Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1151: The road of 2 to 1

The host's nervous hands were sweaty.

After all, this is an incredible attempt, and only success is known by failure.

He has tried reducing zombies to nutrients, re-editing genetic material to grow them into ants, or other species.

But he never changed people.

From humans over one meter tall to miniature humans over one centimeter tall.

The height and shape of miniature humans are calculated systematically. This height is very good for ants, just like the comparison of humans with donkeys and horses.

In this way, humans are no longer maggots raised by ants, but can actively participate in various labors and be closely linked with ants.

If this plan works, it also means that the ant civilization has taken a turning point and embarked on a completely different path.

It also means that the ten dead human beings will regain their vitality and gain unprecedented development opportunities.

If human beings are miniaturized, they must be able to be integrated into the ant society. With human means and the assistance of the host, they must be able to tame the ants, making them horse-like cattle and sheep.

No matter how bad it is, white-skinned people and black-skinned people can live and work together.

After the miniaturization, the world's materials are abundant to the extreme. Before the ants do not become a "zerg", there is no possibility of conflicts between humans and resources.

As long as the host survives for one day, this situation will not occur.

Taking a step back, even if the host dies, a new host will appear and take over.

Under the premise that no war will break out, in order to obtain more resources at a faster rate, the two communities must be working together.

Human beings are best at plagiarism and plagiarism.

Oh no, there must be our teacher in the threesome.

Human beings are good at learning. They will imitate the speciality of other life, and then integrate this speciality into themselves.

This coincides with the nature of life being copied-Xi Tong found another argument.

Humans and ants coexist for a long time, and they will surely quickly grasp the characteristics of ants.

Especially with the help of the host's inner ghost, which is the top of the ant, all the ants' unique skills and secrets are equivalent to the open book exam.

Fermentation, architecture, pheromone and other abilities will all be continuously transformed into human abilities.

These abilities are in the hands of ants, and must be copied and repeated day after day, year after year.

But in the hands of human beings, the sparks of inspiration continue to collide, inferior to others, blue and blue.

By that time, mankind must have developed a strong scientific and technological force and a complete production system, and firmly control everything, and the ants will have no future.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the miniaturization is successful and it can be popularized on a large scale.

People always walk around the door to success, but they never pass the threshold.

At this time, someone needs to kick him very hard in order to get him in place.

Xitong is the one who kicked that kick.

He instilled a series of knowledge and experience into the host of the ant system, and even took over two coffin-type cultivation chambers.

The concept of ant system host is right, but there is still 25,000 miles to go between concept and success.

In this process, it is bound to be piled with dead mountains and infused with blood.

But now, one step is in place.

Two toxins paralyzed the nerves, and the consciously lethargic old man was softened and melted in a special liquid.

Yes, it melts.

Although they still maintain the shape of a human, their body organs and tissues have become suspension-like things.

Like a handful of soil sprinkled into the water, it will briefly stay on the water surface and in the water body, and may also show a flocculent, band-like picture.

But eventually it will settle to the bottom.

It's just that the special liquid prevents the suspension from settling, so that they remain suspended in their original position and remain in their original state.

The two old men were like insects in amber.

The only difference is that the insects are dead, and they are still alive.

The special ants working in the fermentation tower enter the liquid like dumplings and smoothly reach the position of the human suspension.

They didn't start off a wave, any slight tremor would cause the liquid to undulate and ripple.

Immediately, they organized and purposefully swallowed the cells in the suspension.

All they swallow are cells that are inactive and in poor condition, or cells that have aged or even died.

Fortunately, the human body has been melted, the nervous system and flesh and bone have been completely peeled off, and there is no pain. Otherwise, even if it does not hurt, it will be scared to death by this scene of ants.

As the ants gnawed, the range of the human suspension quickly narrowed, and various waste impurities were stripped out by the ants, either floating up or being precipitated to the bottom.

What remains in the middle is only the most vigorous, healthy and active life essence in the human body.

Put another way.

The host's move was to restore the two elderly people to their deoxyribonucleic acid state and edit their genetic information again.

Height, weight, body type, etc.

The materials and construction methods of muscles, bones, and nerves.

In the process, the host also borrowed the body composition of many insects to strengthen the two ethnic groups.

There is no blind accumulation of data.

It is to strengthen the human body within the scope of demand, so that they can adapt to the light, temperature, humidity, etc. underground.

It takes ten months to conceive a human, but ten minutes is enough to conceive a one-centimeter person.

The essence of life constantly squirms and jumps, the inflation seems to expand and grow, and it becomes a human-shaped outline at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, internal and external organs were perfected, and each organ was connected and adjusted to coordinate and synchronize.

Fish out.

Soon, the special ants working in the fermentation tower carried the villain on their backs, and then floated up.

The host turned into an ant's body, and looked down at the miniaturized tribe lying on the ground.


He walked over, the tentacles lightly rested on the chest of the clan, and then a bioelectricity passed over.

The people twitched in their dreams.

The quiet vitality suddenly started. He opened his eyes sharply, his eyes turned flexibly to the left and right, while trying to control his fingers and toes.

"Your body has just taken shape and your bones are still soft.

After speaking, the host turned around and lowered his head with his tentacles and came to another tribe.

This also succeeded ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Both peoples have completed the miniaturized transformation.

They faded away without losing their shape.

They are no longer human, but they still inherit human civilization and continue to develop and improve.

Xi Tong looked at this scene.

From beginning to end, from subtle to long-term.

Previous attempts to level new humans in the world have failed.

The [new] shadow of the Zerg was seen in the ant system.

Both paths failed.

But now, the two roads are merged into one.

Xi Tong saw hope again and gave birth to expectations.

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