Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 59: object of prayer

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Along the way, Lumian relied on his sharp eyesight and quick hands to avoid several waiters who came out with food or sent back the used tableware.

Not long after, he approached the kitchen and saw the mess inside:

The tableware that has not been washed is randomly piled up in the sink, layered upon layer, full of oily shine, and two dishwashing women have been standing there, cleaning constantly;

Several stoves sprayed thin yellowish flames, making this small area several degrees hotter than the outside. Everyone was sweating and busy. The three chefs were wearing white aprons and cooking different dishes. They pour them into the dinner plate, dip their fingers in a little juice or twist a small piece of food into their mouths, taste the taste, and when they are done, they just wipe it on the apron and start cooking the second course. The authorized waiters carry the corresponding plates and go outside. Their thumbs often touch the dishes and thick soups, but they themselves don’t notice it and don’t care at all. Several helpers surround the cabinet or chop vegetables, Or handling fish, or clearing other ingredients, or dumping garbage, or delivering condiments and other contends, they are too busy to stop, but no matter how hard they try, the kitchen still looks messy. There are a lot of vegetable leaves, fish scales and fruit peels scattered around and near the sink, which are full of oil. The echoes here are mainly the curses and shouts of the chefs and kitchen assistants, which is very lively.

If Lumian had closed his eyes and listened purely with his ears, he might have thought that this was a messy battlefield.

Thanks to this situation, he easily avoided the busy people, came to the cabinet where various ingredients were stored, and then climbed to the ceiling with the help of baffles, handles, gray-white gas pipes and water pipes, and drilled into the ventilation duct located there.

The strong smell of oily smoke pierced Lumian's nose, almost making him faint with a keen sense of smell.

Relying on the "dervish monk"'s ability to endure all kinds of extreme environments, Lumian crawled forward along the air passage, sometimes upwards, that is, in a dozen seconds, he walked from a washroom on the second floor Head poked out from above.

After confirming that there was no one here, Lumian jumped down lightly, walked quickly to the door, and looked secretly at both sides of the corridor.

It was very quiet here, only two gangsters were guarding the exit of the stairs, and their attention was all on the place from the first floor, and they didn't pay attention to the situation behind them at all.

Lumian heaved a sigh of relief, determined the destination, stooped, and ran to the room next to it.

The door there was locked tightly, but Lumian couldn't be bothered. He fiddled with the half of the wire he carried with him and pushed the wooden door open.

As described by Jenna, the bathroom attached to the room of "Iron Hammer" Aite has no window sill extending outward, but only a decorative bulge, which barely allows people to stand sideways.

Even for a "hunter", it is quite difficult to jump from this ledge to that ledge and stand firmly. Fortunately, Lumian is also a "dancer" whose flexibility is so exaggerated that it is not like a human being. .

He made a little observation, jumped forward, and stepped on the bulge with his right foot, but his left side lost his balance a little, and fell in the direction of falling.

At the critical moment, Lumian's body shook like a spring, and he slammed into the bathroom, grabbing the window frame with his right hand.

He stood still, squatted sideways, only half of his head was exposed, and quietly looked into the room.

The bathroom door was not closed, and gangsters passed by like patrolling from time to time.

Lumian waited patiently for a while, figured out the rules, and took advantage of the opportunity that the area corresponding to the bathroom door was temporarily empty, pried open the window with Hedesy's dagger and climbed in.

He turned around and closed the glass window without haste, and then dodged to the bottom of the bathtub, covering his body with the unfurled curtain hanging there.

After successfully infiltrating, Lumian put a few items that will be used later in a more convenient place to take out, and confirmed their respective positions, so as not to take them by mistake in a panic.

Then, standing there like a statue, he listened to the movement in the room outside.

"Iron Hammer" Aite sometimes asked the ballroom manager about his recent income, sometimes scolded his subordinates, and sometimes joked with the top dancer, accompanied by gestures that seemed very intimate.

After a while, after the ballroom manager and the lead dancer left, Aite seemed to stand up and paced there slowly.

He said to the gangsters in the room: "In the past few days, you have released all your subordinates to visit our site door to door so that in next week's general election, the member of Congress who can be elected in the market area!

Yo, you gang meddling in congressional elections? Lumian is both unexpected and not so unexpected.

It is impossible for Trier’s gangs to develop and grow without the support behind them. They have to have a good relationship with some high-level officials in the police department and police headquarters, and they are either protected by powerful political figures or belong to the black gloves of big businessmen. And big businessmen must have certain interests involved with senior government officials, church leaders, and military generals.

What Lumian didn't expect was that the man behind the Stinger Gang had ambitions to fight for a parliamentary seat. He originally thought that at most he could reach the level of the Police Commissioner of the Market District or the Trier City Council.

Intis is a parliamentary republic, where constituencies elect members to form the National Council, and the National Assembly appoints the President and Prime Minister, who are responsible for appointing ministers. Of course, this must be approved by the National Assembly.

Congress also has legislative power, the right to declare war and the right to determine the government's budget, and every member of Congress can be called a powerful figure.

At present, there are more than 300 people in the National Convention, one-tenth of which come from the original nobles. Members of the former royal family Sauron family headed it, and the remaining seats are divided into different provinces and territories according to population and economic status, that is, Trier region.

Regardless of population size or economic status, Trier's entire Intis and the entire Trier region are second to none, with nearly forty national seats allocated.

These almost forty seats were divided into twenty districts, and there were four or five councilors, and one less, and they were ex officio members of the city council!

The Candid Market District is a small constituency with only one congressional seat. Whoever is elected will be the most powerful and influential person here.

At present, whether it is the ruling National Party, the most vocal Enlightenment Party, or the Change Party that wants to change various malpractices, they are all doing their best for next week's parliamentary elections.

Whoever can get a simple majority of seats in Congress will become the new ruling party. If not, they will have to make compromises and concessions, and join forces with another party.

Apart from the National Party, the Enlightened Party, and the Change Party, Intis is also widely dissatisfied with the current system's attempt to overthrow it all by force, the Royal Society Party (restorers who worship Russell) and the Carbon Burning Party.

Those gangsters responded to "Hammer" Aite one after another, saying that there would be no mistakes.

But they never mentioned which party or which candidate they supported, which made Lumian feel a little depressed.

You speak out!

After exhorting the election, Hammer and Aite said to his subordinates: "You go out for a while, and I will let you come in again.

"What needs to be done?" Lumian was surprised while listening.

Soon, those gangsters left the room, leaving only "Hammer" Aite alone.

Lumian didn't act, because after careful analysis, he believed that if "Fallen Mercury" was not used, it would be more targeted to fight "Iron Hammer" Echi in the bathroom than outside.

The room outside became quite quiet, and Lumian tried his best to hear some sounds.

That seems to be "Ran Hammer" Aite talking to himself: "The guardian of the wicked...the lady who gave birth to the gods..."

The lady who gave birth to the gods? This sounds powerful... Is Aite praying, praying to some hidden existence? It seems that there are four or five sentences in total? This is different from the common three-stage formula....

Lumian probably guessed what "Hammer" Aite was doing.

As for who he was praying to, Lumian had no way of guessing based on the half description he barely heard.

This is not within the scope of his current knowledge of theology.

Vaguely, Lumi felt that the room outside was full of malice, yes, it was the room itself that became evil.

Lumian held his breath and suppressed his energy, not daring to listen to the movement outside. After a while, the feeling dissipated and everything returned to normal.

Lumian exhaled slowly and moved his palms.

At this time, "Iron Hammer" Aite let the subordinates who had gone out before return to the room.

Lumian continued to wait.

Time passed by, and finally, he heard the heaviest footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

This is the footsteps belonging to "Hammer" Aite, which Lumian has already distinguished just now.

He immediately took out a golden thirst vial, the one marked by a scratch.

Then, he unscrewed the bottle cap, and stuffed a long and thin ball of paper that he kneaded beforehand into the mouth of the bottle.

After a few seconds, when the sound of footsteps was approaching the laundry room, Lumian took out the paper bag and screwed on the bottle cap.

Then, he split the paper bag into two and stuffed it into his nose.

The stench like fermented feces rushed straight into Lumian's mind, which made him almost shed tears, and his right hand instinctively tried to pull out the slender ball of paper.

Relying on strong perseverance and the ability of a "dervish monk" to endure more extreme environments, Lumian controlled himself. While standing with a contorted expression and slightly twitching muscles, he took out another mostly gas Metal vial, with the lid off.


"Hammer" Art closed the bathroom door and walked to the toilet.

It suddenly became a semi-enclosed space, with only a little fresh air coming in through the gaps in the door and windows.

Well, he had serious bloodshed....

While looking at the fortune, Lumigong quietly shook the open metal vial, indicating that the colorless and odorless gas inside volatilized and filled the washroom.

This is the drug made by the pervert Hedsey, which can make an "assassin" lose a large part of his power even if he only smells a little smell at close range! This is very suitable for the bathroom This kind of cramped and semi-enclosed space.

This is the trap that Lumian set for "Hammer" Aite!

Of course, it will take a lot of time for those gases to fill the bathroom and play a role to a certain extent, after all, this is not a close-up sniff.

The next thing Lumian has to do is to prevent Hammer Aite from leaving the bathroom, and to prevent outsiders from opening the door. He put the open metal vial on the edge of the bathtub, took out Jenna's revolver, Aiming at the toilet area through the curtain.