Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 370: How to assign the first night right

Cut the red pupil world, the only thing that can be compared with the Eastern Empire is the Western Empire.

However, as far back as a thousand years ago, Western empires have become symbols, and they can only be used in historical scrolls.

The splendid western empire has long collapsed in the endless harassment and attack of the surrounding barbarians, and its huge body has become a feast for the barbarians.

And these barbarians have one thing in common-the belief that gods have wings.

It was the angel who helped these barbarians: equipment, supplies, technology, and even blood.

In today's western world, there are many countries and many lords. Castles are the natural rule, and lords are undoubtedly kings.

At this moment, a white male with hair as bright as gold and eyes as clear as the sky. A white male sitting on a chair with a 12-colored gemstone on the back of the chair, shaking a crystal goblet in his hand. Smelling the blood in the cup deeply.

Around the long table in front of him were sitting twelve men of the same hair color and complexion.

The thick golden sacred light permeated the room, and there was no shadow under the sacred light. However, everyone in this room exudes a wicked and evil atmosphere, just like a demon in human skin.

首 The first person under the main head stood up and said, "Father, wheat will mature in another month. Is this year's tax still 50%?"

The housekeeper put down the wine glass, and raised the corners of his mouth to bring out a smile full of light and charm, but the blood on his lips was still dry, and the smile seemed a little grim.

"The lambs are too full, and their beliefs have fallen recently. The taxes are raised by 10%."

What the Lord needs is not wheat, but faith.

If the lambs are too full, they will not think ahead, and only if they are tortured by hunger and cold can they inspire piousness in their hearts.

父亲 "Father, when the moon is full, there will be 14 young girls in the territory. I do n’t know how to assign the right to the first night?"

When all the girls in the territory are grown up, they must be sent to the castle to serve the Lord for a few days before they can return to marry.

If you serve well, the Lord Lord will also give a generous reward, so many female lambs are eagerly looking forward to this day, and they are also looking forward to receiving the grace of the Lord Lord and giving noble blood.

My uncle ordered the family member at the end of the long table. "You haven't tasted the warmth of the female, and I'll give it to you this time."

The family member immediately left the long table and fell to the ground on his knees.

"My father, I will work hard and give birth to the blood of the deities."

Sudden laughter suddenly sounded in the squatter huts.

The homeowner chuckled, "You just have to enjoy it. Even if you give birth to a descendant, it is a blood-tainted hybrid."

当然 "Of course, we still have to show our fatherly side when we are outside, and let those talking animals work and fight for us."

"After all, the Protoss are too restrictive in this world, many places can't go, and many things can't be done."

Noble protoss, hated by this world!

The sun will burn their skin, the water will corrode their bodies, and the air will make them grow old quickly, as if everything in the world is full of malice to them.

的 The flowers and plants they have touched will wither quickly, and the land they pass through will be barren instantly. They are like the spreader of disaster, the source of plague, and poison everything in this world.

The descendants of their demigods have been recognized by the world. Although the divine power is diluted, they can move freely and exert their power freely.

It is also through these demigod descendants that He can firmly control this world and carry out their plans and plots.

"My father, there is one more important thing, please decide."


"The Meg family, who is close to our east, suffered a change, and the owner suddenly went to the Eastern Empire and never returned."

"Hybrid descendants of the Meg family have fought for the position of homeowner. And we have heard back in the dark lines of the Eastern Empire, and they have seen the eye of guilt and the blade of judgment."

Xun Ziyu had a strange telepathy to their father. The descendants of the Meg family fought and wanted to come to their house owner who had died ...

哈 "Hahaha, the Merlin family claims to have inherited the power of the compass of fate. They can see through the future and divinate their fate, but they don't even know their own death. It's ridiculous."

With a smile, the owner took a cup and took a sip. "It is just a young junior who has just been separated from the Merlin family. He has not yet given birth to pure bloodline descendants. He has not yet obtained a true inheritance, and he does not understand the taboos of the Eastern Empire . "

The eyes of guilt and the blade of ruling. If it were not for these two things, the protoss would have arrived on a large scale, how could they sneak in and eat away.

With a wave of his hand, the lord's homeowner appeared a layer of hazy bubble-like light on the surface of his body, and the surface of the light climbed with blood-colored lines, as if densely packed with capillaries.

"With the protection of the Holy Light, we can escape the perception and targeting of the indigenous world, walk freely and exert our power. Without the protection of the Holy Light, we will be locked, suppressed, and killed by the indigenous world."

"My sanctuary of light has almost been eroded, and it won't be long before I return to the divine realm and bathe in the light again."

The other protoss around me looked at the owner enviously, and the situation was like a child listening to his father saying he wanted to rush into the city.

The indigenous world ’s dominance is indeed very happy, but it ’s too barren and boring.

The homeowner drank the liquid in the cup. "Take a look at the belongings at home! It's not easy to go to the world of God. I can't go empty-handed and return empty-handed."

I licked the liquid in the corner of my mouth, and the owner said with a little hope: "Back in the **** world, I will have a few children with the Virgin and add a few brothers to you. Pure blood of God, noble protoss."

Others heard this ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ muttered immediately: "Father, why can't we have some sisters for us?"

The master of the family snorted, "A group of unsuspecting guys, the protoss are all males, there is no female protoss at all! Only when they intersect with the" Mother "can pure blood descendants be born, and those who intersect with other beings are born inferior hybrids."

The eldest son Yun asked immediately: "Father, when can we go to the divine realm?"

The second son then asked: "Father, can we mate with the Virgin after we go to the realm of God? What should we call your descendants?"

"Shut up!" The homeowner snorted coldly. "When you have done enough work and obtained the permission of the divine realm, you will naturally get the coordinates of the divine realm. At that time, you can leave the castle and start your own family."

A group of sons and sisters suddenly became excited. For hundreds of years, it was the first time that they heard my father talk about the secrets of the gods.

那么 "Father, how can we make a difference?"