Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 612: . The direction of the desert of death

In the depths of the Naren Desert, two hundred kilometers north of the large fortress of Drechem, the jackals from the Grey Mane Kingdom and the lizard men from the Lizardman Kingdom were treated as coolies, where they dug sand.

Around them, only thousands of death knights continue to cruise around, and I don’t know why these millions of gray mane jackals and lizardmen in the lizard man kingdom will let these thousands of death knights mess up.

However, whenever the death knight patrols a place, those jackals and lizardmen look at the death knight with fear and humility.

The Grey Mane Kingdom and the Lizardman Kingdom are feuds. The two have fought over the land on the coast of Mannheim for thousands of years. The relationship between the two kingdoms is very bad. In both kingdoms, there is a tradition that the heads of the people of the other country can be used in exchange for merit.

However, in the depths of the Nalun desert, there was not much friction between the jackals and lizards digging sand next to each other. Their eyes were full of numbness and there was no hope.

At this moment, even the Greymane Kingdom and the Lizardman Kingdom are gone, and it is directly transformed into a huge and terrifying death sky. All the jackals and lizardmen who did not express their surrender to the death knights all died. Too. And these jackals and lizards are still alive only because they chose to become slaves to the death knights.

Not ordinary slaves, but slaves whose death knights directly control their lives. Each death knight patrolling here has contracted hundreds to thousands of jackal or lizard slaves. Once a death knight is killed, all the slaves of the jackal and the lizard who he contracted will instantly die.

Therefore, only a few thousand death knights have given these millions of jackals and lizardmen to death. None of the jackals or lizardmen dare to resist any death knight.

Millions of jackals and lizards dig sand together, working very fast, and soon an ancient city pond was excavated. However, this ancient city pool was dug out of a corner. Although there are more than one million people, it is nothing compared to the volume of a city.

Several death knights gathered together, and they were very excited when they saw the corner of this dug city.

"The Lost City, reappearing in the world, this is the most dazzling city on the entire continent tens of thousands of years ago, the city created by the Father! The legend among the family is not wrong! The Lost City really exists, just Here! Not bad!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's great! According to the legend of the clan, the Lost City is filled with amazing treasures, among which there are treasures that will allow us to recover from the undead and become normal creatures with blood and flesh."

"That's right, but to open the Lost City, you need to use the complete solar disk as the key!

Several death knights looked at the south together. In the far south, they could vaguely see a huge fortress city standing on the desert.

Above this fortress city, a huge golden disk, like a small sun, continuously absorbs a huge amount of sunlight, blocking all the poisonous and violent sunlight, and at the same time releasing a soft golden glow, The whole fortress is shining, so that the entire fortress and the surrounding site of the fortress, even in the depth of the terrible Nalun desert, will not be too exposed to sunlight, and the temperature is constant at a maximum of 25 degrees, which is extremely suitable for human survival.

"Sun disk!" Several death knights looked at the golden disk, and there was infinite joy in the sound.

"Wait for the arrival of our national army, take our existing solar disk, and then merge the solar disk in that city, and then we will be able to restore the complete solar disk!"

A death knight said excitedly. In his words, he did not take that male city in his eyes. Because if you want to get the solar disk of that city, you must first occupy that city.

For the death knight, a small city is nothing to them, after all, they have destroyed two kingdoms. The Grey Mane Kingdom and the Lizardman Kingdom are not weak. The ordinary jackals and lizardmen are strong and strong. The physical qualities of ordinary jackals and lizardmen can be compared with the official second-class arms. Training can be compared with the formal three-tier arms.

However, such a powerful kingdom of gray mane and lizardman kingdom, easily destroyed under their terrifying sky of death. As soon as the sky of death came out, the endless power of death eroded all the creatures in the sky of death, causing them to finally flake off their flesh and bones, turning into white bones, and finally becoming a dead soul, becoming the power in their hands.

There are three countries on the coastline of Mannheim. Greymane Kingdom, Lizardman Kingdom, and Elven Republic. If not in the Elven Republic, there are several powerful trees of life against the sky of death, and all countries on the coast of Mannheim will be directly destroyed by them with the sky of death.

Therefore, the death knight simply ignored the southern city. This is the view of all death knights.

In fact, they came here for the lost city. It happened that the direction of travel was facing Drechheim, which caused Kant to misunderstand. However, this misunderstanding is not a misunderstanding, because the death knights will eventually attack Dreichem, but their purpose is not for Kant’s revenge, but for the sun disk.

"Continue digging, dig out the entire lost city, and empty the yellow sand inside! You oversee your slaves!"

A death knight gathered all the death knights and issued orders. Obviously, the identity of this death knight is higher than other death knights.


On the road leading to Drechheim from the Hard Rock Pass ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Kant led more than 200,000 troops and marched steadily. Because it is marching in the desert, even with the constant release of the mage to accelerate the group, the speed is not particularly fast.

Kant also had no means to exert force to improve the morale of the soldiers. As a result, many of the soldiers in distress fell into shallow sleep on top of the horses while moving forward with the horses.

Among Drechheim, Bandak has occasionally dispatched investigations to understand the form of the enemy in detail. Every major movement of the enemy has fallen into Bandak's eyes, and then Bandak Will send someone to pass all this information to Kant.

"What, the enemy stopped in the depths of the Nalun desert, they are digging deep in the desert?" Kant was very happy when he received the message.

"The order slows down the whole army and advances slowly." Kant did this to make the soldiers who immediately dozed off and even entered shallow sleep immediately more comfortable.

Now that the enemy troops are stopped, they have more time and can calm down a lot.