Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 406: Swamp, Traces of the Dragon【Anti-the

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Sina Technology News, August 27, Beijing time, in all astronomical concepts, black holes may be the most bizarre one. The density of the black hole is so high that even the light cannot escape, just like a dark and terrifying behemoth. Since the general laws of physics are not applicable to black holes, black holes seem to be created for science fiction. However, numerous direct and indirect evidences show that black holes do exist in the universe.

Einstein's prophecy

Black holes are the inevitable result of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild first predicted the existence of black holes in 1916, and believed that this was an inevitable result of Einstein's theory of general relativity. In other words, if Einstein's theory is correct (all evidence points to this), then black holes must exist. The research of Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking further consolidated the theoretical basis for the existence of black holes. Its research shows that after any celestial body collapses into a black hole, a singularity will be formed, and the laws of traditional physics all fail at this point.

Gamma Ray Burst

Observing equipment on Earth has detected some gamma-ray bursts that were generated during the birth of black holes.

In the 1930s, Indian astrophysicist Subramanyan Chandrasekha conducted research on the outcome of the star's nuclear fuel exhaustion. He found that the final result depends on the mass of the star. If the star is very large, say 20 times the mass of the sun, the dense core of the star (the mass of the core alone can be as high as two or three times the mass of the sun) will collapse inward until it becomes a black hole. The stellar core collapses extremely fast, only a few seconds before and after, during which it will release amazing energy in the form of gamma-ray bursts, which is equivalent to the sum of the energy released by an ordinary star in a long lifetime. Telescopes on Earth have detected multiple gamma-ray bursts, some of which were emitted by galaxies billions of light-years away, indicating that we have really observed the birth of black holes.

Gravitational waves

The picture shows the conceptual drawing of gravitational waves drawn by the artist. The gravitational action between the two black holes will form ripples in time and space and spread outward in the form of gravitational waves.

Black holes are not always alone, and sometimes they appear in pairs and revolve around each other. The gravitational action between the two black holes will form ripples in time and space and spread outward in the form of gravitational waves. This is also one of the predictions put forward by Einstein's theory of relativity. With the help of observatories such as LIGO and Virgo, we now have the ability to detect gravitational waves. In 2016, scientists first announced the discovery of gravitational waves caused by the merger of two black holes. Since then, we have detected multiple gravitational wave events. As the detector's sensitivity continues to increase, scientists have also detected gravitational waves generated by events other than black hole mergers, such as the collision of black holes and neutron stars.

Invisible companion

The picture shows the imaginary orbits of several celestial bodies in the Samsung system HR6819.

What can produce gamma-ray bursts or gravitational waves are high-energy events that occur in a short period of time, perhaps half of the universe can be seen. But considering their nature, most black holes are undetectable. Black holes do not emit any light or radiation, so they can hibernate in space silently, and astronomers are unaware of their existence. However, there is a way to detect their existence: using the gravitational effect of black holes on other stars. In 2020, when astronomers were observing the seemingly ordinary binary star system HR6819, they found that the trajectories of the two stars are somewhat strange, unless there is a completely invisible celestial body in the system to explain this phenomenon. After calculating its mass, the researchers realized that there is only one truth: this celestial body must be a black hole. It is only a thousand light-years away from the earth and is located within the Milky Way galaxy. It is the closest black hole to the earth discovered so far.


The black hole CygnusX-1 is sucking the huge blue companion star on the side.

In 1971, when scientists were studying a dual star system called CygnusX-1 in the Milky Way, they first observed evidence of the existence of black holes. The X-rays produced by this system are extremely bright, but these rays do not come from the black hole or its visible companion, but are produced by the accretion disk formed when the black hole absorbs the stellar material. Just like the binary star system HR6819 just mentioned, astronomers can also use the trajectory of the visible star to estimate the mass of the invisible celestial body in the CygnusX-1 system. The final calculation result is about 21 times the mass of the sun, and considering that the space occupied by the celestial body is small, it can only be a black hole, and there is no need to consider other possibilities at all.

Supermassive black hole

There is also a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

In addition to the black holes formed by the collapse of stars, there is evidence that there may be some supermassive black holes lurking in the center of galaxies millions or even billions of times the number of the sun, and they may have existed since the early days of the universe. In the so-called "active galaxies", the evidence for the existence of these supermassive black holes is spectacular. NASA pointed out that there is a circle of accretion disks around the black holes in the centers of these galaxies, which emit extremely strong radiation that covers various bands. There is also a black hole in the center of the Milky Way, because we have observed that the rotation of stars in this region is astonishingly fast, as high as 8% of the speed of light, indicating that they must be revolving around a small but extremely massive celestial body. Current estimates suggest that the mass of the central black hole in the Milky Way is about 4 million times that of the sun.

The "spaghetti" effect

There is also evidence for the existence of black holes, called the "spaghettiization" effect. You may wonder what this means, but if you have a chance to fall into a black hole, everything will be self-explanatory: under the strong gravitational pull of the black hole, you will be drawn into a thin strip, like noodles. Same. Although this kind of thing cannot happen to you, if a star accidentally gets too close to a black hole, this is its end. In October 2020, astronomers really observed the flash of light when a star was torn apart by a black hole. Fortunately, this "tragedy" is 215 million light years away from us.

Photo of black hole

The first photo of a black hole taken directly by humans.

So far, we have collected a lot of indirect evidence of the existence of black holes, including radiation bursts, gravitational waves, and dynamic effects on other celestial bodies, etc., which cannot be explained by other known celestial bodies. But in April 2019, mankind finally found firm evidence-the Event Horizon Telescope directly captured a photo of the supermassive black hole in the center of the M87 galaxy. The name of this telescope may be misleading. It is actually a network of telescopes scattered around the world, not a single telescope. NASA pointed out that the more telescopes involved in shooting, the larger the space that can be photographed, and the higher the final image quality. In the final photo, we can clearly see the shadow of a black hole with a mass of 6.5 billion times the sun, and the accretion disk with orange light around the shadow. (leaf)

IT House News on August 26 Tesla released the autopilot system test version FSDBeta9.2 version on August 16, but Musk (ElonMusk) believes that the latest version is not good enough, and the team is looking forward to improving it "as soon as possible". Long-standing automatic driver assistance system update.

IT Home learned that when Musk was asked about the update of FSDBeta on Twitter today, he said: "We are about to announce the Beta10 version, and the specific time should be next Friday."

He said that FSDBeta10 will have a fully retrained neural network system, so it will take several weeks to adjust and fix bugs, and it can be tested in about 4 weeks at the earliest.

related news:

Musk: Tesla's autopilot system aims to be 10 times safer than human driving

On August 26, according to foreign media reports, on Wednesday, local time in the United States, Elon Musk, CEO of electric car manufacturer Tesla, reiterated the company’s ambitious “Full Self-Driving” (FSD). The goal is to develop an assisted driving system that is about 10 times safer than ordinary human drivers. When this level of safety is reached, regulators are likely to allow FSD to operate as an unmanned system on public roads.

Before making the above comments, Musk once commented on the just released FSDBeta9.2, saying that its actual performance was not good enough. He said: "FSDBeta9.2 is actually not great, but the AI ​​team is working on improving it as quickly as possible. We are trying to build a one-stop solution for highways and city streets, but it requires a lot of nerves. Network retraining."

On the surface, Musk’s comments do not sound particularly reassuring. Many FSD beta users have also spoken and teased him, and released many driver-assisted driving systems for driving for a long time without any intervention. video. In this regard, Musk subsequently reiterated the company's goal of developing driver-assisted driving kits that are 1,000% safer than human drivers.

Musk clarified: "From most standards, the performance of FSDBeta9.2 is amazing, but our goal is to develop a driver-assisted driving system that is 1000% safer than ordinary drivers."

This in itself reveals that Musk and the Tesla AI team have realized that self-driving cars need to be much safer than human driving in order to be accepted by a wider audience. Even if self-driving cars are twice as safe as human drivers, the number of people who die in car accidents will be greatly reduced. At present, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating Tesla and FSD kits for suspected collisions with emergency vehicles.

Over the years, Tesla FSD and driver assisted driving systems have saved countless lives. In the first quarter of 2021, a Tesla-enabled car will drive an average of 4.19 million miles (6.74 million kilometers) and an accident will occur, while a car without active safety features will drive an average of 2.05 million miles (3.3 million kilometers). have an accident. In contrast, the latest crash data from NHTSA shows that an average US car traveled 484,000 miles (780,000 kilometers) in one accident.

It is quite difficult to truly understand how advanced Tesla and FSDBeta are, especially when compared to other driver assistance features currently being developed by their competitors. However, car disassembly expert Sandy Munro (Sandy Munro) recently tested the Ford BlueCruise system and compared it with FSD. He found that although Ford claimed that BlueCruise was a "no intervention" solution for autonomous driving in certain areas of American highways, Monroe quickly discovered that the system requires human intervention even when it is appropriate to turn.

Traces of Tesla and FSD Arcane Exchange

The strength of the western five-color dragon is arranged in the order of red, blue, green, and black. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

The red dragon is the most powerful dragon among the five-color dragons. Wisdom is very high. Chaos evil creatures, like gold coins and silver coins. And tirelessly pursue, the most powerful, and then can use flame attacks.

comollon. The blue dragon is the second largest in size. Can create a mirage and control the power of the wind. Wisdom is medium.

The green dragon, some people say that the green dragon is less intelligent, but I understand that the green dragon's wisdom should be very high. Then the green dragon is smaller than the red and blue dragons. It is an orderly evil creature, and the most cunning dragon among the five-color dragons. Among the five-color dragons, there are only two dragons that are born to survive underwater without reducing their combat effectiveness. Good at coaxing and deceiving, good at poison power, high poison resistance, strong venom. Generally in that kind of forest, jungle.

The black dragon, the black dragon is smaller than the red dragon and blue dragon, and a bit bigger than the green dragon, and its wisdom is lower than that of the first three dragons. (One said that his wisdom is higher than the green dragon. Of course I said this is higher than the green dragon. Some people think that the green dragon’s wisdom is low. I don’t agree with this view.) Chaos evil creatures, use dark ones strength. The most persistent dragon among the five-color dragons.

White dragon. Bailong uses the elemental power of ice water. Order evil creatures. Its size is the smallest among the five-color dragons. Its wisdom is also the lowest among the five-color dragons. Awakening Dragon Whisper Magic is the latest. The magical ability of an adult white dragon is similar to that of a juvenile red dragon. (There is a difference of three ages between juvenile and adult) Wisdom is also higher than that of dragon beasts, and ordinary white dragons can speak languages ​​normally. But the IQ is really absolute. Other Longdu images call Bailong an "idiot". Generally in places like snowy mountains and ice fields.

Five-color dragons are relatively evil. The handle of the evil camp. As the age group grows, the strength will gradually increase.