Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 249: . Ranger's first aid

The dark red blood of the demon seemed to be corrosive, and the hot white smoke instantly appeared on Bandak’s torso. Even wearing the chain armor was useless, corroding the outer linen robe, following the gap of the chain armor, and The fine linen underwear that corroded the inner body was corroded, and it touched the flesh and fluttered like a barbecue.




  Bandak instantly groaned, and a lot of cold sweat on his forehead and cheeks came out.


   The blue muscles on the face of the whole person exploded, and his complexion began to grow red, mixed with most of his body, and the blood of the demon was splashed, and he was breathing white smoke, and the whole person seemed to be corroded.


   As for the Germanic sword in his hand, he couldn't hold it down on the ground.


   pierced into the throat of the sword stained with dark red blood, and the white smoke was also rising.


   Apparently the blood of the demon is corroding even the fine iron!


   "Save him back!"


   Kant's face was solemn, but he was not afraid, and quickly issued a command towards his back: "Go to the underground river to fetch water, tear open Bandak's clothes, and quickly wash his wounds with clean water!"


  Rinse and dilute the corrosive liquid with clean water, this is the most stupid way to deal with such events.


  Kant has no choice.


   The sergeant behind him moved forward quickly.


  Bandac, who is still struggling, together with other advanced sergeants to carry it back.


  'S white smoke was still burning, and there was a mixture of burnt smell and **** smell. In less than a moment, Bandak's body was already bloody, and the whole person was curled up and twitched, pale face, pale lips.


   There are also blue muscles bursting on the forehead and neck.


  'S face is almost grim!


   "Pull off all clothes and chain armor, hurry up!"


  Kant ordered.


The Livingston Ranger took out the dagger from his boots and cut the corroded and damaged linen robes directly. The darker chain armor inside turned black with the blood of the dark red demon. With small bubbles, tearing it off, even pulling off the entire chain armor of the predecessor, exposing the **** body inside.


   Fresh blood was flowing, but the dark red blood formed a certain pattern and directly penetrated into the body. The skin of the entire abdomen was corroded and eroded. Even with the convulsions, the same corroded intestines could be seen!


   "Damn it!" Kant gritted his teeth.


   "Evil energy is really rich, it must be cleaned first!"


  Ravenston Ranger turned his head and said to Kant Su: "Master Bandak's injury is very serious, we must do well...He is going to leave our psychological preparations."


   "Rescue first, you guys!"


   Kant was short of breath, and he commanded these rangers in a deep voice.


   "Yes." Rangers nodded calmly.


   Bandak is one of Kant’s few generals.


  Although it is the captain of the crossbowmen, it is almost perfect to cooperate with the forces of the Kingdom of Rhodok!


   Kant is absolutely reluctant to see this general leave him.


After a few days of getting along, the Livingston Rangers have also greatly increased their relationship with Bandak. After all, he is a famous gentleman on the mainland of Caladea, and he has a compassionate love for civilians. His personal charm is very strong. These rangers, who are also responsible for protecting their homes and civilians, get along like confidants.


   Therefore, the Livingston Rangers are also unwilling to see the death of Bandak.


   As the top point of the Pande continent's defense against the Barbarians of the Misty Mountains, the top shooter of the Livingston Kingdom, they have their own unique insights into a few injuries, at least they can handle and heal.


   After all, the barbarian shaman of the Misty Mountains also mastered the magical powers left by the ancients.


Although    is subtle, it can also pose a threat.


   So the Rangers Rangers are very experienced in dealing with similar injuries.


   Therefore, at this time, these elite soldiers who are fighting on the front line are stronger than the masters who only understand the spells and can only fight. At least the masters do not understand surgery, let alone the healing spells.


   "Water is coming!"


  Swadia knights came quickly with a dozen barrels of water.


   "Very good." The three rangers who dealt with the injuries nodded, and then dipped them in linen to quickly wipe and clean the white smoked wound.


   Linen quickly dyed red, even stained with blood of the devil, and was eroded and destroyed.


   Ranger threw the linen aside.


   The sackcloth will soon be corroded and will be soft and broken, and the blood of the devil is as scary as strong sulfuric acid!


Pieces of sackcloth are stained with water and can only be wiped off. It is corroded by the demon's blood and can only be replaced with new ones. However, the effect is still there. After being diluted with water, although a large part of the abdomen is still bloody, but the demon Blood no longer corrodes and viscera, and the white smoke disappears.


   As for Bandak, his face was already pale, and he passed out with cold sweat!


   This pain is almost like scraping the bone for healing.


   Even he, can't bear this pain!


   But the mage nodded beside him, his face calmly said: "Effective, the negative energy corroding in the flesh is rapidly decreasing. Although there is still a little left, it will not continue to corrode the flesh!"


   "Very good."


   Kant reached out and probed the nose of Bandak.


   also has a weak breath.


  'S face was a little calm, Kant nodded to the rangers who were still cleaning their wounds with daggers and linens: "Thanks to you, if not you, I will definitely lose an important general!"


   "We just do our best." Rangers responded modestly.


  Washed the wound. Bandak's abdomen was gone and the nearly tragic corrosive wound was then gone.


However, the Rangers still advised Kant: "In our opinion, it is better to send Lord Bandak back to the village quickly and let Master James undergo surgical operations and professional convalescence, otherwise it is impossible to simply clean the wound. Completely resolve the injury of Lord Bandak. If it is delayed too late, it is estimated that there will be wound infections, and even complications, which will still lead to unpredictable results."


   "Then send someone immediately and transport Bandak back!"


   Kant nodded.


   Rangers' proposal is correct.


Turning his head to look at the few horses that followed~lightnovelpub.net~ the gentle pack horses used to transport materials, he told the seven Swadian knights: "Now, take your pack horses and transport Bandak immediately Go back to treatment!"


"Understood!" The Swadian knights nodded, carefully placed the bandaged bandage on the stretcher set up by the two pack horses, and led the team towards the ancient passage without any hesitation. It is now in danger. At the moment, everyone understands that time is urgent and must act as soon as possible!


   "Demon blood."


   Kant turned his head to look at the German sword that fell beside the stone.


   This is Bandak's weapon.


   is now blackened by corrosion, and the entire wooden hilt has been rotted off.


   "The blood of the demon covers their power, tyranny, madness, and chaos. We humans simply cannot touch the power of this demon, including the blood of the devil."


  Mages looked sternly explained. . )!!