Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 616: Boswell, Ingram

Goblin engineering is actually an engineering technology originated from goblins in the Endless Continent.

It contains a part of mana technology, a part of alchemy materials, and some concepts of mechanical engineering.

After many factors were mixed together, goblin engineering was formed.

It can be said that this is the mechanical engineering of the sword and magic version.

There is also a bit of the mechanical charm of the earth.

At this time, he remembered the goal he made at that time.

That is to rob the greedy handsome boy! Loot the black-hearted goblin!

Before I knew it, both of these small goals were accomplished.

Although, the handsome boy is underage, and the goblins are just a team of traveling merchants.

But Zong Shen believes that as long as he perseveres in his efforts.

Next, you will definitely be able to rob epic-level handsome boys and even legendary-level handsome boys and goblin merchant groups!

As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places.

Zongmou wants to be bigger and stronger, and create greater glories!

"Ah Choo!"

At this time, over the central part of the continent.

Boswell, who was rushing back to Ratchet City in a heavy goblin airship, sneezed suddenly.

Yellow-white snot hung under the big green nose.

Boswell casually took a handkerchief out of his pocket and blew it vigorously.

First sniffled, then scratched his big head.

"Oh my god, this sneeze is really exciting."

"Little Tiegou, report our current location!"

Boswell called into the cockpit of the airship.

One of the goblin pilots turned his head.

He turned sideways to look down from the glass window, and then looked at the steering wheel on the airship.

Then he answered seriously.

"Uncle Boswell, we are in the sky above the Kingdom of Swadia, the giant city of Tvarun."

"There are still three days' voyage to reach the Ratchet Merchant Alliance's resident!"

Hearing this answer, Boswell nodded habitually without saying anything.

This trip to the south was a success.

Although I met a shameless thief in Avalon.

But the overall gains are still impressive.

Especially in the Kingdom of Nord, it had a relationship with several princes.

It also smelled an unusual business opportunity.

There is a high possibility that a top-down storm will erupt within the Nord Kingdom!

Queen Sandina has already begun to train the princes she gave birth to.

"Zi Liu!"

Boswell couldn't help sticking out his big tongue and licking his lips.

"Queen Sandina is such a coquettish beauty!"

"If I can have a spring night with her, I am willing to spend 1000...no! 5000 dinars!"

"There are few women in human beings who are as full of charm as she is."

"Even I can't help feeling restless."

Its expression is gradually wretched.

A woman who can make a stingy goblin merchant willing to spend 5,000 dinars must be a bit famous.

Several other middle-aged goblins who were sitting on the side also showed similar expressions when they heard the words.

They are all goblin merchants active in the central and eastern parts of the continent.

Most have seen Queen Sandina of the Kingdom of Nord.

That one is a famous scratcher.

It is said that King Ragnar Lodbrok wore a hat enough to open a cloakroom.

Some wind, thunder and wind had already reached the king's ears.

But the king remained indifferent.

No one knows the exact reason, but according to the latest issue of "An Overview of the Nord Kingdom" submitted by the Intelligence Club of the Steamwheedle Group, there is a high probability that it is because the Trivasin family behind Queen Sandina is behind the scenes.

As the second-ranked super family in the Nord Kingdom, they are qualified to challenge the royal family.

This situation intensified after Sandina became queen more than 20 years ago.

Now, from the Grand Duke of the royal family to the local prince, they all have inextricably linked interests with the Trivasin family. On the other hand, the Lodbroke family of the royal family has weakened a lot.

The situation is very complicated.

The more turbulent the kingdom, the more fertile ground for goblin merchants.

Once there is a war, those magic armors, chariots, siege equipment, city defense equipment, war puppets, alchemy weapons, engineering weapons, and goblin bombs can all be sold at a good price.

The move is an order of millions or even tens of millions of dinars.

Even the goblins can take the initiative to sit on the ground and raise prices.

In addition to accepting payment in dinars, the goods they sell can also be paid for with equivalent materials and special products. If not, they can even accept human transactions.

Both fighters and farmers can get an exact quote from a goblin trader.

Each kingdom has its own special arms and fighters.

There are also corresponding workshops and magic technology.

Humans also have talented master engineers.

But compared with the engineering attainments of the goblins, there is still a lot of gap.

Even if it is an engineering product with the same effect and principle, the cost of human manufacturing is higher than that of goblins.

Of course, there are also human kingdoms that have secretly raised a group of goblin engineer apprentices.

It just had little effect. After all, the development of goblin engineering and alchemy was not only due to talent, but also because of the huge population base of goblins as a guarantee.

Goblins often talk about money, gambling, and repairs.

These three are also the specialties of goblins.

So the turbulent kingdom is also a good opportunity for them to be active.

Boswell's words clearly resonated with the goblin merchants.

In fact, goblins also have a lustful side in their bones.

Not as strong as the goblins, but not much better.

At this moment, a goblin wearing a gentleman's hat sitting on the seat opposite Boswell raised his head.

"Except for the Nord Kingdom, the major kingdoms are not much better."

"There is an undercurrent surging in every kingdom, but no one knows when this undercurrent will erupt, and no one dares to stir up the undercurrent, because it is bound to be crushed."

"Everyone is waiting for an opportunity."

"Both Hot Sand and Rusty Water have similar reports."

"The elite eyes of the elves are also active more and more frequently."

"Even the dull orcs are aware of it."

"The major churches in the human race are also ready to move, including the Nordaron Sect, which believes in the original human race of the last era, and is gearing up to restore the glory of the original human race."

The goblin in a gentleman hat said with a sneer.

"Ah! Dear Teacher Kadry!"

"I didn't expect you, as a super alchemist, to be so concerned about the situation in the mainland!"

Boswell stood up and nodded, complimenting him exaggeratedly.

Regarding this, the goblin named Kadry Tutor just sneered and lowered his head again.

Other goblin merchants take it lightly.

Goblin merchants, goblin engineers, and goblin alchemists are all goblins.

But temperament and habits are quite different.

The former is cunning, stingy, eloquent, greedy and lustful.

The latter basically have severe academic paranoia.

Just like the senior engineer Iron Hand Barenk recruited by Zongshen.

Seeing that Kadry lowered his head, Boswell was submissive on the surface, but he was cursing in his heart, so he also sat down, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Boswell turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the airship window, and began to think about what fun he should have after returning to Ratchet City.

As long as you arrive at the Merchant Alliance, there will be a teleportation array that can go directly to Ratchet City.

He will have about a week off.

At the same time, the second batch of goods has been shipped to the Ratchet City Chamber of Commerce stronghold in the Lentax giant city in the Kingdom of Avalon according to his request, and it is expected to arrive in about half a month.

The starting point for the next round of trade under Boswell's charge will start from the giant city of Lentax, go all the way south through the Sultanate of Sarande, and then go all the way north along the west side of the mainland, passing through the Kujit Empire and Rhodok kingdom.

To be honest, it still prefers to deal with humans in the central and eastern part of the continent than the commercial lines in the south and west of the continent.

Those kingdoms in the south and west are more barbaric.

But there is no way.

As traveling merchants, they must abide by the routes specified by the chamber of commerce and the company.

Normally it is a 5 to 6 year continental loop.

Now it has just completed the business route in the central and eastern regions, and the next round should take the commercial route in the southwest.

It curled its lips and stopped thinking about it.

As a traveling merchant who leads a team, he can be regarded as the middle class among the traveling merchants.

It has no wife, but has many children.

But that didn't matter, it wasn't close to those kids either.

Boswell only needs to pay a modest maintenance payment to the company on a regular basis.

This child support fee is a rule set by the board of directors of the Hot Sand Group.

Otherwise, with its stinginess, it will never pay the money.

Goblins have goblin rules.

If you want to play well, you have to follow the rules.

He is very satisfied with his life as a traveling merchant, and occasionally encounters robbers.

But most of the time it's peaceful.

God knows how much wealth those human nobles have accumulated.

When its engineering weapons offered ten times the premium, most of the human nobles didn't even blink their eyes!

Occasionally, you can even have a delicious meal at the banquet of the nobles.

Enjoy the considerate service.

However, the guys from the Sultanate of Salander were not included.

Those humans are freaks and rarely rely on engineering products.

It is also the kingdom most hated by goblin merchants.

However, as a part of the business line, it is inevitable to deal with those guys living in the Gobi oasis. Humans in the Sultanate are stubborn, and they will become angry with shame if they ask for a higher price.

If you meet a prince with a bad temper, you may have to be whipped.

Boswell rolled his eyes and stopped thinking about these spoilers.

The boring airship voyage needs to continue, and it won't find fun until it returns to Ratchet City.

On the straight road outside the giant city of Lentax.

Outside the city, a lean white prairie horse was limping along.

On one side of the horse's back hangs a harness with a Viele on it.

The dusty bard Ingram Hanover on horseback.

His red jacket was covered with black ash, and the yellow hood on his head had long since disappeared.

The natural curls of pale blond are disheveled like a bird's nest.

After leaving Zongshen's territory, he concentrated on his journey.

Because of Zong Shen's huge reward of 1,000 dinars, he didn't need to sing along the way.

There is enough money to go all the way.

However, the trek of thousands of kilometers is still extremely difficult.

Along the way, he encountered raging horse bandits and beasts that lurked by day and came out at night.

When passing through the forest of witch feathers on the east side, it was even attacked by the harpies.

Fortunately, he arrived at the giant city of Lentax without any risk.

The prairie horse under his crotch also suffered a great crime.

Ingram didn't keep it running at full speed though.

The average speed is 20-30 kilometers per hour, and it takes about 10 hours to move forward every day.

However, the various dangers encountered along the way still made the prairie horse lame.

Coupled with the lack of concentrate and protein supplements, it becomes very thin.

There is no way, and it is not an easy job to roam around in such a vast world.

Especially for bards who rely on singing and rewards for all their travel along the way, it is extremely difficult.

But these white and clean bards regard this as a kind of practice.

They recorded what they saw and heard along the way, praised those heroic deeds, and condemned those who were despicable.

And bring vivid stories from one state city to another state city and the villages along the way.

Bards use neither teleportation arrays nor skyriders.

The only foot power is the horse.

Ingram was a newcomer among bards.

He was of fairly good parentage, his father a baron.

The lowest rank of nobility, according to the hereditary demotion standard, there is no title to inherit when it is Ingram's turn. This embarrassing situation is similar to that of Baron Bezos' son Hadro.

But even if there is no title inheritance, with the accumulated wealth, you can enjoy peace in Bangcheng.

At that time, Ingram was not only young but also handsome and had a moving voice.

The relationship with the opposite **** was very good, and because of this, he had a period of drunkenness and dreams.

Until he met a great bard, Beowulf who was called "The Walking Poet".

He is a true legendary bard.

He has a long lifespan, and his stories have been handed down since the founding of the contemporary human kingdom.

Most importantly, Beowulf is always in the world.

He never took part in battles, and he went to the tavern for a glass of wine every time he went to a place.

Only at night can I sing and sing.

There are even rumors that he has approached the gods.

However, since he has never participated in battles, no one knows his strength.

More just epic allusions and rumors.

That time, Ingram saw Ingram when he returned drunk.

After receiving his teachings, he suddenly came to his senses and wanted to travel a wider world.

On the way to meet more friends, and even harvest their own love.

That's why Ingram took the initiative to befriend Zong Shen.

Including coming to the giant city of Lentax to try your luck, but also to see if your love is here.

Walking on the straight road, people come and go around you.

The Jucheng Straight Road was built by Jucheng. After the soil was compacted, a layer of lime was laid, and then a layer of soil was covered, followed by a layer of carbon ash, and then a layer of soil was covered, followed by a layer of gravel. After the tamping, another layer of dirt had to be laid down before finally becoming a solid straight.

The width of this straight road is about 10 meters, and it leads to Tanditabang City, which is more than 500 kilometers away.

Unlike the "remote" Bosbang, Tanditabang City is the closest state city within the jurisdiction of the giant city of Lentax.

This is one of the four straight roads out of the giant city of Lentax.

A few kilometers ahead, we will reach the straight pass.

A series of forts were built there.

At least tens of thousands of soldiers can be accommodated.

There are also patrolling knights in other directions who have built impenetrable patrol routes.

Most of these knights are Avalon Tier 4 strong strike knights, and there are also a small number of Tier 5 elite knights.

From time to time, teams of Dragonborn and Striker rangers pass by with longbows on their backs.

The Avalon Swordsmen holding double swords and the Avalon Guards holding shield swords are waiting on both sides of the pass.

They held magic disks in their hands, and looked a little wary.

Compared with Bangcheng, Jucheng's defense force is much stronger.

The range covered by the corresponding giant city is also extremely huge.

There are hundreds of villages, large and small, around the giant city alone.

There are twenty to thirty million people inside and outside the city.

If you add the state cities, villages, and settlements all over the jurisdiction, the total population can reach as much as 40 to 50 million.

It can be said that the giant city is the core of population gathering in a region.

A population of tens of millions can be called a super city on earth.

Under such circumstances, the giant city occupies a huge area, comparable to the area of ​​more than a dozen super cities on the earth.

The reason is also very simple. There are no skyscrapers in this world, so the land utilization rate is naturally not as good as that of the earth.

As the saying goes, the efficiency is not enough to make up the area.

The solution is to increase the size of the city.

The entire Lentax giant city is divided into four circles from the inside to the outside.

The two inner circles are guarded by towering towers.

The perimeter is open.

The same goes for infrastructure such as sewers.

The two inner circles are very perfect.

The outer circles are quite different. In order to solve the feces problem, there are special dung collection trucks in the giant city to collect the feces and transport them to agricultural areas more than 100 kilometers away from the giant city for composting.

From one hundred kilometers to four or five hundred kilometers away from the giant city, there are large farms.

The villagers in the nearby villages and some residents in the suburbs are agricultural population.

In addition to farms, there are orchards, fishing grounds, horse farms, cattle and sheep pastures and so on.

The giant city of Lentax is basically able to achieve self-sufficiency in agricultural production to a certain extent.

In addition, there are also a large amount of materials that are transported from within the jurisdiction and even from neighboring giant cities at all times.

Goblin wandering merchants and multinational business groups have also set up chambers of commerce bases in the giant city of Lentax.

Therefore, the prosperity of the giant city is unmatched by any state city. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ingram Hanover looked around curiously, and just walked to the pass and was stopped by soldiers from the Guards.

"Lentax giant city pass ahead, please stop entering the city!"

"Please tell me where you came from, and accept the detection magic check!"

The sharp long sword pointed at the white horse with a silvery white light shining.

Ingram lightly reined in the horse's rope and rolled over.

He gave an elegant chest-stroking salute to the warrior who stopped him.

"I am a bard, trekking all the way from the great city of Dagalesni in the east."

"Preparing to enter the city to participate in the tournament held by the Marquess of Lancaster!"


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