Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 87: Catharsis (seeking monthly ticket)

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Aurora walked towards the table with the plate of lamb chop knife, talking while walking.

"I'm not sure if the command method can be used in that situation. After all, I'm not a dancer and I don't have relevant mystic knowledge, but I won't lose anything if I try."

"That's right." Lumian took over the job at the stove and said with a smile, "At most, he will recover after a short sleep, and add a little bleeding from the wound. You said "there are three trees growing on the top of the mountain." What the **** is a person with a head?"

"What is the relationship between that hidden existence and the pollution in my body?"

Aurora put down the plate, turned around and said:

"Do you think highly of your sister and me? I have neither encountered nor heard of such weird things."

Without waiting for Lumian to respond, she added thoughtfully: "However, there are many similar images in the myths and legends of my hometown, with three heads and six arms, or gods or demons."

She went on to say: "According to our guess that the ruins of the dream are closely related to the pollution in your body, there is a high probability that the giant image can find some reflections from that hidden existence. You mentioned that person's honorable name or description, and The common ones are different, and each paragraph contains three forms of one aspect of a certain authority symbol, so it is normal to correspond to three heads, just like the three-faced monsters represent the faces of the three stages of human beings. "

"As for why it has six arms, why it sits on the top of the Scarlet Mountain, and lacks information, I can't even guess."

"For the time being, you focus on the circle of the city wall. I feel that you can find a lot of useful clues."

"Okay." Lumian put the shredded potatoes into the pan and stir-fried them with oil according to the technique taught by his sister.

Aurora ended the topic about the ruins of the dream, and said to Lumian, "I thought about it when you fell asleep in the afternoon. I plan to invite those three foreigners to live in our house!"

"Why?" Lumian was puzzled.

Aurora looked at his younger brother's busy back and gave a compliment: "I think we used the logic of normal people to speculate on the reaction of the priest and the others. Don't forget that some of the group have already accepted the gift. From another perspective, it is polluted.”

"According to the mysterious woman, the effects of gifts mainly focus on the body and mind. That is to say, in addition to acquiring abilities, personality will also undergo a certain degree of alienation. The more gifts you have, the more this kind of guidance will be when you can't bear it. Obviously more serious."

"That's right." Lumian recalled the words of the mysterious lady, "She said that if the body can't bear such a big "gift", either it will become a monster or a puppet of that existence, or it will become another kind of person Very cold-blooded approach to things that used to be cherished."

Auror concluded, "Therefore, the shepherd Pierre Bali and others who received the gift sooner may retaliate wildly regardless of the overall situation of the priest in the church."

"The five of us live together, watching and looking for help, which can effectively increase our chances of surviving to the twelfth night."

After thinking for a while, Lumian agreed to his sister's proposal, and he turned to ask a very realistic question?

"Then where do they live? Kejin area? They're not on the same floor, and the effect of helping each other won't be so good." Auror glanced at the younger brother who fried potato shreds, "You move to my room, and put your bedroom and two The study upstairs is reserved for the two strangers."

"Huh?" Lu Dianmian didn't expect her sister to make such an arrangement, "I'm sharing the same bed with you."

Seeing his reaction, Aurora laughed and said, "What's wrong with this?

"Ah?" Lumian She understood the words behind her sister.

Aurora laughed and said, "What I mean is, if you're in this situation, don't worry about those little problems anymore."

"Do you want to share a bed with Ryan, Valentine, or me and Leah?"

"It's true that you can't rest assured about them." Lumian nodded.

The three official investigators cooperated with the siblings only because they were also caught in a cycle. Who knew if they would take advantage of the opportunity to secretly do something while sleeping, so as to arrest the two wild Extraordinary immediately after the cycle was broken.

Aurora immediately smiled and said, "Then if they are worried, we choose to share a room and you can sleep in the other one."

"Still, one room is better." Lumian felt that Ao Xiaoluoer was no longer easy to be broken through a wall.

Then I added a sentence: "Remind me to replenish the warehouse tomorrow. People in the village will become more and more strange after Lent. We may have to stick to this place or hide in the nearest alpine pasture."

Then she greeted her younger brother to have dinner. Before the sunset had completely set, Lumian left the half-submerged two-story building, planning to invite Ryan and others to move to her home.

Seeing Lumian in the old tavern, Bene was walking on the road in the village with three Pence thugs. Almost at the same time, the black-haired, blue-eyed, muscular civilian also saw Lumian.

His legs trembled involuntarily, and he seemed to recall some kind of terrible pain. Pons, who was looking at Lumian not far away, fell into a daze.

He wanted revenge and was afraid of encountering the last incident again and being broken.

When Ponce Bene hesitated, Lumian showed a bright smile.

"Yo, isn't this my rebellious son?" He strode up to the thug who had drowned Raymond and his three thugs as if to gang up on them.

Seeing this, Peng Si no longer hesitated, and winked at the three thugs beside him to signal them to step up.

The three thugs rushed to Lumian immediately, and took out short sticks, iron bars and other things.

Lumian also accelerated his speed. Seeing that he was about to collide with the three thugs, he suddenly jumped up and jumped over one of them. All three thugs missed, and Lumian caught one of them shoulder, forcibly turned over in mid-air.

At this moment, his back seemed to have turned into an extremely flexible spring to help him grab the enemy abruptly, and completed the subsequent roll with force, a vigorous and free and easy front somersault.

Lumian threw the enemy's hand away and smashed it to the ground.

With a bang, the thug was thrown until his eyes were blackened, and he was in pain all over his body, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

At this time, Lumian fell behind the other two, only seven or eight steps away from Ponce Bene.

He bent down slightly and rushed towards the villain in his heart.

While dodging in a hurry, Peng Sibei shouted loudly, "Hurry up! Stop him!"

The remaining two thugs quickly turned around and chased after Lumian, Ponce returned to Bene also adjusted his mentality and brazenly faced the **** kid, ready to hold him back, and completed the siege.

Just when the two thugs were about to catch up behind Lumian, Lumian, who had intentionally not run with all his strength, suddenly braked and squatted down. The two thugs not only failed to hit the target in the sound of friction, but because they were too late Stopped, tripped by him off balance, fell.

Ponce Bene stumbled with the villain in front of him, and Lumian rushed over like a tiger and grabbed the necks of the two thugs, lifted their bodies and smashed their heads against each other's foreheads.


The foreheads of the two thugs became red and swollen instantly, and they passed out on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lumian threw away the burden, and slid his body halfway to the back of Ponce who had just climbed up. He then grabbed the opponent's arms and folded them back suddenly. There was an extremely painful scream.

"How is it? Isn't it great?" Lumian smiled and asked the curled up Peng Si head, and at the same time mentioned this guy and walked out of the village.

It wasn't long before he reached the river, grabbed Poncebone by the back of the head and forced him into the water.

Gulu hated Gulu for a while, and Lumian mentioned Poncebone's head in the water, turned his face and asked with a smile: "Is it fun to bully others?"

Poncebene's face was covered with drops of water, his expression was extremely painful, his nose and saliva flowed a lot, and he couldn't answer.

"Isn't it great?" Lumi Anche's voice suddenly became louder, grabbed the villain's head, and slammed his forehead into the water and onto the pebbles.

Bright red blood floated out of the water, and Poncebene struggled with his legs but couldn't raise his head.

Gulu Gulu, as time went by, Lumian lifted him up in smaller and smaller ranges.

He stretched out his left hand and patted his face, "I ask you, is it fun to bully people?"

Poncebene's eyes were full of fear, and he didn't know how to answer.

Just then a figure came to the river, it was Pierreberg.

He looked at the miserable Pengsi, and said to Lumian with a gentle tone, "They all belong to the same village, and it's almost rare at this level. You still want to kill him!"

Lumian immediately let go of the palm that was holding the back of Poncebene's head, stood up and said to Pierreberg with a funny smile: "Listen to you, remember to tell this sow raiser, don't bully people anymore."

Before Pierreberg could respond to him, he passed the shepherd and went to Ryan's room on the second floor of the old tavern in the village. He told the three official investigators what his sister thought, and looked at Lia Valentine respectively. After a glance, Rein nodded.

"A very good proposal. In this situation, dispersion means that the power is not enough, and it is easy to be targeted separately."

"We can move to your house right now and go with our luggage." On the way home from Lumian and Orodimer, Liya jingled: "What arrangements do you have for that secret room?"

"Arrangements?" Lumian sneered, "Do you think I can handle that?"

"It seems that you are still more cautious, so I can rest assured." Liya said with a smile.

Ryan added a sentence for her: "We mean that if those things in the secret room are true, then the prime body in our room is the key to the cycle, and they must be manifested in the ceremony of the twelfth night, And if they have nothing to do with the source of the cycle, then why do we take the risk to explore?"

"To put it simply, wait patiently for Twelfth Night?" Lumian asked with some insight.