Lord of Pets

Chapter 131: Colosseum, defensive battle

The moon outside the window is sparsely lit, and the lights inside the window are bright.

After Jiang Feng took the initiative to add Bai Wushang as a contact person for the watch, he left with the snow lion.

Prior to this, he paid 1.5 times the cost of treatment as promised, and a full 30 points of Secret Energy.

For the extra 15 points, Bai Wushang, Li Guo, and Shen Anqi negotiated together, and finally allocated them according to the proportion of 933.

"Hee hee, it's rare to have a big order, I'm content, let's call it a day!"

Li Guo held the pumpkin with a strange smile and left first.

The No. 7 medical clinic is only the smallest, and there is no late-night stall.

If you need treatment, you can go to other large medical clinics.

So when Bai Wushang witnessed Shen Anqi locking the door, this first time on duty was officially closed.

"It's not bad, it looks like I'm working, but I can actually learn a lot..."

Bai Wushang nodded slightly, quite satisfied.


Busy green and fulfilling college life, day after day.

This is the twelfth day after leaving the trial field.

At five o'clock in the evening, after the second shift of the medical clinic ended.

Bai Wushang put on a brand-new training uniform, turned and walked towards the gate of the Colosseum.

The space inside is really big, dividing a block of sub-areas, even need to use the teleportation array.

Looking around, the decoration style is either resplendent, surrounded by beads, or animal bones, pouring in blood, each has its own characteristics.


The demon ape jumped out of the light gate, with his fangs exposed and his fighting spirit high.

It knows the purpose of this trip.

Except for being abused by Drunken Monkey, it has not participated in real combat for quite a while.

Climbing mountain peaks can also grow.

But it's just a little bit less feeling, less momentum.

Fighting flesh and blood, Fang is the true color of the male ape!

"A Zhou, I've been waiting for a long time."

Bai Wushang's eyes were smiling, also a little excited.

What to do today is very simple.


fighting! !

fighting! ! !

Fight a great battle! !

"The Colosseum is the second most visited training venue for Shanhai Academy, second only to Chongshen Mountain."

"At this stage, Aju is more comfortable in climbing the first peak, and the effect of each practice is also decreasing."

"Next, I will gradually reduce one or two courses, and give part of the time to the Colosseum, so as to make A Zhou evolve into a "three-eyed magic ape" as soon as possible, and obtain a huge improvement in all aspects..."

Bai Wushang's thinking is very clear.

There is also a very important point. He is now in the academy, so don't worry too much about his safety.

However, the channels for obtaining food cells are very limited.

The Colosseum can alleviate this problem.

There are more than fifty different ways to play here.

In each case, the rules are different.

Some focus on fighting, some focus on survival, and some focus on fun.

Students can make a reasonable choice based on the type, strength, and characteristics of their pet beasts.

Of course, no matter what kind of gameplay is not free, you need to pay for secret energy.

If you win, you can refund half of the entrance fee;

On the contrary, all of them are floating.

Bai Wushang asked Jiang Feng earlier, and he has a certain understanding of the most popular gameplay here.

For example, in the "defense battle", the master cannot leave the field, and the beast of the same realm is 1V1, and insisting on five rounds is regarded as a victory.

For example, in the "Chaotic Labyrinth", ten participants enter the underground labyrinth together to explore and survive. They must escape from the exit within a specified time, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure.

Such as "trapped beast cage", pet beasts and multi-headed wild supernatural creatures are kept in a huge cage, and only the prey can be slaughtered before they can leave.


Bai Wushang went around for a while, and was the first to try the defensive battle.

The playing field in this mode is sealed, except for contestants and notaries, outsiders cannot watch the game.

Among the available levels, select the pinnacle of the juvenile body, and pay 10 points of secret energy through a personal watch.

There was almost no need to line up, and it was White's turn to appear without injury.

Go through a passage and walk into a large double-opening iron door.

What appeared in front of me was a three-meter-high circular ring with an area of ​​about two to three thousand square meters, which was cast from porphyry rock.

On the gray matte ground, there are silver-white lines looming, I think it is engraved with reinforcement formations to improve durability.

Bai Wushang first saw a notary wearing the emblem of the Shanhai Academy, sitting on a ten-meter-high chair outside the ring fence, overlooking everything around him.

He was holding a golden hammer in his hand and wearing a black top hat on his head, his eyes were calm and his voice was calm and powerful:

"Please, the third challenger, first grade, Bai Wu hurt!"

"Your opponent, second grade, Tamu Yaba!"

Bai Wushang stepped onto the side of the ring, stood at the entrance, and looked straight ahead.

At the place where his eyes gathered, there was a scarlet lizard lying quietly on the ground, his eyes cold.

It has a body length of more than five meters and a slender tail that occupies two-thirds of the body's length.

The scales on the back of the neck are sharp and raised, and the scales on both sides of the cheeks are diamond-shaped and a bit hideous.

The back is pitted and bumpy, with white heat rising, like a miniature volcano.

[Name]: Salamander (contract)

[Race]: Monster Beast Realm·Crawling·Salamander Clan

[Life level]: the peak of the juvenile body

[Bloodline quality]: mortal bone level 6 stars

[Status]: Minor injury/alert...

[Wisdom]: Very low

[Features]: Fire Poison/Regeneration from Ducking Tail

[Skills]: Fire breathing, tail flick, collision, flame claw, bite...

【Food Cell】: 27

Since being promoted to Soul Servant, Bai Wushang's cognitive eye has changed.

The observation distance is no longer limited to ten meters, but increased to fifty meters.

The increase brought by this distance can be said to be earth-shaking, and finally there is no need to find a way to get closer to the monster.

In addition, for the extraordinary creatures of the complete body level, he can also obtain complete information, and the source of intelligence is further expanded.


The salamander had messy scratches on its back, and even some scales were missing and minor injuries.

But it didn't notice it, and opened its mouth to Bai Wushang.

The crimson tongue is one metre long, and flames spurt out, seeming to be provocative.


The notary rang the golden hammer: "Reiterate the rules, the restrictions on this field are one-on-one, and the pet is alone!"

"A single round is limited to fifteen minutes, and the losing team retreats. The one who wins five rounds in a row is deemed the winner!"

"In principle, life and death are conceited! If you admit defeat~lightnovelpub.net~ the other party is forbidden to attack and kill, if necessary, I will participate in the block!"

"Similarly, the pet beast is forced to be recycled, and it is directly judged as a failure!"

"Above, the game officially begins!"


The demon ape and Bai Wushang were connected, and a leaping leaped into the field.

It was like a hill hitting the ground, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Salamander, breathe fire!"

Across the ring, a tall and thin man with dreadlocks shouted loudly.

The other party obviously has not touched the third level of fit, and still needs to rely on voice to order the pet beast.

Bai Wushang has no such concerns.

But he didn't need to command, he only used weak telepathy to analyze the salamander's characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with A Zhou.

Then, enjoy the violent output of the magic ape.