Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 136: Consecration of Death Warsong

Xi Xitong didn't know the rampant that happened on the shopping website, and he didn't know the freak happened offline.

Of course, even if you know it, you won't care, and you can't intervene.

Self-cultivation Qi Jia governs the country, the first two are his own business.

Xi Xitong has no family, and the only thing he can care about is himself-of course, and Tamil!

Before the silver hammer leader conquered the plateau barbarians, he hid Tibetan mastiff and covered up, but after the Caucasians went south, the silver hammer leader directly greeted the plateau barbarians to enter his territory for defense.

Tamil had previously received the envoys of the southern countries in the Silver Hammer Stone Court, the main city of the Silver Hammer Colleague. Ive felt that there was nothing wrong with this. The people of the Silver Hammer Colleague took it for granted, and the foreign envoys were delighted.

This is the result of their dreams. The plateau barbarians are going to attack the back of the Caucasians. This is the dawn of the civilized world, the smile of the goddess of victory!

Yanshi is famous-this is Xi Tong's intention to change the course of history and cut the Caucasus Mountains!

Without the Caucasus going south, the barbarians entering the civilized world will inevitably be watched and watched by all countries. Even if it is not difficult to do in the future, it will inevitably be difficult.

The plateau barbarians are indeed capable of hitting ten, but the civilized world is densely populated and has a large population. On average, one barbarian has to hit a hundred or more.

But with the name of a teacher, the plateau barbarians almost went smoothly, without any hindrance.

Moreover, the army of barbarians is self-sufficient and has no intrusions on the villages and towns along the way. The military discipline is better than 99% of the civilized world army, which further enhances the image of barbarians and promotes their reputation.

On the Gao Plateau, more and more savages dragged their families and even moved their families to come and take refuge in the Titan Kingdom.

Tamil has no doubts about the use of people, and the suspects don't need to. They directly hand over the plateau city (crazy wolf camp and tyrannosaurus camp) to the former silver hammer lord Mond to take care of them, and order them to accept and organize the barbarians they trust and manage them uniformly. Materials for each camp.

Almost completely dumped the rear to Mond.

Maybe some people may wonder if it would be too hasty to do so. After all, Mond is a thorough egoist, with a strong ambition in his bones.

However, Tamil has his own unique wisdom in this matter:

First of all, Mond has excellent abilities, and his wrist is fierce. Otherwise, he cannot smash the silver hammer collar for forty years, and make it bigger and stronger. Military failure cannot obliterate his internal capabilities.

Secondly, Mond did not have a small amount of popularity and foundation in the highland city. If he rebelled, except for a dozen family knights, he would almost be the enemy of the world. Barbarians could not follow him to attack his compatriots.

In the end, Mond's control of the plateau city will bring the effect of buying gold and recruiting gold.

After all, the silver hammer collar and the plateau barbarians have been fighting for more than a hundred years. The festival on both sides is well known, at least the barbarians who are thousands of miles away are familiar.

After taming the Lord Lord of the Silver Hammer, not only did he not kill him, but he also entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. What other worries about the barbarians who had doubts about trust?

Even just to look at this old rival, today's prisoner is worth a trip to the plateau city.

Of course, there is another reason that is not humane:

The silver hammer collar is already under Tamil's butcher knife. Unless Mond is desperate to do something regardless of his wife, children and hundreds of ethnic people, he will work harder than anyone to prove himself. Value for a better tomorrow for the people.

Facts have proved that Tamil's decision is extremely wise. If this matter is given to anyone other than Mond, it will definitely be a claw scratching his head and making a mess.

It is also because of the administration of Monde that the savage people who flocked in the highland city gathered and settled, and the old, weak women and children were concentrated. The half-old children went to Xianzun Valley to receive cultural influence and military training. , Looking all the way to the south to find large troops.

That ’s why Tamil in the Silver Hammer Stone Garden receives as many as seven or eight hundred new troops every day.

The new barbarians fell to their knees at Tamil's feet, receiving blessings from the Lord God of the system (head-to-head killing), and becoming glorious people of the Titan Kingdom.

Today, in addition to the barbarians, there is another force loyal to Tamil-Death Warsong Mercenary Regiment.

The old mercenaries of the previous generation struggled all their lives, and finally won an open space in the northern part of the civilized world, establishing cities, attracting refugees, and building their own territories.

After the death, the older generation of mercenaries handed over power, retired from retirement, passed the territory to their nephew and younger generations, and hoped to pass it on for generations.

However, the Death Warsong mercenary group made an extremely wrong but wise decision-attacking the silver hammer collar.

The mistake was because they had done their best, causing the defensive emptiness in the territory and being flattened by the cavalry.

Wu Yingming was also because they were the best, and the younger generation went to the battlefield to sharpen, so they saved the tinder and were not simmered by the Caucasians.

The territory of the Death Warsong Mercenary Corps was the first to be occupied. No living mouth was left in the territory. The Death Warsong Mercenary Corps was full of blood and tears, but to no avail.

I looked at the 800 mercenaries who were kneeling in front of me, and Tamil was so impressed.

In addition to the extraordinary power of the entire Titan continent, he knew the origin of the Caucasus gap.

Tamil is very grateful for the opportunity created by the Lord God of the system. If not, it will be very difficult for him to go south to conquer the civilized world.

The Titan Protoss has a saying: One will succeed!

的 The first piece of dead bone under the Tamil throne is the ancestor of the Death Warsong Mercenary Group, but Tamil has no extra mercy.

After all, the two sides were still at war then.

Of course, Tamil will not resist the Death Warsong Mercenary Corps because of these holidays.

After all, they are now kneeling at their feet and loyal.

"I, the lord of the system, the bearer of the will on earth, the king of barbarians, the king of the Titan Kingdom, the guardian of the silver hammer, Tamil Fury, accept your allegiance!"

"Now choose the way you dedicate your loyalty: hire, or surrender?"

800 people bowed their heads and fisted their chests almost at the same time, "May I surrender to my king and praise the Lord of the system! Pledge allegiance, and have no regrets in this life!"

The death warsong mercenary group had unified their thoughts before coming.

There are more and more barbarians on the plateau with silver hammers, and they want to know their purpose with their ass. If the army goes south, will it let a powerful fighting force, and the 800-member mercenary regiment that once attacked the silver hammer collar sway in the rear?

Moreover ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Death Warsong Mercenary Corps has lost everything, equipment supplies have not been settled, where to eat when the army supplies are used up, I do n’t know where to eat. Siege.

In the end, they longed for revenge, but the Caucasians were too powerful. Even if they were to fight to death to 800, they would cause little damage to the Caucasians.

But joining the Titan Kingdom is different.

All the problems in front of me are easily solved. Even if the barbarians use them as cannon fodder, it is also their unwilling wish. They will only be grateful, and no one will hate it.

They are dead men, and they are treated like death, just like the names of their mercenary regiments!

Please die!


As long as the barbarians give them a meal and configure a set of armored weapons, they will desperately lay out a blood path for the barbarians.

At the same time, Xitong's mind jingled constantly, more frequently than before when the elves sacrifice.

Hanbing vindictive!

Reckless bullfight!

Saint Yin vindictive!

Furious flames!

Canglang vindictive!

Uh ...

And the plateau savages pay attention to the practice of physical training in different ways. The human body in the civilized world is weak, so they develop strengths and avoid weaknesses. They have developed a combative cultivation system.

800 people this wave of sacrifices, vigor and skills, add up to a total of 120 books, the sacrificial success rate of 15%, all races before the explosion!

Xi Xitong was shocked. Is this mercenary regiment completely crazy? It is even more terrifying than fanatics!

Immediately, Xi Tong exulted in his heart and finally was able to teach the exercises unscrupulously.