Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 507: Xitong's Opening Ceremony

Time passes quickly in eccentric work and play.

Even in this slow time, only one person can be loved in a lifetime, but in a world where many 妾 can be accommodated, people can clearly feel the passage of time.

I used to think that time was very slow because there was no reference object. Every day when I opened my eyes, it was a fixed scene. A fixed person died at sunrise and sunset and returned early and late.

Unless one day someone dies or the kid marries a relative, people will be sighed that time is passing fast, and what happens at a blink of an eye.

However, when Master Ma Bian appeared, people's unit of measuring time is no longer "in a blink of an eye", but heaven.

炷 Sanxiangxiang every day-this is the first time concept established by people.

Different things happen every day, every day is a day full of hope.

Nowadays, what people talk about most is no longer the short of parents, no longer a woman, but the experience of exchanging gods.

For example, when is the most effective time to worship the gods, what rice did you eat before worshiping the gods, what did you say when worshiping the gods, where is the small card for worship, and how high?

It seems like one night, card metaphysics is all the rage, and fortune tellers in the streets have an extra business to help people calculate and worship gods.

Of course, many fortune tellers ended up being beaten and never saw them again.

Worship is not just a hoe, but it is sincere. When you are sincere, you will hear a "drop", which means that the worship is successful. The **** has recognized himself and can change things after accumulating a certain number of times.

But if you worship once and do not have any experience, then it means that your heart is not sincere, and you will continue to worship in peace and calmness.

I also concluded that the effect of continuous worship will become worse and worse, it is best to read the scriptures for a while, calm down, and get rid of distractions.

In short, all kinds of talks about the experience of worshipping the gods are flying and running all over the ground, and there is a controversy between the European emperor and the African emirate in 9102.

As the center of the debate, the Eastern Holy See made no comment, but quietly engaged in infrastructure construction.

On the construction site, hundreds of thousands of workers, plus a group of mythical creature stone giants, the project is progressing rapidly, the main beams of a temple have been erected, and the huge idols have also been poured in it, just waiting for light.

Some Westerners are puzzled about this. What is Kaiguang?

Since you asked the question in good faith, I will tell you with great compassion ...

Speaking of Kaiguang, these monks who were former monks and now devote themselves to the Eastern Holy See are extremely proud.

"Your Western Holy See is a blasphemy heresy, tampering with doctrines in private, in an attempt to cut off the communication between the world and the gods. Of course, they dare not open the idols. If they communicate with the gods, wouldn't they throw themselves into the net?"

I learned that the statue had been erected, and Xi Tong could not wait to prepare for the opening ceremony.

Of course, the ritual is false. Xitong does not need idols to gather the power of faith. It is true that idols are used to arrange arrays and shield the world ’s will.

This method was learned from Birdman.

There are countless bird-man idols destroyed by the Red Eye World, and there are a large number of bird-man captives. Xitong knows the secrets of the idols.

To be straightforward is the fog of war, which hides a certain area on the map, so that the world will of God's perspective cannot clear the movement of this area.

Like a LOL map, without a field of vision, all you can see are trees, rocks, and rivers. Unless you look into the grass, you never know if there are three Dema or five gallons hidden inside.

The material for the formation of the array of idols has been fully prepared, and the news of the idol opening ceremony has been sent out early. On the day of the first light, countless believers brought together dry beddings from all sides, with millions of people, almost all over the mountains.

A few people at this level will cause a huge riot with a little bit of situation. With full urine, ordinary people ca n’t wait to dig deep and say something like “Qingming”. Millions of people are gathered together. And not directly fryers.

However, the name of the local government in Huacheng is dead. Officials of all sizes have resigned or resigned. The large yamen has been paralyzed for a long time, and no such thing has been reported.

Although there is no official government to maintain order, the personnel of the Eastern Holy See took up this important task and did better than the official government.

In the past, whenever there was a major event in the whole city, the government's military service would quickly make a fortune, whether it was a good family or not, they would break into the door and search (scratch) it.

Xiaomen small households gave a straw shoe money, please government officials to accommodate, large households will also use the inconvenience of female dependents as a reason, to spend a few tea and wine money.

If you do n’t have the money, look at your family like the suspect, take it back and check again. Once you are in jail, it is not a matter of straw money or money.

这次 But this time, the Eastern Holy See showed a completely different side, neither martial law nor hunting, nor the opportunity to sell tickets.

They just painted a piece of area around the temple with white and gray, pulled the cordon near the temple, and then one person stood on duty in each area.

After all, the Eastern Holy See has too few staff members, and the clergy and the Knights of the Patriarch add up to 4,000 or 5,000. It is simply a matter of order to maintain the order of millions.

For these four or five thousand people, they also scored a small number to preside over the ceremony. The remaining people also had to guard brick kiln, porcelain kiln, copper and iron workshop and other places to prevent people from destroying it.

Fortunately, for the two hundred years of domestication in the Manchu dynasty, the awe of the common people has long been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, obedience is inherent, and the pressure to maintain law and order is not great.

However, all the Westerners at the scene were shocked.

Damn, too many people, they will not have more than half of the people they have contacted in their lifetime, no, to be precise, not even one percent.

小 A small western country can be called a village with three or five people. One hundred people dare to establish a country. The number of millions of people is more than the total population of some middle-sized countries. This is only a believer attracted by the opening ceremony.

They are still shocked and shocked.

They do not want to believe that this is the reason for the size of the Qing Empire's population ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ only think that this is due to belief.

Buzz buzz ...

The dense red lanterns flew from the temple, shuttled above the crowd, arranged like a march, and hovered above each square array.

矩 The distance between them is the same as the ruler, and they are completely equal in both vertical and horizontal directions.

"It's incredible, what's going on with these lanterns? Why do they fly up by themselves? Is it a magic weapon of the fairy house?"

"Should be the essence of lanterns, the strange monsters raised by Xianjia. Not to mention, the domestication methods of Xianjia are different."

"But there are too many of them."

At this moment, a bland but majestic voice came from the lantern.

"The opening ceremony, starting immediately, everyone, kneeling down to worship the system god."