Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 80: Cooperate

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Seeing Lumian's puzzled look, Franke briefly explained: One of the core abilities of the "Witch" pathway is closely related to the mirror and manipulating the world in the mirror.

"When I suspected that the Witch or Hunter path was really involved here, I wondered if we would unknowingly walk into a certain place in the mirror world, so I tried it with a cosmetic mirror to see if I could pass through that mirror Leave, but you also saw it in the end, and it didn’t work.”

Because of this incident, I had preliminarily ruled out the possibility of the mirror world and the witch's legacy, but now suddenly there was another mirror sinking under the water, which seemed to hide the exit.

"So, you suspect that this is somewhere in the mirror world that has been specially processed, and all exits are limited to specific mirrors?" Lumian tried to understand Franka's thoughts. "Yes!" Franka nodded slightly.

"But what I don't understand is that we haven't encountered anything like a mirror, so how did we enter this space inexplicably? Maybe my guess is wrong, or it's only partly correct." Lumian thought for a while Sincerely ask for advice: "What is the world in the mirror?"

Franka grabbed the ponytail at the back of her head: "It's hard for me to explain this to you, because I don't know too well myself."

Let me talk about it from my understanding. In occultism, the mirror has some unique symbolic meanings, such as its own reflection, for example, the entrance to another world. The former means that we can use mirrors to make doubles. The latter represents the world in the mirror. "It is often associated with horror, mystery, horror, and weirdness. As for whether there is something hidden or whether it is a real alien space, I have no way of guessing. I only know that the world in the mirror is connected with different things similar to mirrors, and it may point to some normal things. The inaccessible space, when I improve the sequence, I should be able to use the mirror world to quickly go to different places."

Lumian recalled that he had fully used his imagination just now: "The you we saw, could it be the reflection of you in the mirror world when you were not a "witch" because of something you encountered? "This would explain why I never met my past self. "It makes sense, but I didn't encounter any strange things." Franka thought for a while and said, "If this is the case," we must go to that puddle immediately, and the exit is likely to be there! We can't just try and wait carefully, as I said earlier... The mirror world is full of weird and scary things, I can't imagine what will happen to us if we stay any longer! "Okay." Lumian was still quite calm, Franka turned and ran, Lumian followed closely beside her, this "witch" seemed to use some kind of ability while running, her feet Small pieces of frost appeared continuously, which brought about a sudden decrease in friction, and her body seemed to lose weight, and she swished through the dark quarry cavity and the deep cave in a gliding posture. Inside the underground tunnel.

Lumian, who has the dual identity of "hunter" and "dancer", tried his best to barely keep up with Franka and was not thrown away. In the cold winter, the surrounding rock walls gradually formed Some thin ice cubes; on the surface of those ice cubes, blood-stained faces stood out one after another. Their expressions were distorted, and their eyes were full of hatred, like vengeful ghosts crawling out of the depths of hell. One of them It was the old Franka, the man he was! After running wildly for a while, Lumian and Franka saw the puddle, and as the light of the calcium carbide lamp spread over, the deep black surface of the puddle emitted a yellowish-bluish color.

is here? "Franka stopped in her tracks.

Lumian recognized it for a few seconds and said, "Yes."

At this time, apart from the constant burning sensation in his nasal cavity, every part of his body felt a little tingling, and it seemed that blood would flow out at any time. Franke, who was carrying a calcium carbide lamp, approached the puddle cautiously: "The problem now is how to avoid the monster you saw and find the mirror." Unfortunately, I can't jump between the mirrors, I can only stay in it for a few seconds...

"I'll lure it out to entangle with it for a while, you dive into the water and take out the mirror."

Lumian said unmodified: "I don't think you are its match at all." I almost collapsed my body just by seeing its appearance clearly. "Although Franka was a little annoyed and frustrated, she had to admit that what Lumian said was true.

With her sequence and the magical items she possessed, it is possible to win even if she fights against an Extraordinary with a sequence higher than her, but judging from the performance of that monster, it is at least one level higher than her in terms of personality! After a few seconds, Franka gritted her teeth and said, "Although I am not its opponent, my ability to escape and save my life is still very strong. I should be able to persist in front of it for a few seconds. Fish out that mirror, and we can get out of here!"

Lumian laughed: "It's not time to desperately." I have a way to hold that monster for ten or twenty seconds without taking too much risk. You should be able to find the mirror, right? ""I'm fine, I have a special feeling for mirrors."

Franka looked at Lumian suspiciously, "Are you really able to do it? Is there really no risk?"

"Theoretically, there is not much risk," Lumian responded calmly.

At the same time, he silently added a sentence in his heart, if there is too much risk, I will change another way, "Mr. K", Ms. "Hella", Ms. "Magician", that great existence and "Fate" The power of "is an option.

Franka stopped talking, pursed her lips and said, "Okay, I'll make you a mirror stand-in again, just in case, Lumian will naturally not refuse things that can effectively reduce risks, and wait until Franka Then he took out a mirror less than the size of a palm and made a corresponding substitute. Lumian held a ceremonial silver dagger and created a spiritual wall around the pond-like puddle; during this process, he always Four or five meters away from the water's edge, I was afraid of being dragged down by the monster.

Putting away the ritual silver dagger, Lumian looked at Franka and smiled calmly: "The next thing involves a little secret of mine, can you turn your back on me?"

"Okay." Franka was quite satisfied with this candid attitude. She once again sighed in her heart: "Did Jenna misunderstand Shire?" Seeing Franka turn her back, Lumian put down the calcium carbide lamp and danced the "Dance of Encouragement". The monster was summoned, but it didn't let it attach to itself! Lumian believes that the higher the personality of the weird creature, the stronger the sensitivity to the pollution in his own body, and the less willing he is to attach himself. That is to say, as long as he does not use command sentences to affect the other party, the monster is more likely to be a bystander." "The Dance of Recruitment", eager to try to launch an attack, but was shocked by the seal and pollution, and dared not put it into practice. It was not until the dance was over that he really started to deal with him.

And a "dance of tricks" lasts 20 to 30 seconds, enough for Franka to dive into the water and find the mirror. As long as Lumian can leave this world before the monster makes a move, there will be no follow-up problems! Of course, if he can't use the corresponding natural force here to make the "Dance of Recruitment" work, he will change another method at worst.

During the sometimes distorted and sometimes crazy dance, Lumian's spirituality leveraged some natural forces, hooked up with them, spread out to the surroundings, and was blocked by the "spiritual wall". After a few breaths, layers of waves swelled on the surface of the puddle, and a pale figure floated out. It looked like a human being, its whole body was swollen, and its face was huge, accounting for half of its body. This monster floated and flew towards Lumian stopped at a place very close to the pool. Lumian didn't dare to look at its appearance and state. He half-closed his eyes and shouted: "Quick!" Franka threw away the calcium carbide lamp without hesitation. , ran two steps, jumped into the water, and the waves splashed in the sound of plopping. The cold and wet feeling pierced Franka's skin, and the almost lightless darkness came into her eyes.

Relying on the light of the calcium carbide lamp penetrating from the water surface, Franka quickly dived to the bottom. Suddenly, strips of dark things like hair and water plants stretched out around her. They seemed to be alive and entwined towards Franke. No entanglement, continue to dive.

As soon as those "water plants" were about to touch her, a black flame suddenly ignited. The black flame burned quietly in the water without any sign of extinguishing, and those "water plants" did not turn into ashes, but they no longer possessed their own self. Conscious sensations; they float in the water, swaying with the waves. Farther away, a large number of "water plants" continued to rush in, blocked by layers of condensed frost.

Beside the puddle, although Lumian, who was dancing the "Dance of Encouragement", did not look at the monster, he heard the sound of bubbles bursting in his ears, smelled fishy smell, and his body was covered with cold waves. Surrounded, it makes Lumian mind

A picture emerged from within, the swollen monster with a huge face was less than a step away from him, almost sticking to his back, "breathing" could be heard! .

Silumian gasped in shock instinctively, not daring to let the "dance of recruiting" stop.

In the water, after diving for a certain distance, Franka finally sensed the existence of the mirror! "Her body faded suddenly, quietly disappeared in the original position, lying quietly on the surface of the silver ancient mirror at the bottom of the water, Franka's figure was quickly outlined, she immediately crawled from the mirror to the outside, and took the object She got up and swam to the surface of the water with joy on her face. She just confirmed that this mirror can really lead to an underground tunnel to the outside world! Lumian looked anxiously at the surface of the water, and if Franka didn't come out, he was going to take out Mr. K's finger! At this moment, in the sound of splashing water, Franka took the mirror and swam When she got to the shore and jumped up, she didn't dare to look at the monster. She lowered her head and ran to Lumian's side a few steps, and grabbed his wrist. on the ground.

A scene was reflected on the surface of the mirror. Franca grabbed Lumian's hand and led him through a short dark tunnel to the front of the "cave" full of light, and jumped out. After the light and shadow changed, Lumian found himself standing in a dark road, with a little light in the distance.

Franka took out the mirror that served as his substitute and found that the surface was covered with countless cracks and was about to break.

"It's dangerous." She sighed sincerely.