Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 82: Suspect

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Right hand...Franken shuddered.

As a "witch", one of the things she is most familiar with is the mirror, and she is very sensitive to the corresponding details, one of which is: the person looking in the mirror and the figure in the mirror are upside down!

The current situation is: Erken, who used to use his right hand, became left-handed after entering that special mirror world, but Franka and Lumian did not have such a change. What does this mean?

Franca shuddered for a moment. At this moment, she saw Christo return to the bottom of the warehouse, and shouted at the office on the top floor, asking Erkin to take down all his Blanche wines. Lumian leaned closer to Franka's ear and said in a low voice, "Have you had any associations?"

"You thought of it too." Franka was slightly surprised; without rich knowledge of mysticism and enough extraordinary encounters, it would be difficult to detect Erken's abnormality and lock in the corresponding possibility!

Lumian replied in a low voice: With the amount of blood left in that space, I don't think any normal person can survive. From the very beginning, I thought there was something wrong with Erken and the people in the caravan. And you said that in the suspected special mirror world, there is the former you in it, the you in the mirror, "The person in the mirror is opposite to the reality. Tell me, could it be the Al in the mirror world?" Ken replaced the original Elken"

Franka was silent for a few seconds and said: I don't want to think about this frightening and frightening possibility, but the current situation is more and more like what you said, "I have to make sure."

While the two were talking, Erkin walked down from the top floor of the warehouse with a cloth bag containing Dolly's spices and two bottles of Danxia Blanche, and turned into a gray and white two-story building not far away. That was Chris "Mouse" To set up restaurants and kitchens for his smugglers, he is a businessman on the surface and owns a company whose main business is goods trade warehouse storage.

Franca walked towards Krystal, and asked with a serious expression: "Are you sure that's really Elken?" Krystal blurted out in shock: "Why do you ask such a strange question, it must be Elken, steam Above, how could I not know my younger brother? The little guys I raised are also very close to him, and I don’t think he is strange.”

Franka thought about it for a while, and smiled: "I just think that after entering that weird place, there will be more or less problems."

"Franka, I've checked them, and they're all fine, just a little weak, and they're bleeding a lot. Damn, I have to send them a condolence money this time. Tell me, why did Emperor Roselle come up with this idea back then?" Why are there so many people remembering these strange things for almost two hundred years!"

remember in a second

Crystal "The Rat" agonized over the extra expense.

Franka smiled "hehe": "You are not an Extraordinary. When you didn't take over the smuggling business, didn't you expect the leaders above to abide by the customs and pay more money for certain things?"

Christo was silent for a while, not knowing how to respond.

Franka turned to say: "I'll help you to confirm whether those people have any problems." She immediately took out the cosmetic box and Aiken's handkerchief, and started divination in front of "Mouse" Christo.

"Elken's position, Erken's position", repeated Hermes words, Franke, whose eyes suddenly became deep, stroked the surface of the cosmetic mirror.

Lumian saw that the mirror became dark, with fluctuations in the water light, and soon, a scene appeared in the mirror: "Airken, who was wearing a blue jacket, was standing at the edge of the kitchen, talking to the chef inside. .”

"I just said there's no problem," Kristo the Mouse laughed. He then pointed to the warehouse: "I still have some things to deal with. You can go around by yourself, or you can wait for me in the restaurant. After watching this short smuggling leader enter the warehouse, Lumi looked sideways at Franka : The real Erkin seems to be dead, so the result of divination points to him who originally belonged to the mirror world.

"You still think Erken and the others have a problem." Franka frowned.

"if not"

Lumian laughed, "Cover your eyes and ears, and you can pretend you didn't see anything, hear nothing, and discover nothing."

Franka thought for a while and said: "Maybe because I use mirror divination, it will be easier to point to the person in the mirror. I will try another method."

She looked around the warehouse area, picked up a thin wooden stick, stood it in front of her, and pressed the top, \"After a similar divination sentence to just now, the wooden stick fell down, pointing to represent the kitchen And the gray and white two-story building of the restaurant.

"Elken is right there."

Franka was silent for a while and said, "I'll try to see if that mirror can play a role." She was referring to the classical silver mirror connected to that special world, hoping to use it to bring back all the monsters that came out of the mirror.

Lumian followed Franka into the dining room with anticipation. They first saw a woman in a gray-green skirt. She looked about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, leading two children, a boy and a girl, and Erken, who came out of the kitchen, hugged each other, crying with joy.

"You're finally back!"

"Dad!" Dad played with me! In the shouts, Erken was also full of joy, and the corners of his brows and eyes were filled with happiness.

Franka stopped in her tracks, watched the family reunion scene, and didn't speak for a long time. Finally, she sighed and said: Wait a little longer.

Lumian smiled, "I can't bear it anymore?"

Franka let out a "hey", the real Erken is probably dead, this is his reflection anyway, if I try now, expose his true face, kill him or drive him back into the mirror, his Not only will my wife and his children not appreciate me, but they will hate me and hate me. m.

"Yeah, that's right." Lumian laughed. "Anyway, what happens in the future, whether people die or not, has nothing to do with us. We just need to be careful. Why do we have to come forward and be a "bad guy"? No one will." Thank you.

"Hmm!" During this period of time, I avoided the mouse and clicked on them. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen.

Franka was even more entangled, "She doesn't know what the reflection in the mirror will do after replacing the real person. What if the original kindness becomes cruel, and the original love becomes hatred?"

"Your words are a bit cruel..."

Unable to make a decision, Franka could only look at Lumian and sighed. She began to feel that Jenna's evaluation of Charles was also somewhat correct.

"Ma'am, I'm not following what you mean, to help you convince yourself." Lumian was annoyed and funny.

Franka smiled sarcastically: "How would you deal with this situation now?"

Lumian looked at Erken who was telling his wife and children about his strange experience, and said as if he was talking about other people's affairs, "find someone to write a letter" to report this matter to the police headquarters or some church.

"The letter only said that the younger brother of "Mouse" Christo, Erken, led a group of people into a strange space underground, and disappeared for a whole half a day. When they came out and returned to the ground, their preferred hand changed. The author has dealt with many abnormal events and is not too unfamiliar with the underground, so he should be able to guess what happened to Erken and the others.

"As for how they deal with it, it's their business and we don't need to worry about it. If they don't move Erken and the others, then the man in the mirror is no threat and can replace the dead original owner. If they kill those monsters, it's not us To face pain and hatred, we don’t even need to pay pensions,” “In short, trust the government and the church.

"Emperor Roselle seems to have said something to us. When a gentleman sees an animal he is familiar with being killed, a gentleman will not have the heart to eat its meat, but if he doesn't see it or don't know it, then it's all right and he can eat it happily. , This matter is also the same. Lumian can't repeat the original words and can only organize the sentences according to his own understanding.

Franka thought about it for a few seconds, and was completely convinced: "That's right." She gave Lumian a glance, "Your words don't sound like a gang leader at all.

A real gang leader must know how to use the officialdom. Lumian smiled.

Franka smiled and said, "Do I still have to call you godfather in the future?" Before Lumian could raise any questions, she hurriedly added, "The gangster godfather."

"Well," you don't have any channels for the time being. I will be responsible for disclosing the news to the authorities. The godfather of the gangsters. Lumian heard from her sister that this is the subject of her next book. I probably understand what it means. A little sad for a while.

In the following time, he and Franke happily participated in the dinner hosted by "Mouse" Christo, and had a good chat with Erken and other smuggling caravans. An is full of praise. It is stuffed with spices and similar things are spread on the surface. It is baked until the skin is golden, and the juice flows out, full of fragrance; cut a piece of meat with the skin on, soak it in the juice for a few seconds, Putting it in the mouth again, the feeling is so wonderful that people can't stop their mouths at all. At the end of the dinner, Franka saw that there were not many people left around the meal, so she looked at the "mouse" Christo beside her and smiled sweetly. Said: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

Christo, who was a little dazed for a while, moved his chair, approached Franka, and smiled back, "What is it?"

With a slight smile on her face, Franke said in a low voice: "Actually, Charles and I also entered that weird world. We were lucky enough to escape..."

Having said that, she quickly pulled out the short knife for cutting roast chicken, plunged it into the table in front of "Mouse" Christo, and asked coldly, "What is hidden in that batch of yours that almost killed us!"

"I, I don't know!" Crystal glanced left and right, breaking out in cold sweat. Seeing that only himself, Franka and Charles were left in the dining table area, he quickly explained: "I really don't know, that's what the boss asked me to bring into Trier!"

Some people died, but not completely dead...