Lord of the Scourge: Become the Demon Archduke In the Beginning

v1 Chapter 42: I visualized myself

   How bold people are and how productive they are.

   Lawren is not the soul of this world, and there is not so much awe.

  Since the decision is made, I will not give up.

   After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the waves in his heart and felt calm.

   Then mobilized the memory engraved in the blood of the demon archduke. In an instant, a head of three meters tall, with blood-colored wings on the back, two pointed horns on the head, and a demon with infinite power all over his body appeared in his mind.

   The terrifying aura resembles the collapse of a ten thousand-foot-high mountain, and the overwhelming momentum is beyond mortal's ability to contend.

   is just a phantom, and Luoren feels that he is facing a terrifying existence that overwhelms time and space.

   Devil Grand Duke!

   What a terrifying coercion.

   Laurent was shocked.

   took a few breaths before suppressing the shock in his heart, and began to seriously look at the phantom of the demon archduke.

   This is a pure killing machine. Its body is covered with hideous barbs and its fingers are sharp as daggers, even if the soldier's backing is as thin as a piece of paper.

   A curved barb on his back looks like a spear, which looks full of fierceness.

   Scarlet eyes are tyrannical and murderous, even if it is just a phantom, Loren will still be shocked when he sees the other's eyes, obviously he has some kind of powerful blood talent.

   I really have to face such a terrifying thing, I am afraid that it will take tens of thousands of troops to deal with it.

   is too terrifying.

   After a long time, Loren recovered.

   A bit of excitement rose in my heart.

   The Devil Archduke is definitely a terrifying life on par with the dragon.

   His current bloodline of the Demon Archduke is still in its infancy, and he has to wait to be upgraded to platinum, extraordinary, and even legendary to discover its potential.

   No longer hesitating now, he began to use his spiritual power to construct the form of the demon archduke.

  Although there is a reference next to him, and even he himself is the demon archduke, the difficulties are still comparable to the sky.

   Just using mental power to condense the shape is already expensive, let alone using mental power to simulate the coercion of the devil's phantom shadow.

   He is only a silver junior at this moment, and it is definitely hell-level difficulty to spy on this kind of epic life.

   After dozens of attempts, he can only reluctantly use his mental power to construct a simple appearance, and his mental power is extremely exhausted.

   At the beginning of construction, one arm, one wing can even cause the ghost to collapse.

   And every time he fails to build, it will cause backlash, and his mind will sting like a needle.

   But Loren was never a temperament to admit defeat. With a tenacious and persevering mind, he just clenched his teeth and persevered.

   But failure does not end.

   Time and time again, success seems to have become an extremely slim hope.

   The difficulty of visualizing the Devil Archduke is beyond his imagination.

   Lawren was a little numb in the end, his face was pale, and his body muscles were twitching unconsciously because of the pain.

   But this is the case, he is still trying to build.

   When he didn't know how many times he had failed and was extremely exhausted, he entered a special state.

  At this moment, everything around seemed to slow down.

   Then in this state, he realized something, and quietly sketched a phantom that was completely different from the demon archduke.

   can't even see the face, only two wings explain the identity of the phantom.

   But the degree of completion this time has been unprecedentedly high.

   But the good times did not last long. After the construction of the phantom was completed, it only lasted but collapsed in a blink of an eye.

   And this time the impact was particularly strong, and the spirit of collapse was like a hurricane, which instantly caused him extreme pain.

   Loren's eyes went dark and he passed out.

   after a long time.

   Perceiving the icy cold coming from his body, Luoren was dizzy in his mind and slowly opened his eyes.

   Lawren turned his head and looked around, the darkness in the room did not affect him at all.

   The devil has a natural night vision ability, even in a dark environment, it is as bright as day to the devil.

   The two rounds of moonlight outside the window poured down like mercury, shining through the glass into the furniture in the house, pulling out a dim shadow.

   At this time, the steaming water was completely cold, and the candles in the house were already burned out.

   The lack of mental power is like a weight in his mind, making him feel that everything around him is very heavy.

   Lawren gave a wry smile.

  "It’s big, I didn’t expect that just constructing a phantom of the demon archduke would consume all my mental power.

   No wonder the descendants of this generation of Bauhinia family only visualize bauhinia..."

   "It's not that I don't want to visualize other things, I really can't do it."

   After he awakened both bloodlines, his mental power had already exceeded the limit of the silver rank, and even the junior level of gold might not have such a powerful mental power.

   But this is the case, visualizing the devil's grand prince still caused a huge deficit.

   It can be seen that the ordinary descendants of the Bauhinia family, I am afraid that a beast will be like him, the kidney is hollowed out.


   came out of the water, after Loren scrubbed it clean, changed into comfortable pajamas, and lay on the bed pale.

   The air immediately calmed down. At this time, Luo Lun realized that although his mental power was in short supply, his new mental power seemed to be a bit tougher than before.

   Although it is not obvious, he can feel it clearly.

   This made him relieved a lot, but fortunately, this kind of self-masochistic behavior is not small, otherwise it would really be a loss.

  Thinking about it, Loren slowly fell asleep.

   Early the next morning, Loren was awakened by the dazzling light entering the house.

   I opened my eyes and the sky was bright.

   turned his head and looked out the window, the orange sun was slowly floating at this moment, and the morning glow was all over the sky, which looked quite spectacular.

   Lawren got up and stretched comfortably.

   After a night’s rest, the mental power that was emptied yesterday has been fully recovered at this time, and the mental power has also been significantly improved.

   He is more sensitive to the outside world.

   After feeling for a moment, Loren nodded in satisfaction.

   "With my current state, maintaining such an increase in momentum, I will be promoted to Silver Intermediate in a week."

  After thinking for a while, he turned around and found a black outfit in the closet, and put it on.

   After a while, a handsome young man appeared in the house.

   pushed the door out.

   The two maids were coming out of the house at this time. When they saw that Luoren had changed his clothes and went out, their expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly squatted down to salute the skirt, and immediately bowed their heads and said nervously after getting up.

   "Master Lauren, I'm very sorry, we are late..."

   The servants who waited for Loren to change clothes were supposed to be the male servants, but there was no male servant in the manor and fell to these two maids.

   It's definitely their negligence to let the masters put on clothes by themselves.

   Lawren waved his hand~lightnovelpub.net~ I really don't like these cumbersome noble rules.

   "No need to worry, I'm not used to outsiders waiting for me to change clothes, please go down."

   Seeing that Loren didn't blame them, the two maids breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they gratefully glanced at the handsome and heart-pounding teenager, blushing, and turned away.

   After going downstairs, the two maids immediately let go of their courage and started to chat.

   "Master Laurent is really kind, and he didn't punish us."

   "We are so lucky to be able to serve a handsome nobleman like Lord Laurent, Anna, if you say that if the Lord can see me, it would be great..."

   "Doma, stop dreaming..."

   "Hmph, I don't believe you haven't thought about it this way, you just looked at the master's eyes and can't wait for water to drip..."

   "I didn't..."

   "What are you talking about? Is the kitchen work finished?" At the corner of the stairs, a majestic voice made the two maids stiff.

   "Steward Boll..."

   The pale-haired Pol has a straight face, with the most standard elegance and serious manners of a noble butler.

   Seeing the pitiful appearance of the two girls, his face eased.

   "Don’t talk about the master behind your back in the future, just let me hear it again, don’t blame me for punishing you next time..."

   "Thank you for your kindness, Butler Ball, we will never again."

   The two maids who were caught hurriedly thanked them, and immediately trot down the stairs after they finished talking.

   After I couldn't see Boll, he glanced at each other, and then the two nervous girls burst into laughter.