Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 848

Chapter 845: A wave of trivial things

After saying goodbye to Kant, the accountant turned and walked down the stairs. Until the menu was handed to the chef, the accountant still remembered Kant's last question: in answering that question, the accountant deceived him. In fact, the waiter was the soldier who was arranged to pick up the gate.

Ask the accountant why he used an excuse to cover up irrelevant facts. Probably because his heart is full of ignorance of the situation around him.

In case this is Kant’s mission to Bandak and Able, and Bandak and Able handed over the welcoming thing to the pharmacy. So wouldn't they be scolded by Kant, recalling the relaxed look of Bandak and Eble before going out. Phillip didn't want to ruin their happy atmosphere because of his own words.

I just simplified the process of this matter just to avoid trouble. Philette thought so in his heart.

It's just that Kant's eyes when he said goodbye, but he always worried.

It seems that my lie was seen through by the other party the moment he said it, but the other party didn't wake up and confused himself.

"I didn't do anything wrong," Felitt said softly.

Phillip returned to the position of the counter and prepared to concentrate on the account book. As a result, his waiter led a group of soldiers in armor into the hotel door.

"Mr. Filip, the man has arrived." A waiter stepped forward and said in Filip's ear.

"It's hard for you. There is a reward for dinner. Hurry and change your uniform." The tent nodded to the rest of the waiters and asked.

"Yes." Three or four waiters greeted the soldiers cheerfully and left.

A soldier who looked like the leader came forward and hesitated to say, "Listen to the people just now: Your Majesty Kant, they are all in your shop."

"Yes, Commander Bandak and Captain Able have prepared a rest room for you." The account room replied respectfully: "As long as you have taken the key, you can go upstairs and rest."

"That's great." The captain of the team leader exhaled and said, "However, we still want to see the captain first."

The "this" account room found the room keys and placed them on the counter for the soldiers to take away. After hearing the leader's words, he replied: "Sir Ebour and Lord Bandak have just left home, and Lord Kant is still on lunch break. It should not be seen for the time being."

The soldier leader frowned and said, "You don't let us see real people, how can we believe that Lord Kant and his party are indeed in your shop?"

"Alas," the account room thought for a moment, but reluctantly took out the three gold coins that Able had given him from the box on the counter, explaining: "This is the room prepaid by Lord Able for you. If you don’t believe it, you can take a look at it in person. If you don’t believe it, you can only ask you to sit in this lobby for a while and wait until Lord Bandak comes back. Lord Kant is taking a lunch break. We, as the service staff in the shop, are Won't wake him up actively."

The soldier leader took the gold coin and looked at it for a while. After seeing the picture of the current king of the elven kingdom on the back of the gold coin. Slightly nodded: "I believe in you."

"Keys are self-collected." The account room nodded and introduced to the soldiers: "The medium-sized room is one room for six people, and there are twelve rooms in total. The occupants are arranged by you."

"Thank you." The team leader picked up all the keys on the counter and distributed them to the captains of the teams. And ordered the soldiers: "Everyone will bring the luggage back to the guest room, if you want to take a rest, take a rest. We will gather at dinner time. Disband!"

"Yes!" the soldier answered in unison.

After the soldiers carried their luggage in groups of three to five and left, only the leader and the account room remained in the hotel lobby.

The account room supported his elbows and stood by the counter to settle the bills. The team leader sat down at the cafe next to the door and drank free tea from the shop.

After the two had been quietly together for a while, Filipt looked up and found that the leader was still in the seat, looking at the door while drinking tea, as if waiting for something. Then he took the initiative to say: "I said, what is your name?"

"Kerry." The soldier turned to look at him and answered.

"Kerry, my name is Phillip." The accountant waved at him and said, "Why don't you go back to your room and rest?"

"I want to wait for Bandak to lead here." Kerry replied.

Phillip glanced at the sky, and it was now evening. But there is still a long time before the return of Bandak and Ebour.

"They will come back in about two hours, and I will let the waiter to inform you." The accountant suggested: "You go back to the room to rest first. Did you come by carriage after you got off the boat?" There is a bathroom in the room where you can take a bath. You can relax here."

Kerry had been silent for a long time after he heard Philite's words. After reluctantly glancing at the threshold, he walked to the counter and said to Filipt: "My room is 308, please send someone to notify me when Commander Bandak returns to the hotel."

"Okay, I see." The accountant nodded.

"Thank you." Kerry bowed slightly to the account room, turned around and went up the stairs, but didn't expect her stomach to make a gurgle at this moment.

"By the way, you have been on the road today, haven't you eaten lunch too much." Felix said thoughtfully: "I'll let the kitchen cook prepare some meals for you."

Kerry stood silently, flushed on her cheeks. Speak softly: "Thank you."

"It's okay." When Phillip passed by, he patted the other person's shoulder with his hand, comforting: "Marching is already a very hard thing."

After saying this, he turned and walked into the kitchen. Instructed the chef to prepare a steak set for 70 people.

After dealing with this matter, return to the counter and say to Carrie: "Now you can go back to your room and rest. Like I said, take a good bath. The lunch will be delivered to you in an hour. room."

"Okay." Kerry took out a few silver coins from his pocket and said to the account room: "This is the meal fee."

"It's okay, this lunch is treated as a hotel to welcome you, and it's given away for free." Phillip didn't accept the money that Kerry passed in, but waved his hand and refused.

"But" Kerry's face was embarrassed, insisting: "No, I still have to ask you to accept it. We won't eat overlord meal."

Chapter 846: Blazing Heat

"It's okay." Filipt returned Kerry's hand and shook his head again. "If your captain knows: I collected your money for the meal. The business you brought, I can't do it. I will have to ask the boss in the shop to guilt."

Under Filip's "intimidation", Kerry finally recovered the money in his hand and thanked Filip: "Thank you."

"It's okay, hurry and get some rest." Filip said with a smile.

"Uh." Carrey said nothing more and retired.

"The place where you live is on the third floor, don't go wrong." Filipt shouted to remind Kerry.

Kerry glanced back, nodded, and continued to climb the stairs.

When Kerry first appeared in front of Phillip, Phillip fell in love with the child. Because he has a tenacity in his eyes, persistent and tenacious. That kind of look appeared on a gray-faced, 18-year-old Terran soldier. It was indeed eye-catching.

In the process of talking with Kerry, Philite discovered his introverted characteristics. This gave birth to infinite curiosity.

Why does a light-weight child's eyes show such a dazzling light, even if so introverted, he has become the leader of the soldiers.

Numerous speculation thoughts flew through Philite's mind, reminding him of the original intention to open a hotel with the half-orc boss. They want a stable life and gain a foothold in this town. I also want to meet all kinds of people and digest their experiences into their own development experiences.

When such ideas were first proposed, they wore idealistic auras.

Unconsciously, not only him, but even the hotel owner never mentioned anything more about it.

Filipe is a half-orc, according to human age, he is thirty-eight years old. But because of the eyes of a fellow human soldier, in his heart, the flames of going out were burning.

After feeling this feeling, Phillip looked up at the sky outside the window. There is no legend about the origin of species that form a system on this continent. So most races think they are made by God.

In Felit's heart: The soldier just now was a masterpiece of God, otherwise how could he be so strongly infected in a short time.

"God, should I believe this is your arrangement?" Phillip said silently.

Although he had reached middle age, he did not have a family. His parents left him a long time ago and went to another world. Now, apart from the position in the hotel dormitory, there are no obligations within him that he must take on.

He can drop everything generously, pick up his luggage, and go out.

In the afternoon of this day, Phillipt pushed away the ledgers piled up in front of him on weekdays. Staying at the counter with his head imagining what happened after he went out: what kind of adventures he will encounter, who he meets, where is the end of his life, when others talk about their name, they will evaluate it what.

Unconsciously, the window has been shrouded in darkness. The lobby of the hotel also became dark.

Phillip, who was swimming in fantasy, forgot to put a candlestick on his table. As a result, Bandak and Able were startled when he walked into the store.

"Why is this so dark?" Ebble walked toward the store strangely. After seeing the silent Phillip at the counter, he shouted: "Ah! Is this Phillip?"

Filip was awakened from his fantasy, and his body shook with Able's scream. He looked up at the two and said, "Ah, you are back."

"Filip! Really you!" Able walked to the counter and lit the candlestick, carefully confirming the appearance of the person in front of him, and asked doubtfully: "Are you asleep just now? I walked with Bandak When I came in, I didn't even notice you."

"How is it so dark in the shop, what's wrong?" Bandak cared.

"It's okay. You're right. I fell asleep just now." Filipt hurriedly waved his hand. "It's dark when I wake up, and no one lights up the store."

"What about the people in the shop?" Able asked, looking around.

"Before I sent the waiters to the soldiers to meet the soldiers at the gate, it is now two hours before they come back. It should be preparing for dinner." Filip looked at the stopwatch in his arms and said.

"That's the case." Bandak nodded. "You say that, the soldiers are now staying in the guest room?"

"Yes, they drove all day, they should have finished their lunch now, and are taking a break." Filip thought for a while, and said, "There was a kid named Carrey, who said he would stay in the lobby all the time. Wait until you come back. I also persuaded him to go upstairs. He seems to be the team leader or something."

"Yes, Kerry is here, too." Bandak's eyes brightened and said, "He is usually a little stupid, and he is not good at communicating with people. But his heart is still very good, and he is also very good at performing tasks. "

"I think his age seems to be quite young. Did the military camp of Caladea start recruiting at this early age?" Felix asked suspiciously.

Bandak saw that Felit was a bit curious about Kerry, and explained patiently: "Kerry seems to be eighteen this year. In fact, according to normal procedures: only eighteen years old can be officially Join the army. It’s just that he is an orphan adopted by a mid-level officer. After the army was formed, he has been kept in the military camp. I used to watch him perform well with the officers. He asked him if he had the ambition to join the army. After he and his adoptive father agreed, he was admitted to the army at the age of sixteen."

"That's what it is," Philly replied in a characteristic way, saying nothing more.

"Where is your majesty now?" Able asked.

"Your Majesty Kant should still be in the guest room." Filipt replied: "It should be after getting up and eating lunch from the kitchen chef, and now reading in the guest room."

"Your Majesty has been working hard recently." Able lowered his head and said, "When you can relax, let him relax more."

"Did you buy the medicine?" Felit asked, as he remembered the purpose of the two going out.

"I bought it." Speaking of this, Able and Bandak's faces showed a hint of joy, and said happily: "Thank you for the few drugstores we recommended for us. The scale is really amazing. After we presented the illness to the people in the drug store, they immediately found out the medicine for us."

Chapter 847: The daily routine of hotel housekeeping

"Pills like this, you still have to drink it and see how you can count." Filipt was also happy for them, but still carefully advised: "Have you asked about the daily dose of medicine?"

"Well," Bandak nodded. "Not only that, but the boss of the drugstore also pierced me with a set of acupuncture and told me that the poison gas spread was blocked. Now I feel that my body has changed back to my own."

"That's really great," Philly said headily: "No wonder you came back so late, and you've encountered a hermit who knows acupuncture."

"It happened to happen." Able replied happily: "The medicine prescribed by the prescription has to endure for several hours. I wonder if I can borrow the hotel's stove"

"Of course." Phillip promised: "As long as the condition of Lord Bandak can be improved, the facilities in this store can be rented to you whenever you want to use it."

"Thank you." Bandak said heartily.

"It's okay." Filip said with a chuckle. "You guys outside the island really like to say "thank you". In fact, since we are already close friends, we don't need to be so polite in these details."

"Hehe." Bandak smiled helplessly and explained: "Maybe thank you as a habit. I can't think of anything to say except thank you."

"It's up to you, then," Felitt said indifferently.

Able glanced at the wagon parked at the door, and suddenly remembered that the stains that Bendak had spit in the carriage had not been cleaned, so he voluntarily said to Filipt: "Excuse me, Filipt. We have something urgent, Just leave first."

"Well? Where are you going?" Felix asked, looking at the two of them walking towards the entrance of the hotel in doubt.

"We" Able turned around and replied embarrassedly: "I want to take the carriage back to the carport."

"It's okay, there will naturally be a groom to take it away later. You don't need to do it yourself." Phillip walked out of the counter and explained kindly.

"No, no, I think we still have to come by ourselves." Bandak shook his head hurriedly: If the carriage was returned in this way, it would have been worth it. Shame can not be thrown in front of others.

The two left the lobby in a hurry, and Philette looked at the back of the two with an unknown face. After froze for a while, he walked to the corner of the lobby and lit the candlestick of the hotel.

At this time, the back kitchen came the smell of the dishes just out of the pot.

Phillip went to the kitchen stove and asked the chef: "How long is it until dinner is now open?"

"Senior accountant, in about ten minutes, the dishes are all ready." The chef turned back and responded.

"That's good," Philly said in a characteristic way: "Today's guests on the third floor will pack up the kitchen on the second floor. Don't forget to send someone to clean the table."

"Yes." the chef promised.

After leaving his advice, Phillip turned and left the kitchen. Inform the busy waiter in the yard to rush to the various restaurants to prepare for the meal. For example, cleaning and lighting.

On weekdays, most of the in-store affairs are handled by Filip. The hotel owner is responsible for socializing outside.

Phillipe stood anxiously by the handrail of the stairs on the first floor, thinking in his heart: If he left this hotel, what kind of person would the hotel owner find to take over his job.

He and the hotel owner have also been friends for many years. When they first bought this piece of space, most of them used funds borrowed from the hotel owner. Phillip only invested a small amount of money. However, the owner of the hotel did not ask him to accompany himself to entertain him because of his account status. Instead, he thoughtfully handed over the affairs in the hotel to him while he was busy running around.

When Philite thought he was fearless, he could go away. The cause planted by the hotel owner many years ago brought forth fruit in his heart.

Looking at the door of the hotel, Phillip found that in terms of his current strength, there was still a long distance to cross the threshold.

At dinner time, after receiving the news of the soldiers' arrival, Kant did not rush to see them, but first walked to the restaurant and waited quietly for the arrival of others.

Able, who was washing the carriage with clean water by the carport, also smelled the smell of the food from the hotel.

The dirt in the car has been completely cleared by him, but there are still some odors remaining in the carriage, and Able can only wipe the inner wall of the carriage inch by inch.

Bandak stood aside and took care of the garbage.

"It's all because of you, we should have stayed in the restaurant at this time." Ebour said angrily: "Where would it be like now, cleaning the carriage in this carport, and I felt a bad smell all over."

"Isn't it because you insisted that you must take your carriage? I think you did it on purpose," Bandak replied.

The two of you attacked each other in a word, unconsciously prolonged the time to clean the carriage.

It wasn't until Bandak and Abel put on clean clothes and appeared in the restaurant. The soldiers in the restaurant have already eaten up. Only Kant is still waiting for them.

"How do you come so slow?" Kant asked with a frown.


"Don't say this while eating." Able was about to explain, but was cut off by Bandak halfway.

"Humph." Able snorted softly, and he didn't want to talk anymore.

Kant smelled a strange smell floating on them, and took another look at Abel's face. It is clear in my heart.

"You" Kant said disgustedly: "Forget it, Kerry has dinner with us today. People have been waiting for you for so long, and you have to say hello anyway."

"Ah." Able, who was stirring the salad, looked up in surprise. "Kerry?"

Then he looked at a young soldier on the table and continued to say, "Are you Kerry?"

"Yes." Kerry had seen Able on the coast before, but only knew that he was the leader of the elven race. Because there is no place to hand over the work of Able, they are not familiar with each other. At this time, he nodded shyly and replied.

"I heard Bandak mentioned you. He said that you grew up in a military camp and you are very talented as a soldier." Bandak said with a smile.

"Thank you." Kerry nodded shyly.

"I rarely listen to him complimenting others so much." Able continued to stir the salad while saying, "Sorry, we were a little urgent before the meal, so we came late."

Chapter 848: Chat at the Dinner Table

"It's okay." Kerry clenched her fists nervously.

"Kerry is a student, so he looks shy." Bandak explained to Kerry on the side: "It's okay, Kerry. Now that we have come, you can start eating with confidence." Don't care."

"Yes." Kerry looked back at Bandak and nodded in response.

Bandak stayed with him second only to his adoptive father. Therefore, Bandak is also one of the two Kerry closest to the army.

"Did you go to the drug store in the town today, did you find anything?" Kant asked Carenda and Able next to him after seeing Kerry start eating at ease.

"I found it, and I met a doctor with rich experience." Bandak responded immediately: "He gave me some medicines, and also gave me acupuncture or something. In short, the worms on my body have begun to be affected by external forces. It became controlled."

"Did the doctor tell you something?" Kant continued to ask.

"Nothing, just that this poison is temporarily unsolvable." Able replied: "However, it can effectively control the spread of other poisons by slowing down other poisons."

"That's fine." Kant nodded in agreement: "Although Yin Chi insects are rare breeds, it seems that the experiment of Yaowang is still within the controllable range."

"His Royal Highness, we heard that you stayed in the guest room for a whole day after we left today. Was it too busy lately to keep your body up," Bandak asked worriedly.

"Nothing. Recently, there have been a lot of work out." Kant smiled broadly. "It's just that I think it is beneficial to my body. It's just that I have been with the crowd for a long time. I want to return to my space temporarily."

"Since the body is okay, then we can rest assured." Able did not understand Kant's decompression method, but he was also very worried about Kant's physical condition and could see him take the initiative to stop and rest. Able's heart is also happy.

"Excuse me what you said about Gu poison?" There was a faint interrogation around them.

Bandak looked back in surprise, saw Kerry looking at him awkwardly, and said in a panic: "Nothing, that's just."

"Bandak's command has a rare poisonous poison," Kant said at this time: "Now his body is not as good as before, and after two months, the eggs in the body are swallowed. Do your best to be conscious."

"What?" Kerry's eyes conveyed unbelievable emotions. She screamed while covering her mouth.

"Kerry, don't worry." Bandak didn't want to overthrow Kant's claim, because he knew that his previous disguise was the real thing. He can only say warmly at this time: "Brother's illness will be better."

Able looked up at Bandak and opened his mouth, but he still held back the words at his mouth.

"Really? Brother Bandak." Kerry's emotions became fragile, and he asked, looking at Bandark with red eyes.

"Well, yes." Kant nodded. "As long as we stand beside him, God can't take him away."

"Huh." Kerry clenched her fists, stopped her tears, and nodded. "Brother Bandak, can you tell me how to cure him if you are sick?"

"As long as you find the **** who gave Gudak a gut and forced him to hand over the antidote. Bundak can continue to live." Able said: "And the important step to achieve this goal is that we Did the men's eyeliners under the city reveal any traces of the murderer."

"This action, I will definitely go all out." Kerry said firmly.

Bandak looked at a child who was ten years younger than himself, almost watching him grow up, and at the moment showed the responsibility of an adult.

The inner emotions have also become complicated.

"Don't take part in this matter yourself," Bandak said. "Let the more experienced soldiers do it."

"No, I must go." Kerry shook his head. "If I don't go, I won't feel that I have paid for this action, and I will regret it for a lifetime."

"All right," Bandak replied helplessly: "But you have to be careful."

"Well," Kerry agreed.

"We haven't disclosed this matter to other soldiers," Ebull urged: "For the soldiers to act, there will not be too much psychological burden. Kerry, you can't treat Bandak's condition. Revealed to anyone among the soldiers."

They ignored Kerry listening quietly beside them, so they accidentally leaked the news.

"Well, I know." Kerry nodded.

"Oh, Kerry, how did you find this place today?" Kant asked after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"It was the hotel's waiter who picked us up. When they saw us, they said to us: Commanded by Bandak and Captain Able personally." Kerry replied in detail.

"It turns out so." Kant nodded gently and said.

Then he glanced around, and after not seeing Mr. Accountant's figure, he looked down at the food in the bowl.

"It was indeed arranged by us, Phillip ~lightnovelpub.net~ Able nodded and admitted: "Your Highness, what's wrong? "

"Nothing, just want to persuade you: less contact with Phillipt in the future." Kant said lightly: "If there is anything I need to help in the future, I will first ask the hotel owner."

"The owner of the hotel doesn't stay in the store much." Bandak thought for a while, and said, "It's just, why do you think that your Highness will keep us out of contact with Filip."

"I saw that there were fewer waiters in the store today, so I asked him strangely: Where are the waiters in the store? As a result, he told me: The waiters in the store went to the city gate to buy goods. Kerry just now Said: The hotel's waiter is to pick them up." Kant said word by word.

After hearing this, Bandak and Able glanced at each other and said apologetically, "Sorry, Your Majesty. About this"

"You don't need to explain, what Mr. Accountant thought, how did you please him. I know it all in my heart." Kant waved his hand and interrupted Able's explanation. And said: "You may not understand my decision very much now, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that when Phillip is doing things, he always arranges his position in the safest place, no matter how things start in the bureau. It will not affect him. This is a sign of fear of taking responsibility."