Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1029: High-ranking scout, shadow watcher

But in a broad sense, the current development of most lords is not much higher, not even comparable to Zong Shen's progress in the first week of his arrival!

At that time, someone from Zong had already dared to scoop up the fleece of the crusade army in the giant city of Lentax.

Coupled with the Matthew effect of the strong being always strong, the advantages and disadvantages of the initial stage are constantly expanding with the passage of time.

The generation gap between these lords and Zong Shen is even more obvious.

Because of this, in the eyes of most lords, fifth-tier fighters are still very rare.

The doorway is as shocking as the wealth gap between the Chinese blacksmith and Ma Huateng.

So when these lords saw Zong Shen recruiting with their own eyes, they felt somewhat eye-opening.

They didn't even dare to speak openly, and mostly used the [channel] to communicate in private, for fear that their whispering would offend Zong Shen.

After all, this evil **** personally killed thousands of lords and hundreds of thousands of soldiers just a few hours ago!

This level of combat power has already exceeded the psychological tolerance threshold of the lords.

Many people still don't know the concept of a legendary strongman. In their eyes, Zong Shen's personal deterrence is no less than that of a powerful aboriginal force.

Ignoring the cautious and awe-inspiring gazes of the surrounding lords, Zong Shen concentrated on waiting for the remaining recruitment cocoons to take shape.

The ten light cocoons on the open space not far ahead finally condensed to the limit.


With the first cracking sound, ten teleportation light gates were "hatched" from the light cocoon.

Six [sixth-level Dark Demon Eyes] and four [sixth-level Fallen Shadow Watchers] walked out of the light gate one after another.

Compared with the short [Black Puppet Manipulator], these sixth-level scouts/assassins are much taller.

Among them, the height of [Sixth-level Falling Shadow Watcher] is closer to the average male standard of human beings.

The [Sixth Order Black Demon Eye] is taller than normal humans, which makes Zong Shen suspect that this unit may be a fighter selected and trained by the Shadow Poison Assassin League from other ethnic groups.

The first to complete the recruitment process were the four 【Sixth-Rank Fallen Shadow Watchers】.

They stood in a horizontal line, with their hands vertically sticking to their sides, and bowed to Zong Shen in unison.

This reminded Zong Shen inexplicably of the images of the underworld movies of those island nations on Earth.

"Shadows don't lie."

"Following your call, Rabbi/Moore/Kada/Ribo the Fallen Shadow Watcher salutes you."

"May the spirit of shadow and the spirit of poison protect you."

These guys are obviously more flexible than the [Fifth Tier Black Puppet Manipulator].

Their voices were equally gruff and emotionless, but at least they were able to fool around and say hello.

In addition, these [Falling Shadow Watchers] each have a name.

From this point, it can be seen that their status in the Shadow Poison Assassin League is definitely much higher than that of the [Black Puppet Manipulator]. After all, the sixth-tier arms are more prestigious than the fifth-tier arms.

Both arms have also undergone emotional erasure, but it is obvious that the erasure effect of [Falling Shadow Watcher] is more successful than that of [Black Puppet Manipulator].

The former is not only a little more flexible, but also retains respect for the strong directly under it, and can also complete more complex interactions.

In this way, simple social needs can be met, and more flexible tasks can be performed.

The latter's reaction was too blunt.

That kind of temperament that strangers don't get close to simply has the words "I am an assassin" written on his face.

After such a comparison, the gap between [Fallen Shadow Watcher] and [Black Puppet Manipulator] is almost clear at a glance.

The height of each [Fallen Shadow Watcher] is the standard one hundred and seventy-five centimeters.

There is no doubt that they should be carefully selected fighters from the Shadow Poison Assassin League.

In terms of appearance, these [Falling Shadow Watchers] wear long black hoods covering most of their heads.

On his face was a silencer mask of half black and half silver, with ruby ​​chips embedded in his eyes, flickering on and off in the darkness.

The mouth and nose of the mask are slightly raised, and there are vertical stripes and gaps on it, making these guys look like cyber killers.

The whole body of the black cloak was embroidered with a small poisonous snake dagger imprint on the chest, which was also the only emblem on [Fallen Shadow Watcher], besides, there was no other exposed information, and Zong Shen didn't even see their weapons .

Facing the scrutiny of the new "master", they did not express anything, as calm as wood carvings.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other six [Black Demon Eyes] were still recruiting as a team, Zong Shen said coldly to the few people in front of him.

"Please introduce yourselves."

As soon as the words fell, the four [Fallen Shadow Watchers] replied almost at the same time.

"Shadows don't lie!"

"The Falling Shadow Watcher Rabbi, who was trained in the Southwest Shadowland of the mainland..."

"I used to participate in the Black Thorn operation...helping the prince Saxon obtain confidential documents..."

The voices of four people introduced themselves at the same time, and the information mentioned made Zong Shen frown.

The [Falling Shadow Watchers] in front of them were trained in the Shadowlands all over the continent.

And the so-called Shadow Realm is the real core and stronghold of the Shadow Poison Assassin League.

There are five Shadowlands in the entire Endless Continent, all of which are domains with relatively stable barriers.

As for the branches in giant cities in various places, they are at best equivalent to "offices".

Like the Shadow Poison Assassin League, a super-assassin force that once spread across the mainland, its main business is assassination, lurking, stealing, intelligence gathering, scout hiring, trap dismantling and setting, unlocking and so on.

In essence, they are all invisible transactions.

Especially assassination operations, it is extremely easy to offend all forces.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for the Shadow Poison Assassin League to maintain their so-called neutrality and do business safely.

In addition to having sufficient strength, those few hidden shadow base camps are also of great significance.

As long as the five Shadowlands can maintain a relatively isolated state, then the Shadow Poison Assassin League can always have a safe rear, which is also a way out.

If other forces want to retaliate, as long as they cannot be eradicated vigorously and completely, then they will usher in endless secret revenge from the Shadow Poison Assassin League.

No one wants to provoke such a force that focuses on assassination and lurking.

Therefore, if Zong Shen wants to obtain the real power essence left by the Shadow Poison Assassin League, he must find a way to explore those shadow realms!

Compared with the value of Azshara's branch relics and Shadowland relics, it is the difference between gravel and treasures.

As long as he can successfully explore even one Shadowland, he will be able to form a scout/assassin troop with complete levels in one fell swoop, and it will be a truly systematic and organized troop!

All the information about Shadowlands comes from the [Strategy Module] supplement.

The four [Fallen Shadow Watchers] completed a "resume-style" self-introduction in just a few words.

In fact, Zong Shen didn't pay much attention to it. In their introduction, only the news about "Shadow Realm" was more valuable.

He didn't care when and where these scouts were trained and what tasks they participated in.

The love-hate relationships of the previous era have had little effect on this one.

Zong Shen was more concerned about the strength and skills of these people.

While he was observing the [Shadow Gazer], those [Black Demon Eyes] also formed a simple line up.

But Zong Shen didn't look at them, but continued to focus on [Fallen Shadow Watcher].

With a thought, he aimed at the guy named Rabbi, and called out the corresponding attribute list.

[Sixth Stage Falling Shadow Watcher: Rabbi]

[Qualification: Legendary/Unconventional Qualification]

[Level: LV10]

[Properties: (click to expand)]

[Hunger and fullness: 70/100]

【Loyalty: 71/100】

A very normal list of attributes, as a unit of the Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance, it follows the tradition that the main aptitude is one level lower than the regular sixth-level units of other forces.

Use dual qualifications to make up for the gap in main qualifications.

After all, the sub-qualifications required by assassins and scouts are different from those required by mainstream soldiers.

In terms of loyalty, 1 point was added because of Zong Shen's simple communication.

The lord's loyalty mechanism is also a privilege in itself, and the initial growth is quite easy.

Basically, as long as you talk, provide some food and shelter, you can easily cultivate your loyalty to 80~85 points.

Going further up requires granting more favors, or showing more powerful power.

The term “Benefits and Wealths” is the best interpretation of the loyalty promotion rules.

Without hesitation, Zong Shen chose to expand the attributes to view.

Immediately, lines of eye-catching golden subtitles appeared.

【Power: 147】

【Agility: 319】

【Wisdom: 57】

【Charm: 42】

[Life Point: 3275]

[Puncture damage: 392~395]

[Slash damage: 367~371]

[Armor value: 75+25 (falling shadow resistance)]

[Magic resistance: 80+30 (falling shadow resistance)]

[Active skill: Watcher's Vision LV10 (You can get Watcher's Vision according to the standard of raising the current altitude by 300 meters, increase the normal sight distance by a factor of 10.0, obtain a focal length by a factor of 15.0, be able to penetrate natural fog, and have a cover effect of no more than five levels , lasts 30 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes)

Vision link (you can share vision with a certain friendly army within the range of (intelligence attribute × 1.0) meters, the duration of a single vision sharing is equal to (intelligence attribute × 0.4) seconds, and only one vision sharing can be performed within 10 minutes)

Falling Shadow LV10 (Manipulate and pull the enemy's shadow to make it fall, there is a 50% chance to cause a fall and knockdown effect on the enemy whose strength attribute does not exceed 300 points, lasts for 3 seconds, Enemies with more than 300 points cannot exert the effect, and the cooldown time is 15 minutes)

Swift Shadow Stealth Method VI (activate the sixth-level Swift Shadow Stealth Method, enter the stealth state, the fixed stealth effect is the sixth level, and you can sneak for up to 9 hours continuously, during which the movement speed and reaction ability will be increased by 25%, and at the same time you will gain [Sneak] [step], [breathing], [no trace] and other additional effects, the skill cooldown time is 45 minutes, after attacking in the stealth state, every 25 seconds, the stealth effect will be reduced by one level until it is fully exposed)

Falling Shadow Poison Method VI Level (The Falling Shadow Watcher can release a variety of poisonous gases, which can cause a variety of poisoning effects on enemies within the range, including [dizziness], [continuous blood loss], [self-healing suppression], [ Wound deterioration], [rotten toxin], [manic toxin], [distraction toxin], etc., each poisonous gas stored in the body needs to wait 24 hours to recover after the release)

Enhanced Backstab LV10 (A ferocious stab at the target will cause piercing damage with a multiple of 500+3.0, if the attack is successfully launched from behind the target, the damage will be doubled, and at the same time, it will have 0 damage to targets whose armor value does not exceed 150 points There is a ~5% chance of a one-hit kill effect. Note that the triggering probability of this effect depends on the comprehensive status of the target's attributes, health, armor, etc., and the cooldown time is 2 hours)

Poison dart burst LV10 (continuously fires 12 poisoned darts, the maximum range is 95 meters, after hitting, it can cause puncture damage of 120+1.0 times to the target, and it will last for 10 seconds, 33 points of poison damage per second regardless of armor , the poisoning effect can be stacked up to four times at the same time. This skill has no cooldown, and the darts need to be prepared separately. The poisoning time is 10 minutes per dart, and a maximum of 12 darts can be attached)

Shadow Piercing LV10 (Start a swift dash, eject and attack up to five targets within 3 seconds, the distance of each target must not exceed 15 meters, can cause 350+2.0 times of piercing damage to the target after hitting, cooldown time is 10 minutes )

Falling Shadow·Magic Binding (choose a target within 500 meters, forcibly interfere with the opponent's body control, and the target whose total attribute does not exceed 500 points of its own can be restrained for 10 seconds, and the target whose total attribute is higher than its own 500 points According to the attribute gap between the two parties, the binding time will gradually decrease, and the cooling time will be 12 hours)

Watcher detection LV10 (can perform watcher detection within the first 150 meters, see through the stealth effect of no more than level 6, and mark the hidden traps of the corresponding level standard at the same time, cooldown time 30 minutes)

Sonic Flash LV10 (Explode your own potential, deduct 5000 experience points, increase your own speed to 1.0 sonic speed within 12 seconds, gain sonic reaction, but lose 80 health points per second, cooldown time 12 hours)

Group Stealth LV10 (can make no more than 120 friendly targets within 100 meters around the body enter the group stealth state and cover their breath~lightnovelpub.net~It is equivalent to the fifth-level stealth effect, but it cannot move, and the duration is 30 minutes , skill cooling time 48 hours)

Shadow Leap LV10 (The Falling Shadow Watcher will gain the ability to step into the air, the maximum height of which is 500 meters, it depends on the altitude of the current terrain, if it exceeds the height, it will be suppressed by gravity, lasts 10 minutes, cooldown time 8 Hour)

Falling Shadow Stream Substitution Technique LV10 (Leave a substitute in the sixth-level stealth state. This substitute can last for up to 2 hours. During this period, if the health of the main body drops below 20%, the substitute will be automatically triggered, and it can also be triggered actively. The substitute The position will be exchanged with the main body, the effective distance of skill triggering should not exceed 10 kilometers, and the cooling time is 72 hours)

Falling Shadow Flow · Disguise Technique LV10 (Using facial muscles or injecting some kind of toxin to make some muscles swell, it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete the disguise, so as to achieve the effect of accurately adjusting the face, and it is impossible to complete the face change with too large difference , Disguise is a physical camouflage, it will not be seen by conventional detection skills and magic, the cooling time is nil, and the duration depends on the effectiveness of the toxin)]

(end of this chapter)

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