Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 86: . Definite Trade Cooperation

   Lord's Hall.

   The pine oil torch used for lighting was crackling and burning.

   Leftover food leftovers are still on the table and not packed.

   The fat butler, with a sweaty face on his face, stood standing next to the seat of his master, Baron Dylan, and he understood that he should maintain the most humble and respectful attitude at this time.

   But no one actually cares about him.

In front of Baron Dylan, the jar of white salt brought by Kant was already on the table.

  Manid took the past and let go.

Through the opened seal, Baron Dylan can use the slightly dim light to see the white flowers in the jar. It is fine white salt, the best condiments, luxury goods that the nobles can buy, and the Master Tower Those masters who possess extraordinary powers are the most enthusiastic casting materials.

  Gently reached in, Baron Dylan grabbed a handful of white salt, scattered like an hourglass in front of his eyes: "This is a good thing." His voice is still indifferent and cold, but with a few traces of vibrato.

   "Yes, Uncle Dylan, as you can see."

  Kant was sitting in a chair with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "This is the transaction I want to do with you."

   Baron Dylan did not answer.

Instead, his eyes narrowed, and a terrible expression appeared in his eyes, just like the attitude he used to fight his life on the battlefield. He took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions before slowly speaking: "Kant, What exactly do you mean."

   "Long-term trade." Kant said.

   Baron Dylan looked up at him directly: "I ask what you mean."

  Feeling the prestige in that eye, Kant did not feel the slightest waves in his heart, and said calmly: "Uncle Dylan, the aunt's family is a grain merchant in North County, and the trade route together with South County and East County, I think this is your advantage."

  Baron Dylan did not answer, still looking straight at Kant.

   Suddenly found that the little boy he had seen who looked shy and understood manners was no longer the Baron Kant sitting opposite him.

   "Salt trade." Baron Dylan murmured in a low voice.

   "Yes." Kant nodded.

   "Salt mine found in your territory?" Baron Dylan continued to ask.

   "Yes." Kant chuckled, uncovered.

   answered so succinctly, but kept Baron Dylan silent for a moment before looking up at Kant: "How many cans of white salt can you give me every week, I need an accurate number."

   "10 cans." Kant said: "I promise to have them every week."

   Baron Dylan looked at him deeply, and finally nodded: "Okay."

   "Happy cooperation, Uncle Dylan, I know you are my closest and most reliable uncle."

   Kant smiled.

   He is a wise man, and although Baron Dylan is a warrior from a civilian background, his low background does not affect his intelligence, whether it is business or political.

   can be promoted from a civilian to a knight, and then become a baron. This is already a luxury that ordinary people can't imagine.

   Baron Dylan did it.

   Looking at the baron who was kind to himself when he was a child, Kant did not have any waves in his heart. He still looked at him sincerely and said, "All I can believe is you."

  This is the truth, Kant did not lie.

   Baron Dylan narrowed his eyes. He looked at Kant, and also nodded blankly: "I am your mother's old deployment."

   "I know." Kant nodded.

   came to this world for so many years, he is not ignorant.

But this gimmick hasn't had much effect for him now, because his mother had died of illness 15 years ago, and once brought the deployment of the Principality of the Lions, it was also suppressed by the local nobles. Slag.

For example, Baron Dylan, who made important contributions to save the battle, can only be exiled to the barren and barren Rocky Pass to become a baron. If it is a local lion duke, it is estimated that a region is created on the fertile plains of South County. It is possible to build a village, and the gap between the two is obviously unequal.

  This is why Kant came to him.

   was born from a civilian, and after many hardships, he finally got an unequal barren territory.

  No one will feel that their efforts are proportional to their returns.

   Baron Dylan, of course not reconciled.

  Looking at the baron who was already middle-aged, Kant did not show any inner emotions, but instead looked sincerely: "Uncle Dylan, this may be the beginning of our success."

   "That's right." Baron Dylan nodded, and he finally looked up to Kant.

Squinting slightly, he asked in a calm voice: "This trade is worth cooperation, but I want to know the specific details." After a pause, he stared at Kant Road: "For example, the price of each can of white salt how many."

   "50 big silver coins, 150 big silver coins cheaper than the white salt currently on the market."

   Kant spoke, but the answer made Baron Dylan's nose slightly heavy.

   Subconsciously clenched with one hand, Baron Dylan narrowed his eyes, looked at Kant's eyes and continued to say in a deep voice: "I don't understand your price."

On the market of the Principality of Lions, the price of white salt is 200 large silver coins.

  Converted in terms of goods and materials, it is equal to the villages on the barren land of North County. All the fields cultivated by the free people and the serfs are added up and produced for a full three years.

  In the beginning, Kant used 20 large silver coins to make the elite cavalry dedicated to the Lion's Castle sell their lives.

   Now the profit of 150 large silver coins per can of salt, who can ignore it?

  Kant raised his mouth.

   But his face is still sincere: "I mean, of course, selling these white salt to you at the price of 50 large silver coins per can, my most respected Uncle Dylan."

   "This..." Rao Shi was the baron of Dylan who was mentally prepared, and was still shocked and speechless.

   10 cans of white salt per week, profit of 150 large silver coins per can of white salt.

  1500 large silver coins a week.

   6000 large silver coins a month.

   is 72,000 large silver coins a year.

  It is important to know that even the most prosperous lion principality in the entire Principality of the Lions, built on the riverside of the Nisniston, belongs to the city of Lion Heart under the direct control of the king, and the trade is extremely prosperous. The annual tax can only reach 50,000 large silver coins.

   These taxes also need to remove various maintenance fees, personnel expenses, and it is good to get a net profit of 30,000 large silver coins.

   But now, Baron Dylan is so relaxed, earning 72,000 large silver coins a year.

   is really profitable.

  Baron Dylan clenched his fists tightly.

   He looked at Kant, and the original reason suddenly disappeared at this time.

   gasped deeply, Baron Dylan smiled: "My most generous Kant, you know, with my honor and your mother's name, we will be the best partner."

   "Of course, Uncle Dylan." Kant smiled, sincerely.

  It was just Baron Dylan’s eyes, flashing a little bit of coldness~lightnovelpub.net~ but forced down by him.

   Salt mines in the desert of Nalun.

   This is indeed a coveted resource.

   But he also needs to determine where this resource is and whether he can be completely controlled by him.

Although he is the lord of Hard Rock Pass, Baron Dylan knows his strength. Among the lords of the North County, he belongs to the weakest group. Not to mention the wealthy South County and the East County that has stopped communicating. The strength of the lords can become powerful.

   This dinner is coming to an end.

With a smile on his face, Baron Dylan turned his head and glanced at the housekeeper with cold sweat next to him, and the look of standing blankly satisfies him. This is an honest man photographed by him.

   While looking at Kant, he also asked: "My dear little Kant, the news of the salt trade, other people should not know?"

   "No, nobody knows."

   Kant nodded and shrugged with a smile: "But Uncle Dylan, after your caravan begins to operate, I think that many people will know that there will be a lot of trouble."

   "It doesn't matter, it will be solved." Baron Dylan bowed his head and smiled, his face even more brilliant.

PS: Thanks to "fiipon" for the starting point of 100 yuan ~ thank you for "how do you want to" the starting point of 500 for the starting point ~ thank you for the "if you oppose" the starting point of 1100 for the starting point ~ thanks to "Book Friends 20100630040053234" 1000 starting coins~Thanks for the "begging for a bear" book, 500 starting coins~Thanks for "thinking about those years", 100 starting coins~Thanks to "定瑟古谈" for the 1100 starting coins~ Thanks to "Silent Shadow" for the 100 starting currency rewarded ~ Thanks to "Ashton 325" for the 100 starting currency reward ~ Thanks to "Tan Tan Boss" for the 100 starting currency reward ~