Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 7: Fashion Capital (Second update asks for

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Because this is so common, all kinds of antique dresses emerge in endlessly.

Aosta. Trull was obviously more cautious. From time to time, he would suddenly turn his head and look behind him to see if there was anyone acting suspiciously, but Lumian was far away from him, so far that both sides were out of sight of each other.

Relying on the residual, very faint smell of inferior perfume, Lumian followed all the way, and followed Aosta through one street after another.

When the gas street lamps on both sides came on one after another, Aosta turned into a street covered with glass vaults and steel supports.

Brightly lit, full of high-end shops, smooth marble floors and bustling pedestrians, it is in stark contrast to the dilapidated alleys of the Candide Market area.

Is this the arcade Aurora mentioned?

Seeing Aosta stop in front of a store, Lumian slowed down and looked around while admiring the items in the window.

He quickly noticed some "abnormal" people: they were men or women, all dressed in suits, and they were leading turtles of different sizes.

The tortoises crawled slowly in front, and they walked slowly behind holding the rope. Seeing a man in a black formal suit and a silk top hat following the turtle and passing in front of him, Lumian couldn't help asking, "My friend, what are you doing?"

The man turned his head sideways, revealing a powdered face.

He smiled and replied, "Outlander, I'm just hanging out, walking a turtle."

"Why a tortoise?" Lumian didn't hide his confusion.

"Most Trier people like to hang out, but they can't understand the meaning of leisure and the essence of elegance, and they always walk very fast and in a hurry." The real wandering is slower than the tortoise, so we walk the tortoise, let The tortoise walked in front, bringing out our leisure.

"It's a yardstick for comparing walking speeds and a measure of elegance."

"As expected of a Trier!" Lumian clapped his hands in a mocking tone.

Unfortunately, the gentleman didn't understand what he really wanted to express. He smiled modestly and continued to follow the tortoise slowly.

Not long after, Aosta walked to the other end of the arcade.

Lumian waited for a while before putting it on slowly.

After leaving the arcade, Aosta stood under the nearby bus stop sign.

In just a few minutes, two horses drove over with a huge carriage.

This carriage is divided into upper and lower floors. The surface of the painted yellow carriage is written with "Line 7" and other words in Intis script. The driver wears a green short coat and a wide-brimmed rainproof hat.

As the carriage stopped, a conductor in a small cap, striped jacket and ugly trousers appeared at the open door, scrutinizing every passenger who tried to squeeze into the stagecoach with the eyes of a prisoner.

Aosta was the third to get in the car, sat in the seat by the window, and observed the pedestrians outside and the men and women who were seated one after another. Lumian watched from a distance, but did not approach.

He waited until the carriage on Line 7 was far away, then he quickened his pace and began to catch up with almost a trot.

With the relatively slow speed of this kind of public transportation and the rule that every stop must be stopped, Lumian is not afraid of being left behind at all.

On the way, some passers-by looked at the runner curiously, and a few even trotted along the street with Lumian, as if thinking that this was the latest trend.

Is there something wrong with your brain? Lumian couldn't help but laugh at this.

After chasing for three stops, he saw Austa Trull get off the public carriage, and this place already belonged to the Candide Market area.

Aosta crossed two streets, turned into the White Coat Street mentioned by Charlie, and entered the old off-white apartment with house number 20.

Lumian stopped in front of a newsstand at the corner of the street, picked up a newspaper, and flipped through it casually.

At the same time, he watched the entrance and exit of the apartment from the corner of his eye.

"One copy for 11 copies." The owner of the newsstand reminded Lumian when he saw that Lumian only read but didn't buy.

What Lumian took was a copy of "Little Trierer", and he didn't care, took out two copper coins of 5 copets and one copper coin of 1 copet, and threw them on the other newspapers.

The owner of the newsstand suddenly became quiet.

Lumian continued to read the newspaper: "City Hall is discussing a new price scheme with the water company..." Valery criticizes consumerism as a fetish...


"The greatest project in the history of mankind seeks cooperation..."

In the end, this ad made Lumian smell a familiar smell. It was the smell of pranksters or scammers who couldn't hide it!

While paying attention to the direction of the apartment, Lumian intensively read the corresponding content with great interest: "The future of mankind lies in the sea of ​​stars, and the history of mankind is the history of courageous exploration." What is lacking is a wise man with outstanding insight and forward-looking vision, and what is lacking is an adventurer whose charm is courage.

"Last time, we were trapped in the violent sea. This time, we are trapped in the atmosphere, but human civilization and human technology will inevitably overcome all difficulties and dangers and create a real future." We want to cooperate with all dreamers , to build an interstellar bridge that allows us to walk directly from the surface to the interstellar bridge on the red moon.

"Contact: Beale Patil.

"Contact information: 5th Floor, 9 St. Martin Street, District 2."

The more Lumian watched, the more amusing he became, and he deeply reflected on himself: As the prank king of Kordu Village, who grew up influenced by Aurora's wonderful ideas, he never thought that he would be so crazy and outrageous Such an absurd idea, and those guys advertised it confidently, as if they were sure to deceive a group of people.

Is it because I still have unrealistic illusions about the average human IQ?

Lumian touched his chin with his gloved left palm.

At this moment, he saw a group of people walking towards the old apartment at 20 White Coat Street.

The leader is a gentleman wearing a silk top hat and a black formal suit, at least from the outside, he has a deep profile, a mahogany pipe in his mouth, and a diamond ring shining under the light on his left hand.

The few burly men surrounding the gentleman were menacing, wearing canvas jackets or dark jackets, as if they were members of a gang.

When they disappeared at the entrance of the apartment, Lumian also walked over with the newspaper.

When he got downstairs, he smelled several perfumes at the same time.

One is very familiar, it is the inferior perfume he got on Aosta's body, and the other is richer, sweeter, with a slightly wild fishy smell.

Musk perfume? On the man with the pipe just now? Lumian followed the smell and went all the way up to the fifth floor of the apartment.

Then, he saw Aosta. Trull.

This liar dressed as a wizard was surrounded by the group of people just now. The "gentleman" wearing a diamond ring tapped his forehead lightly with a mahogany pipe, and smiled politely: "Don't think that you have moved. can get rid of us.

"Until all debts are paid off, I will follow you forever like your shadow."

"I'll have money right away, and I can pay you back part of it tomorrow!"

"Very good." The "gentleman" smiled and nodded.

Then he turned the pipe around and punched Aosta in the face with the still burning part.

Aosta shrank back in pain, but didn't dare to cry out.

"It's a little bit of interest.

"If you don't go up again tomorrow, I will take one of your fingers away."

After finishing speaking, he put his hands on his chest and saluted politely, "See you tomorrow, my friend."

Lumian at the top of the stairs curled his mouth and muttered to himself, "Are people and dogs learning from Gehrman now?"

Follow Fors. With the popularity of Wall's "The Great Adventurer" series, some imitations of Gehrman appeared on both the North and South continents. Among the people of Sparrow, words such as "is it a courtesy" and "a gift or a curse" are widely circulated.

When the group of people came over, Lumian lowered his head and stepped out of the way, like an ordinary apartment tenant meeting a gang member.

The sound of chaotic footsteps descended layer by layer, and soon there was no movement.

Lumian then looked at Aosta. Trull was there, and found that he had gone back to the room and closed the wooden door.

After thinking for a while, Lumian moved his gloved left palm, pressed the hat on his head, walked out of the stairs, and came to Aosta's door.

Bang, bang, he raised his hand and slapped the door panel.

Lumian opened his arms and asked with a bright smile, "Surprise?"

"You, you, you..." Aosta backed away as if seeing a ghost.

Lumian followed into the room and smiled at Aosta. Trull said: "I really want to forget the pain of the past, but I am also a cautious person, afraid of being cheated of money and ridiculed as a fool."