Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1033: situation, conspiracy, plan

During the nearly seven thousand years of the rise of the human race in this era, the aboriginal forces in the Endless Continent have long solidified.

Formed a perfect pyramid structure.

The most powerful ones on the surface are naturally the seven aboriginal kingdoms of the human race—

— Kingdom of Swadia, Kingdom of Vaegir, Kingdom of Nord, Kingdom of Avalon, Sultanate of Sarande, Kingdom of Kugit, Kingdom of Rhodok.

The Seven Kingdoms occupy more than 80% of the land territory of the Endless Continent.

The founding emperors of each kingdom were strong men who had climbed to the top of the continent.

Below are the major churches, such as the Holy Light Temple, Longhua Church and so on.

This does not include the subordinates of the kingdom, the various regions, and the aristocratic forces with the noble family as the core.

Strictly speaking, the second prince Carter Pendragon can also be regarded as an aristocratic force.

After all, the battle for the royal family of Avalon has not yet been put on the table, and the current behavior of standing on the ground is the spontaneous arrangement of several princes and princesses, forcing the aristocratic forces of the fence-riding party to stand in advance.

Once these nobles showed their support, there was little turning back.

When the struggle breaks out completely, there is only one outcome: winner or loser.

The aristocratic forces betting on the right person will surely become rich and powerful, raising the status of the family to another level.

But if you make the wrong bet, the consequences are self-evident. The crueler ending is a big purge, and if you are lucky, you will be exiled or demoted to a serf.

For those pampered nobles, the latter cost is even more cruel.

Letting them be exiled land reclamators or serfs is not as good as sticking out their necks and cutting them off with a knife.

Under such circumstances, every prince and queen has become a bargaining chip in the game between the major interest groups and noble families in the kingdom.

The potential of the second prince Carter is second only to the first prince, and he can be regarded as the "dark horse" in this dispute between the royal family of Avalon.

Therefore, compared with the second prince, the Calamity Raven Church can only be regarded as three or two big cats and kittens.

It belongs to the fringe forces that can be wooed as much as possible but not necessarily wooed.

And the Calamity Raven Church also urgently needs to take a ride with the second prince, fish in troubled waters before the princes and princesses fight, and occupy as many giant cities as possible.

But now it seems that the aloof second prince doesn't take them seriously at all.

The teasing attitude is obvious, and the Raven Church of Calamity comes and goes as quickly as it is looking at a dog.

In fact, the previous actions of the Calamity Raven Church in Odo Village were actually approved by the second prince, but the crusade army of the hateful Lentax giant city still came.

Carter Pendragon unscrupulously broke his promise time and time again.

So it can be seen that the second prince didn't take them seriously at all!

Because of this, the black-robed bishops present were extremely angry.

As the high-level directors of the church, every black-robed bishop has epic-level high-level combat power.

A number of black-robed bishops teamed up to launch the secret arts of the church, and even confronted the legendary beginners.

You must know that a legendary powerhouse is enough to sit in a giant city, not a rotten cabbage that can be seen everywhere.

Coupled with the sixth-order [Frost Judgment Army] and [Disaster Arbitration Army] accompanying this operation, as long as the timing is right, they are completely sure to take advantage of the competitive meeting, when the powerful nobles of the giant city of Lentax gather All in one pot!

The second prince originally promised to provide support and help.

The Calamity Raven Church is 90% sure to win the giant city of Lentax!

But now everything has changed, and the carefully prepared means have been in vain.

Although the giant city of Lentax is an open city, it is not easy for the church army to mix into it.

For this reason, the church sacrificed five "dark chess players" who had been lurking for many years, and lost a lot of business industry.

Now, because of Carter Pendragon's light words, he has returned to the original point.

The other party's reason was because he fell in love with the daughter of Marquis Henry!

In the eyes of these black-robed bishops, it is simply ridiculous, and they feel a strong sense of humiliation.

This contempt, reduced to dust, inspires self-respect and dogmatic pride in all.

As we all know, these guys in the church are basically one-sided.

In his bones, he was full of thinking of "God's boss, my second child".

Therefore, this **** breath is really hard to swallow easily.

It’s normal to be restless right now!

"The line of Carter Pendragon has been completely abolished!"

"That dirty, festering **** is just teasing the great church!"

"This is blasphemy against the gods! He should be tied to the stake and accept the judgment of God!"

The one-eyed bishop wearing a black blindfold blew his beard and stared angrily.

He wished he could eat the second prince, Carter Pendragon, alive.

"We must not give up so easily!"

"We need to contact the archbishop, the giant city of The Hague is a conspiracy! A real conspiracy!"

On the side, there was also a slightly more rational black-robed archbishop who was not dazzled by anger.

In fact, anyone who has a little understanding of the situation in Avalon understands what the giant city of The Hague represents.

Standing in the middle, Safli rubbed her temples helplessly as she endured the spit from the black-robed bishop.

She is the speaker appointed by Archbishop Byron, one of the three bishops.

The three archbishops are all divinely favored in the church, possessing legendary combat power.

They all wear a pair of trousers to call the shots on big things, and only disagree on small things.

In this operation, Raven Saintess Sapphire was not only a "messenger", but was also appointed as a supervisor and commander by Archbishop Byron.

She lowered her head and said nothing, and waited until the black-robed bishops around her had vented their depressed emotions before speaking slowly.

"The great city of The Hague is the domain of the Three Princesses, Anna Pendragon."

"It's no secret."

"Princess Anna, known as the Pearl of the East China Sea, has already managed several giant cities in the east of the capital Avalon into a monolithic one."

"If the church attacks the giant city of The Hague, I'm afraid it will soon be surrounded by several giant cities around it."

"Moreover, the giant city of The Hague has a natural deep-water port, which is of great strategic significance. It is by no means like a 'marginal' giant city like Lentax that no one cares about. It can be said that it affects the whole body."

"As long as the church dares to attack the giant city of The Hague, I'm afraid it will soon stand on the opposite side of the Kingdom of Avalon."

These words were based on the facts of the situation, and instantly resonated with everyone.

No one who can become a black-robed bishop is an idiot.

Although they are more or less stubborn, their basic thinking logic and tactical vision are still qualified.

"In this case, why did Archbishop Byron accept Carter's new plan?"

A steady-looking elderly bishop standing outside suddenly asked a question.

This is also the doubt in everyone's mind.

As the saintess of the church, Safli is obliged to answer.

She just shook her head slightly.

"No, that was not accepted in the archbishop's letter."

"You bishops are too impatient."

With her expression still indifferent, she raised her hand and unfolded the secret letter.

The above only mentions that the second prince changed his plan, and there is really no word about the cooperation of the church.

Obviously, the archbishop had other plans.

"I knew that the archbishops would never forget the glory bestowed by God!"

The most aggressive one-eyed bishop turned his anger into joy.


There was an obscure door hinge opening and closing sound.

While everyone was talking, the gate of the secret room's entrance was opened.

I saw a guy whose whole body was shrouded in shadow floating like a ghostly cloud, and landed directly in front of Safli.

Then the shadow dissipated, revealing a high-ranking church scout kneeling on one knee with his face covered.

He held a new envelope of confidential letters in both hands.

Obviously, the Calamity Raven Church has a unique channel for communication.

Although the efficiency of manual communication is low, there is a slight error. The scouts can trigger the seal to destroy the secret letter within a few tenths of a second, which is actually safer than remote communication.

Such as magic communication and magic energy communication, there are specific means that can be intercepted and deciphered.

For example, the fifth-order [Magic Energy Communication Tower] in Zongshen’s territory, if you meet an expert, you can intercept his communication at any time, and the [Magic Energy Communication] in the Nord Kingdom is also encrypted. Will be disordered, in order to block the occurrence of leaks.

"My lord, the letters from the three archbishops are related to follow-up actions."

The scout of the church said in a low voice, and after Safli stretched out her slender hand to take the secret letter, she turned into a shadow again and left the underground secret room.

I saw Sapphire holding up the secret letter, signaling the other black-robed bishops to keep quiet.

"It seems that the archbishops have discussed the follow-up plan."

"So don't worry."

"The God of Calamity Raven has always taken care of you all."

Sapphire said loudly, as a saint of the church, she is quite familiar with the trick of bewitching people in public.

When the new secret letter arrived, the black-robed bishops who were restless and angry in their hearts instantly quieted down.

According to the rules, the confidential letter will be reviewed by Safli first, and then decide whether to publish the content.

Moreover, only Safli can open the self-destruct seal on the secret letter.

Anyone else touching it will cause the secret letter to self-destruct.

Sapphire, who was surrounded in the center, didn't shirk, and directly untied the wax mark representing the seal.

Slowly unfolding the letter, he looked it up with a slightly raised eyebrow.

It took four or five minutes before Safley rolled up the letter again.

There was a rare hint of fanaticism on her calm face.

This is definitely a rare situation for Saffrey who is in the "period of faith fatigue".

It seemed that she was contemplating and summarizing. Instead of announcing the news immediately, she wrung her fingers, as if thinking about something.

It wasn't until those violent black-robed bishops became a little impatient that she slowly raised her head.

"According to the wishes of the three archbishops."

"Operations against the Great City of Lentax remain unchanged."

"The three archbishops have paid enough sacrifices to the gods."

"At that time, a transmission channel from Jackdaw Valley to the giant city of Lentax will be opened."

"At the same time summon the projection of God to descend on Lentax!"

"God will fight for us for at least 72 hours. What we have to do is to transfer the population and supplies in the city to Jackdaw Valley, including the workshops and urban hubs here!"

"As long as there are people and supplies, God will give us everything!"

When she mentioned God, the raven mark on Safley's chest suddenly lit up.

Her bright eyes instantly turned into a blue-white color representing frost, and the blood in her body was surging, giving off wisps of coldness.

Seeing this scene, all the black-robed archbishops knelt down on one knee. They stroked their foreheads with their hands, lowered their heads, and growled in a pious tone.

"Frost and disaster will come!"

This operation is quite bold. If it fails, the Calamity Raven Church will inevitably suffer a severe loss of vitality.

From then on, he huddled in the Jackdaw Valley, relying on the power of the gods to barely protect himself.

Therefore, the church paid a huge price for summoning the projection of the God of Calamity Raven to descend.

It took almost a hundred years of accumulation to barely get God's response.

According to the records in the church classics, summoning the projection of God in history only needs one-tenth of the current price.

It can be seen from this that it is not an easy task for the gods to intervene in the Endless Continent.

A high probability is due to the existence and adjustment of the lord system.

When the splendor in Sapphire's eyes receded slightly.

The enthusiasm that boiled in his blood returned to his body, and reason regained the upper hand.

The first thing that came to her mind was Zong Shen.

The man who rode the bloodfang boar and carried her away from the pursuit of the Knights of Avalon.

"The settlement he founded is within the jurisdiction of the giant city of Lentax."

"Although it is on the edge, I am afraid it will be affected to a certain extent..."

"I have to find a way to inform him. It is best to leave the territory of the giant city of Lentax before the operation begins."

Safley thought silently, she wanted to repay the kindness of saving her life, which was one of the few redemptions.

She suddenly wanted to see Zong Shen again, even if the future would always be in the arms of God.

She was tired of killing, even for the gods.

There was a conflict between belief and heart, and the worldview that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com maintained her insisted on had cracks.

In fact, this is due to the confrontation between her self-consciousness and bloodline consciousness.

In her body, there is also the blood given by the Calamity Raven, and the fanatic consciousness contained in it has a fierce conflict with her self-consciousness, and one of the two consciousnesses will always be killed.

Sooner or later, Sapphire will unleash another her.

Before that, she wanted to be willful for herself one last time, to meet the person she wanted to see.

"Then, bishops, please continue to prepare according to the original plan."

"Follow-up actions will be announced by me!"

"There are less than ten days left, so make sure there are no mistakes or omissions."

"As for the second prince, we also need to confuse him."

"I'll be away for a few days, and I'll be back in Lentax in five at the most."

"Everyone is disbanded, please go to the No. 9 secret stronghold in the city next time."

After saying these words, Sapphire put the hood on herself with her backhand, and left the secret room calmly, followed the back door path arranged by the tavern, and soon entered one of the countless alleys in the outer city of Lentak City. middle.

She went to the secret chamber of commerce under the church, bought a fast dragon-bred horse, and headed east!

(end of this chapter)