Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 95: ask

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With the force of Louis Lund's fall, Lumian gently tugged and landed on the driver's seat.

At this time, Franke had replaced Louis Lund, took the reins of the horse, and parked the carriage on the side of the road without lights.

The two cooperated very tacitly just now. Without communicating in advance, one mainly attacked the front and the other sneaked behind. It only took a few seconds to subdue Louis Lund, a Beyonder equivalent to Sequence 8.

"Carry him into the carriage." Franka seemed to have quite a lot of experience in similar matters, and she had her own ideas on how to deal with it later.

Lumian didn't object, picked up Louis Lund, and put him into the carriage of the four-wheeled carriage.

Franka followed behind him, closed the car door casually, and then began to take off her hood and black robe, as if she was going home to change into her nightgown.

Halfway through, she noticed Lumian's slightly puzzled eyes, and then she woke up, and said embarrassingly:

"You carry it on your back."

Lumian could probably guess what Franka wanted to do, so he quickly turned around, looked out the window, and let her play.

A rustling sound sounded behind him and lasted for more than a minute.

I remember that outside my dream, I found out that Louis Lund was having an affair with a man outside the village, and secretly sold some of the collections in the administrator's castle, using this to blackmail me, and obtained Mrs. Puaris's affair with the priest news.

He saw Franca put on her red waistcoat, white tie, and blue dress with a row of yellow buttons, and she held the waxed hat and whip in her hands.

Feeling that the taxi was moving steadily, Zhang Bibin helped Louis and Lund to the opposite position, then took out this bottle of "Veritaserum" obtained from the pervert Hedsey, and poured one-eighth of it for me.

"It's very slow." Nior looked at the "new" coachman of the Empire Carriage Company, Sister Franka, and praised her.

"Yeah, I'm still this old." Luis Lund felt for the passing of his life, "At that time, the curate brought too few people, and you kept getting worse, and a few gardeners died, and they died too. "Witcher", if Madam came back in time, you guys would have escaped too. Hey, these children have all been killed. "

"You need to say it." Nior smiled and pressed his left palm up, "If you want to benefit him, he hasn't become food for stray dogs yet."

Louis Lund was not stunned by the question, and said after a few seconds:

The curate really wanted to get out of bed with Mrs. Pouaris, for a reason, because he believed in this evil **** who represented the harvest, or because he had a few children to play with.

Come to think of it, none of that may be true.

After finishing the camouflage, you take out the eyebrow pencil and other things you carry with you, and apply makeup slowly and steadily, so that the complexion of your face becomes darker and darker, and your eyebrows appear messy, making yourself look like a normal person at a glance. A reasonable woman is one who attracts attention outside the white night illuminated by street lamps and red moon.

Louis Lund, who was stripped down to a linen shirt and a pair of shorts, said with a clear face:

"Really?" Nior resumed the state of the prank king of Kordu Village, "You are obviously helping him to conceal the truth of his crime, how can you be called threatening you?"

"I'll tell him later." Nior blinked and deceived the other party.

"Probably not. Zhang Bibin laughed:

Louis Lund's first reaction was to use his own ability to escape weakly, but he thought that he was attacked from behind afterwards, so he cautiously looked into the window of the carriage. Compared with the other secrets in Mrs. Puares's castle, Louis Lund's affair with men and the sale of collections are as clean and pure as eight meals a day, and I may be threatened because of this.

The light to be said is connected with the shadow in the distance, setting off the sound of the wheels and horseshoes rolling over the road, which is very quiet.

"You will be threatened by him again. My wife forgave you before she knew what you did wrong."

In my opinion, Niort's failure to take any control over himself was a sign that I wasn't confident enough to let myself get away with it.

"Yes, at this time

You want to betray your wife, you are seeking help from the priest of the church, but this is because you still do not understand the insignificance of your mother, and you are still a believer in the false **** "Eternal Blazing Sun", but now, your life comes from your mother, Your future belongs to your mother.

"He!" Louis Lund was startled, remembering what happened just now.

The opponent may be negligent, or there may be omissions, leaving him no chance, but that will definitely be reflected outside the frontal battle.

"His first child died in the curate's attack on the castle?"

"It's possible!" Louis Lund retorted calmly, "Madam, go and say to eliminate them all!"

Uh... curate Were you involved in our raid on the Sheriff's Castle? Otherwise, Louis Lund would have asked that.

Nior was overjoyed and made a joke:

Immediately afterwards, you pull on the rein and let the horse turn from stillness.

So you really got hold of him? Zhang Bibin was not in a daze for a moment.

"Some are the original shepherds, Pierre Bewai, Best Eslone us, some are the mistresses of the parish priest, Sibyl Bewai, Madeleine Benet, Philippa Guillaume Those, and the rest are Ponce Bene and my thugs, you killed a few of them, including the very powerful Best Esloan..

"When I took off his clothes just now, I saw that there were no stretch marks or cesarean wounds under his stomach."

Zhang Bibin believed that it was a peachy adaptation of his own dream to the secret confrontation between the two camps. After all, whether it was the priest of the church or Mrs. Pouaris, both had many lovers, and it was difficult for the subconscious to associate this aspect.

"Where did Madame Puares go?

"Women and men are not allowed, what about this animal?" Nior asked.

It turned out to be like that...

....Thanks for "Veritaserum", what should be said is what should be said, it is a cliché that uses your brains

In reality, you also noticed the weirdness outside the village, and started to do some investigation? Nior nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Sounds amazing, this "bird's nest" is considered a spiritual item, can't it be used in the field of mysticism? "Nior deliberately rambling on, so that the other party can understand what he really wants to ask.

"How many people did the priest bring?" Nior suppressed his concern and asked casually.

"Where are the plants? Where are the stones?" Zhang Bibin was very unacademic.

I looked at the other side in a daze, and saw Nior, who was smiling and sitting leisurely.

Louis Lund sneezed and woke up.

"You are the coachman, he came to ask." Fuzhangbi opened the car door, jumped on it, and moved to the place where Louis Lund was sitting just now.

And my helper can sneak up to people without noticing and launch an attack, the strength can be imagined!

What I'm most worried about afterwards is that Mrs. Puares can use her ordinary ability to impregnate herself in the air.

Niort regretfully changed the subject:

"How does he know?" Louis Lund was shocked, almost stood up and hit his head, "How does he know that you have given birth?"

The carriage of the rental carriage was not too high. Lumian, who was already over 1.8 meters tall, bent his back, lowered his head, and turned back.

"It is conceived together with the child, like a fruit, which is the skin, and the fetus is the pulp, originally one, until it matures and cracks.

"Since the child was conceived through body fluid exchange, how did this bird's nest-like thing outside his stomach come from?"

When the effect of the medicine was over, Nior controlled the urge to directly awaken the target with the ritual silver dagger, and made the target unconscious by pinching the position between the bridge of the nose and the lips, pulling Louis Lund's hair, and scratching the nostrils with the hair. People from the past wake up little by little.

"Yes, yes..." Louis Lund could not give the wrong answer.

Taking advantage of the situation, Zhang Bibin changed the topic just now, and asked badly:

Louis Lund's face is full of doubts

, muttering:

"It doesn't matter whether it's a woman or a man, as long as I have an intimate relationship with you, without the communication of bodily fluids, I will conceive a child according to your wishes."

Louis and Lund were so angry that they laughed:

Louis and Lund, who originally wanted to answer, controlled their desire to tell:

But now, Louis and Lund actually said that I really did something wrong, that I was really threatened by myself!

"You want to know how Madame Puares got them pregnant?

"Since when did he stop understanding the insignificance of his mother? From the birth of this child?"

In your dream, Best Esloan was killed by these eight sheep... In fact, he died in the raid on the administrator's castle? Is there you outside the people Louis Lund said?

Doesn't it mean that the battle scene you saw came from some soul fragments in your body? So, it is enough to say that there are all the scenes and all the participants... Zhang Bibin relaxed a little, and asked with a smile on his face:

"That's called professional! If that row of buttons wastes so little of your time, it can be even slower." Franka muttered as she tucked her long flaxen hair back into the waxed hat.

Madam has thought about similar things, why does the eldest son have such a rich imagination?

"It is one of the main ingredients of some kind of healing potion." Louis Lund said, "It can also be used in a few other ways, such as improving the condition of human skin and providing power to spells.

"How did he know? When did he see it?" Louis Lund asked in amazement.

That's it... Zhang Bibin quietly let out a sigh of relief. "You just want to see old friends."

Ah Choo!

Matched with your straight and delicate nose, slightly flamboyant brown eyebrows, thinner red lips and dull lake-colored eyes, it creates a sense of absurdity and strange beauty that is both coordinated and matched.

During that process, did I remove the other party's joints, and did I tie my hands and feet, assuming a posture of friendly conversation.

After I finished speaking, Niorl sighed sincerely: "What does he want to do?" Louis Lund asked in a deep voice, risking a counterattack.

"He is the most shameful person you have ever seen. Louis Lund recalled:

"You know that he found something normal at this time and wanted to find out the root of the problem, but he did threaten you and obtained some information about Madam from you.

"Okay." Franka's clear voice reached his ears.