Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 315: .Lush Aaron

Kant led the team, and after a day of trekking, Sanwaya Pass was in sight.

At the top of the outer hills, there is a wooden building towering there, at the top of the 6-meter-high watchtower, and the sentries are on guard. They have also found Kant who had traveled in the desert.

It was Yamaguchi Station, where 40 desert robbers were stationed.

Seeing Kant they approached.

Thirty desert robbers scattered their horses, carrying scimitars and spears, and quickly ran between the dunes, using the left and right sides as crossing points, and they quickly overwhelmed them.

The remaining 10 desert robbers are waiting at the top of the hill for results.

If the situation is not correct, it will immediately retreat and report to the "Aaron" town this place.

Tactics have already been formulated.

But before approaching, he already found himself the supreme lord with good eyes.

Crotch horses gallop.

The scattered teams also regrouped, put away the scimitars and spears, and came to Kant quickly, turned over and dismounted, that is, the respected half kneeling on the ground to salute the chest and salute: "Master Lord! It is an honor to see you!"

"Well, get up."

Kant nodded and stretched out his hand to help them up.

I glanced at the normal scenery around me, and it was indeed as usual, and asked: "It seems that during my time away, there were no abnormalities in this neighborhood."

"Everything is normal." The desert robbers immediately answered respectfully.


Kant nodded with satisfaction.

This is his secret base, his second home lonely outside the Nalun Desert.

Even the future agricultural and handicraft industry base must not be known by outsiders. At least at this critical point, it cannot be known by outsiders. This is one of his ways.

If there is a problem with the sentry oasis, then the towns in the Sunwaya Mountains are the way to retreat.

Although Kant endeavored to ensure that he would not go this far.

Really came here.

That shows that his forces in the sentry oasis are basically destroyed.

Kant Zema moved forward.

The desert robbers hurried back to the horse and led the way.

Under the hill, a spring of water appeared between the sand layers, about 10 square meters, and some soil was scattered around it, forming a soil layer of about 30 square meters. With the nourishment of this spring, there were also lush green Less vegetation.

They are desert plants that are easy to grow on the edge of the Samwaya Mountains and the Naren Desert.

As long as there is water, it can grow fast.

Seeing Kant looking at the spring water and the growing vegetation with interest, the desert robbers took the initiative to report: "At that time, Lord Lord, you let us take care of this spring water more, then you dig the spring pit in your spare time and pick it with a wooden bucket. I came to the soil in the mountains and sprinkled some grass seeds. Without much effort, this little oasis was formed."

"Good job, very good."

Kant nodded with satisfaction.

With a smile on his face, he looked closely at this small oasis. On the sand near the soil layer, he could also see the paw prints of small rodents. It seems that a temporary and relatively fragile ecological chain has been formed here .

After all, there is water, and water is the most precious thing in the desert!

"This oasis will become bigger in the future."

Kant opened his mouth and turned to look to the north, which was the direction of the central coaching station and the "Driechem" castle.

Once he had an idea.

That is, the river water that originated in the "Aaron" town will directly form a long river that can lead to the depths of the desert, especially now Kant, which also reserves the [river] card.

If he wanted to, he could now see a river in the desert where he could sail.

There are even soil and tree vegetation on both sides of the river.

An oasis that can fully see the growth of the bar, no matter whether it is developing agriculture or animal husbandry, even if you build some villages along the banks of the river, there is no problem. It is no problem to transport some soil manually and develop it into a river that can nourish civilization!

For example, the Nile River in Egypt on the earth, the fertile two creeks in the Middle East, and even the Loulan ancient country in the Far East are all powerful forces that have risen with rivers and oasis in the desert and desert areas.

Kant regards the Nalun Desert as the basis of his hegemony.

Naturally attaches great importance.

If possible, he will of course let this desert get an unimaginable new life!

In fact he is officially changing like this.

The sentry oasis has doubled compared to the original. It can satisfy everyone's water consumption, plus the water used for agriculture and animal husbandry, and the sufficient amount of water that can be poured into the groundwater. It also makes the development of the sentry oasis more than ten times!

Moreover, Kant is still planning to open desert rivers.

Once opened.

The Sentry Oasis will completely connect the Sunwaya Mountains.

Take the thread to the surface.

Both sides of the river will be fully developed.

Especially when Kant gets more and more extraordinary wonders, and gets more and more rewards in terms of rules, the Nalun Desert will really become Kant's impression, the legendary Jiangnan!

Kant just thought about it, and he could feel the trembling all over.

This is a perfect strategic idea!

But there was a little frustration.

"Keep the greenery here, you are doing very well."

Kant recovered.

Turning his head to the desert robbers who waited respectfully, praised: "If you have the ability, then let go, let the springs here become bigger and the vegetation more dense, you will get the rewards you deserve!"

"Thank you for your praise, Lord Lord!"

The desert robbers all showed their joy.

This is a compliment from the Supreme Lord, whose honor value is as good as they won a battle!


Kant nodded and Zema continued to move forward: "There is not much time left, let's go!"

Behind him, the 10 lion knights and the 18 mages immediately followed their horses. Under the respectful sight of the desert robbers, they embarked on the road paved by the blue stone slabs and started to race at a faster speed than in the desert.

The stone slab is easy to travel on the road, not to mention the road surface paved with stones, which is very smooth under the system rules.

Along the road, over the hills.

The roadside is a small river about 5-6 meters wide, which flows at a very gentle speed along the mountain. Occasionally, you can see a fish swimming in it or against it, which is very comfortable.

This is the fish that swims up in the underground rivers, and there are also fish that stole from the fishing grounds.

The town of "Aaron", located in the Sanvaia Mountains, has taken shape.

not long time.

Turning over a mountain, the smoother mountain front in front appeared.

There are neatly planned buildings everywhere. From afar, you can see that many people are busy in the sky. With the smoke, the whole town gives a feeling of paradise.

Under the mountain top is a neatly built wall of walls, the arrow tower has been built, and troops are stationed.

Soldiers with halberds and spears can be seen walking around the city walls.

Outside the top of the mountain, a lot of farmland has been reclaimed on the east side of the mountain. The lush wheat grows in it. From a distance, you can feel the greenery and the rise is very gratifying.

The farmers carried agricultural tools and walked between the ditch and the shelter forest on the top of the mountain.

You can also see many peasant women.

They were rushing a sheep and grazing in the surrounding mountains. They bored the lazy lambs with branches and let them go to the hills with more lush vegetation to eat the young leaves and grow faster.

It is really a paradise.

Kant's second base, Aaron!


Kant flicked the horse belly to speed up.

The knights and wizards behind him also followed, and everyone looked forward with curiosity.

In the distance, there was already a good-looking Ravenston Ranger, and found a horse team from outside the mountain. He suddenly blew the horn regularly. With a few short and orderly horns, troops immediately appeared in the town. .

Fifty sergeants Rhodok carrying a long-handled heavy knife and carrying a broad shield hurried out.

On the city gate, Rodoc sniper shooter is ready.

Including the arrow towers and towers on both sides, the Livingston Rangers and Forest Rangers, who are suitable for throwing and rapid shooting, have looked away and looked at who is the horse team here.

However, there is no fanfare, and the appearance of strict defense.

Even the peasants who were outside did not hide in the town.

After all, this is a hidden town, so the arrival of such a bright and grand, no desert robbers have come to report in advance, perhaps they are themselves, after all, this is only known as the sentry oasis in the desert.

Sure enough, when seeing Kant close, the sergeants who initially walked out of the gate immediately saluted.

"Master Lord!"

They cheered and their eyes were extremely eager.

"You don't have to be too polite." Kant reached out with help, but his eyes looked forward, and the two figures who hurriedly walked at the gate of the city appeared a bit stunned.

"Master Kant!"

The two came to Kant and bowed in a very respectful manner.

It was James and Bandak.

2 NPC heroes of Kant.


Kant nodded, his eyes stunned, his doubts still in his eyes.

James was still wearing chain mail, holding a Germanic dagger and a round shield, and wearing the common appearance of medical equipment behind his waist, so that Kant was not surprised and puzzled.

The main thing is Bandak.

Kant turned over and dismounted, and at the same time asked, "Bandak, it looks good to you."

"Yes~lightnovelpub.net~ Bandak still looks handsome.

Dressed in chain mail and lined with fine linen weaving, the whole person is very suave, and walked over to take the initiative to help Kant to hold the reins. I am very grateful to say: "Thank you and everyone for helping me out of the threat of death. ."

"It's nothing." Kant shook his head, but asked: "You have recovered?"

"I have recovered."

Bandak nodded.

This even caused Kant's doubts and turned around to ask James: "I remember you said that Bandak's injury will take at least half a year to recover a little, and it will take at least two years for basic recovery."

"It takes five years to fully recover."

James sighed and looked at the next Bandak: "But he has changed a lot every day in the last week, and his body is recovering on his own, even..." His tone paused: "It must not happen Changes!"