Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 49: What more telescopes (2/4)

圣 The holy water of life has an excellent effect. In addition to restoring fatigue and healing injuries, long-term drinking can improve physical fitness, and it is more effective if it is accompanied by boiling blood.

Xi Tong previously drank holy water into his belly and passed the effect to the extremities through the internal circulation. But it's just limbs and bones, and the eyes enjoy little effect.

And this time using the eye drop method, all the effects of the holy water of life are absorbed by the muscles and tissues of the eyeballs and orbits.

Muscle strain heals at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. The fragile muscle fibers thrive, increase rapidly and increase thickness. Xi Tong clearly feels that the eyelids are becoming stronger.

Only then did Xi Xitong understand that no matter the exercises or drugs, the effects are targeted and limited.

It is like absorbing the power of the Red Dragon before and benefiting from the strength of the muscles and bones of the limbs and trunks.

If you talk about the difficulty of exercise, the limbs are the easiest to exercise and improve, followed by the trunk, hands and feet, and the remaining two parts are the most difficult to practice.

For the same exercise, if the limb muscles can be improved by 100%, the trunk muscles are only 50%, and the remaining two parts may not even be 5%.

As for the eyes, it is impossible to exercise by conventional methods, even if it takes a lot of effort, it is impossible to produce even a 0.01% improvement.

After all, the size of an eyeball at birth is about 16.5 mm, and the diameter of an adult's eyeball is about 24.2 mm. It grows 7 mm in a lifetime, which shows how difficult it is to improve.

许多 Many parts and organs of the human body cannot be exercised and improved by conventional means. Even if you have the greatest strength and determination, you will not have any influence on it.

In other words, the spirit of the elves is clever, and they can find another way. They can think of consciousness acting on matter, stimulate different muscles through meditation, and stimulate the peristalsis of the eye muscles. .

After all, after several years of rejuvenation of Reiki, if Reiki is substantive, it infiltrates the human body like air pressure and water pressure. Even if it is not actively cultivated, all parts of the body can be slowly raised, and eventually reach the bottleneck of the human body.

Therefore, no one in the future will delve into the elaborate work of dojo in this spiral shell. With this time and energy, it's better to practice boxing a few more times, so that the trunk and limbs can be improved more.

But Xi Tong doesn't think so.

As the famous saying goes—time is not how much you have, but how you use them.

"My body is not allowed to have defects and shortcomings, all parts must be raised and strengthened!"

("Forget it, readers masters strongly demand that there is no hostess, let the place go.")

Feeling that the holy water effect of life is exhausted, Xi Tong tries to open his eyes.

There was still tears in his eyes, and Xi Tong's thoughts moved, with just a blink of an eye, the tears were squeezed out in rows.

Hmm ... Controlling water mist and water vapor through muscles, isn't this the description in the advanced version of Hawkeye, am I ...

Xi Tong was pleased in his heart, trying to use the tricks in the advanced version, the lacrimal gland secreted a little liquid, and Xi Tong blinked, and the liquid was spread out and evenly attached to the eyeballs in a special distribution manner.

The scenery in front of my eyes faded quickly, and the distant buildings were quickly drawn closer, which was actually a girl's dormitory.

Xi Xitong calculated that after sending Ye Yiruo back each time, it took him nearly 5 minutes to return to the dormitory, excluding factors such as turning upstairs, and the straight line distance between the two points was about 400 meters.

Now, the scenery 400 meters away can be seen clearly, and everything can be gleaned into the eyes without any detail, just like watching the pattern on the palm.

什么 What telescope do you want?

什么 What drone do you want?

Are you all weak and weak? You only need to pay a drop of liquid to get what you dreamed of in the past.

It's really a good thing, small investment pays off quickly, low risk and high return!

Xi Xitong is very strange, because the cheats said that even the genius of the elves, it will take three or five years to train.

Of course, the three or five years of people's elf clan are not a concept with the three or five years of human beings, but no matter how disparate they are, they have to practice three or five months.



I guess it will be just a few minutes.

"It looks like this is due to holy water. Holy water, I need more holy water."

Tamil is visiting his past territory, to be precise, he is visiting the holy pools in the previous camps.

Although he settled in Xianzun Valley, it did not mean that Tamil had given up the outside world.

Wuxianzonggu is just a stable rear, and the world outside the valley is the battlefield of barbarians.

What's more, there is also a steel castle on the barracks camp. Tamil will never give up this large piece of 10,000 dragon coins.

There is also the Red Dragon Valley where the dragon was slaughtered for the first time. This is exactly in the middle of the straight line between Xianzun Valley and the barn camp.

The holy water spring of the fury tribe owned by Tamil first, the pool of holy water is about 250-300 barrels, and it can be filled 15 days after it is used up.

The holy water spring in the Red Dragon Valley was submerged by the flood during the Dragon Slaying War three days ago. After the war, Tamil deliberately emptied the accumulated water. This has only taken half of the past 3 days. Www.lightnovelpub.net. After the sacrifice, 1500 dragon coins were obtained.

I carefully calculated that the daily output of this holy pool in the Red Dragon Valley is 500 barrels. It is no wonder that Red Dragon has been here for hundreds of years.

Produces 500 Dragon Slay Coins a day, so that Tamil will not give up the Red Dragon Valley.

Moreover, Tamil has a deep memory of the terrain of this valley.

During the Battle of Dragon Slaying, the Red Dragon introduced them into the valley, and then turned around to seal Taniguchi, and the dragon was at the gate.

In turn, as long as you build a gate to seal the valley, and then arrange a defense on the surrounding mountains, this valley is a natural city.

I'm done!

Tamil immediately dispatched 1,000 people to station here, their task in the next 5 days is to clear a clearing in Taniguchi.

Use a fire to burn off the weeds, then clean up the scattered stones, level the terrain, and tamp the ground.

Tamil decided to wait for the next time the steel castle refreshes the purchase and buy one directly here.

He calculated carefully that the iron and steel castle could just be stuck in the middle of the valley mouth, and a small gap could be filled with boulder soil. It only took a day of effort to completely control the valley.

Then Tamil looked down at the empty valley.

The valley is seven or eight kilometers long and wide in area and rich in vegetation. However, because of the red dragon's inhabitation, it has almost become a forbidden area for life. Until the red dragon was slaughtered and Longwei dissipated, some rabbits, mice and wild deer finally entered the valley Foraging, but still looks barren and desolate.

"Can't just be deserted like this, just transform into a pasture."

Tamil slaps with excitement, "Go to the camp of the barbarian tribe to catch some black yak and raise it, then buy some horses from the outside and come back here to train the horses."