Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 61: Description (seeking monthly ticket)

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The more Lumian listened to the statement of the lady in front of her, the more she agreed:

He didn't know how higher sequences would behave. Judging from the few extraordinary creatures who had "traveled", the guy with the swirling mouthparts was far less of a threat to him than the monster with the shotgun on his back.

Although it was because he had become an Extraordinary, he had greatly improved in melee combat and using the environment, but it was more of a problem with the contracted monster itself.

Firstly, it did not show strong chasing ability, secondly, it lacked the means of long-range attack, and thirdly, its "stealth" ability was not outrageous, and was completely restrained by the "hunter"'s grasp of the surrounding environment and subtle traces.

In addition, it has the common problem of monsters, its IQ is not high, and it is not as rich in combat intelligence as the shotgun monster, and it simply steps into the enemy's trap.

Combining these together, the final result can be imagined, so much so that Lumian never thought that it would be equivalent to Sequence 7 until today.

He didn't even compare it to the shotgun monster, thinking there was a big gap between them - the shotgun monster was stronger, the mouthpart monster was weaker.

Ability, mind, preparation, on-the-spot response, environmental factors... There are too many things that can affect the outcome of a battle... Lumian made a summary in his heart, and asked with anticipation but without hope:

"Can I directly pray for the power of the 'Deedee'?"

The lady laughed:

"That's a good way to kill yourself."

She casually explained:

"In theory, it is indeed possible, after all, the power sealed in your body is not limited to the equivalent of Sequence Seven.

"But do you think your body can bear such a big 'gift', or in other words, pollution?

"Of course, if you think it's not unacceptable to become a monster, become a puppet of that existence, or alienate into another creature, then you can also consider trying.

"Tsk, it won't be long before I can appreciate that you made your sister a sacrifice with your own hands."

Lumian's hairs stood on end at the lady's words, and his back was chilled, and he didn't dare to think about "promotion".

He asked cautiously:

"In other words, the greatest gift I can bear now is 'Dancer'?"

"Yes, that's why I didn't tell you this until after you became a Extraordinary and digested it." The lady took another sip of the green liquid in the cup, "Only your own spirit, spirituality, Only when your body has improved a lot, can you hope to resist the pollution that comes with the 'gift', and then control that power little by little.

"As time goes by, your spiritual body and mental body will be further strengthened, and your body will adapt to the slight changes brought about by the gifted power before you consider 'dervish monk'."

For Lumian, the most important thing at the moment is to learn that mysterious dance, to be able to voluntarily and incompletely inspire the thorn symbol, which greatly improves the ability to explore the ruins of the dream, so he no longer thinks about the "dervish monk" ", "The person who received the deed", nodded slightly, and asked seriously:

"Then how should I pray?"

He has already learned the dualistic ritual method, but the name of the object of prayer, the field he belongs to, and the corresponding materials are still blank.

"Cough." The lady coughed uncontrollably.

Then she said solemnly:

"What I'm going to say next comes out of my mouth and into your ears. You can't tell anyone, or you will hurt them."

Out of my mouth, into your ears... This is a sentence that Aurora likes to write very much... This lady has read one of her novels? Lumian solemnly responded:


He thought for a while and said:

"I don't have to worry about problems if I listen to it?"

The lady took a sip of the absinthe anisette, smiled slightly and said:

"When did you have the illusion that there was nothing wrong with you?"

Lumian was startled for a moment, then looked down at his left chest.

The lady immediately sneered:

"You belonged to the people who were about to be heavily polluted. Fortunately, the imprint left by that great being was activated, and the corresponding power descended on you, sealing the pollution source and forming a balance.

"And next, you will hold a ceremony, face the power inside the seal, and pray for the corresponding gift, which is equivalent to actively accepting a certain degree of pollution.

"So, why are you afraid of a little problem after hearing it?"

The more I listen, the more I feel that the problem is very big... Lumian is not very confident.

The lady shook her head and laughed:

"Don't worry, when I tell you the corresponding words, I will definitely provide a sufficiently secluded environment and very safe protection. Afterwards, if you want to hold a ceremony, you'd better go to the ruins, where there is gray fog and the blessing of a great existence, no As for directly attracting that person's attention.

"And during the period before the ceremony, you messed up every link and every description to consolidate, try not to put them together and think about it completely, otherwise, huh..."

She laughed and said nothing about the outcome, but Lumian could imagine what could go wrong.

Seeing that he no longer asked, the lady nodded slightly:

"let us start.

"The first part is 'O Power of Fate'.

"It is enough to use it. It corresponds to your black thorn symbol. The complete name of that existence is not something you can understand now. Even I must keep it a secret before I dare to think about it."

For some reason, Lumian felt that the surrounding light was a little dimmer, but he was not sure.

At this time, the lady restrained all her expressions and said seriously:

"The second part is:

"You are the past, the present, and the future;

"You are the cause, the effect, and the process..."

As the lady spit out the words one by one, Lumian's head became dizzy, and he found that there seemed to be a black wind around him.

And the brown surface of the table on which his glass of absinthe anisette stood squirmed with life.

There was a snap.

A black insect, the length of an adult's index finger, drilled out of the wooden board, and the evil breath permeated out instantly.

Before Lumian had time to see the appearance of the black worm clearly, the lady across from her put down the cup containing the green liquid, and directly pressed down on the strange creature, crushing it into a puddle of flesh.

Then the lady took out a patterned napkin, wiped the bottom of the glass, and wrapped the black bug's body.

She drank another sip of absinthe anisette as if nothing had happened, and emphasized:

"Remember, the first part and the second part must be recited in ancient Hermes language, giant language, dragon language, and elf language are also fine."

Just like the first "I" in the ritual of praying to oneself cannot be in Hermes... Lumian nodded to show that he understood.

He has always been very courageous, but he was still a little panicked when faced with the frequent visions during the conversation, and his heart beat faster, but the mysterious lady acted as if she just found some impurities during the meal. She continued:

"The third part can be in Hermes, and the content is:

"I pray to you,

"Pray for your grace,

"I pray that you will bestow upon me the power of a 'dancer'.

"Remember, the three sentences are a progressive relationship."

These words did not bring new environmental changes, and the original disturbing and panicky anomalies gradually subsided.

Lumian memorized it carefully, and according to what the lady said, he wrote down the order and reversed the front and back, so as not to cause any problems.

The lady drank the remaining absinthe anisette, savored it with satisfaction and said:

"The latter is almost the same as common ritual magic.

"The corresponding materials are gray amber, tulip, clove and musk. You can choose two to make candles, and the remaining two are used as herbs, essential oils and pure dew in the ceremony."

Lumian recalled the dual ritual method he had learned, and asked with a frown:

"The position representing the gods should be placed with items closely related to the gods, but my thorns symbol is on my chest, so I can't peel off the skin, right? Besides, I don't think it's useless to peel it off."

That power was sealed in his heart and spirit body.

The lady nodded slightly:

"Didn't I tell you to make candles?

"When making candles, take 5 milliliters of blood from your chest, more or less is fine, anyway, it will melt into the material and become a part of the candle.

"During the ceremony, the candle was placed in the position of the god, and only one candle was placed.

"Because of your blood, the candle is 'awakened' by the ancient Hermes language. After becoming a symbol, it will point directly at you, and then cooperate with the description below to arouse the power sealed in you to a certain extent."

It feels like a special variant of the dual ritual method. Auror has never mentioned that it can be done like this. Not many people know about it... Lumian thought for a moment and said:

"Can a perfume with gray amber be used?"

He remembered that his sister had it, and that she liked to call Ash Amber by ambergris.

"Yes, it can be used as essential oil." The lady nodded.

In this way, gray amber was found, and Lilac's house also had it... Lumian thought about where to get tulips and musk.

After much deliberation, he only thought of three possible places:

One is the place of sister Aurora, she is a "wizard", maybe there are corresponding materials prepared, the other is the administrative official's residence, and the third is the priest's house.

Lumian decided to first tell his sister about the ceremony, split those descriptions into individual words and ask her to teach the corresponding ancient Hermes and Hermes, and asked her if she had any of these materials.

If not, consider elsewhere.

Seeing that the lady was ready to leave, Lumian hurriedly asked again:

"What is that 'lizard' that came out of the priest's mouth?"

The lady stood up and said with a smile:

"I can't explain it to you."

Why don't you just say that you don't want to tell me... Lumian managed to control the change of expression.

When the lady left, he took out the pen and paper he had brought, wrote down the ceremony related information in the wrong order, and then numbered them in the correct order.


After leaving the old tavern, Lumian searched for the three strangers in the village.

Not long after he walked, he heard the sound of tinkling.

Lumian smiled immediately, and quickly moved closer. Sure enough, he saw Liya with two bells on her veil and two bells on her boots. Valentine.

He wanted to open his arms and shout, "My cabbages, I miss you so much", but he quickly remembered that he hadn't had any contact with those three outsiders in this cycle.

Lumian quickly rubbed his face, making himself serious.

Then, he walked towards Lai En and the others, and when Yu Kuai passed by, he said in a low voice:

"I know who the person you are looking for is."

Ryan, Liya, and Valentine were startled at the same time, looking at this guy in astonishment.

Lumian didn't stop, passed them and walked forward.

The three foreigners looked at each other, restrained their abnormal expressions, and followed behind as if nothing had happened.

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