Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 6: archipelago

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Lumian nodded to the manager René.

After eating a dinner consisting of grilled lamb chops in tin foil, fragrant scrambled eggs, pigeon with minced onion, and jam pie, Lumian wiped his mouth with a napkin, stood up, walked to the cafe, and looked out at the Market Avenue at night from one of the balconies.

The gas street lamps emitted a slightly hazy yellowish light, illuminating the road for the carriages and pedestrians on the road.

At this time, one after another, people walked into the Breeze Ballroom and joined the ranks of the carnival.

Frankly speaking, compared to here, Lumian prefers to drink in the basement bar of the Golden Rooster Hotel, which makes him more relaxed and happy.

In his opinion, the guests of the Breeze Ballroom are too indulgent. They either don’t care about their families or their own future. They just want to indulge in alcohol, sex, dancing, and yelling. Most of the regular customers in the basement bar are the tenants of the Golden Rooster Hotel.

Only in this way can they have the courage to face the heavy work of the next day and look forward to the new day.

This is like a kerosene lamp, which must be refueled regularly to continue to emit light.

Lumian looked down Market Avenue for a few minutes, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

With a formal coat on his arms and a white shirt and blue vest, Charlie was wrestling with someone on the side of the street.

"It's promising..." Lumian smiled, and sighed with a word that has only become popular in recent years.

He pressed the balcony with his right hand, jumped lightly, jumped from the second floor to the edge of Market Avenue, and rushed to the scene where Charlie was fighting with someone in a few steps.

He didn't stop, and didn't help Charlie, he watched the excitement with great interest.

The one wrestling with Charlie was a thin, brown-skinned man who was not too old, only about twenty-four or five years old.

His eye sockets are deep, his eyes are dark, his lips are thick, his black hair is slightly curly, and he has the typical blood of the Misty Sea Islanders, but compared to his compatriots, his appearance is quite correct.

"Liar! You **** liar!" Charlie scolded as he wrestled.

The archipelago was wearing a blue shirt with a pen in his breast pocket. He dodged and explained, "I didn't want that to happen either. I was tricked too!" "Shit!" Charlie kicked and missed.

The two wrestled in an amateur way until they were out of breath, and almost simultaneously slowed down and stopped.

It wasn't until this moment that Charlie found Lumian standing beside him, watching with a smile on his face. "Charles, he's Monit! That liar! The liar who lied to me 10 Filkins, almost made me starve to death!" Charlie's face brightened, and he couldn't wait to explain the identity of the opposite archipelago, "Praise the sun, let me meet him today!

The archipelago that Charlie thought damned? Lumian laughed: "You are also at fault for this matter, don't you remember that sentence? Never trust the archipelago."

"I thought I was friends with him," Charlie muttered dejectedly.

How did you manage to be so naive and easy to deceive? You are obviously good at pranks... People like you can easily be tricked into bed by malicious guys, and you can't get the love or money you want, er, you have already been cheated... Lumian slandered a few words, and turned his attention to the archipelago named Monet.

Monet showed a flattering smile: "I really wanted to help Charlie find a job, but I was also scammed and lost all my money.

"I was embarrassed to face Charlie, so I secretly moved away from the Golden Rooster Hotel."

While explaining, he took out a stack of banknotes from his trouser pocket, counted three 5 Filkin denominations, and handed them to Charlie: "I came back to the market this time just to find you, to return your money to you, and the interest.

After Charlie confirmed the authenticity of the three banknotes by the light of the street lamp, his mood eased and Fox asked, "Are you going to be cheated too?"

From the time he met Monet until he moved away, Charlie only saw this guy cheating other people, but never saw him suffer, and he was worthy of his identity as an archipelago.

Monet said with a smirk: "Not only was I cheated, but I was cheated twice." The first time, I met a group of people who said that the 'Different' song and dance hall in the Observatory District wanted to expand its business, so they took out a part of the shares and let people subscribe. Each small share only needs 200 Filkin.

"You should all know how profitable the dance hall is. I couldn't hold back and spent all my savings, but the stock subscription certificate I got turned out to be fake!

"I went to that group of people to make a theory, and then I was cheated a second time."

"Different" dance hall... Lumian's eyelids suddenly twitched.

Fitz, a bankrupt businessman who lives in Room 401 of the Golden Rooster Hotel, was once cheated by Timmons, the owner of the "Different" dance hall, out of 100,000 Felkin. He wanted to find Lumian to help him get it back.

Now, he has another victim of the "different" dance hall.

"You have been deceived by them once, why can you be deceived a second time?" Charlie felt that he would not be so stupid.

Monet coughed twice: They told me directly that they were a group of liars, and it was impossible to return the money to me. They also said that calling the police was useless. On the premise of my talent, they asked me if I would like to learn deception from them, and then earn back the money I was deceived by myself.

"In the end, they taught me everything I knew, and they just gave me something extra." "What?" Charlie was always curious.

In the next second, Monet took out a transparent monocle from the trouser pocket on the other side.

Then, he naturally clamped it in the socket of his right eye.

For some reason, after Monet put on the monocle, Lumian felt that some indescribable subtle changes had taken place in his whole body, just like an "actor" performing another role.

Monet, who was wearing a monocle for his right eye, raised his mouth slightly. He first glanced at Charlie, then at Lumian, his gaze fell from his face to his chest, and then to his hands.

Lumian was inexplicably nervous, but he had no premonition of danger. Monet smiled and said, "You are the Shire who invented that fool's instrument?"

"Yes." Lumian didn't deny it, and quietly raised his vigilance. Monet squeezed the monocle on his right eye: "You're good at pranking." Do you want this monocle? It's useless to me, it's better to exchange it for cash, and you can use it to pretend to be someone in a 'different' dance hall and go there to make more money.

Do you think I look like a fool? Lumian rejected Monet's proposal without hesitation: "I don't have a hobby of wearing a monocle.

He has always been puzzled by the strange rules of the "out of the ordinary" dance hall, and has the most basic precautions.

Monet looked back with some regret, took off his monocle, and said to Charlie: "I'll give you the money and interest, if you need anything in the future, come find me at the "Unique" dance hall. Charlie snorted disdainfully.

He still doubted that Monet had the mentality of trying to cheat him of money at the beginning.

When the archipelago left Market Avenue, Lumian glanced sideways at Charlie: "Remember to keep a distance from that guy just now, otherwise he may bring you something similar to Suzanne Matisse."

The second part of the sentence was to lie to Charlie, mainly to frighten him, so that he would not take the advice to heart.

Charlie was terrified for a moment, and without asking why, he hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, okay!

At midnight, Lumian and Jenna, who was wearing a sequined red dress, left the Breeze Ballroom and walked towards Youcoat Street.

Jian Na didn't ask him why he stopped by, and after a long silence, she said: "Have you ever felt that nothing matters, and you were confused and unmotivated?"

"There must be." Lumian looked at the street ahead and replied casually, "This requires you to rediscover the meaning of life and figure out what you really want to do.

Jian Na was silent again, and asked after a while: "Have you ever had such an experience? Something illusory inside the body shattered, and there seemed to be a mysterious starry sky around, with stars big and small shining."

"No." Lumian thought for a few seconds.

He had the feeling of the sudden shattering of illusory things, every time the potion was completely digested, but he didn't know the mysterious starry sky, the big and small stars at all.

Jenna didn't speak any more, she didn't know if she was thinking about what this phenomenon meant, or thinking about other issues.

Not long after, the two came to Apartment 601, No. 3 Baijiao Street. Franka had already returned, watching the two enter side by side with vigilance.

Before she could ask, Jianna brought up the matter of "illusory things shattered and the mysterious starry sky appeared".

Franca was stunned for a moment, and said happily: "Your" assassin' potion has been digested!

"Assassinating a congressman in public and under heavy protection will indeed help you digest the potion well."

"Is this a manifestation of potion digestion?" Lumian didn't hide his astonishment and doubts: Why do I only have the first half but not the second half?

Franka looked at him suspiciously: "You haven't experienced it? How did you get promoted?"

The seal on me not only sealed Thermiporos, but also sealed some of my mystical perceptions? That’s right, the seal is on my body, so it’s impossible that it won’t affect me at all. Lumian probably had a guess, and casually said, “It’s not that obvious.

Franka, who was more concerned about her female companion, did not raise any objections, and asked Jenna curiously: "You should have summed up the rules of acting, right?"

"Playing the rules?" Jianna recalled, "After the assassination, I understood a lot of truths, um, assassination is a matter of putting my own life on the balance, assassination is the final punishment, and it is a disaster for those criminals.

After enthusiastically exchanging the "acting method" and the rules of acting with Jenna, Franka remembered that Lumian was there.

"You have, what's the matter?" She looked at the male companion who had already sat on the sofa. Lumian glanced at Jianna, which meant that they needed to communicate in private.

Jian Na realized in an instant, and entered the guest bedroom under the pretext of changing clothes. Only then did Lumian lower his voice and said to Franka: What kind of person do you think 'Hella' is?