Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 51: sick

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Aosta. Trull never had any doubts about Charles being able to deal with the water monster, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so relaxed and act so cruel, like an adult beating a child.

Aosta's previous question once again appeared in his heart: Which path and sequence does Charles belong to? Why is it possible to fight, and it seems to have a strong divination ability?

In the area full of dark red and light yellow traces, Lumian squatted down, pulled out the ritual silver dagger, inserted it through the opened wound, cut up the flesh of the water monster, and put them into the pre-prepared empty space one by one. Inside the wooden box.

After filling two boxes in a row, and collecting those scales with faint blue light, he took out the metal vial and picked up the monster's blood that kept spilling out.

Seeing this, Aosta approached the water monster step by step, and waited beside him.

Not long after, Lumian stood up, turned around, and walked towards the path he came from.

Aosta. Trull quickly squatted down, collecting blood, scales, and organs he thought were richer in spirituality.

From time to time, he raised his head and looked at Lumian, only to find that Lumian was walking further and further away, with no intention of stopping to wait for him.

This made Aosta quite nervous and flustered. After all, judging from the performance of the water monster that was easily dealt with by Charles just now, there is a high probability that he can easily deal with him. If he stays alone by the dark underground river, If you encounter a monster attracted by the smell of blood, you will be in big trouble!

Hastily packed the cut materials, Aosta didn't dare to stay any longer, reluctantly abandoned at least 9/10 of the water monster corpses, and followed Lumian.

When the two people's calcium carbide lamps disappeared at the end of the road, the area returned to darkness, only the sound of splashing water echoed endlessly.

I don't know how long it took, a few college students who were looking for excitement underground passed by here with lanterns burning kerosene.

They saw that the stone wall was sunken and slightly damaged, and the road surface was messy with many broken places. Apart from these, everything was so peaceful and silent. There were neither corpses of water monsters nor spots representing blood.

After bidding farewell to Austa Trull, Lumian took the public horse and returned to the market area all the way.

After taking other materials from Room 207 of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", he carried the calcium carbide lamp and entered the underground world again.

His destination was the empty quarry where the ceremony was held last time. He wanted to make the mysterious potion needed for the "prophecy" before dark. At night, he went to the nearest hospital and found a dead body in the morgue. dead body.

Lumian suddenly slowed down as he descended from the layer that roughly reproduced the ground layout.

Relying on the light of the calcium carbide lamp, he saw some more obvious and fresh footprints on the slightly wet road.

"Heavy footprints..." Lumian murmured to himself in a slightly puzzled voice after observing for a while.

Judging from the footprints alone, he believed that the person who had just passed by weighed more than 100 kilograms, or was carrying heavy items.

"Who would it be, and what are they doing underground? A smuggler?" Lumian had some guesses, but didn't intend to follow.

People come and go in Trier's underground world, if he doesn't miss every step, he will only exhaust himself to death.

Moreover, the other party has no grudges or enmities with him, as long as it does not affect his subsequent ritual magic, even if he is going to kill people to silence him, it has nothing to do with him.

Lumian twisted the knob, controlled the reaction speed of calcium carbide and water, reduced the intensity of the flame burning, and made the light dim a lot.

He was worried that the owner of the footprints was not far ahead, and he sensed an obvious light approaching from behind.

After walking for a while, Lumian suddenly sniffed, and he smelled a slightly familiar smell: the perfume that seems to be able to arouse male desire mixed with a little orange fragrance.

After recalling for a few seconds, Lumian locked on to the owner of the smell: "Little ***" Jianna, the singer of "Fantasy Girl"!

This footprint her? Impossible, how could she exceed one hundred kilograms? She is not made of iron! Moreover, the footprints clearly belonged to a man.

Lumian's thoughts turned sharply, and he had two guesses: "Either Jenna was good at covering up her footprints and didn't leave any corresponding traces, or she was carried by that man..." It's normal for the two of them to add up to more than 100 kilograms...

"Just judging from the footprints, the man is between 1.65 and 1.7 meters, and his walking posture is a bit strange..."

Thinking of this, Lumian raised his eyebrows. He became curious and planned to follow up to see what happened to Jenna, or what she was going to do. You know, this "flashy girl" is suspected of being a "red girl". Boots" Franka's lover, her involvement may involve some secret of the Savoyard Party.

For Lumian, who is looking for a "superior position", this may be an opportunity.

Lumian lowered the light of the calcium carbide lamp again, hoping that once it was turned off, the flame would be extinguished quickly.

He followed those footprints, walking in the shadow of the side of the tunnel, always keeping an eye on the distance, and turning off the lights if something went wrong.

When the footprints became fresher, as if they had just been left, he turned off the calcium carbide lamp, followed the path he had written down, and walked forward in the dark.

Not long after, he arrived at a fork in the road, and saw a little blue light overflowing from the end of the stone wall on the left.

Lumian put on black gloves and moved closer to him almost silently.

There is a small cave at the end of the stone wall, and the light is coming out of it.

Lumian leaned against the stone wall, hid in the darkness, stretched his head forward slightly, and looked in.

In the relatively flat place among the caves, there is a rough iron-black calcium carbide lamp, and not far from it, where the light is stronger, there is a large gray cloth bag that is stuffed to the brim.

There was a man standing beside the cloth bag. He was wearing a blue peaked cap, brown trousers and a jacket of a darker color that are common in the market area, with a linen shirt inside.

The man was breathing heavily, his height was close to 1.7 meters, his profile was thin and haggard, and there was undisguised desire in his brown eyes.

Lumian looked down and found that the group had set up their tents.

He immediately slandered: "Do you want to be in such a hurry? No wonder you walked so slowly, there is something wrong with the footprints, and I chased them up."

He became more and more sure that what was inside the cloth bag should be "little girl" Jenna.

The other party should have been attacked by a kidnapper and murderer.

At this time, the man took off the peaked cap on his head, panted heavily and threw it aside.

His appearance was completely exposed to Lumian's eyes: his yellow eyebrows were messy and sparse, the corners of his eyes were slightly drooping, the tip of his nose was a little red, his mouth was chapped, his face was not healthy, and he looked haggard from overuse. "The man squatted down, untied the cloth bag, and got out the contents.

As Lumian expected, it was "Flastic Girl" Jenna.

Her habitually coiled brown-yellow hair has been loosened, draped over her body in a mess, her eyes are tightly closed, and there are deep black shadows around her. She is wearing the white jacket and beige fluffy skirt , I don't know if the mole has not been spotted yet, or it was removed during friction.

The man transferred Jenna out from time to time, and his breathing was so heavy that even if Lumian was not a "hunter", he could still hear it clearly.

Is this desire too strong? It looks very sick... Lumian subconsciously flashed such a thought.

Now that they have met, he intends to save Jenna, so that the boss of the Savoy Party will decide to add a leader later, and Franke "Red Boots" may say a few good words for him.

Of course, rescue cannot be rushed, Lumian intends to observe again to see if that group has any special abilities, and dared to provoke the leader of the Savoyard Party, "Red Boots" Franke.

He was going to do it after the man took off his pants, so that he would lose sight of the other.

It's a pity that there are no long-range weapons, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome... Lumian sighed secretly, and planned to ask the Savoy Party to help him get a gun.

The man moved his hands up, came to Jianna's face, and patted it lightly twice.

Then, he took out a metal vial, twisted the cap, and brought it to Jenna's nose.

Ah Choo!

Jana sneezed and opened her eyes. "The man's face was reflected in her blue eyes, and she was startled, subconsciously trying to stand up.

In the next second, she found that she was so weak that it was difficult for her to resist effectively.

"Damn it, shit, what do you want to do?" Jenna cursed reluctantly.

The man showed a sick smile: "You know what? I often watch you sing in the audience, and every time I want to tear off your clothes and skirts, and let you sing just for me."

Jian Na scolded angrily: "This lunatic, a **** who deserves to have his **** **** by a donkey!

"You are dead! The Savoyards will sink you in the river!"

The man didn't respond, and his brown eyes emitted a strange light.

Jian Na's face suddenly became flushed, and her breathing became heavy.

Her body twisted slightly, her eyes filled with shock at her own reaction.

"This is just right, it can resist me to a certain extent, but also can cooperate with me unconsciously..." The man stood up full of expectation, and quickly took off his clothes, pants and leather shoes.

The "onlooker" Lumian was shocked: Jenna's reaction was abnormal! Is this the impact of encountering extraordinary abilities?

Does Trier have supernatural powers, both humans and dogs?

Jenna aroused lust? This, this and Suzanne. The performance of Matisse and Mr. Eve is a bit similar... Lumian's thoughts turned, he pulled out the ritual silver dagger, stuffed it in the right pocket, and kept the tip of the knife in the state where the handle touched the outer fabric.

He then lowered his body, flashed into the cave from the stone wall, and quietly approached the man where the light could not reach.

The man's attention was all on Jenna. His eyes were wild and he had a sick smile on his face. He undid his belt and took off his pants while looking at Jenna's body.

Just out of the shadow range, Lumian rushed over like a cheetah.