Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 108: .Daily construction work

After the upgrade of the arms, all of them were full of energy.

20 Sarand riders and 25 desert robbers are elite. These people are the foundation of the light cavalry troops. In the next few weeks, recruit more desert robbers, and the light cavalry troops can be successfully formed.

Small-scale mopping up, harassment, and investigation can be done by them.

This will undoubtedly be avoided, as the ace Swadia heavy cavalry, meaningless attendance activities.

For those jackals who are currently scattered in the Naren Desert, sometimes the use of heavy cavalry, which can directly defeat the enemy array, can be called invincible in the land, is not the most sensible choice.

Instead, they are light cavalry, and they are the perfect players to solve such problems.

"Dissolve in place and continue to watch the captives."

Kant told these upgraded Salanders: "Don't let our dinar run away."

What he meant was naturally those jackals who were **** their hands and feet, bowed their heads and squatted down on the training ground. The subsequent development of the sentry oasis and the improvement of their strength depended on the first brought back by these jackal captives. Nar.

This is currently a precious resource for exchanging dinars to the system at a strategic level!


The riders of Salander and the elite desert robbers returned in a deep voice.

The elite momentum of the regular army and the bandits was undoubtedly revealed. After a neat response, they spread out at the fastest speed, but did not leave the training ground too far, forming a cage, and trapped the jackals.

If these captives dare to make trouble, and they are stationed at a few key points, the machete in the waist is not vegetarian.

Kant nodded: "Not bad."

Now 50 Swadia heavy cavalry are his trump card troops, and they mainly rely on other forces to fight against them. Therefore, in some small-scale sweeping operations, it is impossible to dispatch, and it will only serve as the foundation of the sentry oasis.

Kant has made a decision.

In the next time, the light cavalry unit composed of these Salanders will be the main force to attack the enemy.

There are 20 desert robbers recruiting shares every week, but there are many.

Solve the upgrade of arms.

Kant himself was free.

Many matters are resolved by Fatiz and Manid. As the lord, he only needs to make the final decision and listen to the report.

This is one of the benefits of owning and making good use of talent.

Walking towards the gate.

Kant intends to inspect the agricultural area. After all, these ten acres of barren land are actually related to the food reserves in the sentry oasis. As a lord, he must not be too optimistic to relax.

What's more, he just completed the task, and he still has a task reward.

Five sand grouse nests and ten desert bee nests can all be involved in agriculture.

"Animal husbandry has also started to develop."

Kant thought slightly.

Turning over the city wall to the east, many farmers are busy with tools or homemade wooden farm tools, carefully irrigating and renovating the canals on these barren sandy land, ensuring that the existing 7.5 acres of wheat fields and 5 Acres of date palm groves can all replenish moisture in this hot weather.

When the city wall was built, it completely separated the residential area from the agriculture.

At the same time, the spring water originally used as the source of irrigation was enveloped inside the city wall and became the exclusive water source behind the current ruling hall in order to supply the domestic water for the entire fortress.

At present, the irrigation of the entire agricultural area depends entirely on the small lake that also communicates with groundwater.

It is not difficult to simply reform the water channel, just dig the channel.

But the difficult part is that the land is slightly desertified. As the water is poured into the canal, farmers must patrol and maintain it at all times. Otherwise, the flowing lake water will cause the soft sand to collapse, causing the canal to be blocked in many places and losing the irrigation effect. .

As far as the current farmers are concerned, before going to bed at night, they have to carry torches to maintain the drains.

But wait for the next morning to wake up.

The canal that was maintained last night is still wet and collapsed by the lake water, which hinders the flow of the canal. It must be maintained and repaired in the early morning, otherwise the broken canal will affect the water content of the land.

The temperature of the Nalun Desert is very high, and within half an hour at noon, the surface temperature can rise to 70°C.

The evaporation of the land is severe and the water content is reduced, which is not good news for the date palms and the seeds that are still waiting in the wheat field.

"Remember there are related buildings after the fortress upgrade."

Kant swept past the busy farmers who were holding farming tools, and his heart moved slightly.

Thinking is directly connected to the system. As the dialog box pops up, agricultural buildings are expected to have water channels, and as a system building, the damage resistance is much stronger than the original water channels dug by themselves.

"Build a drain." Kant gave instructions directly to the system.

[Ding... system prompt]

[It takes 100 dinars to build a canal and it takes 3 days. 】

The system gives a reply.

For Kant, this is equal to small money.

It only took three days to build a ditch, which made him feel slightly longer.

But after sweeping through the crooked drains, Kant frowned helplessly and said in a deep voice: "Confirm to build."

The buildings produced by the system are completely at the best level.

Knowing from the buildings in the current sentry oasis, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products. On the basis of the standard Swadia architecture, it also brings a little repair to the desert area, making the building more suitable for construction in the desert.

[Ding... system prompt]

[Between your "Driechem" is currently a fortress level, so the village-level setting will no longer be used for construction. Currently, multiple buildings can be built at the same time without additional construction costs. 】

The system prompt immediately appeared on Kant's visual film.

This is one of the benefits upgraded to a fortress.

"Very good." Kant nodded and chuckled.

Although the additional construction does not cost much dinars, but the province can be saved, and his dinars are not much.

Somewhere near the sand dunes, construction workers drove the carriage.

It was discovered in advance that the Restoran Ranger reported this situation to the herald soldiers downstairs, and then 10 Sarande riders drove over to check and learned that it was the construction team that built the canal.

This time it's still Suno's construction team.

Came to Kant's location, and immediately began to build a ditch.

"Did your leader come?"

Kant asked these construction workers.

He looked around at these people, but 10 construction workers and a carriage carrying wood and stone, and the chubby building leader that he did not see often, made Kant a little curious.

"Master, our leader is busy recruiting workers."

After a respectful salute from a construction worker, he replied: "But he still allows me to pay you the highest respect."

"Well." Kant nodded, really the style of the chubby building leader.

Continue to chat with the construction workers.

Kant found out that this fat leader has made a fortune, not only recruiting more people to be construction workers, but also hiring many engineers, contracting many projects in Suno and surrounding villages, and he seems to be an emerging construction giant.

According to the workers, even the large piece of fat in Suno’s city wall repair project has been won by the fat man.

"Huh." Kant shook his head. The fat man was really a businessman.

The basic channels of water channels have been dug by farmers.

Therefore, the work of the construction workers becomes simple. It is only necessary to use stones to compact the water channel, so that the lake water can be cut neatly, just like brick-like stones flowing without touching the sand.

Moreover, 20 cm of paved roads were laid on both sides of the canal for farmers to walk while irrigating the farmland.


Kant looked at the construction of the ditch, and the land was finally able to get more irrigation, and was very satisfied.

But the yellow barren sandy land made Kant frown slightly, as if he had thought of something. He turned his head to greet a few farmers and arranged: "There is some mud outside the east gate, all pulled over and scattered on these wheat fields. Right."

"Understood." The farmers nodded and immediately picked up the rattan baskets and tools and walked to the gate.

What Kant said was the seven piles of dirt outside the city wall.

These are the soils where the body of the earth element was killed, and the body collapsed and scattered, forming the material to which its own element belongs. It looks very fertile. It should be stronger than these sandy lands.

Soon, the farmers returned with their rattan baskets.

There is a lot of fertile soil, which they spread on the wheat field and act as a fertile soil.

"It's enough to arrange these." Kant nodded at the scene.

In the future, we will be able to recruit giants of earth elements every week. After the killing, these very fertile soils will be sprinkled on agricultural areas every day, which will definitely improve the quality of the land and make the barren land fertile.

In Kant's view, this is ready-made fertile soil.

Continue to walk forward, around the half-meter high wall, Kant came to the junction of the date palm and the wheat field.

Ten dromedaries are being raised here.

Due to the shade of the trees, it is neither too hot nor cold. The food troughs are full of splendens splendens, which is chewed and digested by these camels to become the energy stored in the hump.

Kant strolled through it, and the branches of the lush date palm tree blocked most of the sunlight.

Even the light is slightly dim, but the temperature is extremely pleasant, comparable to the vicinity of the ruling hall covered by the sun disk ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The date palm tree has the effect of regulating the temperature.

Planting date palm trees in the East Desert can also protect the growth of other delicate crops.

For example, sugar beets, melons, and chickpeas can all rely on the shade of date palm trees to grow perfectly. This is also a relatively well-known crop ecological environment in the eastern desert area. Even the world is worth trying.

"Use cards."

Kant's mind communication mind, the 3 task rewards just obtained, can be used in these shades.

Sand grouse and desert bees suitable for desert environment are good things.

PS: Thanks to "Book Friends 151227164042818" for the 2000 starting coins rewarded by yourself~Thanks to the "1,000 Tanks for Drift" to reward the 1000 starting coins for rewards~ Thank you for "I am laughing red dust" "Book Friends 20100630040053234" "Penguin Boye" "wine Pot soldier's 500 starting coins for personal reward~Thanks to the "Little Record" for 200 starting coins for personal reward~Thanks for "Q Ziyuexuan", "Fat Achi" and "Scorching Head" for 100 personal rewards Coins~