Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 1129: Deterrence Earl Leys

"Oh, my dear Luzani!"

"I'm so glad to see you back safe and sound!"

Count Les Kazan said with an exaggerated expression.

In the next second, he reached out and grabbed the twin peaks of Xiao Heizi's version of Lu Zhani.

Zong Shen saw that Xiao Heizi's face was visibly stiff, but he endured it.

I saw Earl Less ignoring outsiders, kneading vigorously, like some kind of habitual action.

Seeing the scene of Xiao Heizi being brutally molested, Zong Shen only thought it was funny.

What would Earl Rais think if he knew that he was taking advantage of a little male dragon.

Zong Shen held back his smile, while Xiao Heizi was patient and did not move.

Unexpectedly, the Earl of Arrows' actions became more and more daring, and he poked his hands from the raised mountain to the mysterious valley.


Seeing that this guy was about to do it on the spot, Zong Shen quickly coughed lightly.

The little blackie who got the hint immediately gained confidence, and just pushed Earl Les away with a light push.

Before that, it didn't dare to move at all, for fear of spoiling the master's event.

Earl Lyce, who was suddenly pushed away, showed a look of astonishment.


Little Heizi raised his head and revealed a sinister smile.


Zong Shen was already ready to make a move.

Earl Les didn't have any guards by his side.

The waiters on the left and right were also a few meters away, and it was a good time to make a move.

The defense measures of the Earl's Manor are tight on the outside and loose on the inside, after all, this is his home.

No one wants to live in fear at home.

So after Little Heizi pushed Earl Lais away, Zong Shen immediately stepped forward and grabbed his neck with one hand.

Immediately, the waiter at the scene turned pale with fright, and hurriedly wanted to come up and pull him away.

But Zong Shen just waved one arm, and those waiters flew out like rag bags.

A sharp whistle sounded outside the meeting room, and a large number of manor guards rushed over.

However, before seeing the Earl, these guards would not blow the horn to notify the garrison.

If there is something wrong with the manor and the garrison is notified, it will be a mess.

So Zong Shen and Xiao Heizi still have a certain amount of time.

"Little Heizi, stop them!"

After giving instructions to Little Heizi who had not recovered his original shape, Zong Shen carried Earl Les into the compartment on the side of the living room.

He needs a relatively private space to complete the lord's deterrence and invitation.

After receiving the order, Xiao Heizi smiled, then twisted his neck and rubbed his wrists.

It walked out of the living room in the image of Lu Zhani, and smiled happily at the guards of the fourth and fifth ranks of the manor.

"The show has begun!"


Xiao Heizi's figure shot out like a cannonball.

In an instant, a pit appeared on the spot.

Ripples of dust.

Even though it maintains its human form, it is still powerful.

In the cubicle, Zong Shen conveniently threw Earl Les on the ground.

This guy's body is not too strong, and his comprehensive attributes are about the same as that of a fifth-level soldier.

When he was trying to twist and struggle, Zong Shen could feel his strength.

But soon Earl Lais found that his struggle was futile.

No matter how he struggled, Zong Shen's hands remained motionless like iron tongs.

It wasn't until this time that he felt panicked.

"You... who are you?"

"There is no such strong person in the eyes of the elves!"

Earl Lais could no longer care about Lu Zhani's affairs, and only wanted to find out Zong Shen's true identity.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"The important thing is your next choice!"

Zong Shen grinned, and took out [Azzinoth Demon Slayer Blade (Golden)] with his backhand.

The curved blade pointed at Les Kazan's throat.

Zong wasn't going to send out an invitation like the corporal who recruited Aila and Heya.

Facing Earl Rais, he needed a more straightforward approach.

"Death...or join my territory!"

Using the threat of death, Zong Shen took advantage of the situation and issued an invitation to the territory.

The mechanism of the lord system immediately poured some mysterious information into Earl Si's mind.

I saw the expression of the Earl who fell on the ground changed rapidly, from panic to panic to disbelief.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that it barely returned to normal.

"You...you...you...the chosen one?"

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect it!"

Not all aboriginal nobles knew about the Chosen One.

Baron Bezos Chebman is an exception, and he himself is very interested in the history of the ancient past.

A guy like Earl Les Kazan who only cares about pleasure will naturally not pay attention to this.

Therefore, when he got the information about the Chosen Son, he was extremely surprised.

This part of the information is injected by the lord system, if he chooses to refuse, the relevant memory will be erased.

Of course, he has no room to refuse, and the worst result is that Zong Shen kills him directly.

Then Xiao Heizi cleared out the guards in the manor and transformed into the new Earl of Lyce.

Although there will be flaws in doing so, it is still no problem to hide it for a few days.

As for a few days later, the giant city of Lentax has already been in chaos, and it is very likely that there is no need to cover it up.

Of course, if Earl Lais is willing to join the territory, it will undoubtedly eliminate more hidden dangers.

So Zong Shen has a lot of confidence, he has no ink marks, and uses his fine power control ability to nudge the blade.

Make the arc-shaped tip touch the skin on Earl's neck.

"You have no right to make more choices."

"Die or join."

His voice was extremely calm, but the calmer it was, the more terrified Earl Leis was.

Because Zong Shen made no secret of his killing intent, and he did have a real killing intent towards Earl Lais.


The Earl of Rais on the ground shuddered, and the cold blade gave him goose bumps all over his body.

The threat of death made the cold seep into the bone marrow.

Real killing intent and empty threats are two different things. Earl Rais has no doubt that as long as he says "no", the blade will cut his neck open in the next second.

So after a brief struggle in his heart, he gritted his teeth and chose to give in.

Immediately, he changed from a sitting position to a kneeling position, and Chao Zongshen lowered his mighty head.

Pampered and used to being aloof, the Earl of Lyce is now like a distressed stray dog.

Pleading for mercy and favor.

"I...Les Kazan, swear allegiance to you."

"Great lord, may you be favored by the Dragon God."

"Bauhinia will always bloom by your side."

There is an oath-taking process as usual when joining a territory.

As an aristocrat of the Kingdom of Avalon, Les Kazan's declaration is also different.

However, all changes remain the same, and Zong Shen has long been tired of hearing such blessings.

"You are welcome to join, this is a wise choice."

His answer is simple.

After the swearing-in process was completed, Les Kazan officially joined the territory.

"Maybe you have a lot of questions."

"But now please keep those guards and waiters calm."

"Otherwise, they might be killed..."

Zong Shen tilted his head and gave the first order.


"I'm going right now..."

After Earl Les joined the territory, he became calmer.

He nodded quickly, got up tremblingly and walked out of the cubicle.

Zong Shen followed closely and returned to the living room, where he sat on a spacious and comfortable fur chair.

It's a mess outside and I don't know what's going on.

But after Earl Les went out, only two or three minutes later, all the commotion subsided.

Soon, Little Heizi and Count Les returned to the living room.

Little Heizi's arms were covered in blood, but there was a smile on his face.

In Luzani's form, she looks alluring and evil.

"Hey, I didn't expect a woman's body to be so soft and flexible."

"But the dragon body is stronger and more powerful!"

It grinned grinningly and muttered to itself, then stepped up to Zong Shen and bowed in salute.

After all, the evil dragon is an evil dragon, and he has no psychological burden on killing, and even enjoys it a little bit.

Count Les Kazan's face was a little pale, but he knew the true identity of Xiao Heizi after he joined the territory. Because he is also a hero-level talent, he enjoys some of the lord's privileges.

"grown ups."

I saw Earl Lais standing beside Xiao Heizi, and he also bowed to Zong Shen.

Zong Shen first looked at Xiao Heizi's arms with disgust.

"Go and wash."

"What kind of body is bloody!"

Under his scolding, Xiao Heizi went to wash off with a playful smile.

Then Zong Shen pointed to the armchair opposite, motioning for Earl Lace to sit down and talk.

"Sit down first."

"Remember to dispose of the dead bodies outside."

Earl Lyce sat down timidly.

Like a frightened little quail.

It's not because he is not calm, it can only be said that the shock and shadow that Zong Shen brought to him is really too great.

For the Earl of Les, he was happy today, but somehow he became a leader.

Many of the manor guards were killed by a black dragon disguised as an old subordinate.

It is impossible to say that the heart is completely calm.

"Don't be nervous, I have something to ask you."

Zong Shen smiled slightly. Since the other party had already joined the territory, he would not act too fiercely.

But before the formal inquiry, he stared at Les Kazan and quickly checked his attributes.

The golden subtitles and the related property list appear simultaneously.

[Hero: Les Kazan (orange)]

[Qualification: Legendary Level]

【Age: 42】

[Race: Endless Continent/Avalon/Human]

【Level: LV33】

[Experience value: 13727/501740]

[Life Point: 2392/2470]

[Number of people in control: 0/127]

【Power: 134】

【Agility: 72】

【Wisdom: 47】

【Charm: 32】

[Remaining assignable attribute points: 0]

[Remaining assignable skill points: 0]

[Detailed attributes: (click to view)]

[Weapon proficiency: (click to view)]

[Hero skills: (click to view)]

[Lord level passive skills: (click to view)]

【Loyalty: 60】

Earl Les is a heroic talent with an orange legendary aptitude.

His attributes are mediocre, and it can be seen that his talent is not bad, but he is usually neglected in training.

Loyalty is only a pitiful 60 points.

This is similar to the little Heizi who was forced to be tamed back then.

This is also the difference between forced joining and inviting joining.

After checking the rough attributes, Zong Shen had a thought and opened his [Hero Skills] to check.

【Hero: Les Kazan】

[Hero Skill: Abstinence (Orange): For every 30 days of abstinence, you will get 1 free attribute point

Captive Management Enhancement (Purple): Has an additional 50% captive management space]

This guy only has two hero skills.

What surprised Zong Shen was the 【Abstinence Department】.

As long as you abstain from **** for 30 days, you can get 1 free attribute point.

If this is ten years of abstinence, then there will be 120 points.

But looking at his attributes, it is obvious that he did not make good use of this talent.

To be honest, as a nobleman in the city, making him abstinent may be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Cursing his lips, Zong Shen dismissed the strategy subtitles and attribute list, looked at Earl Les who was sitting obediently across from him, and asked softly.

"Tell me about your situation and business."

Earl Lais nodded and bowed his head, not daring to hide anything.

"Currently, I still have two spring halls and four casinos in the city."

"Another five squadron-level slave-hunting teams are active on the battlefields of the Nord Kingdom."

"Most of the slaves captured by the slave hunting team will be sold to those slave trading houses."

"A small number of top-quality goods will be kept temporarily, and they will be sold when they get tired of playing."

He looked very guilty, but the content of his words could not be deceived at all. This guy is specialized in the black and gray industry.

Zong Shen thinks this kid is pretty bad, but this is a world of the jungle after all.

Being incapable of doing evil and being able to do evil are two different things.

The Earl of Lyce belongs to the latter.

So Zong Shen didn't bother to pursue him, anyway, he didn't offend him.

There are a lot of unfair things in this world, and he is not the Virgin Mary, so he can't control others.

You can only restrain yourself and your subordinates with your own principles.

He is not ready to interfere with Earl Lais's business for the time being. After all, the giant city of Lentax has not had a stable life for a few days. In the future, he plans to move the spring hall back to the territory and start a self-operated business.

As for the casino, forget it, just close it down.

Zong swears to be different from gambling and drugs!

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and looked at Les Kazan again.

"Instruct your men to be ready to close the store at any time."

"In a few days the city will be in chaos."

Earl Lyce, who was sitting opposite him, nodded hesitantly.

"I...I see..."

The lord's order is above all else, so the Earl of Less chose to obey unconditionally.

He didn't ask the reason for doing so ~lightnovelpub.net~ and there is no need to ask.

"Okay, take me to your vault."

"And the secret room hidden underground."

Zong Shen got up and clapped his hands, Earl Lais hurriedly led the way for him.

After passing through the long corridor, we came to the core hall of the manor.

There is a trap door hidden by the fireplace here.

After opening it, a dark staircase leading directly to the underground secret room was revealed.

Earl Les patted the wall, and the white crystals inlaid on the stairs lit up.

He walked in first, turned around and made a gesture of invitation.

After Zong Shen took a step, he went down the stairs.