Lord Pender

Chapter 127: the dust settles

Earl of Rand.

Many people showed a bit of entanglement on their faces. After all, although Earl Rant was very suitable in terms of identity, his temper was really a bit irritable.

Giving the title of kingdom messenger to Earl Rand, everyone is also worried, whether it may cause some unintended consequences.

At this time, Earl Rant tried his best to be very calm and calm, as if to explain to everyone that he was no longer the Earl of Rand he used to be, and now he is also a graceful and ceremonial nobleman.

Of course, most people know that this Earl of Rand is indeed very irritable. No matter how gentle and elegant he behaves at this time, it is difficult for everyone to believe that he is the same on the outside, and the impression accumulated over time can not be eliminated by a moment's performance. of.

"It seems..." King Ulric also frowned slightly. He was also a little worried about Earl Rand, whose temperament was as irritable as him. Perhaps for the lord, this Not a bad character.

But... as an envoy of the kingdom, especially an envoy who went to befriend and appease other countries, the character of Earl Rand is very worrying, but there is really no other person to choose.

"But I heard, Earl Rant, you seem to have had a lot of conflict with Lord Mousse of the Duchy of Brown recently.

Lord Moose is a real power noble in the Principality of Brown. It seems that you are not very suitable for envoys to the Principality of Brown. "At this time, an old nobleman from the Noble Garden walked out tremblingly and said to Earl Rand.

Damn old thing!

Earl Rant's face changed instinctively, and a little bit of red appeared faintly, and he kept thinking "hold back" in his heart, and at the same time squeezed a smile, "I think there may be some errors in Lord Galt's news.

It is understandable that some merchants in two different territories have conflicts with each other, but this does not mean that there will be conflicts between me and Lord Moose, it is just that the merchants in the territories are due to some Disputes arising from the problem, as the lord of the Earl of Rand, I will try my best to handle their disputes, and there will never be a conflict between the two countries. ' said Earl Rand with a smile.

Obviously, Earl Rant also thought of this situation in advance, and he had already thought of the words, and the big things should be reduced. If the conflict between the two real power lords is enough to affect the relationship between the two countries, but the businessmen in the lord's territory Disputes are too small.

Young little fox.

Many nobles and ministers of the kingdom also sighed in their hearts. Although Earl Rand has a bad temper, he is very smart. The only problem that may threaten him has already been thought of, business disputes? Everyone here, who would look at that thing?

It seemed that it was indeed the Earl of Rand.

The nobles and ministers also have vague guesses. The few problems are gone. As a suitable candidate like Earl Rant, there are indeed the vast majority of the envoys who may become the kingdom, but it really makes many people a little worried. .

At this time, a red waiter walked in quickly, looking very hastily, and handed a letter to King Ulrike. Someone recognized that this was the king's closest courtier, Hut.

The expressions of everyone changed a little, and they all became serious.

This is the highest-level meeting in the kingdom, and such a letter will be handed over. Obviously, the things in the letter are not ordinary.

"Count Lant," King Ulric's expression sank, "I received some news just now, someone said that your second son Raff led the guards in the castle and took Lord Moose's young nephew Volt He was arrested and placed under house arrest in the castle.

As far as I know, Mu Si is very fond of his nephews, and this caravan is also the caravan of the Mu Si family. Your behavior is somewhat inappropriate! "



The expressions of many nobles and ministers changed again. This matter was so big that even His Majesty the King knew it. Now, the position of the messenger that Earl Rant is determined to win, I am afraid it will be mysterious.

"What!" Earl Rant was furious when he heard the news, and his face flushed, "This damned son of a bitch, I will definitely kill him when I go back!

Your Majesty, this is okay, after all, Mousse's nephew is not Mousse himself, and Moose is only a powerful minister of the Duchy of Brown, not Grand Duke Romi, so it doesn't matter. ' said Count Rand heavily.

"Okay, I said you can't," King Ulric waved his hand impatiently. He really disliked Count Rand as an envoy, but he didn't have a suitable candidate for a while.

"Okay, there is another important thing," King Ulric frowned again, "The messenger of Gregory IV has once again departed from the Ravenland capital to the Duchy of Brown. This is the third time .

And this time, it was the moody Earl Arnolds who went to the Principality of Brown. This is something worthy of attention. "

Count Arnolds...

Many nobles and ministers frowned. This is a very powerful earl in the Ravenland Kingdom. Because of his prestige and the favor of the Dragon Knights, his team is filled with a large number of people. dragon warrior.

This is an extremely powerful rank, a civilian rank for the Dragon Knights, and its combat effectiveness is quite terrifying, and Earl Arnolds himself is also the most powerful Earl in the Ravenland Kingdom.

No wonder His Majesty the King is so undecided. Except for the Earl of Rand, there is nothing worth dispatching. Even the Earl of Rand has a lot of prestige compared to the Earl of Arnolds.

It's a pity that something happened to the marquis of Herlius, otherwise it would be the most suitable candidate. Although the marquis is not ranked among the many marquises, it is still a big noble, and the Earl of Arnolds is also short in front of him. On the one hand, although the moody earl, the combat power and private soldiers are extremely terrifying.


"Fabrell, is there anything you want to say?" King Ulric looked at a middle-aged man in the noble team, seemed hesitant, and could not help frowning, Fabrair Klein, Queen Calvin Klein's younger brother.

Could it be that Marquis Klein intends to go out in person?

However, Marquis Klein is also a little old, and his body is not strong. Basically, he can avoid things in the kingdom. Can he travel long distances?

"Your Majesty the King, among the counts of the kingdom, there are few people who are qualified to be the kingdom's messengers," Fabrel said hesitantly.


Many people shook their heads secretly, how stupid the queen's younger brother is. Of course, there are also many nobles who secretly raised their spirits. Obviously, Fabrel has always had no sense of existence on weekdays, but this time suddenly Stand up, I'm afraid that behind... is the queen's meaning.

"So you mean to invite a certain marquis to serve as the envoy of the kingdom to the Principality of Brown?" King Ulric frowned and said rather helplessly, and many nobles and ministers were speechless.

Kingdom messenger, this is quite attractive to people at the level of the earl. After all, going to the Principality of Brown can expand one's network, and there is no danger. additional income.

But...for the Marquis?

How could the nobles at this level put the mere income in their eyes? Moreover, each marquis is responsible for the security of the kingdom, and there are so many things in the territory, how can you have the heart to travel far?

Oh...the Marquis of Herlius, that was his initiative, but asked His Majesty the King to order the Marquis of the Kingdom to go on an envoy?

That marquis, I'm afraid, will find a way to resign, this is really not a wise choice, or it will cause a conflict between the kingdom and the marquis.

"Then Fabrier, do you have any suggestions?" King Ulrike obviously did not despise Fabrair in front of him. Although the other party was not called smart, he grew up in the Klein family since childhood, and he was still very clear about these doorways of the nobles. of.

Since this mouth is opened, I am afraid there is another mystery.

"Could it be Marquis Brand?" someone whispered, "His territory seems to be the closest to the Duchy of Brown.

And I heard that the Marquis of Brand was interested in expanding the trade channels in the eastern part of the kingdom, but he was worried that the Duke of Alama would be unhappy. "Some people speculate that, after all, the major marquis guards the territory, there are only so many people, and there are only a handful of people who can move their minds.

"I think that since Ravenland Kingdom sent Earl Arnolds this time, it is necessary for us to invite someone with more prestige to meet Earl Arnolds for a while to avoid losing face in front of Brown Kingdom.

Therefore, I recommend Marquis Leo Archimonde. "Fabrair finally said what his grandfather had ordered.

Leo Archimonde?

The nobles and ministers looked at each other, and they all saw everyone's doubts. It was impossible for Fabrell to think of Leo and recommend it out of thin air. Could it be the meaning of the young marquis?

Of course, in terms of status and prestige, Leo has far exceeded his needs, but is it necessary? Anti-aircraft guns beat mosquitoes in general.

The more crucial point is, does Marquis Leo Archimonde have this in mind? After all, if he doesn't want to, the king will never force this big noble in the kingdom to count.

"Marquis Archimonde is naturally a very suitable candidate." Milin Hutton said, "I had a correspondence with Marquis Archimonde before, and he said that he would be happy to send the Duchy of Brown to the kingdom."


King Ulric squinted his eyes, and his eyes wandered on Milin Hughton and Fabrel. He could now be sure that Leo really wanted to go. After all, at the Kingdom Judgment Conference, it was obvious that the Queen's family was there. Has a deep friendship with the Archimonde family.

And the old guy, Milin Hughton, offended Leo before, but in the end it was fine. Obviously, he also reached some kind of connection with Leo. This time both parties suggested Marquis Leo, which is obviously not Fabrair's intention. , but behind the inspiration of Leo.

It's just that little guy, why are you so keen to be a kingdom messenger? Although the envoy of the kingdom is majestic, compared to the great nobles of his level, there is not much blessing at all.

As for the extra income you can earn? It may be a lot of wealth for ordinary nobles, so huge that the earl would be tempted by it, but for the marquis... especially Leo, who is famous for his wealth, the point of income that can be earned should not be placed by him at all. In the eyes?

For a while, King Ulric felt very puzzled, but he was also considering this matter carefully, after all, this was the opinion released by Leo.

Of course, King Ulric was not unhappy about this kind of opinion. In this Pande continent, there is no monarchy and centralized power. The nobles have friendship with each other, and alliances and teams are normal things.

For example, the former Earl of Rand, Marquis of Herlius, etc., are also like this. They rely on strong personal connections to seek the position of messenger. The same is true for Leo, and King Ulric is not unhappy because of these. .

It's just... He's really curious, why is Leo interested in this position?

"What's your opinion?" Although King Ulric was tyrannical, he also very much wanted to ask everyone. Or, his attitude was playful and obviously unnecessary.

"Marquis Leo... Marquis Archimonde is the best choice." Some nobles blurted out, and immediately realized that this was at the kingdom meeting, and urgently changed the title.

"If the Marquis of Archimonde has this intention, it would be the best thing." Many nobles also nodded. Earl Arnolds really put a lot of pressure on everyone, and can be qualified for the position of messenger, except for Rand There are just a few counts.

But those few are not necessarily willing to be the messengers. Leo can take the initiative to stand up, and everyone is naturally willing to go down the steps.


Soon, when the news spread in the capital and even spread to all directions, the commoners of the Lion City were also discussing this matter.

Kingdom messenger, the status is not so exaggerated, but the name is too high.

Everyone's talk about this matter is still very high.

Of course, along with the news of the merchants ~lightnovelpub.net~, there are secret agents of all kinds, spreading the news quickly, and in Lanxia City, when the men in black handed over the news, the agents in many places The news is less than half gone.

"Ness!" Leo looked at the note in his hand with satisfaction, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Rebella, how many people have you found before now?"

"Lord Marquis, there is none at present," Rebella said with a helpless expression, "Before the Lanxia City was first built, you demanded that the thieves be severely punished. As long as there is a theft case, the investigation will be carried out to the end, which has also caused the thieves to rush in. Lan Xia City left.

In a hurry, you want me to look for a thief, and it must be a high-level thief, which is really too difficult. "


Leo was speechless for a while. Indeed, the risk of thieves committing crimes in Lanxia City was too high, and they would naturally migrate one after another. In this case, he was shooting himself in the foot.

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