Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 588: .The opening of the spirit of war

The five world barons, by virtue of their powerful attacking ability, drove the Svaldia Royal Knights and the Lions of the Lions to the more peripheral places under the condition of Kant’s smooth sailing, and continued to compete with 5,000 formal knights. The "Heavy Cavalry", attached to the Lion's Fortress and wearing wooden false armor, is fighting with the 500 powerful black armor knights.

Of course, due to the crazy counterattacks of 5,000 knight-level "heavy cavalry", the intensity of the war is now at least three times that of when Viscount Carl Cameron was commander in chief. Because of the chaos, the 3-meter-long knight lance is no longer applicable, and everyone has used the knight sword.

However, due to the tremendous increase in the fierceness of the battle, even the Svaldia Royal Knight and the Lion Lion of Selion, sometimes unable to fully retain their hands, this is the official Cavaliers of the Lion Cavalry heavy cavalry continue to die. In addition, 500 black armor knights escaped with the help of the five barons of the world and escaped from the siege of the royal knight of Svadia and the lion knight of Sarion.

The black knights have clearly realized the gap between themselves and the Royal Swadian Knights and the Lion Lions of Sarion. They no longer easily provoke the Royal Knights of Swadiya and the Lion Knights of Sarion, but avoided them. Then he chose the heavy cavalry of the knights who belonged to the lion's fortress and wore a wooden armor to kill.

With the wanton killing of the black armour knights, it was not that the Swadia royal knight and the Lion of the Lion of Lyon made a humming noise, but this time they were holding a knight sword, which was far less heavy than the knight's spear. The knight sword in his hand did not fall to the ground because of the damage reflected by the "heavy cavalry" beheaded by the black armor knight.

However, the severe pain from time to time, and the strong sense of injury still have a huge impact on the battle between the Royal Swadian Knights and the Lions of the Lions. The event of falling to the ground suddenly happened.

"Ok! Kill, kill me fiercely!" Viscount Carl Cameron saw the miserable situation of Kant's army, and immediately shouted cheerfully, sitting on the horse in the distance.

Kant was anxious to see what happened to his men at this time, but there was no good way. In a short period of time, there were thirty or forty Svaldia Royal Knights and the Lion Lions of Sarion suddenly died. The rest of the Swadia Royal Knights and the Lion Lions of Sarion were more or less brought with refraction damage because of the gray curse rune.

Suddenly, a breath of gray flowed out of the bodies of the Royal Swadian Knight and the Lion Knight of Sarion.

"No, when the time is up, the curse rune automatically collapses and becomes the power of curse again!" Viscount Carl Cameron is no stranger to this phenomenon, and immediately blurted out.

Sure enough, after this, there was no longer a Royal Swadian Knight and a Lion Knight of Sarion suddenly hummed for no reason, and no one died for no reason. Kant saw such a situation, he was immediately overjoyed, and shouted directly Issue the command: "Kill! Kill me all the gangs!"

The situation just now made Kant feel too aggrieved. Obviously the strength is far superior to the enemy, but because of the abominable curse, it makes the weak enemy arrogant in front of him. Now that the abominable curse collapsed and disbanded, then Kant naturally has grievances, vengeances, and wants to treat himself and himself. All of his troops just vented their anger and washed it with the blood of the enemy.

At this moment, four world nobles had arrived near Kant.

With the cooperation of Kant and four world nobles, a large area has been vacated around them, which is now the venue for their fight.

One against five?

Kant doesn't think he has this strength now, and he didn't plan to compete with five.

"Sequence One of the Asylum-Spirit of War, Open!" The thoughts in Kant's thinking surged, and immediately opened the special effect of the commendable item necklace of the glory. Serene asylum.

A large amount of war power on Kant's body poured into the emerald green necklace worn around his neck, and then almost without warning, between Kant and the five barons of the Principality of the Duchy of the Principality, there were 100 abruptly wearing crimson body armor. Soldiers wearing full-cover helmets and holding crimson knight lances at the pinnacle of the Grand Knight, they are the war spirits summoned by Kant.

"Huh, now let you also taste the mad siege of the enemy's death!"

The spirit of the world only needs to be able to command with his mind. Kant directly orders 100 forces of war in his mind, and attacks five world barons at any cost.

"Humph! Only a hundred summoned soldiers! Twenty one, kill them quickly, and then attack Baron Kant together!" Baron Tier Isaiah Mod watched the war spirits who suddenly attacked them suddenly after they appeared. , Disdainfully spoke to the other four world nobles.

With the strength of their world baron level, the war spirits at the pinnacle level of the twenty great knights are just a matter of secondary attack. At best, they can only waste some of their rule power and delay some of the time they can attack Baron Kant.

Kant saw that the five world barons were quickly cleaning up the spirit of war he had summoned ~lightnovelpub.net~ and there was no trace of confusion. These spirits of war are originally cannon fodder, and they only need to delay some time for him.

At this time, 800 Swadia Sergeants, 800 Rodok Sergeants, 800 Rodok Sniper Shooters, 800 Virgil Archers, 800 Livingston Rangers, and 1,000 Enface Empires The mage has arrived near the battlefield.

Kant issued an order: "The magistrate's order, with the five world barons as the center, releases the spell-the natural call!"

With the order of Kant, 1,000 enchanting wizards of Enfax began to recite spells.

The five barons of the world looked at each other with a mocking look in their eyes. Their full-body equipment is made of abyssal magic iron, and the magic resistance is so high that it is abnormal. That is, the demon spell of the same level as the demon baron bombards them. The spells of different ranks bombard them, they will not cause any damage to them at all, and will be all reduced by the magic resistance carried by the extremely abnormal equipment.

They did not take Kant's Mage Legion in their eyes at all, and they were only worried about the 2,000 Royal Swadian Knights and the Lion Knights of Sarion.