Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 35: He opened the wall to hang out

Xi Xitong jumped up to the second floor, hid a corner in advance, and waited for the opportunity to sneak in Ye Yeruo's black bodyguard.

However, when Xi Tong jumped out, what appeared to him was not a confused expression, but two black hole muzzles.

I didn't hesitate, and the muzzle flickered.

The wild foot suddenly launched, Xi Tong's legs swelled in a circle instantly, and the strength of his lower limbs had doubled.

The flat red carpet under his feet twisted into a ball, and Xi Tong rolled back to the wall.


I turned out to be a gun!

As a Chinese, Xi Tong has never heard any gunshots except in movies and games, let alone face the muzzle directly.

In the future world, everyone is high-powered, cold weapons are the king, guns are invisible weapons, and their lethality is not as good as that of masters.

Therefore, the experience from Zhao Dachuan has almost nothing related to firearms. There is neither a method of use nor a countermeasure.

"The target thigh was shot, I shot him two shots."

目标 "Target is in area 2, on the corridor outside Master's room."

"Request an attack."

"Roger that!"

Listening to no communication and report from the gunman, Xi Tong cursed in his heart.

I was too naive, thinking that God was unaware of the ghost, but in fact had long been under the surveillance of others, and was counted by the other party.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, Xi Tong's heart tightened suddenly.

Behind me is a corridor more than ten meters long, except for jumping windows, I can only run through the corridor.

However, the other side carefully hunted, how can there be no arrangement at the end of the promenade?

If you choose the promenade yourself, the two gunmen behind you can aim and shoot comfortably. You can't run past the bullet no matter how fast you run.

Footsteps are close, time can not be considered, Xi Tong has even heard the other party's long breathing sound.

The lame step stopped, obviously, the other party also noticed Xi Tong's position.

The backs of the two gunmen in black cling to the wall, communicating with eyes and gestures.

They cooperated tacitly and nodded in just a second.

It was precisely this second that became their death knell.


As if Kaishan explosives exploded in the ear, the gunman in black near the corner felt a pain in the head before he could react, and then he felt dark.

Another gunman in black widened his eyes in disbelief.

Because he saw a bulge on the wall, a dark fist broke through the wall with a radial crack.

The head of the first gunman was like a watermelon under a roller. The blood and brain burst instantly, dunked a wall, and filled the mouth of the surviving gunman.

I didn't have time to gag. The gunman in black shot at the wall, and smoke and dust filled in instantly.


The light tube on the top of the corridor was hit by a small stone and burst instantly, and the surrounding area immediately went dark.

The gunman in black raised his head subconsciously, and the next moment, Xi Tong rolled to the ground, not waiting for a powerful sweeping leg.

Xi Tong mastered hot blood boiling and drunk a lot of holy water. His physical strength reached 5 times that of adult males. After absorbing the dragon crystal of Red Dragon, Xi Tong's physical strength broke through again, 19 times that of adult males.

Coupled with the improvement of the wild foot, the strength of the lower limbs is nearly 40 times infinite, and the power of one leg is close to 5 tons.

The sniper had no room to resist, and the tibia of the left leg first contacted by Xi Tong shattered instantly, then the right leg.

Under the impact of the huge force, the gunman's body slammed on the wall severely, and then ejected back at a faster speed, and he slammed on the ground.

The dark fist slammed head-on, crushing all obstacles, leaving a deep gravure on the floor.


"He can't run!"

The bodyguards in black appeared at the end of the corridors on both sides of the corridor. Before they came, Xi Tong drew a small hole into a large hole with a wall, and then drilled into it shortly. By the way, they also took two guns and several magazines.

来到 Carefully came to the companion's body, and the bodyguards in black widened their eyes unbelievably.


Both legs were rolled like a tank, his head completely disappeared, leaving only a large pool of fuzzy flesh and blood brain.

If this is a well-prepared killing scene, it's OK, but from the time the gunshot was heard to now, 20 seconds before and after, the target has no time to fiddle with the body.

In other words, the tragedy of the corpses is the cause of their death, not the later treatment.

"Captain, are we really fighting humans?"

Captain voice was extremely firm, "Yes!"

"Captain, the goal is to hang through the wall!"

It's not easy to hang out, but it's true to pass through the wall.

The factory building is a reinforced concrete building. The main load-bearing frame is hard and firm, and it cannot be shaken by earthquakes.

But other partitions are brick and tile structures, and some are even plate structures. This kind of wall is no different from Xitong to paper paste.

一条 A dead end ahead?

Just open a hole!

No key for security door?

不 Stolen the lock cylinder?

I wonder where to go?

Mondo goes wherever he wants!

越来越 More and more bodyguards in black gathered in the corridor. Listening to the constant booming sound in the hole in the wall, they looked at each other.

In the past, the icy touch of guns would bring them strong courage and self-confidence, but now, this icy cold will only continue to devour the heat of their bodies and kill the courage that rushes through their hearts.

This is simply a monster!

Xi Xitong knew, however, that he was still a human.

I can hurt, bleed, and ache. The only difference is that I don't cry easily.

Xi Tong was shot, and two bullets were deeply embedded in the muscles on the front of the thigh, only four or five centimeters away from the knee.


A little further down, it will break the kneecap, making Xi Tong completely incapacitated.

Although it is painful, it does not affect the action much.

After all, the pain of tearing the thigh roots has been tolerated. This skin injury is nothing.

Moreover, due to the absorption of the power of the Red Dragon, Xi Tong's muscle strength has greatly increased, and his self-healing ability has also been incredible improved.

After only a minute, the wound showed signs of closing and closing.

After a few more minutes, the wound will close.

It's just that the bullet is still embedded in the body. If the wound is closed, it will be disgusting for a lifetime like closed acne.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not a problem!

Xi Xitong stroked the wound and was able to launch.

Dingding twice, the bullet was thrown out.

Also “taken out” were dust and dirt entering the wound, infected and necrotic tissue.

Now, you just need to wait for recovery, there is the power of the red dragon, and it will be fully recovered in a few minutes.

Smearing the blood on his hand, Xi Tong secretly said in his heart. With this hand alone, it is not impossible for him to be transferred to a doctor in the future. He may even become a divine doctor comparable to Ye Yiruo.

Alas, the battles behind will be more intense and more dangerous. It is necessary to get more holy water of life, otherwise the blood will be boiled out once injured.

"System, issue an urgent task to Tamil, let him get more holy water. 100,000 rush, can greatly increase the purchase price!"

Tamil, who was celebrating the feast, suddenly stared.

Because a row of **** handwritings appeared in his mind, accompanied by a sound of death and despair:

For urgent tasks, collect at least 1,000 barrels of holy water in 30 minutes.

Complete the mission and reward 100,000 dragon coins!

完成 Overdone, double the reward!

Mission failed, erase!

Countdown: 29:59

"Praise the Lord of the system, thank you for your generosity!"

"Wow ha ha, I'm getting rich!"

Tamil lost the roasted dragon meat, turned over the table with a kick, and shouted excitedly with the sword.

"Everyone, come together! Come together!"

The system was suddenly hurt. His rendering was clearly horror. How did it come to Tamil to become a comedy?

No, no, no, he looks more excited and uplifted than watching comedy.

Is my true talent ...