Lord of Pets

Chapter 746: hateful

"The Lord of the Beast (!

"Can any holy dragon recognize this person?"

Winter Dragon God asked, all the holy dragons looked at each other, all shaking their heads.

Only An Suyi, Foti, Qingying and others frowned and responded in a cautious tone:

"The escaped sin dragon fled to the open area of ​​sin dragon city, so this human being may be a tester from the outer islands?"

"Yes, this possibility is not small, but it takes a little time to investigate and verify."

"That's kind of interesting."

The Winter Dragon God suddenly looked at the fairy dragon, the latter nodded lightly, and the four wings opened a snow-white eye at the same time, gathering on Bai Wushang's body.

"Say, where did the Dragon Slaying Heavenly Son Sword come from? What is your true identity? Why are you linked to the death line?"

After three questions in a row, his eyes turned into pure white Bai Wushang, his expression was sluggish, but his lips were unable to make any sound.

The fairy dragon was stunned for a moment, his face extremely solemn:

"Although I'm not extremely good at the power of the soul, it's a little involved. It's very unreasonable that a mere Heavenly Master-level Master can't spy."

"This human man also has a mysterious power attached to it. It's not easy to forcefully ask for an answer through external force..."

As if thinking about it, the fairy dragon shifted its gaze and randomly landed on the glorious dragon, trying to use the voice of spiritual temptation to make it reveal the truth.

The spell was successful.

But it only stays on the surface, and there are no valuable clues about many hidden things.

"In this case, it should not be directly killed."

Winter Dragon God licked his lips and showed a cruel smile:

"The remnants of the death line should be imprisoned in the deepest part of the Dragon Prison and interrogated by torture. Otherwise, they will die so easily. I'm really sorry for these holy dragons who died tragically."

The Fairy Dragon frowned, but he didn't speak yet, and the Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong readily agreed and recognized the result.

"Very good, this family really makes me hate and disgust. If it wasn't for the rebellion of the Death God, my brother would not have fallen outside the gate of the world. Today, I can see them all slaughtered and get their due retribution. It is really a fast dragon heart."

Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong expresses his true thoughts without any hesitation.

When Bai Wushang woke up, his heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

I tried to wake up the bunny by means of spiritual communication, but I couldn't get any response, and the little guy slept very sweetly.

The Sun Priest Rabbit seems to be hopeless.

Perhaps... He should not have been regarded as a reliance.

And Long Wuji, who was bound on the ground, kept roaring and struggling.

But the chains that Shenhuo had turned into had already locked its body, and every time it struggled, it would be tightened further, leaving a large area of ​​scorch marks, which brought pain like a burning fire.

The three dragon gods looked at them, unmoved, and closed their eyes to sense something.

Soon, the Winter Dragon God smiled, and the crampons cut through the void, pulling out a long river of blood surrounded by mist.

For a moment, the boiling life essence seemed to find a breakthrough and overflowed frantically.

The Central Dragon Temple was actually submerged a little, and the scarlet blood mist fluttered, like a surging river and sea, setting off a gust of wind in the sky.

"It's really a waste of treasure. The stillbirth of the third-turn Divine Phoenix, even if it is used by us, is equivalent to a life. You give this little bone dragon, it is tantamount to ruining the heavens."

The Winter Dragon God muttered to himself, while the Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong snorted coldly, and without hesitation, got into the long river of blood and wandered into the depths.

"No!" Long Wuji roared, struggling desperately, the multicolored divine light violently collided with the crimson flame, and a thunderous sound erupted.

Bai Wushang's eyes were also split. The three dragon gods failed to crack the power of the oath of the dragon of destiny, but they were able to find the hidden entrance to the ancient dragon pond. Is part of the origin of the Death God necklace too weak after all?


In just three breaths, the eclipse Huanglong jumped out of the ancient dragon pond dragging a bright red fetus and returned to the central dragon temple again.

"Damn you! Damn!"

Promoted to the half-step mythology, out of emotional control, Long Wuji, who was absolutely awake, his eyes were red as blood again, and soon he really fell blood and tears.

It screamed, and the flame chains that imprisoned the body actually exploded, and the entire dragon turned into a stream of light that shot straight into the sky.


The sky eclipsed the yellow dragon, which was inevitable, and was knocked off a long distance.

Looking at the very solid flesh and blood, it was a little dim for a moment, and it was no longer so real.

The five-clawed yellow dragon was angry, the divine fire surged from the body, and the earth was more like a volcano about to erupt.

"You're crazy, this is the Dragon Palace! You're going all out to destroy it?"

The Fairy Dragon gave a light drink, flapped the butterfly wings, and sprinkled crystal powder. In the fragrance of the herbs, the volcano stopped and did not really explode.

"It's terrifying, is this the power of mythology?"

The Morrowind Giant Dragon and the Taixu Ancient Dragon wiped off the unwarranted cold sweat on their necks and clamped their tails, giving them a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives.

Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong's anger did not vent, his fierce eyes glared at the fairy dragon, just as he was about to question and scold, the fairy dragon had already fanned his wings, shouted fiercely on Long Wuji's face, and slapped it into a mess. , and then condensed a water column cage and sealed it in it.

"Okay, it's not just right, why bother."

The Fairy Dragon's voice was as clear as a spring, and the Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong glared at her, and smashed its tail into the void, venting the anger in his heart a little in a piercing sonic boom.

"The matter of the fighting clan will be discussed later, but you shouldn't want to protect the bloodline of the **** of death, right?"

Sky Eclipse Huang Longxu narrowed his eyes, showing sharp teeth, and asked coldly.

"Naturally, the descendant who has become an evil dragon **** outside the gate of the realm, and whose blood is flowing, should not exist in this world. In case the evil magic is used in this way, this is the breakthrough within the gate of the realm. When disasters are rampant in Jiexi, neither you nor I can afford this responsibility."

The fairy dragon seems to be used to it, or it may have been expected long ago. When it comes to the question of the eclipse Huanglong, he is calm and answered very simply~lightnovelpub.net~ That's good. "The Heavenly Eclipse Huanglong withdrew his somewhat ferocious expression, and turned to remind the Winter Dragon God on the other side:

"Let's do it together. I'm worried that the power of a clone cannot completely destroy this unformed embryo. It must be obliterated without dead ends. From spirit to bone, it must not be given a chance to resurrect!"

Hearing such words, on the earth, the imprisoned black dragons of despair, fiery spirit dragons, and storm and rain dragon kings, all of them were bloodshot, gnashing their teeth and hearts, and under their anger, endless sadness rushed out.

"Have we failed in the end? Little Ancestral Dragon's congenital foetus was filthy, and he was already in trouble. Now he finally found a chance to Nirvana, but we have to face destruction again. Your honor... We are too weak, too useless, even You can't take care of your only bloodline, hateful! Hateful!"

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