Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 68: Purification (ask for a monthly ticket)

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Seeing that Lai En not only did not escape, but blocked the entrance of the tower with the "Sword of Dawn", the woman in the long gray dress immediately had a bad feeling.

She quickly turned the huge scissors, clamped her neck, and scratched lightly.

The bright red blood flowed out immediately, and accompanied by her scream, it flowed up, down, left, and right as if it had a life of its own, covering her whole body.

It was as if the woman had put on a full body armor of blood.

While she was doing these things, Lai En held the "Dawn Sword" upside down with both hands, and knelt down on one knee.

With a puff, he inserted the two-handed giant sword formed by the condensed light into the stone floor in front of him.

The giant sword then disintegrated, turning into one piece after another of light spots like the morning sun.

They are densely packed and innumerable, forming a flickering and violent hurricane, sweeping forward.

Wherever the storm of light passed, the stone floor was thinned, some of the stairs were smoothed out, and some had exaggerated cracks, and the woman was completely swallowed up before she could make any dodging movements.

The **** armor on her body lasted for a second, completely shattered, and melted into the light.

But this time, she left the special environment on the third floor and was in a place full of vitality. She could no longer use those blue and white transparent faces to shift positions, and could only watch one after another small pimples appear on her body. Bloody crack.

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The crack expanded rapidly, and in an instant it became a hideous wound that cut the woman open.

As her screams echoed, her body was torn apart and turned into pieces of flesh, and those pieces of flesh and her spirit were still being devastated by the storm of light until the hurricane subsided, one became more shattered, and the other dissipated empty.

Although Lai En tried his best to prevent the "Storm of Light" from affecting other directions, under the full attack, it was still powerless, and the side walls and the stairs behind were damaged a lot. If it weren't for Lumian, Li Ya and Valentine followed his instructions and found shelters in advance, and now they will be more or less injured.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

The birdclaw children climbing on the wall were frightened and cried loudly at the same time.

This made Lumian and the others' ears buzz, as if they were being attacked by noise.

"Go!" Ryan turned around and slammed into the most damaged wall nearby.

Crash, the wall cracked, and a large number of stones fell down one after another.

Then there appeared a big hole for humans to drill through.

When Valentine and Lumian ran over, Ryan grabbed a person with one hand, lifted them by the shoulders, and jumped directly from a height of more than ten meters to a tree outside the castle.

boom! He kicked off the tree in the middle of the air, changed from a straight drop to a sideways flight, and landed away from the castle.

Liya jumped out by herself, and with the help of the bulge on the outer wall of the castle, she descended rapidly layer by layer, and fell to the ground in one or two breaths.

As the trees swayed violently, Ryan, Lumian, and Valentine waited for Liya for a few seconds, and after joining her, they ran to the back of the hill and left on the same path before the rest of the servants came after them.


Less than a minute later, at the entrance of the tower, next to the cracked hole.

Mrs. Puares, who was wearing a gray-blue fluffy dress, stood there expressionlessly, looking around.

The children climbing on the wall hurriedly called out to their mothers, accusing the outsiders of their barbarism and cruelty.

Madame Puares said nothing, her face sinking like water.


In the woods on the side of Kordu Village.

Lumian and the others stopped and looked back at the castle.

Liya was about to speak when she suddenly frowned.

"I heard the baby crying, very close!" She turned her head and asked En and the others, "Did you hear it?"

Lumian was taken aback, and listened carefully.

Indistinctly, he heard the cry of a baby, but it was not as close as Liya described, and it even seemed very far away.

"Hear a little bit." Ryan said truthfully.

Valentine didn't know what to think of, and his face changed instantly.

Almost at the same time, a painful expression appeared on Liya's face, and one hand instinctively pressed towards the lower abdomen - there was obvious swelling and wriggling.

Valentine hurried over, stretched out a hand, and pressed it on top of Liya's head.

Immediately afterwards, he said in a low voice an ancient Hermetic word that Lumian had just learned:


Drops of golden translucent liquid condensed out of thin air and sprinkled on Liya.

Suddenly puffs of illusory black smoke rose from Liya's body, her expression was sometimes distorted and sometimes normal.

Finally, her lower abdomen retracted to its original state and stopped wriggling.

"Phew..." Liya breathed out, "It almost became the monster's cheap mother, but fortunately, it was dealt with in time, and it hasn't had time to take root."

She had a smile on her face, even though she had just experienced such a weird and terrible thing, she could not see any fear or anxiety.

After sighing, Liya turned to Lumian, Ryan and Valentine:

"Do you want to purify it with holy water? I'm afraid you will become mothers without knowing it."

"Okay!" Lumian agreed without hesitation.

But Valentine didn't go to him immediately, but came to Ryan and put his hand on the top of his head.


It was the ancient Hermes word just now, and it was another drop of golden liquid condensed.

During the sprinkling of the holy water, there was nothing unusual about Lai En.

Valentine purified himself again, and there was no illusory black smoke evaporating out.

After dealing with his companion, he walked to Lumian's side, and put his hand on the "hunter"'s head.


With the reverberation of that ancient Hermetic word, as the drops of translucent liquid fell, Lumian suddenly felt pain.

The pain came from his heart, as if a snake was crawling there, trying to get away.

Every time it drilled, it made Lumian's heart speed up or stall, which was extremely uncomfortable.

The next second, he faintly heard the mysterious voice that seemed to come from infinite distance and seemed to be right next to him.

Fortunately, this is not as clear as in the dream, so that Lumian will not directly enter the near-death state.

Just when Lumian was about to be unbearable, Valentine stopped the purification and nodded sternly:

"You're fine."

Huh... Lumian let out a breath quietly, feeling like dancing on the verge of death and being pulled back.

At this moment, he probably understood what happened just now:

According to the mysterious lady, he belongs to a person who has been heavily polluted by a hidden evil god, and can only maintain a normal state by relying on the timely seal of that great existence.

In this way, accepting the purification of the holy water is like the undead embracing the holy light, and there will definitely be problems.

To put it simply, he himself is an evil **** pollutant that needs to be purified!

It's okay, it's okay, if Valentine persists for a while or is stronger, even with the seal of that great being, I will be exposed... I can no longer accept purification, and I can't even find someone to exorcise evil spirits. I just need The evil that was exorcised... Lumian was grateful for a while, and didn't let the remaining pain surface on his face.

Seeing that all the companions have been purified and the hidden dangers have been eliminated, Lai En immediately said:

"We're going to the edge of the village now, where the loop will be triggered.

"If Mrs. Pouaris finds a clue and chases after her, but we can't fight, try to escape and restart the cycle."

Seeing that Valentine was obviously puzzled, Ryan added:

"I'm worried that if I die once in the loop, there will be some problems after the loop is lifted. Therefore, if you can not die now, try not to die."

"Okay." Liya agreed before Valentine made a fanatical speech.

Seeing that both companions made unanimous decisions, Valentine could only nod his head.

At this time, Lumian glanced at them, waved his hand and said:

"You guys go, I'm going home!"

"Aren't you worried that Mrs. Puaris is looking for you?" Ryan frowned suspiciously.

Lumian smiled:

"I'm not like you. After I entered the tower, I kept avoiding the sight of those monster children. I was not seen by them. The midwife who saw me was completely killed by you. It seems that I can't even understand the spirit. How could Mrs. Alice have guessed that such a high-end and powerful infiltration team has such an ordinary person like me?

"Think about it, before you came to Kordu, no one tried to sneak into the castle. As soon as you came, something happened immediately. Do you doubt who you suspect?

"If I run away with you, I will be dragged into the water instead!"

Ryan, Lia, and Valentine were momentarily speechless.

It was obviously the action planned by this kid, why in the end, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him on the surface?

Did he and others bear all the "crimes" like this?

"Goodbye! If Mrs. Pouaris dare not deal with you official Beyonders, and the cycle is not restarted, then we will see you at the old tavern tomorrow!" Lumian waved his hand, and reminded the other party while running to the edge of the forest, "Take care, I Cabbages!"

After leaving the woods, Lumian's expression became solemn.

The reason why he didn't run away with Lai En and the others wasn't just the reason just mentioned, it was more of an excuse.

His main purpose is to go home immediately and join Aurora.

As soon as Aurora invited Mrs. Puaris to have afternoon tea, someone sneaked into the castle immediately, and they belonged to the suspects who were easily thought of.

Lumian must quickly tell her sister that if Mrs. Puares comes to question and silence her, don’t hold back, just betray the three strangers, accept Mrs. Puares’ captivity, and find valuable secrets to lure her for a period of time. Let her kill on the spot.

To live is to have hope!

Even in the loop, you can't easily die, so as not to cause any major problems after the loop is lifted!

After Mrs. Pouaris catches up with Liya and the others, if she wins, one of the three of Lai En will be able to trigger the cycle and "erase" the memory. If she loses, then why worry?

Pushing, pushing, Lumian endured the pain in his calf, crossed the road in the village, and ran back home.

Seeing that Aurora was looking at the door, alive and well, he was immediately relieved.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

The siblings asked each other in unison.

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