Lord of the Low Version System

~: End of this testimonial

"Low-profile version of the system main **** new ( to find the latest chapter!

It has been two years since I opened the book in 18 years. First of all, I would like to thank you all for your company and make many new friends.

Thank you very much for your support and concern.

At the beginning of this book, the grades were good, better than any of my previous books.

However, a horizontal comparison of other authors is not good enough.

I also understand my shortcomings, the most important thing is that time is unstable.

When I first started the book, I was working on a certain committee of the county party committee. I didn't work much, time was stable, the leadership and the same time were pure, and there was nothing wrong with me.

Therefore, both writing time and writing mentality are super good. After finishing the work at hand every day, I can read the book, ponder the plot, and even write two or three chapters in the office.

During that time, four basic changes were made every day, and five and six changes were possible if there were more.

However, on July 1, 19, it was transferred to a certain bureau.

Needless to say the rest.

There are many wonderful things around, wonderful people.

When I first went to the new environment, I was very talkative. I would help anyone who asked me to help. I would do everything I had to do. I would go there with a phone call on Saturdays and Sundays.

As a result, it’s not that you’re busy, and you don’t have to be busy. You don’t have to work as you do. Overtime work on Sundays and weekends is always zero or countless.

This is also a lesson.

If there are readers who want to go this way, I hope to remember one thing, don’t want to be friends with colleagues, this is as unrealistic as letting a **** be a good friend.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't do anything to help others, but the people you help won't thank you. On the contrary, you feel that you are trying to flatter her and please her.

In this environment, it is more wrong to do more and to say more wrong.

Do your own business and it's over. Even if the eyebrows are burned by other people's fire, just look at it, don't worry about it.

Many things are not really burning eyebrows, but he shows you the appearance of burning eyebrows, and asks you to help burn your body.

What you don't do is troublesome. If you help, it is the responsibility of both of you. You can't run away when you are held accountable.

I have been scammed many times, and then I slowly recollected it later, half-deadly angry.

Since entering a certain bureau, basically don't think about being idle in the office, and can't be quiet at home, writing time and writing status plummet.

The update rate has been halved, three chapters a day, and then two chapters. For these two chapters, one day when I encounter a dinner and wine bureau, I have to ask for leave.

Sometimes, I am also very annoying.

So I thought about it again and again, and finally resigned when the Chinese New Year approached.

Thinking that I can feel the threshold in writing, no matter how low the income of manuscript fees is, it is better than going to work.

In the end, who would have thought that the epidemic came as soon as I resigned, and there was a major event in the online literature circle in April before the epidemic had passed.

To be honest, when I resigned, I planned writing as my future life.

But the incident in April shocked me a lot.

For the first time in my life, I began to reflect on whether this path is correct.

My family members were extremely opposed to it before. I never wavered, flinched, or doubted, but at that time, I hesitated.

At that time, I was paying attention to the progress of the matter every day, watching the analysis and explanation of this matter by various passers-by, and pondering the prospects of free and fee-free.

In the book group, I also discussed with book friends.

The charging model, that is, subscription, I did not enjoy the benefits of this model. If it is free, I have no resistance. Maybe it will be more moisturizing if it is free.

However, for readers, most of them are concerned about charging for free, but for authors, there are more things to consider.

Such as the prospects and future of this industry.

Is writing still the direction of life?

I thought about it for a long time, and during this period, the writing status became more and more sluggish.

From two shifts per day to one shift per day, to one shift every two days...

Sometimes it's not that I am lazy or procrastinating. You can take a look. Many chapters are updated only in the early morning or one or two after the early morning.

Only at this point can you be quiet and immersed.

Therefore, the writing environment, writing mentality, and writing time have always been lacking in me. This is my major flaw.

I am not a talented player, the only one who can get it is persistence.

As for this persistence, it is also because there is no way out.

In the third year of high school in 2007-08, he wrote the first book.

At the beginning, I wrote it in a notebook, and then I collected more and posted it on the Internet. It was my first contact with this circle of American subjects.

At that time, I met many book friends and authors, but 99% of them had retired or lost contact, and few kept in touch.

In the summer of 2008, I wrote a fairy tale novel at home.

At that time, my family was very opposed to writing novels. My dad turned on the switch when I was writing the manuscript. At that time, I used TXT, and several thousand words disappeared.

Then I have a computer at home, and my brother and I take turns using it. After I write, he will play it for a while.

After writing the manuscript, there is no internet at home, and then saved it with a U disk, and sneaked to the Internet cafe to update it.

This is the situation at the time.

At the end of the summer vacation, after going to university, the environment is a little more relaxed, no one cares about it, and you can enjoy codewords in Internet cafes.

The only thing is that I don’t smoke but I am sensitive to the smell of smoke. When I smell the smoke, my eyes shed tears, I can’t open them, and doze off.

Every time I look for a place with few people, sit in the corner, and sit next to the toilet with few people. I often sit there.

Then, I concentrated on the codeword again, and the person sitting next to me secretly pulled out the USB flash drive, and all the documents, manuscripts, writing materials, etc., were gone.

And these are not the most shocking.

This Xianxia book contained 420,000 words, and the application for signing the contract should be 8 times, but the results were rejected without exception.

At that time, the threshold for signing a contract was still very high. Sometimes the one hundred and ten people in the street group might not have signed a contract.

In addition to every day's codeword, the most enthusiastic thing is to inquire about signing-related information, just like lottery players study lottery numbers.

Once a contract was signed, the whole group became a sensation, and countless people worshipped and learned from it.

Before signing a contract with 420,000 characters, I reopened the vest, modified the upload, and spent a few hundred dollars on recommendations from other people to make my data look better.

In order to sign a contract, I was really crazy.

As a result, the living expenses of a few hundred yuan have been lost, and I have been eating steamed buns and pickles for a month.

After that, I cut the book in the school's electronic reading room. When the time came in early 2009, I opened a second book, Xuanhuan.

This book is a mess. The backstage collection can be refreshed and it can increase a few. After signing the contract, it is on the shelves. The results are not good. The subscription is a double digit at the beginning of 1, but it is also a zero breakthrough.

As far as the level of care is concerned, this book is not even one-tenth of the previous one, but it succeeded.

Looking back now, hard work is important, but the direction of hard work is more important.

Later, my family knew that I was writing novels at school--

I know that I took the manuscript fee for writing a novel and told his mother, and his mother told my mother again.

Then two phone calls a day, let me study hard, don't write novels or something in school.

I often make surprise calls on Saturdays and Sundays from time to time. When I hear my voice confused, I know that I have stayed up late to write a manuscript again.

Later, even if I slept drowsily, as soon as I answered the phone, my voice would be the same as that of a sober person, and my roommates were amazed.

After the end of the second book, the third book was published non-stop. As a result, history repeats itself, and the contract fails again and again. There are 800 outcropping collections, and many of them are friendship collections.

I couldn't see the results, coupled with the resistance at home and the pressure from the school, so I was silent for a while.

Then I graduated.

Interned in Jiangxi Business Daily, was used as a free labor for a long time, and then resigned decisively.

After looking around and finding that I was not suitable for work, the shop at home happened to be relatively busy, so I worked at home.

Then I was urged by my family to go on a blind date. I was so annoyed that I had constant conflicts all day and reached the level of resentment.

When I do my own work at home, I don’t have any money to talk about it, and my classmates don’t have money to get married.

Then the idea of ​​writing came up again.

Working during the day and writing books at night, my father vented all his dissatisfaction with me on his writing. There was almost no such thing as a day of cursing.

The last time I finished the update in the wee hours of the morning, he started to scold, and he didn't stop at 2:30.

The next day, I bought a ticket and left.

With 1,000 yuan, I rented a house, looked for a job, and wrote a book outside for a year.

Although the life is tight, not as good as home, but I feel comfortable in my heart and have clean ears.

For a year, my mother called me every day, urging me to go home, saying that my dad had no objection to something.

I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore, how can I be so cheated.

Even if I go home, it will be good for three days at most, and after three days everything will be business as usual.

But at this time my mother said that I have to sign the house if I buy a house.

No way, honestly went home.

After I handed in my ID card, I didn't return it for a long time, and I couldn't leave anymore.

After the creation of the world and the establishment of a website, I started the DNF essay activity, and my heart immediately became hot.

At that time, people were playing at my fourth aunt's house in Shanxi, immediately packed their luggage and went home and started writing code.

This "Creation" has been written for more than two years, with 4.2 million words.

It doesn't matter whether the grades are good or not, what is important is the feelings. It will end the ten-year journey of Arad and the end of Arad's love story.

Feeling that I am not young anymore, I entered into marriage.

At that time, I was still writing a book, but my daughter-in-law felt that I was not doing my job properly, and it happened that the book had poor results, so she became an **** again.

It's time to start a family and start a business.

After having children, I found a job and started a normal life.

However, what is the use of salary alone? Milk powder is not enough for diapers.

The parents did not help coax their children, nor did they mean to help.

When I went to work, my daughter-in-law quit my job to take care of the children, and I almost couldn't afford diapers, not to mention the money for milk powder or school.

So, the road of writing books began again.

This is the origin of the birth of "Lord of the Low Version System".

Dreams and feelings have faded, and it is more for the pressure of life.

I was wondering before that when the book is over, I will publish a new book immediately, and I can also advertise the new book to attract more popularity.

But when the storm broke out in April, my heart was lost.

Suddenly, I realized that it was too simple to see and think about things by myself before.

It is good to focus on one thing, but too much focus will result in a narrower viewing angle and a shorter viewing distance, which will affect the pattern.

Getting out of the writing matter, out of the box of starting point and looking at the problem again, I have a different perception.

Looking back at the new book I prepared.

It seems that it is still mediocre, with no potential for fire.

Maybe if you open the book, you will get a certain amount of results. If you try your best, your results will improve slightly.

But now I am not satisfied with small progress and small achievements.

I don’t want a few years later, when I write my testimony, I will say "Twenty years, I’m still on the street."

People have to do something different.

It has to be different.

Looking back on the past, I was always boring to write a book, and pulling writing experience online here is like working behind closed doors.

In April, a book friend and author told me that his family opposed his writing and drove him out. He had only 10,000 yuan, renting a house for 2,000 yuan a month, and buying a computer and no money. Not going down so much.

His situation reminds me of me for 11 years.

At that time, I ran away from home with 1,000 yuan to settle down with the closest classmate in the university, and he got half of it.

So I said, if you really want to keep writing, come to me.

My grandparents used to live in a single room in the yard, which was renovated. The environment is not bad, complete with water and electricity, air-conditioning, refrigerator and TV, and a small yard. I moved my desktop to him.

The rent is a symbolic charge of 200, the water and electricity are self-care, and the cost of living and writing are reduced to the extreme.

The outline, gold finger, and plot line were all discussed with him, and even got one for him at the beginning, so that he could write it down.

Be diligent, it's okay to be on the shelves for a month.

But three months later, this guy wrote 0 words.

It's really 0 words.

In the fourth month, he left.

Then he never contacted me.

Some things are very sensitive.

It's hard to ask.

I don't want to ask either.

Asked it for nothing.

Some people are constrained by the external environment, but they have an empty heart to write but are bound everywhere, unable to achieve results, and everyone says that they are not doing their jobs.

And some people pretend to work hard all day just to escape from life, work, and family in the name of writing, but they are in fact depraved.

Sometimes I fail so much that I can't even figure out what kind of person I am.

I hesitated about the new book.

One is that if my time, mentality, and environment have not changed, it is equivalent to repeating the same mistakes.

"The Low-profile System Lord" performed very well at the beginning, but due to external factors, the quality declined in the middle, and it fell into disrepair.

Another is my personal internal cause.

Lack of writing skills.

This cannot be compensated by hard work and hard work.

Skills can indeed be summed up from practice. But that is countless practice.

Skills are worthless for successful pioneers.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books, this is very reasonable.

I feel that I am going in the right direction.

I haven't been able to make a way out in 12 years. I really should sit down and take a break, sum it up, and reflect on it.

In the next time, I am still working hard to improve myself.

Write the beginning of a new book with 20,000 or 30,000 words, go over it to the boss, correct the errors word by word, find out the deep-seated defects and deficiencies, and then rewrite.

I am not afraid of failure, not afraid of re-emergence, but the infinite loop of failure and re-emergence ~lightnovelpub.net~ As I wrote in this book: the essence of the world is repetition.

99.99% of people repeat themselves day after day.

Only 0.01% of people can break out of this cycle.

I also want to be that one ten thousandth.

Silence is not to leave, but to be reborn and reborn from the ashes.

In order to return, be able to have the confidence to hit the altar and achieve the great path.

By the way, make an advertisement. The book group was bombed by the inner ghost before, the new group number: 1098391422 (one zero, nine, eight, three, nine, one, four, two)

Love your big Qin Xiaobing, 2020-9-3

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