Lord of Pets

Chapter 81: return

   came to the back of the whale.

  The whale's back is very soft, with some tiny raised round holes, like some kind of special biological organs.

   Step on it, like cotton coated with sugar, a bit sticky, but very comfortable.

   "Look, the seventh person is here!"

   "Hey, isn't this a self-awakened one? Is it called Bai Wushang? I have an impression!"

   A few whispers came into my ears.

   Bai Wuhuo turned his head and looked.

   A total of six people, five men and one woman, none of them knew each other.

   The clothes are generally embarrassed, or dusty, or cloth strips are tied to the arms and legs, and they seem to have been injured.

   But their eyes are very energetic, and their eyes are filled with excitement and pride.

   Not surprisingly, they are all freshmen who insisted on fifteen days and finally achieved perfect clearance!

   Bai Wuhuo nodded slightly.

   The same is true for the other party, with obvious curiosity.

   What will be the pet beast of the contract of the self-awakening person?

   "No injury, come and sit. The whale bird also has a feature called "steady airflow". It can control the air flow around it. You won't fall down even if you roll over here, so you don't have to worry about safety. "

   Xiao Tieshi sits in the center of the whale and smiles brightly at Bai Wushang.

   "When I finish searching the last area of ​​Proving Ground No. 9, you can return to the academy. Youth, is beckoning to you! Ah~"


   Ten minutes later, the whale hovered in the air.

   Soon, a man and a woman climbed up the rope.

   Bai Wuhuan raised his brows, he was quite familiar with the two of them.

   One is a young man with slanted bangs, the lord of the stinky mud beast.

   Bai Wushang once suspected that he was Wang Wen.

  The other is his partner, a curly-haired woman who signed a contract with Pepper Butterfly. She has a very **** body and a mediocre appearance.

   The other party recognized Bai Wushang, showing a slightly wrong expression, and taking it for granted.

   The curly-haired woman ran over immediately and asked pitifully, "May I take the liberty to ask, the cat demon... is it dead?"

  The young man with grassy gray diagonal bangs paced to the side and sighed:

"It's true that we ran away and saw you and Luo Bing and the others fighting from a distance, but...we are no longer capable of fighting and dare not approach at all, and there is a salamander staring at us secretly. We can only Hurry away..."

"Now I can see you, but I don't see Luo Bing and them. I think you insisted till the end... We don't want to do anything. We just want to know if the cat demon is dead. After all... after all, our companion died in the hands of the cat demon. , This is a big blow to us..."

   Bai Wushang glanced at him calmly, and both of them looked at him hopefully.

   Especially curly-haired women with tears in the corners of their eyes, I want to come in just a few days, the feelings in their team are quite good, otherwise they won't be so gloomy.

   "The cat demon is dead, and the deceased is gone, so try your best to be sorrowful..."

   "Really? That's great! Otherwise, I really don't know how to come back for revenge, Gillian... Gillian... She's still pretty old, alas..." The curly-haired woman couldn't stop her tears.

  The young man with slanted bangs in grassy gray gave a grateful look to Bai Wushang, then patted the curly-haired woman on the back, and pulled her aside to sit down:

   "I am also to blame, the plan is still a bit sloppy, and I am also responsible..."

   After a conversation, people around me heard more or less.

   The original five men and one woman suddenly became a little stunned, listless, and I don't know whether they thought of the dangers they encountered these days, or felt that things are impermanent, and they have a new understanding of life.

   Xiao Tieshi was silent, smiling, as if he had seen himself at the beginning.

   Everyone was young, no one was hesitated, no one had an accident.

  Only one step forward can you break through the clouds and see the sky again!

The essential purpose of    trial is not to teach everyone to recognize this?

  Becoming a master is just the beginning.

   How can you realize your own insignificance if you don't suffer a bit or experience some pain?

  The road to the future is still long!

one hour later.

   The whale bird landed slowly.

   Proving Ground No. 9 In the end, only nine people survived to the end.

   Xiao Tieshi is familiar with it easily, opening a secret enchantment.

   A small teleportation circle with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of him.

   "You all stand up, go back to the college, naturally someone will come to meet you."

   "I have to go to the next trial site, so I won't be with you."

   After the words fell, Xiao Tieshi stood solemnly and shouted at everyone:

"Get up all your spirits! Remember, that the freshman trial can last until the end, which shows that you are working hard and lucky enough, but luck will not always favor you, and hard work is what you should persist in doing! have you understood?!"


   Everyone can feel the boiling aura of this middle-aged tutor, with inspiration, vigilance, and deep anticipation.

  The new college life is about to begin!

   The dense white light swallowed everyone, after a while.

   Bai Wuhuo opened his eyes.

   At this time, he was in a hall, about a thousand square meters, with a high ceiling, and crystal ornaments everywhere, shining brightly.

   There are a few women wearing golden sun medals on their chests, seemingly aware of the changes in the formation, and immediately walked around the corner.

   Before they even approached, they paused slightly, and there was a hint of surprise on their pretty faces~lightnovelpub.net~This year's juniors and younger sisters, are they so awkward?

   What's in such a big bag?

   That's right, before starting the formation, Xiao Tieshi directly threw Bai Wushen's animal skin bag into it.

   This also led to the fact that the nine people had to shrink into a ball and cling to each other tightly.

   Bai Wushang smiled awkwardly, and immediately summoned the demon ape to carry the huge animal skin bag.


  Aju looked around in all directions, surprised and terrified.

   It's the first time to walk into the city when it is accompanied by the forest.

   Even though Bai Wushang had comforted him in advance, the scene before him still shocked his cognition severely.

   It turns out that the house is like this.

   It turns out that there are so many beautiful girls...

   "Hello students, brothers and sisters, first of all congratulations to you for successfully passing the first hurdle of admission. From a moment on, you can be regarded as full members of Shanhai Academy."

   A tall and tall Yu Jie's skirt fluttered over, and she glanced at everyone in the circling light, focusing on Bai Wushang and Mo Yuan.

   Her tone is very polite, but everyone vaguely perceives that her spirit power aura is extremely strong, at least she is the master of the soul servant class.

   While secretly surprised, listened quietly to what she said——

  "Next, the first thing to do is a "physical examination", not only to pet the beast, but also to do it. "

"You have just finished an adventure. Many people's pet beasts have been injured, and we are members of the medical department of the academy. We each have certain healing abilities, such as the recovery of secret techniques, or the pet beasts of our own contract are good at treatment."

   "You don't need to have any worries. This is funded by the academy. The reward given to every qualified person is the benefit you deserve!"