Lord Pender

Chapter 119: Principality of Italy

"Lord Marquis, according to the secret report of the Dark Eagle, the kingdom seems to really want to declare war on Ravenland Kingdom!" Rebella rushed to the castle and shouted, watching the huge backyard being emptied by a raging fire, the terrifying lava Flowing, a figure in the middle waved the scarlet middle, as if to completely melt everything!


The flowing fire suddenly stagnated for a while, revealing Leo's figure. His complexion seemed to be getting whiter and paler, showing a completely different state from the fire he was waving. Hearing what Rebella said, Leo was also a while. Frowning.

"Is war finally going to be declared? Unexpectedly, this war seems to be inevitable," Leo murmured softly, taking the cold towel of the maid on the side and wiping off the sweat. That nail under Solo.

The other party once saved Brown's life under Leo's layout, so he is deeply trusted by Brown, and with the care of the deputy envoy of the patrol, Solo naturally has vaguely come into contact with a lot of important information.

But Leo once told him that unless there is particularly important information, he must keep silent to avoid the possibility of exposure. Anyway, at present, he is the only informant in Wind Patrol.

Therefore, in the four months that Leo returned to the territory, he only received information twice, and this was the third time.

The kingdom declared war on the Ravenland Kingdom. It stands to reason that the nobles in the north of the kingdom participated in the war, and it would not affect him. But after all, this involves wars with countries of the same level as the kingdom. Now this news is not known to the public. Dark Eagle It is normal to take the risk to pass the news back.

"If you want to start a war, you will always fight with the lord of the north first. It seems that it has little influence on me," Leo murmured, "But now it is time to start selling the paper.

Only in this war can those lords be made aware of the benefits of paper, and then they won't have to worry about orders. By the way, there are also soaps, which will be released at the same time. As for the telescope, this should be reserved. "

The binoculars are different from ordinary treasures. Although he also made some, he did not even issue them to his own soldiers. After all, once this thing spreads out, everyone can know that it is a battlefield artifact, even high-level soldiers have difficulty seeing. Imagine, but with the blessing of the telescope, it may be more exaggerated!

"You have allowed our paper factory and soap factory to increase production for a while," Leo said to Rebela, "at the same time, let Achle sell the goods accumulated before with the caravan, and tell If they want to buy them in the future, they must all go to Lanxia City to purchase them."

Rebella walked away in response, Leo walked to the magic crystal warehouse in the backyard, and skillfully opened the warehouse door. The next moment, the magic crystals that were originally piled up like a hill disappeared instantly!

Leo gave a bitter smile in dissatisfaction. Now these magic crystals obtained through market transactions are mostly low-level magic crystals, which can be used to accumulate energy points, but it is unrealistic to increase the rank.


In the next few days, Lanxia City was still developing in an orderly manner.

"Hey, my God, what happened!" A construction worker screamed, arousing dissatisfaction from his companions.

"What are you babbling about, which process went wrong? Hurry up and correct it, and it's over? Are you afraid that others won't know?" A companion said cursingly.

"Look, aren't these places hollow?" the construction worker shouted in disbelief, pointing to the city wall in front of him. It should have been a huge hole, but now it has been built up. It was solid, and it seemed that it had already been built, and there was no moisture on it at all.

how can that be?

"My God, really, what happened?" Someone exclaimed, looking very unbelievable.

They built this city wall with their own hands, so they naturally understood how ridiculous the original hollowness was, but all of this was made up for it? How is this done?

dong dong dong...

A construction worker knocked, and the voice revealed made all the construction workers discolored. They are all top construction workers. Naturally, it seems that these are solid! And it's still the most intimate state!

It stands to reason that the hollow they left, even if they were filled with stone, would never reach this state? Really don't understand how this is done!

"It's so thick, I'm afraid it's difficult for the great knights of the kingdom to pierce deeply." A construction worker stammered, the defensive power of this city wall is extremely amazing, "This Lord Lord, really is It's unpredictable."

"I've heard about the magic of the Archimonde Marquis for a long time, and I saw it with my own eyes today," said a construction worker.

At this time, Leo, who was the object of everyone's discussion, looked rather tired. He was busy all night, and finally filled up the city wall. He wanted to delay it for a while. After all, energy value is also a good thing. .

There is no need to be in such a hurry to fill in all of them, especially since the nearby villages have already received good news, and Captain Cary took Frank to take them all and are undergoing reconstruction.

But the secret report he just received made him nervous again. Kingdom and Ravenland Kingdom, the two great Pande kingdoms, once a war begins, even if he is in the southeast of the kingdom, it may not be so safe.

It's just... after half a day,

"Lord Marquis, His Majesty's messenger has arrived." A servant told Leo, causing Leo to frown slightly. How could a messenger from the kingdom arrive at this time?

Could it be that the king wanted him to go to the north to lead troops to fight? Although the lord is obliged to fight for His Majesty the King, his place is still more important, because to the south of him is the feud of the Lion Kingdom - the Bacchus Empire!

In such a crucial place, King Ulric should wish him to guard here and guard the southern border of the kingdom for him. He should not be allowed to participate in this battle, which means that the strength of the marquis will be greatly dispersed. part to the north.

Leo did not believe that King Ulric trusted him, but he believed that King Ulric would not threaten the southern border because of a northern war. The empire in the south is the real enemy of the kingdom!

"Lord Marquis!" The messenger sent the king's letter very respectfully. The so-called messenger is really just a messenger. It is different from Leo's past life. Facing a noble like Leo, he is almost a messenger. The extremely uneasy ~lightnovelpub.net~ Leo's expression seemed to be somewhat surprised, but he waved his hand and said to the messenger, "Report to His Majesty the King for me, I will definitely handle the matter."

Naturally, the messenger did not dare to ask any more questions. This was the information exchange between His Majesty the King and Marquis Leo. He was just the one who was in charge of the conversation. He couldn't afford to offend anyone on both sides. Report to the king."


"The Principality of Isha, it's interesting," Leo said with a bit of playfulness on the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that the king really let him participate in the war, but the target was not the Ravenland Kingdom in the north, but the A small principality on the east side of the territory - the Principality of Isha!

This is a small duchy similar to the Duchy of Ice and Snow. There are quite a few on the Pender Road, but the sense of existence is not very high. It is unexpected that the king would pay attention to such a small country.

The reason is also vaguely guessed by Leo. The rumors of the Duchy of Isha and the Ravenland Kingdom are unclear, and they may have been receiving funding from some of the lords of the Ravenland Kingdom.

This is also understandable. After all, the other party is on the eastern border of the Lion Kingdom, so Ravenland is naturally willing to support a puppet, and the Principality of Isha also loves dinars and various goods, so the two sides naturally hit it off.

"Looks like I'm going to attack the Isha duchy," Leo took a breath, closed his eyes and thought. King Ulric only said that he should teach the Isha duchy a lesson, and he controlled the specific scale.

The so-called principality, although it is extremely weak, has some means to establish a country in Pan De. Leo still has to pay attention. At least he can give up his wealth for the kingdom. He asks himself that he cannot do it.

(PS: There is one more update tonight)
