Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 65: The third floor (ask for a monthly ticke

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The official residence of the administrator was originally the castle of the nobles of Darliege. Everything was defensive. The windows were all opened in the upper part. It was narrow and small. Even in the daytime, the lighting conditions were very poor. In order to be suitable for living, the owner specially added a lot of glass windows on the ground floor.

Through a glass decorated with patterns, Lumian looked inside, and saw that the hall used for holding banquets was empty and very deserted.

"There are really few servants..." Liya sighed softly.

Because it was daytime, many windows were open, allowing the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of flowers to flow in, which created extremely good conditions for Lumian and others to sneak in.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no servants on the first floor, the four turned into the hall one after another, but they were not in a hurry to go deep, and found a hidden place to hide nearby.

Liya turned her head and said to Valentine who was stuck behind a decorative pillar:

"I'll explore the way first and get ready."

"Yeah." Valentine nodded sternly.

Lumian was squatting behind a stone platform with porcelain vases. Hearing this, he stuck out his head and reminded:

"There is no need to explore the first floor.

"We often entertain guests here, nothing unusual."

His sister Aurora had visited the castle or borrowed ponies from time to time since the magistrate Beost and Lady Pouaris had moved in, and he had taken the opportunity to follow on a few occasions, grabbing a lot of cake, bread, and drink.

And when the administrator and Mrs. Pouaris went out, he would occasionally come to the housekeeper, Louis Lund, and "accompanied" by the other party, visited the first floor.

"I'll go directly to the stairs." Liya expressed her understanding.

She didn't try to walk in a straight line through the empty banquet hall, but leaned against the wall and walked around to the stairs.

The four small silver bells miraculously did not make any sound.

As she passed one of the rooms, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from very close to the door.

Lumian, who was in the right position, could even see a male servant wearing a red jacket and white trousers appearing at the door, about to meet Liya, and there was no shelter around!

Liya didn't rush, turned around, leaned on the wall, and climbed up to the oil painting hanging at a height of two meters.

Then she stood on tiptoe, stepped on the frame, and stood firmly with her back against the wall without removing the oil painting.

Lumian wanted to applaud because it reminded him of the circus acrobatics he had seen in Dalliege last year.

The male servant left the room, glanced left and right instinctively, and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as he took a few steps forward, Liya immediately slid to the ground without a sound, sticking to the oil painting.

The woman then did two rolls and hid behind a pillar.

After the male servant disappeared into the banquet hall, she walked against the wall again.

Finally, she reached the stairs and confirmed that there was nothing wrong.

Seeing this, Lumian flashed out of the stone platform and ran over in a straight line.

He was very fast, and rushed to Liya's side in just two or three seconds.

However, he wasn't the fastest, and Lane made the "journey" in just one breath.

Valentine is not too slow, and his physical fitness is obviously stronger than ordinary people.

Without further ado, Liya took the lead, and the four of them distanced themselves, entered the stairs back and forth, and reached the second floor of the house.

There are rooms with closed doors on both sides of the corridor here, and only one window at the bottom allows sunlight to shine in, making the overall environment extremely dark.

Ryan glanced left and right and said:

"We search different rooms separately, which can save time and facilitate hiding, but they can't be separated by more than one room, so as to avoid accidents and rescue in time."

Liya and the others nodded their heads to express their understanding.

Lumian immediately went to the nearby room, first put his ear to the door, and listened for any movement inside, then twisted the handle and flashed in lightly.

This is a maid's room.

He rummaged for a while, but couldn't find any clues, so he could only go to the next room.

In this way, the four avoided the servants from time to time and explored most of the second floor.

Near the end of this round of search, Lumian came to the door of the room that left him with a psychological shadow.

Louis Lund's bedroom!

According to the progress of "history", the butler should have given birth yesterday.

"His stomach was torn apart. Even if he had stitches done, he won't be able to recover in a short time. He must be recuperating in bed now..." Lumian muttered silently, considering whether to push the door open and find Louis Long. De "chat".

As a personal experiencer of weird events, this male butler must know a lot about it.

But in this way, it violated their pre-established search principle of only observing and exploring, and not touching abnormalities. After all, Lumian could not guarantee that Louis Lund would not tell Mrs. Puares about his sneaking into the castle.

He has already given birth to the other party, so what else can he keep secret?

As for silence, it is equivalent to directly telling Mrs. Puares that "something happened".

"It's a pity, if only I knew something about hypnosis..." Lumian sighed silently, and habitually put his ear to the door, listening to the movement inside.

Nothing happened inside.

And with "Hunter"'s concentrated hearing, it is impossible not to hear the sound of breathing even through the door panel and a distance of two or three meters.

"No one? Louis Lund just gave birth, where will he go?" Lumian tried to twist the handle, pushed the door open a crack, and peeked inside.

The room was fairly clean, without the blood stains he remembered, and of course, Louis Lund was no longer there.

Lumian frowned slightly, pushed the door half open with his hands, and walked in.

He could see that there were traces of human beings sleeping in this bedroom. Whether it was the laid quilt, the cigarette butts on the bed, the black coat hanging on the chair, or the faint footprints on the ground, it all showed that Louis Lund was not long ago. Been here before.

In addition to these, Lumian also saw some blood stains and oil stains on the edge of the bottom of the bed that had not been wiped off.

"I did have a baby yesterday..." Lumian murmured to himself while nodding.

At this moment, he heard faint voices coming from outside the window.

He hurriedly walked to the glass window, turned his body sideways, and looked outside.

At the stables, the black-haired and blue-eyed Louis Lund wore a white shirt, a black suit, dark trousers, and leather shoes. He was talking with Sewell, the coachman who sent the siblings to the other world in the last cycle. What.

His face was quite rosy, and his walking posture was calm and powerful, which made Lumian stunned for a while.

This is the person who just gave birth to a child yesterday?

And it was a caesarean section!

Lumian suppressed the horror in his heart and listened carefully to what Louis Lund and Sewell were saying.

Unexpectedly, these two guys were just exchanging experiences on weeding and planting flowers.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Lumian hadn't come out for a long time, Ryan, wearing a dark bowler hat, also pushed the door and entered the room, followed by Liya and Valentine.

Lumian hurriedly suppressed his voice, and told the three foreigners about Louis Lund's performance.

After Ryan listened carefully, he thought for a while and said:

"Do you know the 'Goddess of the Earth'?"

There is a border between the Daliege region and the Fenepot Kingdom, and the shepherds often go there, and with the basic education of his sister, Lumian is no stranger to this:

"I know, the gods that Fenepot believes in."

Ryan nodded and said:

"That **** is in charge of fertility, and correspondingly, there are fields such as healing and life, which are also reflected in the Extraordinary abilities of the corresponding pathways.

"I'm not saying that the things here are related to the 'Goddess of the Earth', but to tell you that fertility, healing, and life are often linked together. Since Louis Lund can give birth, it is understandable that he only needs one day to recover .”

"Is that so..." Lumian thought it was normal after thinking about it.

Men can have children, so what's so strange about being alive and kicking one day after a caesarean section?

"Any gains?" He asked Ryan and others.

Ryan shook his head:

"It's a normal servant's room."

"It seems that we have to go to the third floor." Lumian felt inexplicably heavy.

On the third floor there were the bedrooms, the study, the sun-room, the sitting-room, etc., of Mrs. Pouaris and Beost, the magistrate.

And that means great risk.

"Okay." Ryan didn't hesitate.

Soon, the four sneaked into the third floor.

The doors of many rooms here are open, and the corridor is much brighter.

Lumian went straight to the point and stepped into the bedroom of Mrs. Puares and the administrator, Beost.

There is a bed covered with light-colored velvet quilts, a small bookshelf for reading before going to bed, a very spacious cloakroom full of various clothes, a safe for precious collections, and a set of soft and comfortable beds. Off-white sofa, a table with five photo frames and file books, plush white carpet covering the whole room...

Lumian and the others looked around and chose that table at the same time.

The books there are common popular novels, including Fors Wall's masterpiece "The Great Adventurer 5: Lieutenant General of the Disease" and Aurora's latest work "Standby Detective". Of the five photos in the frame, four belonged to Mrs. Puares, and one belonged to a man Lumian didn't know.

"No magistrate?" he murmured rather surprised.

In the four photos of Madam Pouaris, there was only herself, wearing different costumes and posing in different poses, and the only photo of a male was not that of Administrator Beyoste.

You know, he is the male master of this family, isn't this too strange?

Liya nodded thoughtfully:

"A magistrate's status in this family is probably about the same as that of a housekeeper.

"Have you ever seen a picture of a housekeeper?"

"Then who is this man?" Lumian looked at the photo frame on the far side.

Inside the photo frame was a color photo. The man looked about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, wearing a red shirt, a black velvet jacket, dark trousers with tassels, and a pair of short boots with laces. He was very stylishly dressed.

His facial features are a bit like Mrs. Pouaris's, his eyebrows are slightly thinner, his brown eyes are bright and smiling, his brown hair has been cut into a more exaggerated three to seven points, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, like the kind of person who often goes to and from high society and wears a smile. Someone with a ruffian temperament.

All in all, this man's facial features are not outstanding, but they are very pleasing to the eye.

"Mrs. Puares' older brother or younger brother?" Lumian guessed from his appearance.

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