Lord of the Scourge: Become the Demon Archduke In the Beginning

v2 Chapter 87: The magical world is industrialized and

, The fastest update of Lord of the Scourge: Become the latest chapter of the Demon Archduke!

May 2.

The second day of the **** day.

After a whole day of rest and adjustment, the city of Bright Moon, which was victorious in the war, regained its former vitality.

With smiles and joy on people's faces, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious.

After the Demon Warlord An Carlos dived into the lake, there was no movement.

But in these few hours, from time to time, residents have discovered that a body will appear at the bottom of the lake...

That powerful golden-class demon hero is executing orders at this moment.

Laurent hasn't been waiting by the lake all the time, he has strong confidence in An Carlos. The demon warlord will not disappoint him.

Santos Manor.

The master of this land sits in the main seat, carefully reading the documents placed on the table.

The yellow-brown parchment cover is a bit old.

The left index finger tapped the tabletop rhythmically.

I can't help but frown when I see certain provisions.

After a while, Bang~Lorren closed the document and leaned back on the carved wooden chair.

Moving his gaze, he looked at the bearded Deen and the figure with a nervous face in a snow-white dress.

"Ariel, the survey of land needs to be carried out immediately.

This time the plan is still a bit rough.

I mentioned to you the relationship between population and land. In the future, the land in Lunar City can only be controlled by the city hall.

It can be leased, but trading is not allowed. "

"Master Lauren, I'm sorry, I..."

Ariel's tone was weak, and she didn't dare to refute the slightest.

Although Deen next to him felt a little distressed that his girl was being reprimanded, he could only smile honestly.

Ariel is the deputy speaker of the city hall, much higher than his assistant to the deputy speaker of the city hall, and he is not qualified to interject in front of Luoren.

Seeing the girl who was tightening her hands suddenly and becoming more nervous, Luoren's tone slowed down a little.

"Food is the lifeblood of all people, so agriculture is the foundation of Bright Moon City, and no one can intervene in it."

"Make a new policy."

Looking at this talented interior officer, the implication is profound.

"The City of Bright Moon will have two important development paths in the future.

One is agriculture, and the other is industry.

Agriculture is the guarantee of safety and is indispensable, but relying solely on agriculture does not make us strong.

Only industry is the opportunity for the City of Bright Moon to become stronger. "

industry? what is this?

Fayana, with a cold face, showed a somewhat listening gaze.

The teenager often has some words beyond her imagination, and they are full of philosophy and charm.

Ariel whispered when she heard the name she had never heard of.

"Master Lauren, what is industry?"

What is industry?

Loren smiled, this is a huge problem.

Primitive society, agricultural society, and industrial society are all historical processes.

After organizing the language slightly, use your own words.

"The basic idea of ​​industry is to concentrate resources on production, efficient production, and large-scale production."

Looking at the other's thoughtful expression, Loren continued to instill his ideas.

Not all knowledge of the earth is suitable for Noel's main plane, but the principle of many truths is interlinked and not impossible to repeat.

"We are now going to produce a spear. The process is forged by a single blacksmith. The speed of forging and the quality of the spear are completely affected by the forging blacksmith.

If you don’t perform well today, the spears produced may be gradeless ordinary goods. If they perform supernormally, they can produce D-level and C-level equipment. "

"If once industrialized production is carried out, we can set production standards for the spears, and the quality of the spears will tend to be uniform, and there will be no more instability problems."

"Specific operation-we can break down the forging process of the spear into 20 steps."

"A blacksmith is responsible for each step."

"After the first blacksmith completes the desired steps, it is handed over to the second blacksmith to continue production, and so on."

"This streamlined work mode can increase production efficiency tenfold or twentyfold."

"In the long run, the blacksmiths who make the corresponding steps will become more and more familiar with their own work.

The quality of the parts they forged will be transformed, and when everyone's skills are improved, the quality of the forged weapons will also be improved. "

"This is just the weapon part. In addition, the concept of industrialization can also be applied to various fields..."

"Smelting, brewing, papermaking, clothing, even farming, education..."

"When the city of Bright Moon is industrialized, then our strength will be unstoppable..."

"and also......"


Lawren elaborated on the changes and future that industrialization can bring.

Under his narration, Ariel and Fijana couldn't help swaying, even Bearded Deen slapped his thigh with excitement, shouting fiercely.

Industrialization has such great power.

The biggest gain is undoubtedly Ariel, a genius interior officer.

The girl quickly absorbed the knowledge passed by Loren, she was just listening to the lecture at first, and then she could ask questions after a while.

Later, the questions posed became more and more profound, until finally some questions have exceeded Loren's knowledge reserve.

This also made Loren once again realize what genius is.

The genius who can be recognized by the system is really dazzling.

Loren looked at the girl's desire for knowledge, and said everything, and passed on the relevant knowledge he had mastered.

This made Ariel's heart full of touch.

The nobles monopolized knowledge and controlled the channels for the rise of civilians, which made knowledge the most expensive wealth in the world.

The boy's mind once again filled the girl's big eyes with water waves.

Lord Lauren, is so attractive...

"To sum up, the most basic understanding of industrialization is to reduce production difficulty, improve production efficiency, modularize, and standardize production.

Industrialization requires human hands, and we cannot tie people to the land.

Therefore, the future land will be personally controlled by the city hall, responsible for providing food supplies, and not letting the land flow into the hands of residents scattered, which is not conducive to our future development direction. "

The first condition for industrialization is a sufficient population.

In the earth where industrial robots are developed, this condition may not be applicable.

But in the main plane of Noel, where production is still in a state of ignorance, population has become the most important productive force.

At the beginning of the industry, it was dominated by handicrafts. With the development of science and technology, various machines appeared, and the entire production model changed.

The current Lunar City lacks the necessary conditions, so it can only slowly climb the technology tree.

Of course, Loren has a clear understanding of this, and this world is completely different from the earth.

Magic, power of blood, **** natural disasters, demons, lizardmen... etc. are all things that the earth does not possess.

What is applicable on the earth may not be suitable in this world.

Although he is even mentally prepared for failure.

But this is the case, he will not hesitate because of the uncertainty of the future, he is firm about it.

"The City of Bright Moon in the future will be a city with rich assets.

Here, as long as people are willing to work, they can get paid and support themselves.

Here, there will never be a situation where everyone is beggars and dead bodies are everywhere in famine years.

I want this city where everyone has clothes and clothes, everyone has a house to live in, everyone has a meal, and everyone has a future! "

Ariel repeated the last sentence several times, her expression shocked.

The boy's already tall figure in her heart became more and more scorching.

When Fijana heard the high-minded words, her breathing subconsciously slowed down a bit.

If it can really do everything that Luoren said, the city of Radiant Moon at that time will surely be as dazzling and scorching as its name.

The bearded Deen squeezed a few of his beard abruptly, and his excited mouth trembled.

This is the city of his dreams! !

This boy is really invincible! !

Praise the sun! Praise Lord Laurent! !

Laurent glanced over the two girls, directly ignoring the obnoxious bearded Deen.

Fijana and Ariel are both proficient and arrogant, one is cold and proud, the other is weak and timid, and two extremes.

But both of them are so outstanding, top talents hard to find.

"I hope you will still be by my side in the future.

Realize this dream with me and build our Moon City. "

In the future, you will still be by my side, building our Moon City...

When the two girls heard this, their hearts trembled, and they looked at each other inexplicably.

At this moment, they all saw the blush on each other's face.

Lord Lauren, this is too blunt...

What nonsense is this **** talking about...



At noon, most residents are eating or resting.

A staff member of the city hall with an excited expression came to the center of the street and stopped in front of a gray wall in front of him.

Seven or eight notices have been posted on this wall, black and white, occupying most of the page.

After looking at it for a while, the staff member shook the large white paper in his hand and chose a blank position.

Reached out and took out the paste that had been placed in the corner, brushed the paste with a handful of hay, and started to post it.

The residents passing by saw this scene and suddenly became interested.

"What is Master Cali posting?"

"This bulletin wall will be full after a few more bulletins..."

"Fool, won't you tear it off when the post is full? Do you think this wall is a one-off?"

"Could it be an announcement to recruit soldiers...I want to sign up, Lord Cali!!"

The crowded scene soon attracted a few young people with red armbands on their shoulders.

"Everyone keeps order!! Crowding is prohibited in front of the announcement wall!!"

When the crowd heard the sound, they immediately fell silent and did not dare to squeeze forward.

Several twelve or thirteen-year-old children looked enviously at the two young men with red armbands.

"Kina, is that your brother? It's so handsome! I will also be a reserve soldier in the future!"

"It is said that reserve soldiers will have the opportunity to become real soldiers in the future! Just like Lord Kur, who can ride a giant wolf!"

"so amazing......"


Hearing the compliments of a few children, the young people's waists straightened.

They are reserve soldiers who have been approved by the Ministry of Public Security after inspection, and they may even have the opportunity to get Lord Laurent to be transferred in person in the future!

At the time when the crowd was discussing, the staff who posted the notice smoothed out the bulge after the paper was pasted with the paste, and then turned to look at the crowd.

Excited loudly.

"To promote a few things today.

First, the lord announced that the lake next to the territory was officially named Huiyue Lake. From today onwards, it will be officially included in the territory of the City of Bright Moon. Where the lake flows through, it belongs to the City of Bright Moon! "

Wherever the lake flows, it belongs to the city of Radiance...

Just such a sentence immediately caused the crowd to boil.

Too domineering! !

This is their lord! !

"Second, starting to survey the land this afternoon, the Ministry of Agriculture needs to hire 20 employees, and farmers who know how to grow food are preferred.

The farmer who gets hired will get the status of third-class resident and have a monthly salary of 3000 Puke! "


The heated discussion from the crowd is even louder!

Can you get the honorable status of a third-class resident if you are hired by the city hall? ?

And can you get paid? ?

The crowd squeezed forward almost crazy, wanting to ask how to sign up.

The staff who read the order ignored the noisy crowd and continued to read it.

But the next moment, his face suddenly became excited.

"The third article was written by the lord himself..."

When the crowd heard the decree written by Lawren, they became quiet for a moment, and began to listen.

The voice of the staff suddenly became louder.

"My people, I am your city lord, Loren Grant.

With the joint efforts of everyone, we defeated the Scarlet Monster and won the victory of the Scarlet Day. "

"It can be seen that our nascent city is full of hope and future."

"No one can crush us."

"Those who cannot kill us will definitely make us stronger!"

"I promise you that no matter how miserable you were before, in the City of Bright Moon, everyone will have the opportunity to rise above others."

"The City of Bright Moon in the future will be a great city."

"Here, as long as residents are willing to work, they can get paid and support themselves."

"I want the city of Huiyue...

Everyone is dressed!

Everyone has a room to live in!

Everyone has a full meal!

Everyone has a future! "

The voice is high-pitched and loud.

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone eats, has clothing, has a house, and has a future!

In a few words, everyone understood.

What a simple promise.

However, the Bloody Day will come every month, and the main plane of Noel, who is swept by natural disasters, is as difficult as reaching the sky.

The living environment that the bottom-level residents dream of is nothing more than this.

I would rather be a prosperous dog than a chaotic world person,

No one lives in a turbulent environment that doesn’t know if tomorrow will be killed by a monster that suddenly breaks through the city wall.

It is hard to imagine the longing for a safe and prosperous life of these low-level slaves who have never settled down for a moment.

If another lord said to the residents, most people would just sneer. Who would imagine the words of those greedy nobles?

But this is the city of Huiyue...

Everyone has experienced the changes in their lives in the past month.

The simple and straightforward words caused an inexplicable emotion among the onlookers.

My heart is rolling, something seems to be brewing, something is surging.

A rush of blood rushed to the head.

An old man was trembling with a beard and his eyes were rosy.

"There is hope, there is really hope... Praise you, the great Lord Laurent..."

A middle-aged man's hands trembled uncontrollably, "Lord Lord... can meet you, it must be the favor of the goddess of faith."

The young man beside him screamed excitedly.

"Long live Lord Lord!!"

The moment the words sounded, countless people responded quickly.

"Long live Lord Lord!!"

"Long live Lord Lord..."


The loud voice gradually converged ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then resounded over the entire territory.

Vinnie Gera, who had just walked out of the weapon department, the spellcaster proficient in the magic circle also heard a huge noise.

With a bit of curiosity, he stepped to the front of the bulletin wall and saw the notice posted on it through the crowd.

Originally, her face was quite normal, but when she saw the four short sentences at the beginning of the employing person, her mind was shaken.

Although there were not many words, she saw an ambition that she had never had before.

She could even imagine in her mind that young man screaming at Fang Qiu when she uttered these few words.

With the shock in her heart, Winnie felt it for the first time.

Perhaps, she chose this territory and took refuge in the young man who could surrender the devil. There was nothing wrong with it.

Such a king will definitely leave a bright brilliance on the endless wasteland.