Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 56: meet jenna again

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Louis blurted out in astonishment, what if Shire failed and was killed by the Stingers?

Baron Brinel smiled and said, "In what year has no member of our Savoy party died? On the way back" to the "Golden Rooster Hotel", Lumian was in a very good mood. He had planned to catch an important member of the Stingers before. Members, asked where their power came from, and what was the relationship with the evil **** Mrs. Pouaris believed in. As a result, the Savoy Party actually asked him to do similar things, which perfectly matched his heart. In this way, he Not only is it quick to get…

Gaining detailed intelligence on several targets saves a lot of time and allows full use of Savoyard resources, including but not limited to weapons, manpower, and connections.

Just now Lumian wanted to ask Baron Brinel for explosives, to see if he could find a way to set up a trap and blow up the leader of the Stinger gang directly to the sky. In the end, he didn't do this. Targeted, and he himself is a wanted criminal who can't stand the investigation, II really blew up the target to pieces, how can he ask about the situation?

Of course, he can use the "Dance of Encouragement"; cooperate with the "Spiritual Wall" to allow the spirits of the deceased to attach to himself and magnify their most impressive memories, but this is completely uncontrollable, the ghost knows the brains of those guys Will there be some kind of waste left in the movie like that pervert, and this time the "dance of recruiting" can only amplify one of the memories. If I am not particularly lucky, it may take a lot of money to find useful information. A lot of time, this and Chu Hui, who left the assassination scene as soon as possible, violated Lumian's original plan to deal with "Hammer" Aite, but after listening to Baron Brinel's description, he felt that "bald" Harman could also The target of the third choice has a very obvious "disadvantage" compared to Alt Harman, which can be used to set traps in the eyes of hunters.

He has a certain ability to improve the hardness of his body. He was stabbed several times with only minor injuries. Mian remembered that Aurora once said: "People who are good at swimming are easy to drown Putting the words "death" on Haman can make people who are good at blocking swords and guns with their bodies easy to die under swords and guns," and Lumian has the "Fallen Mercury" blade of the cursed wind.

In addition, "Hammer" Aite, who lives in the settlement of the members of the Stinger Gang, will come out alone from time to time to find the "bald" Harman who is a street girl and dancer singer, which is obviously easier to assassinate than a large group of people. Speaking of "Hammer" Aite, he is closer to the core of the power of the Stinger Gang, and he will know more secrets. But the problem is that if you really set up a trap and use Corrupt Mercury to "deal with" the "bald head"...Haman, then it is impossible to capture the other party alive and force him to ask for information.

If Lumian could beat Harman the "bald head" after stabbing him, and catch him somewhere in Trier underground, why would he want to stab him first?

If not, his only three options are to stab the enemy and be forced to escape by the opponent, or to wait for the ghost of Montsouris to help kill the target after escaping by himself.

As for whether to attach family members, it is not something he cares about.

Therefore, hunting "Baldhead" Harman and "Hammer Aite" has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own difficulties. Lumian is still unable to make a decision; he plans to send more detailed information and After purchasing weapons and ammunition, consider who is the target of this operation.

As soon as he walked into the gate of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", Lumian saw the ragged, gray-haired, smelly, short Mr. and Mrs. Ruhr and Michel dragging a swollen linen-colored cloth bag upstairs. go.

"What's this?" he asked curiously as he walked across the hall. Didn't this old couple sell fake "street preppy beauties" photos at the Sushit steam train station, how did they come back with such a big bag? Ruhr stopped pulling the cloth bag, wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled and said, "Don't you know, Mr. Shire? We also work part-time as scavengers at night. These are what we picked up, and they should still be useful." Rubbish."

Thanks to Charlie's publicity, the couple also knew that Charles had become the leader of the Savoie Party, the Golden Rooster Hotel, and now it was the young man's territory, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with Charles asking about his husband and wife. In their opinion , as the protector of the "Golden Rooster Hotel", Mr. Shire must understand all aspects of the situation here, prevent all kinds of accidents from happening and do two jobs...Although one job is a liar...It really smells like all kinds of garbage...Lumi Ann pinched her nose, muttered two words silently, and asked thoughtfully: "These **** are piled up in your room?" ""yes. Ruhr smiled flatteringly, "We go to the garbage disposal site every few days, there are people recycling all kinds of things, hehe, although the waste lifters are dirty and not very clean all day long, without us, The whole of Trier will stink and there will be **** in every corner.

In Trier, waste pickers supplement the cleaners. No wonder there was a stench coming from the room, no wonder "I have always smelled badly, and there is no need to take a bath... Lumian walked upstairs slowly, looking at Ruhr Michel's wrinkled face and slightly hunchbacked face. body, asked like chatting: "You are not young, why are you still working so hard to make money? "The Ruhr and Michelle couples were stunned at the same time: their smiling expressions were slightly distorted.

After a few seconds, Ruhr smiled helplessly and painfully: "It is because I am old that I have to work so hard.

"We came to Teher at a very young age, worked various jobs, had a kid but didn't grow up...

We have received a salary for many months, but it is just enough to live on. When we find that our body begins to deteriorate and our strength is getting weaker and weaker, we, we are suddenly very scared, and we don’t know what will happen in the future.

What should we do if one day we are too old to have enough strength to do common tasks? Use up the small savings in a few months, and then rely on the charitable activities of the church and the government, and live day by day, slowly starving yourself to death?

"I, I don't want to be like this..." Lumian suddenly remembered a sentence that his sister said: "The current Intis is very cruel, and the hard-working people have no protection when they get old. Ruhr, who was touched, continued to say": Fortunately, when we get old, we have less appetite, eat less, sleep less, have more time to make money, and don’t need to think about other things, so we can save most of the money we earn .

In the future, relying on them, we should still be able to live well for a few more years. "Hehe, in fact, compared with most people, we are lucky. They didn't live to our age.

"Mrs. Michel next to him showed a longing expression. "When we have saved enough money, we will go back to Ormere and buy a field to plant vines." We didn't spend much, Aulmere is the provincial capital of Champagne; it is the most famous wine producing region in the Northern Continent, Lumian nodded silently, watching the elderly couple drag the bag of garbage upstairs.

After a short rest, he re-modified his face with cosmetics, changed his clothes, and went out dressed in a linen shirt, brown overalls, bandageless leather shoes and a dark bowler hat, and went straight to the mill ballroom.

Since "Iron Hammer" Aite is still one of the targets, you need to observe him personally. At this time, the night is dark, and the mill ballroom is very lively. In the fierce music beat, men and women are twisting and turning on the dance floor, enjoying themselves. Venting his inner distress, Lumian worried about being recognized by the Stingers, went to the bar to order a glass of rye beer, and then came to the dance floor, shaking his body to follow the music, while looking around.

There were not many people in time, and he saw the "little bitch" Jenna appear on the half-height wooden platform in front of her.

On 20.35, she was still dressed in the afternoon, with a white jacket and fluffy skirt, exposing the fair skin on her chest.

This time, the mole was stuck in the middle of the bridge of the nose. This means that the presumptuous mental quality is really good. I only encountered that kind of thing in the afternoon, and I continued to come to work at night... Lumian couldn't help but sigh...

In his opinion, since Jenna is the lover of "Red Boots" Franka, she doesn't need to be so dedicated.

The rhythmic drum beat stopped, and the people on the dance floor turned around one after another, panting and looking at Jenna.

Jenna started off as a win and a coloratura, and staying away from my wife and pipes, people roared with laughter and seemed to think of something at the same time.

"They swayed their bodies lightly in tune with the beautiful and vulgar singing. Jenna sang and kicked her legs high, changing her position from time to time to wink at the audience from different directions. During the process, her eyes swept over Lumian, she was stunned for a second, and then returned to normal.

By the time she'd finished the song, the drumbeat was pounding again, and Jenna didn't take a break, and jumped straight onto the dance floor, through a sudden, burst of shouting, whistles, and men trying to squeeze her out, to the In front of Lumian, he laughed and shouted...

"Handsome lion, let's dance!" The male lion has a mane of dead rings, which is very similar to the brilliance of the sun. Intis is often used to describe it. Lumian, an attractive man, feels that Jenna seems to have something to do. Say, put down the beer glass, jump onto the dance floor, and confront that flamboyant girl!

They twisted face to face, and when the two parties needed a hug, Jenna threw herself into Lumian's arms, leaned into his ear, and whispered, "You have a talent for dancing!"

By the way, I found out who that pervert is, his name is Hedsey, and he was from Room 504 who lived in the 'Golden Rooster Hotel' before.

Charlie's room? The tenant who posted Suzanne Matisse's portrait in 504? Lumian was taken aback.