the son of Mrs. Lakazan in Room 201.

"Hehe, he thinks he is very talented..."

They insulted each other.

"A pair of eloping couples on the 3rd floor spend almost all their money, and they do this every day." Charlie said with a smile, "My friend, you have to get used to it. This is a market area, a chaotic street, a 'Golden Rooster Hotel', and a newborn." Seriously ill people, bankrupt guys, peddlers who trick tourists into buying things, foreigners who just go downstairs to drink and never leave the hotel, street girls with no money, crazy people who only occasionally wake up when their brains go wrong, stonemasons who lose their jobs, and veterans soldiers, old men pretending to be poor, wanted criminals...

"They have to thank Mr. Eve for being a nice guy who is tolerant in every way except not being in arrears with the rent."

Charlie laughed and said, "Yes, a kind miser, he even provides free brimstone to everyone!

"Hi, I haven't seen Mr. Eve for several days. I'm really worried that he will find a random woman in the chaotic streets and get seriously ill in order to save money... "

Then, Charlie waved his hand: "Charles, hiccup, I'm going to bed, I have to go out at six o'clock tomorrow morning, and I have to arrive at the hotel at seven o'clock.

"Hi, if you can't find a job, you can tell me. I'll introduce you to our hotel as a handyman. You can get 50 Filkin every month, and even 75 if you work for a long time. Moreover, every meal is free. food and a liter of wine in the evening!"

"Okay." Lumian smiled and watched Charlie go upstairs.

At the same time, he silently murmured to himself: "Pure provocation doesn't help the digestion of the potion much...

He assembled the "Fool's Apparatus" in the bar just to provoke everyone there, and the result was very successful, but it did not bring about further digestion of the potion.

Before, during the journey from Darliege to Trier, Lumian was also provocative from time to time, and occasionally felt that the potion was being digested, but most of the time there was no gain.

If he couldn't find a more correct way to act, he suspected that it would take at least a year for him to digest the "Provocateur" potion.

On the way back to Room 207, Lumian heard a violent cough from upstairs, heard the woman calling her lover a "slacker" and a "waste", and heard gunshots and a bunch of people outside. The movement of people chasing and passing by.

This is the "Golden Rooster Hotel", and this is the chaotic street.

Taking out the brass-colored key, Lumian pushed open the door and walked back into the house.

Those bedbugs seemed to have some kind of strange perception, and they didn't come back here.

Lumian smelled the smell of sulfur, looked up, and found a letter lying quietly on the wooden table by the window.

He took a few steps closer and picked up the paper folded into squares.

Ms. Magician's reply?

Lumian unfolded the letter while tickling, and began to read under the crimson moonlight shining in from the window: "I'm glad you arrived in Trier successfully, which proves that you have mastered the initial skills of evading capture, and you have recovered The experience of walking in the dark side of society.” This Sunday at 3:30 pm, at booth D of Mason Café in the Botanical Garden, one of the psychologists will provide you with treatment.

"In the past few days, your task is to go to the catacombs of the observatory area and find a man named Aosta Trull, who often pretends to be a wizard there to deceive tourists and citizens.

"No matter what method you use, gain the trust of Aosta Trull, and show that you also have extraordinary abilities at the right time."

Both the botanical garden and the observatory area are on the west side of the Candide Market area, next to each other, the former is to the south, and the latter is to the north, resting on the Serenzuo River.

Lumian read Ms. "Magician"'s reply repeatedly, memorized the corresponding place, time, and person's name, and then lit a match to burn the paper full of Intis's words.

After finishing all this, he went to the nearest bathroom to clean up his body briefly, then took out the "Fallen Mercury" wrapped in black cloth, took off his coat, and lay down on the bed.

The ceiling covered with traces of bedbugs caught his eyes, and the intermittent coughing, crying, and arguing echoed quietly in the room.

It didn't take long for the elopement couple to tell everyone they'd made up with intense movement and unabashed gasps.

In the street outside, rough voices sang bawdy songs, interrupted by gunshots, followed by cursing, the clattering of sticks, and the movement of sharp weapons into flesh.

Compared to Kordu village, the night here is very noisy.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket for the second change, and add more at 0.5.