Lord of the Scourge: Become the Demon Archduke In the Beginning

v1 Chapter 64: The correct way to conquer kobolds

   The injured barbarian was soon carried down for treatment.

   Although it looks like a serious injury, it is not a big deal for these tough guys.

   You can be alive and kicking after recuperating for three or two days.

   And the two barbarians who came down from the violent brown bear became the existence of stars arching over the moon.

   Everyone expressed their envy and hatred to these two lucky guys.

too strong!

   After possessing the mount, the barbarian’s combat effectiveness directly increased several levels, which is really enviable drooling.

   Lawren watched them silently from one side.

   The barbarian knight was about 10 meters away from the violent brown bear, his aura suddenly dropped, and the **** of the origin link turned directly into gray.

   "The **** of the angry bear cavalry can only take effect within ten meters of the distance between the two?"

   nodded thoughtfully.

   This defect must be prevented in the future.

   ignored the two barbarians who were squeezed in the center and asked how it felt to be a knight.

  Lorren looked at Sim, the kobold blood mage who wore a black cloak and was extremely sassy.

   "Sim, go and gather the kobolds. I need more patrols."

   The number of kobold patrols in a small group is too small, and it’s not much better to sprinkle on the endless wasteland than rain drops into the sea.

   The information that can be detected is pitiful.

   And the appearance of the lizardman made him feel like a knife in his throat.

   Once the lizardman finds out that there is a territory built by the human landlord beside him.

   I'm afraid that it won't be long before the opponent's army will drive straight into the realm.

  The cruelty and fierceness of the lizardmen is well known in the main plane of Noel.

  The two sides are so close that there is no option to live in peace at all.

   Although he controls a certain amount of military power in his hands, he dare not be careless in the face of an unknown number of enemies.

   What's more, investigating the lizardman territory will reward D-class spears for making blueprints. For this reward, he must also find the lizardmen.

   "Yes, my great master, who can serve you, is the glory of those idiots!"

   Sim's slightly sharp voice sounded, his posture humble to the extreme.

   The corner of Lawren's mouth twitched.

   waved his hand to let this guy get out.

   He also didn't know whether this second person was also a spellcaster, how come he looked like a dog every time? ?

   Sim chuckled shamelessly, turned and left, straightened up quickly, Tsundere cast a glance at the surrounding crowd with disdain.

The black cloak behind    was hunting, and it looked like it had just returned from slaying a dragon.

   Treating Loren, Sim has a fear from his soul, and he dare not even let go.

   But treat other people, huh, he is the great Chief Sim, the Blood Mage!

   Kobold's character of bullying and fearing hardship is vividly displayed in this guy.

   Soon the kobolds gathered quickly under Sim's urging. The 10 kobold patrols who went out today are responsible for maintaining order.

   Laurent looked at the messy kobold, frowning.

   He first enslaved the kobolds to activate the **** for Sim, and by the way, add some labor to the Grey Eagle territory.

   But the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

   The sudden appearance of the lizardman, coupled with the incident of the angry bear cavalry, made him feel a shortage of manpower.

   had to help these guys whom he didn't really appreciate.

   At the moment, there is nothing more suitable for snooping than kobold patrolling.

   The dog nose is always a dog nose, which is much stronger than ordinary detection.

   glanced at the kobolds, and instructed the 10 kobolds to patrol and select the ones with higher loyalty.

   But after selecting three times, and barely selecting 90 people, I found that there are still nearly 40 kobolds whose loyalty is below 30 points, and it seems that they may rebel at any time.

   Lawren's eyes were cold.

   pointed at the 40 kobolds who had fallen behind, and said coldly.

   "The remaining kobolds who are selected have no intention of surrender, and have a rebellious mind."

   "Ariel, these 50 kobolds immediately become slaves."

   "Starting tomorrow, all kinds of coolies will be done by them."

   waved his hand after speaking, "Take them down and detain them in the dungeon."

The barbarian next to    immediately savagely stepped forward and suppressed all the kobolds whose complexion had changed greatly.

   The kobold who was selected was very fortunate to see this scene.

   Looking at his companion oppressed by the barbarians, instead of feeling sad, he was triumphant, and his loyalty skyrocketed.

   Loren who perceives this scene can't help being speechless. These kobolds are simply bitches, right?

   Murderous intent overflowed.

   "The remaining 100 kobolds are divided into 10 teams, and the inspector who is transferred first becomes the team leader, and the system of consecutive sittings is implemented."

   "If a squad has kobolds running away, all other kobolds will be executed!"

   "Everyone monitors each other. If you find that a kobold wants to rebel, you can report it immediately."

   "If it is verified, the reporter can get rewards, and the rebels will be executed directly!"

  The cold tone made these kobolds shiver.

   Suddenly, the average loyalty of those in their early 50s has generally risen to the passing line of 60.

   The corners of Luoren's mouth twitched while observing silently. Sure enough, these idiots eat hard but not soft! !

   Knowing that these guys are so mean, what kind of differentiation policy did he pursue? Isn't it enough to directly enslave?

   wasting expressions.

   "All the kobolds who haven't changed jobs kneel down."


   Within a second, the kobolds in front of him knelt together, without any hesitation.

   makes people wonder if these guys have any bones.

   Luoren didn't bother to talk nonsense, the power of the silvery white blood on his body was gushing.

   immediately chose to help these kobolds transfer jobs in the system.

   Not long after, after the system prompted the sound, Laurent lost his breath.

   Under the gaze of everyone, hundreds of kobolds who have successfully transferred their jobs appeared.

   And these kobolds who changed their jobs to become inspectors, under Loren's unceremonious toughness, their loyalty rose directly to 70 points...

   Lawren couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this.

   really cheap bones.

   At this point, he has three good powers in his hands.

  118 barbarian berserkers, two angry bear cavalry

   40 human spearman

   plus 100 kobold patrols.

   A total of 260 soldiers.

   Although not powerful, each unit has good potential.

   Especially the angry bear cavalry who fascinated him the most.

As long as you capture all the raging brown bears you have found, you will form a large-scale raging bear cavalry regiment at that time, which will surely become the trump card of the City of Bright Moon~lightnovelpub.net~ Just think of dozens of raging bears. When the cavalry charged, Laurent was excited.

   But the most important thing is to complete the two tasks of the system first.

   patrol the territory.

   Explore the lizardman territory.

   The reward for the mission of patrolling the territory is 20 wilderness wolves, and the Detecting Lizardman rewards D-level spear throwing and making blueprints. Both rewards are very practical.

   After a little hesitation, Loren glanced around at his army, and said coldly.

   "Everyone listens!"

   The words fell, and the crowd suddenly fell silent.

   "Tomorrow the kobold patrol will be responsible for the news of the lizardman territory.

  Remember, once the lizardfolk are found to retreat immediately, don't fight with each other, and don't reveal your identity. "

   "I personally lead the barbarian army to hunt down the beasts and to patrol the territory."

   After finishing speaking, she looked at the girl with cold temperament beside her.

   "Fyana, you will lead the kobolds tomorrow. No one is more familiar with lizardmen than you."

   Looking at the girl whose face changed and wanted to say something, Loren's tone was firm.

   "Needless to say, believe me, finding the lizardman's territory is very important to us.

   There are Yass and Barbarian Legion guards beside me, so I can't go wrong. "

   Fayana looked at the heroic boy with scorching eyes in front of her, and she couldn't help being silent.

  If it was before, she would definitely refuse this order without hesitation. He needs to protect Lawren's safety.

   But after a series of deeds, this teenager gave her a strong trust.

   It seems that as long as he is there, those deep eyes with a faint vicissitudes of life will give her infinite strength.