Lord Pender

~: Seven hundred and twenty nine news

"Lord Pender ( Find the latest chapter!

For a time, Sukert only felt that a huge burden was holding him down.

As the first legendary tribe among the giants, when will the warriors of the Tower Shield tribe surrender? No matter how difficult the situation is, it is bound to fight to the end!

But this time, it is not as simple as fighting to the end. Before, it was to show courage, but now, once he fights to the end, it means the annihilation of the Tower Shield tribe!

Although Sukert wanted to fight heartily, he also had to consider the safety of the entire tribe. As the elder said, the decision he made today is directly related to the survival of the entire tribe.

Not long ago, he also said that within 50 years, a powerful tower shield tribe would be more prosperous than before.

But after so many days of effort, he had already surpassed those small tribal coalition forces, and he had not had time to be happy for a long time, and such a change had already ushered in!

Either surrender and bow to these humans who took the initiative to occupy the territory of their tower shield tribe, or the entire tribe warrior, there is no way to survive!

Of these two paths, I have to say that Sukert really doesn't want to choose either!

It was just the cold light flickering on the cold arrow in front of him, and the undisguised murderous aura coming towards his face, which made him tremble and became more and more entangled.

"You can think about it carefully, I'll give you ten minutes," Leo shouted loudly, the terrifying Qi machine was not concealed in the slightest, and the awe-inspiring murderous aura made these dozens of giants tremble.

"Patriarch," the giant on the side was apprehensive, and he also wanted to know how the Sukert Patriarch planned to choose, did he really want to fight to the death? Let the entire tower shield tribe disappear completely?

"No need," At this time, Sukert had a bit of misery on his face, "Human, we are willing to surrender to you, I hope you can ensure the safety of our people's lives, if possible, from now on, the Tower Shield Tribe is willing to Work for you!"


The faces of many giants are equally bleak. After all, Sukert's words mean that the legend of the Tower Shield tribe has ended, and the overlord of the southwestern section of the Tarek Mountains will succumb to humans from now on!

If it was some time ago, no one would think that there is such a possibility, but now...

However, there are also a lot of giants with a little bit of joy mixed with them, which is accompanied by a little happiness. They are not afraid of death themselves, but when they think of their own people, even their parents, brothers, wives and children, they will die with them.

The entire tower shield tribe will disappear, and most giants are still emotionally unacceptable.

"Elder, from now on, the Tower Shield tribe will rely on..." Sukert turned his head and said to the elder with a pale face.

"Why, are you going to kill yourself like a coward?" The elder's expression turned cold, and he stared at Sukert in front of him.

"Elder," Sukert panicked subconsciously, he didn't even dare to look directly at the elder, lowered his head and said ashamedly, "The Tower Shield Tribe has never been so humiliated.

The old patriarch was powerful, but as the patriarch, I led everyone to surrender, what face do I have to face the former patriarchs! "

"Ridiculous!" The Great Elder shouted coldly, "Do you think I am trying to pass the responsibility to you?

You have also seen the tower shield tribe today. Everyone's strength is very damaged. They really want to surrender in the past. Do you think how easy it will be for us?

I want you to gain a certain status in that human territory before letting you surrender in person, so that our clansmen can get better treatment in the future.

If you are really like a coward, you can get rid of the huge tribe and let your clansmen be bullied by those human beings, then you should die. I am wrong. I didn't expect to choose you, who has no responsibility whatsoever. people as patriarchs. "

"Elder!" For a moment, Sukert only felt that the words of the elder stabbed his heart deeply, but the stubby nails penetrated into the palm of his hand because of his tightly clenched fist, and the blood gradually flowed out, a little bit. The simple and honest Sukerte looked very tangled at this time!

"Okay, if you really want to kill yourself, then go ahead and do it.

Don’t worry, although I won’t live long, I won’t die easily in the end, even if I’m going to die the next moment, I will take care of my clan in the moment before I die, and I will definitely not die easily,” the elder said loudly, his face very angry .

For a moment, Sukert seemed to have suffered a critical blow again, his body trembled uncontrollably, but the ruthlessness on his face had gradually disappeared. At this time, he looked at the Great Elder, full of guilt and firmness.

"Elder, I was wrong, I will definitely protect my clan, even if I surrender to the enemy, I will never allow them to be arbitrarily bullied!" Sukert said, "I will do my best to protect everyone for the future. It can make the Tower Shield tribe return to glory."

After hearing this, the first elder nodded with a bit of relief on his face, but he didn't say much.

At this time, Leo also came on horseback. Although the terrain in the Tarek Mountains was rugged, and all the cavalry did not ride horses, there was an exception. Yes, it was Leo himself!

The huge lion warhorse has extremely terrifying leg strength, and can climb over terrain that many warhorses cannot reach to a certain extent, and it is not difficult for such a large team to help such a mount.

Of course, wearing a bright red armor, Leo himself already has an extremely intimidating personality, and with the height above this unparalleled warhorse, it is even more elegant. If accompanied by That terrifying aura is so depressing that it makes one's heart tremble!

too horrible!

Even the always arrogant Sukert is still trembling at this time. If it is said that a strong man like Captain Kari before, he has a bit of luck and wants to try each other out, but face to face. Facing this young enemy, he seemed to have lost his fighting spirit!

Who is this young man! Why is there such a terrifying aura, so that he doesn't seem to have the slightest desire to resist!

"I am Marquis Leo Archimonde, representing the Kingdom of Lions, and accepting the surrender of your giant family. From now on, you will fight for me to make up for the sins of your giant family that violated the kingdom before." Leo He said to the crowd in a low voice.

He is the young marquis!

The elder's expression changed subconsciously. He was still very concerned about the outside world. He had heard about Leo's reputation for a long time. It was already shaking.

This was also one of his worries, and just now he was so anxious to urge Sukert and others to migrate to the tribe to avoid further attacks from the enemy.

He understood how terrifying the strength of a kingdom marquis would be.

But he never imagined that he and the others would travel so fast and make such a decisive decision, but still not escape the young marquis's poisonous hands, and finally let the other party chase after him and end up in the current situation.


It seems that it is too late to say anything now, and Sukert is also a little helpless. He heard what the elder said before, but he didn't expect it, but it came so quickly.

"Respected adults, I am Sukert, the patriarch of the giant tower shield tribe. From now on, the tower shield tribe is willing to serve you. The iron fist of the tower shield tribe giant will be your sharpest weapon!" Su Kurt said loudly, he had already figured out what the Great Elder had said before.

If he really wants to serve these humans, at least he must ensure that the giants of the Tower Shield Tribe will not be bullied and end up in a bleak situation, then he must have a certain position in the enemy's territory to protect the tribe.

"Very good," Leo looked at Sukert's attitude and was quite satisfied, "Now your clansmen are on the other side, but I have told my subordinates to stop further killing, you can go back and inform them of your decision ."

"Follow your orders, my clansmen will definitely serve you," Sukert said respectfully, and was about to turn away.

"Wait...you go back together," Leo said proactively, pointing to the Great Elder on the side.


For a time, Sukert was a little stunned. He originally thought that this young human noble would choose to hold the Great Elder and others in his hands to prevent him from repenting. The elders put them back together.

Although he didn't intend to change his approach, because he had already convinced himself, Leo's actions still made him feel relieved. It seemed that this young human noble was not the kind of noble who was easy to make things difficult for others.

It shouldn't be too sad under his hands in the future.


"Sir, why do you want to put them all back?" Eleanor also asked in a puzzled manner at this time, "What if they return, why don't some of them stay? Only let the patriarch go back?"

"No..." Leo smiled softly, "Eleanor, you have to understand that now they have no way out!

That giant patriarch is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. On the contrary, I can see that he is a complete reckless man. Since he did not choose to fight us to the death here, it must be because of the safety of the entire tribe that prompted him to do all this. of.

Then he will not change his mind when he goes back, because there is no other way to ensure the safety of their entire tribe, and I can see that the young patriarch should also have insufficient prestige. Many times, he will discuss with the old giant.

If he returns alone, he may not be able to successfully persuade all the giants. It will be bad if other problems arise at that time. On the contrary, it is the old giant whose prestige should be the highest. Only when he goes back can he have the greatest assurance of persuasion. Succeed other giants to work for us. "

So that's it... Eleanor nodded as she understood. This kind of reaction also made Leo very satisfied. If it was Captain Cary's foolishness, it would be difficult to understand, right?


In the end, Leo's judgment was correct. After returning, Sukert announced his decision, which really caused an uproar. Thanks to the prestige and narration of the elder, he was able to make the huge giant clan successfully surrender.

At this time, the Tower Shield Tribe had less than 300 people.

"You mean, there are other giants in the Tarek Mountains?" Leo was curious. If there are any, should they be taken away together?

"Yes, but they are very weak. We suffered heavy losses before. Several of their tribes came together to attack, but we were easily repelled. At that time, we were also celebrating to beat them away that night, and we were ambushed by you." Su. Kurt whispered, "And that one also cost us a lot.

That's why I migrated in such a hurry, I didn't expect that I still didn't escape you. "


After hearing about it, Leo's interest also diminished instantly. After hearing it, it was a group of rabble, and he had no intention of going to subdue it. Just kidding, the army went over the mountains to find such a small group of giants with very spicy chickens, why bother?


"The giants are here again!" At this time, the patrol team on duty in Woft Village shouted in panic.

They looked at the tall giant figure, with a bit of conditioned fear, and soon the news was transmitted back to the village.

"Hurry up, don't... wait, that's... isn't that the Marquis Lord? And the soldiers of the Marquis, how could they be with the giants?" A patrol watchman found what, shouted in disbelief.

"Could it be that the Marquis was also defeated or even captured?" Some villagers panicked, their faces turned pale with fright, and the Marquis was captured. This is really a major event for the kingdom.

"Don't talk nonsense~lightnovelpub.net~ Look at those giants, they are obviously under guard. This should be the Marquis who captured the giants!" At this time, an old man in the village saw something, "The giant People are totally defeated!"

"Hurry up and report to the Viscount!" The village chief also instructed his messengers to hurriedly set off towards the town of Trubrun.


"The Marquis doesn't know what's going on, but don't let any accidents happen." Viscount Leofric was also a little uneasy at this time, although he was a little fortunate that he didn't have to follow the Marquis to attack the Tariq Mountains. , can preserve its own strength.

But now, he has also raised his heart. After all, this is his territory. A real marquis of the kingdom is really going to have an accident on his territory. It is conceivable that Viscount Leofric will be investigated!

Although it is said that the Marquis has always been the focus of his vigilance, and he can't wait to expect something to happen to the other party, but it is definitely not now, and I definitely don't want the other party's accident to appear on the Viscount Leofric!

Otherwise, not to mention the end of the marquis, even their Leofric family will suffer a great disaster. At that time, the southeastern border of this kingdom will be cheaper and which lucky noble, no one can say!

Therefore, for the safety of his own family, Viscount Leofric still sincerely prayed that the Marquis would come back alive.

"Lord Viscount, I was sent by Mayor Moore of Water Village, Lord Marquis... Lord Marquis he..." The attendant led the messenger and ran in panting, and the young messenger waved a scroll of sheepskin letters and said.

"What's the matter!" Viscount Leofric was subconsciously startled. Looking at the panting messenger, he asked anxiously.

Could it be that, Lord Marquis really...