Lord of Pets

Chapter 999: Lord of the White Dragon and Lady Crow

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"Miss Crow, do you know each other?"

At this moment, the fool can also see that Miss Crow seems to know this little rabbit.

In other words, she and Commander White Dragon are probably old acquaintances.

"That's it."

Ji Yuying was vague and looked at the white rabbit mask on the opposite side. After judging that he was also hiding his identity, he was half teasing and half supporting:

"This is a distant cousin and uncle who is fifty years older than me. I didn't expect to meet here... It's a coincidence."

uncle? ? ?

The age difference of one year is fifty times more than that of you... As expected of His Royal Highness Yuying!

Bai Wushang twitched the corners of his mouth, and it took a full two seconds to recall the name.

In line with the truth that the cheapness must be taken for granted, he sighed in a sighing tone:

"Yeah, I changed your diaper back then. I didn't expect your niece to grow so big in a blink of an eye."

"If your father knew about your outstanding performance on the battlefield, he would be very pleased. Make an appointment at that time, have a good drink, and have a chat..."

"..." Miss Crow couldn't take it anymore, she always felt like she had dug a hole for herself.

With a wave of his arm, he turned the conversation, pointed at Bai Wushang and said firmly:

"Aunt Pan, Elder Ye, Elder Xu, I've decided!"

"I want to join the White Dragon Camp and follow my uncle!"

"Then... don't you think about it again?"

Guling didn't expect the situation to suddenly develop to another angle, so she deliberately discouraged:

"Miss Crow, the White Dragon Commander is certainly excellent, and he is expected to be promoted to the land character in a short period of time."

"But he hasn't grown up yet, and his core combat power is unlikely to reach the peak of a few heroic commanders."

"If you follow him rashly, it will only increase his pressure, not necessarily help."

"Yeah." Conan supported this point, and said with concern:

"If the Beast God Mountain knows that there are two underdeveloped super elites in a legion, it only needs to dispatch one or two orc kings to hunt them down."

"Even if the price is the fall of the emperor, comparing the two future top saints, no matter how you think about it, it will be a huge reward."

"There are too many similar cases in history for reference. The Master who did not climb enough ranks and died in the middle, no matter how talented the first half of his life was, no matter how good his luck was, it was only a mirror image, and at most it appeared inadvertently in the annals of history..."

"This is indeed a problem..." Miss Crow did not evade, and generously recognized the concerns of the seniors.

Just recognition is recognized, it does not mean that it must be followed.

She looked at Commander Bailong, who was a hundred meters away, and smiled sweetly under the mask and said:

"My good uncle, do you think that if I follow you, my safety will be guaranteed?"

"No one below the Holy Venerable can kill me, above the Holy Venerable, be careful, there is a chance to escape..." Bai Wushang pretended to ponder, and then said firmly.

"It seems that uncle is doing well. If you are a niece, then hug your thighs!"

Ji Yuying made a decision immediately and never gave other people a chance to dissuade her.

She even had to conversely persuade the three generals of the Feilong Battalion to fight for it further:

"Aunt Pan, Elder Ye, Elder Xu, why don't you all come to Bailong Camp together."

"My uncle can still be a human being. Once he makes a promise, he will fulfill it with all his strength, and he will never give up his words."

"You join as soon as possible, the more benefits you will get, and maybe you can broaden the path of the Holy Venerable..."

Ye Fei, Pan Xuan, and Xu Changen looked at each other, and there was a brief silence.

After a while, Ye Fei shook his head, spit out turbid air and said:

"Miss, I'm not going."

"The White Dragon Camp is newly built, and it lacks too much in all aspects. I don't want to get angry with the burden on the team."

"Let's part with this, I will go to the angry dragon or the wild dragon, participate in a more intense battle, and find ways to avenge Commander Mo..."

"Miss, I'll be with you." Pan Xuan's eyes fell on the little rabbit on Bai Wushang's shoulder, and she smiled lightly:

"I believe in your vision, and I am willing to do my part to act as your guardian before you become a master."

"The old man is also willing to follow Miss Crow." Xu Changen thought about it the longest, but when he made a decision, ten horses couldn't pull it back:

"That's it, Lao Ye takes away 30 percent of the remnants and assigns them to the Tianzi Camp."

"Another 20%, go to the land, replenish their troops."

"The remaining 50%, follow me and Xiao Pan to join the White Dragon Camp and execute the battle orders of the White Dragon Lord."

"Twenty percent?"

Mo Rhetoric was wailing in his heart. Miss Crow knew Commander White Dragon, and this horizontal kick would probably prevent other corps from getting soup.

But hearing such a distribution ratio, he cheered up and became active again.

20% is not a low percentage.

Compared with the average combat power of the Flying Dragon Battalion, this power might be able to hold up a word or two.

"Just decide!"

Mingdu Wu Lao and Bai Wushang have cooperated, and they appreciate such potential stocks in their hearts and make a decision.

Conan from the Furious Dragon Camp, Guling from the Barbarian Dragon Camp, and the twisted melon is not sweet, and in silence, agreed with the result.


hours later.

There were about a hundred people, and the mighty merged into the quarters of the White Dragon Camp.

Shu Yiyi, Ye Chopsticks, Ye Wan... These heroic masters who were unable to enter the coach's tent to listen in, were a little dizzy.

what's the situation……

How did the commander get so many people?

Looking around, there is not a single earth division, and the weakest is the middle stage of the heaven division.

Among them, there are a total of twenty-five people, accounting for one-fourth of the proportion!

"The commander is awesome..."

Aqi can only use the simplest language to praise the Lord of White Dragon.

The number of these newly merged masters is the same as that of the White Dragon Camp headquarters, but their combat power is likely to more than triple.

In particular, the two leaders are both at the peak of the hero, and both have a secondary holy beast of the same level.

Such a person is more than enough to be the commander of the battalion directly.

To be willing to obey the call of the Lord of the White Dragon and be willing to subdue others, how much charisma is this, or how precious a gift can it be to achieve this result?

Aqi doesn't know.

But he was sure that the orc materials for his research in the future ~lightnovelpub.net~ could pile up into a hill.


A super loud cry sounded from the sky, a behemoth with a wingspan of 120 meters and a huge one eye, silently overlooking the figures on the ground.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you."

Miss Crow raised her chin, proudly puffed out her initially large chest, and said in a hurry:

"Commander Mo has fallen, but he still has two main beasts alive."

"One of them followed Ye Fei, and the other, this legendary 1-star "One-Eyed Whale Dragon" with the peak of the monarch body, is willing to shelter me. "

"In other words, I'll take another peak combat power, and use my own power to greatly strengthen the combat power ratio of the White Dragon Camp... Should you thank me?"
