Lord of the Witches

v1 Chapter 531: Man with fish

At the edge of the dark plain, before the dead old tree, two figures were standing, and most of Amanda had been restored. She was still wearing the bright red cloak, carrying an exaggerated axe and a hand enough to smash any monster. Headed double-barreled shotgun.

At the same time, in her hand, she held a gray mask.

A tangled, worried look appeared on the cold, tender face, turning to look at Tang Qi, hesitantly said, "Why not let me be ...?"

Before Amanda finished, Tang Qi shook her head and refused.

He could feel Amanda ’s worries, and at the same time he understood that the young girl probably regarded him as the only hope for saving the world.

Ok? There was a feeling that I became the only hope in the village.

Quietly speaking, Tang Qi smiled and pointed at the “existence mask”: “The two of us must establish a relationship between prey and hunter to pass through the dark plains. This existence mask is just the perfect prop . "

"Playing a hunter, although there are some dangers, but overall safety, it is suitable for you."

"And I, as a prey, may have some high-level manifestations to **** your prey, you don't want to intervene ... wait for me to fight back."


"You can just wait for me to fight back?"

Tang Qi heard the last sentence, Amanda inexplicably felt a strong domineering.

The original rebuttal had to swallow back.

What the two of them are about to implement immediately is a rough plan made by Tang Qi based on known rules and the "existence mask" that he had just obtained by killing monsters.

"In the dark plains, there are 'desire manifestations' wandering everywhere, and they have different strengths and weaknesses, but they have one thing in common. Before they complete the last hunting process, all manifestations are In a state of 'nothingness'. "

"Not only physical attacks are useless, even skills like 'judgment' can't cause killing, even bugs that may be used because of nothingness, such as using 'life curse' to turn the manifestation into life first, and then killing with trial ... this method is also useless. "

"The casting target of the life curse also needs the entity, facing the air and the nihility, it cannot create any life."

"It's up to me to play prey, and Amanda to play the hunter. In this form of entering the dark plains, the most likely dangerous consequences are some high-level manifestations, which may break through the restrictions and rob prey, according to Merlin. Information, this has a certain probability. "

"At that time, it is natural to be attacked by prey. Tang Qi's strength is the most suitable for counter-killing the snatchers in an instant."

"This involves another piece of information that I have learned through my special ability. All manifestations require one touch to complete the hunting ... there is Diana ’s guard, even at a higher level of manifestation The body, also unable to touch the moment, makes me lose myself. "

"That time difference is the key to my counterattack."

"Once there is no guardian of the" none "state, even some of the extremely high-level manifestations listed in the Merlin catalog, it is difficult to resist my counterattack."

"Of course, there must be unexpected risks, so I should also prepare some final defenses."

When the last thought flashed, Tang Qi's mind suddenly appeared five, as if there was an eternal glorious sun.

Corresponding to the gush, there is a vast and vast torrent of knowledge.

Unless Tang Qi had the status of "Furnace Sorcerer", the knowledge display from the projection of the Lord of the Furnace was enough to make him crazy immediately and burn himself out.

Now, he doesn't have to be crazy, he can still make a redemption.

In the last adventure in the "Black Prophet", in addition to retaining a divine eye of wisdom, he also received a more generous income.

Sun feats!

The root cause of the melting pot wizards in those days became the gang of lunatics. The fundamental reason is that they can exchange almost everything from the melting pot master.

The wizards who made themselves humanoid furnaces exaggerated the slogan more than the church.

Adhering to the philosophy of doing things: exchange for merit, enjoy in time, and promote in time, anyway, there is still a lot of time to be waved, and a lot of evil spirits can be burned.

Tang Qi was obviously not as "heroic" as his predecessors, and finally saved five merits, but he had no choice to redeem.

Until now, he was very simple and exchanged the same skills he had already selected.

When the mind was distracted, he saw an extremely distressed scene, the five golden canon's meritorious services, and with a "slap", only three remained.

Yes, the skills he exchanged are very expensive, very expensive.

"If you consider meritorious deeds to be gracious, I can feel Selma's wealth fandom, and finally it seems that I am a little poor."

Tang Qi sighed a few words while feeling the security brought by the skills exchanged.

Immediately, he looked at Amanda.

The girl who finally approved Tang Qi's plan turned her head and looked at the dark plain in the thin mist.

Then, holding the gray mask with strange texture in both hands, he slowly covered his face.

Almost immediately, unimaginable changes appeared on Amanda.

The strange "grey gas" poured out silently, and in a moment, Amanda disappeared, replaced by the "silent beast" that Tang Qi had killed before.

A huge body like a hill stood side by side with Tang Qi.

Some organs, such as mouths and ears, even directly hit Tang Qi, breaking into gas and returning to Amanda's body.

Tang Qi felt it silently, and the "silent beast", who was very close to him, tried to soak his body with the cold breath that was no different from before.

Only because of this silent beast, there was no sneak attack.

So at this time, Tang Qi can still speak and make various expressions.

The expected picture, the existent mask, can be changed to any object that the wearer wants to change, and can show perfect characteristics.

As a "wearer", Amanda only needs a thought to be a beast of silence.

Of course, the mask also has a hidden rule.

If the wearer chooses to change, there are many "desire manifestations", the only answer is the silent beast body, and the remaining options are gray and not selectable.

"It's true that there are serious levels everywhere. The beast of silence is in the dark plains, probably the best transparent little bully ... However, it's better than nothing, anyway enough to make weird like the eyeless snake, and follow the rules. To harass. "

Looking at Amanda who had adapted to the new body, Tang Qi took a quiet breath and calmly said:


When the words fell, Tang Qi now crossed the area where the dead tree was. The body and the plain formly touched the indescribable "light" as if the thin mist eternally drifted.

In an instant, he looked at his raised arm.

White but life-like skin is gradually covered by cold tones.

Everything reflected in the pupils is also becoming grey and dead.

If it were n’t for Tang Qi, he could still feel clearly that his body, the blood was still flowing, and there was the heat of life. The magic of the furnace was still running, and he thought he had become a weird dead.

His image at this time is still "the wandering pharmacist".

Carrying the "greedy food" that became extremely quiet as he entered a special environment, Tang Qi stepped into the depths of the plain.

On his side, a silent beast followed silently.

Although it has an extremely large body, it is extremely fragile, and there is no sound when it moves. It even has a certain characteristic that is neglected, which is perfectly in line with the role of "small and transparent" characters.

I don't know how long I left, and the visibility in front has been very low.

Since the moon's brilliance is isolated here, and there is no reference object, almost all the methods used to identify the location on the mysterious side are invalid here.

The only thing that is feasible is still a sentence left by Merlin:

"Adhere to the belief in your heart, every step is the way forward."

Although Tang Qi believed that this was what the old wizard used to deceive the "Second Warrior", he had to understand it in a rough manner.

Meditation in the bottom of my heart: the right path is ahead.

No need to identify more, just walk by feeling.

This method seems to be very useful at first, because since he entered the "dark plain", there has been no fear for a long time, except for the sound of stepping on the cold gray sandstone when he walked, there is no other movement.

Of course, I did not encounter any "desire manifestation".

It seems that his plan also worked.

There must be a lot of desires appearing, and I feel the taste of Tang Qi.

But because of this sweet and delicious human being ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ has been stared at by the "silent beast", so it has remained stagnant and has not come to sneak attacks.

Tang Qi just thought of these thoughts.

It was at this time that a faint, intermittent pleading came suddenly from not far away.

In an instant, Tang Qi stopped.

But the fog in front suddenly became thinner and thinner. A scene that often appeared in the desert area was reflected in the eyes of Tang Qi and Amanda in the next second.

Not far away, on a high desolate soil slope, a figure was crawling hard.

This is a middle-aged man with ragged, scarred skin. His skin has been cracked. A face seems to have been exposed to sun for a long time, and he hasn't drank water for many days. At the moment, he is weak, climbing to the top of the slope. .

In front of him, there was only the cold sand and stones that kept falling.

Mouth murmured: "Water, I need water ... Give me water!"

Just when he was so desperate, suddenly, a clear, phosphorescent spring flowed down from the top of the slope.

Hope the sudden appearance makes him ecstatic.

Almost without hesitation, he buried his face in the spring water and drank it in a big sip, unaware of how strange and incredible this scene was.


Not far away, Tang Qi and Amanda, who changed into a "silent beast", completely stayed in place, gazing at the unlucky man who was caught by the "dark plain" from the real world and fell directly on the top of the **** Above.

There was lying a "weird" familiar to Tang Qi, a terrible, rotten fish.

The clear spring water is flowing from its open and closed fish mouth, glowing with phosphorescent light that makes people tremble, flowing towards the mouth of the man below. As the man swallows, the creepy changes are happening on his body.

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