Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 672: Street scene of Wentrobang City, in pr

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"Please guide me to the largest market or trading market in Wentrobang."

(The three major trading markets in the city of Wentrobang have been marked for you, namely the dock market, the Babbitt trade market, and the free trade market for tourists.

Among the three major markets, the wharf market is the largest, followed by the free trade market for tourists. These two markets have a large amount of food and basic commodity transactions. As for the Babbitt business market, the local consul, Mullen ·Established by the Marquis of Babbitt, and merchants from the Babbitt family often bring exquisite goods, where you can buy exquisite clothing, cloth, iron, cross-breed mountain horses, and even a small amount of well-made excellent-grade standard equipment )

Zong Shen turned to the strategy module for help in his heart.

Not to mention other aspects, the navigation strategy module is also very good.

The picture in front of his field of vision is like a holographic combat display in science fiction.

In addition to the dynamic position of the Eye of Cthulhu located in the corner, there are three more golden circle markers.

The name and distance of the market to which the golden circle belongs are marked in small gold letters.

intimate! Convenience! Fast!

Zongshen didn't have much demand for delicate goods. What he wanted was bulk grain, cloth, iron farm implements and tools.

If you can buy it directly with dinars, you don't need to use the productivity of the territory.

At least it can last for a period of time.

More than nine million dinars have to be properly spent and converted into territorial heritage and logistical reserves, and the rest is enough to be paid for interest in the [Greed Lord's purse].

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the Youshang Free Trade Fair.

Because this market is relatively close to the small ear tavern, the straight-line distance is only seven or eight kilometers.

The wharf market is on the Nivare River, and it needs to traverse most of the state city, a distance of twenty or thirty kilometers. .

As a large state city with a population of one million, the urban area of ​​Wentrobang is several times larger than that of Bosbang!

In contrast, the Free Trade Fair is the most convenient.

After making the decision in his heart, Zong Shen activated the [Floating Technique] of [The Ring of Floating Sky (Blue)] to bless Betty's body. The Air Technique] level is higher, and both the flight speed and the height are better than the [Floating Technique] he masters.

He himself took out [Lei Luo's Horn] and used the low-level [Floating Technique] he mastered.

"Let's fly out from the terrace, don't fly too high."

"Otherwise, it is very likely that they will be attacked by the outpost of the Bangcheng Army."

"Just use the night to fall on the nearby block."

"I want to go to the Youshang Free Trade Market to purchase some food supplies."

"And then go save your younger siblings."

Zong Shen explained in a low voice.

Betty's body was surrounded by light blue wind magic, making her as light as a swallow.

She silently adapted to the [Floating Technique] and nodded solemnly.

After the two looked at each other, Zong Shen took the lead in pushing open the patio door and slowly lifted into the air.

Pulled up to a height of thirty or forty meters, after confirming that there was no danger, he greeted Betty and floated in the air.

This height is neither high nor low, about ten stories or so, just in the dark area of ​​the sky.

As long as no one deliberately looks at the sky, it will not be found.

And Zong Shen didn't plan to fly directly to his destination by relying on [Floating Technique].

The near sky of Bangcheng is also dangerous, and defensive towers and sentry towers are arranged everywhere.

There are also shooter sentries dedicated to staring at the sky.

Under such circumstances, it is very dangerous to fly over Bangcheng over long distances.

He only needs to fly one or two hundred meters away from the Little Ear Tavern and go to another block.

Wentrobang City is huge, and there are also many blind spots in the corresponding blocks. There is no problem in flying one or two hundred meters in the air.

In this way, the two flew away from the Little Ear Tavern in the dark night.

Fly in the direction of the Free Trade Fair.

After flying about 200 meters, they just flew over two blocks.

Zong Shen glanced at a dark alley between the two houses and led Betty down.

At midnight, the most striking thing is the lights.

The alley is dark and dark, and at most there are black street mice or homeless people hiding and resting in it.

In this way, Zong Shen and Betty successfully landed in the cramped and dark alley.

There were ragged homeless huddled in the alley.

As soon as they landed, they were spotted by a little homeless man who was in charge of the watch.

A total of twenty or thirty homeless people hid in the alley.

Among them, there are many half-old children, and some disabled people.

These people are all refugees, roaming around the outskirts of Bangcheng. The leftovers from those taverns are their only source of food. In order to survive, they choose to huddle together for warmth.

With no fixed food source, these homeless people are yellow-faced and skinny, with a sour smell and a faint rotten smell.

Even the most promiscuous mercenaries are reluctant to approach these homeless people.

Not even slave traders were interested in them.

Because the physical condition of these guys is so bad that they can't even act as a labor force.

Maybe they still have serious diseases. If they want to meet the minimum standards of slave trading, they have to support them, which is a blood loss.

When the little homeless man found Zong Shen, he blew a whistle.

All the homeless people got up at once, either staggered or panicked, grabbed sticks and sticks, and stood on alert.

Zong Shen looked around in the darkness, naturally not interested in these people.

He can use the big pockets to kidnap these people, but he also has to take certain risks, because when the big pockets store living creatures, the space door will be opened. The blue light is too conspicuous at night, although it can be opened and closed immediately, but said It might attract the attention of those patrolling Bongcheng troops.

He didn't say a word, and after thinking about it, he grabbed a handful of dinars and threw it behind him.

Dozens of 10 dinar denomination coins fell to the ground, making a dense crunch.

These homeless people were stunned for a while, and immediately started to **** them up.

Zong Shen took Betty to disperse the effect of the [Floating Technique], so that there was no light blue wind magic around him, so he walked out of the alley.

This time he came to Wentrobon, and he also lost several thousand dinars.

Including 1,000 dinars for Betty for one night, two or three hundred dinars for bribing the Berserkers and Rangers who entered the city checkpoint, as well as the mountain horses thrown at the entrance of the tavern and the dinars for alms and homeless people just now.

If other lords know that he is wasting dinars so much, they will probably be directly angry.

However, if other lords know his dinar balance, they will probably die of anger twice.

The average lord has one or two thousand dinars in his entire possessions.

The richer may have one or two thousand.

There are no lords like Zong Shen who are close to tens of millions of net worth.

The safe way to get dinars is to work for the aborigines or accept assignments.

The second is to get it accidentally from various ruins and events.

But the fastest way to get the amount is to rob.

And it’s not just about robbing farmers and civilians. You must rob those big wandering merchants, or directly scour the wool of giant dragons and goblins like Zong Shen to get millions of dinars.

The wealth left by the father and father of Mars was only more than one million dinars.

Based on this, we can basically judge the affluence of each aboriginal class in the mainland.

Of course, the richer the aborigines, the more difficult it is to rob!

Again, all lords develop according to their abilities, wolves eat meat, dogs eat shit.

The progress of development and the accumulation of belongings basically depend on the strength of the territory and the lord, and a few factors are luck, such as finding a money box full of dinars in the wild, who can say for sure?

In the Endless Continent, everyone's ability, talent, and luck form a multidimensional data about development.

It is also the data that widens the gap between the lord and the lord.

Make the strong rise, and the weak return to mediocrity!

After throwing coins, Zong Shen protected Betty out of the alley and came to this new street.

This is also the outskirts of Bangcheng, and the commodities along the street are mostly taverns and hotels.

Groups of rangers passed the streets on mountain horses.

They staggered past the Nord Berserker Squad, forming a fast-slow patrol pattern!

In the state city, the worst security is often in these peripheral areas.

Those permanent residents with small assets in Bangcheng are more secure.

A state city is like a piece of soil, with both a fertile part and a barren part.

Betty looked valiant after putting on the leather armor, and her appearance attracted many mercenaries passing by.

Zong Shen seemed to have anticipated such a situation for a long time. Before leaving the alley, he took out the [Beared Hank's Explosive Warhammer (Orange)] and carried it directly on his shoulders.

As a legendary weapon, the warhammer is densely covered with runes, and it is known that the rank is not low just by looking at the appearance.

Weapons are the best warning to those with bad intentions!

Betty hung the hand crossbow on her waist and held it on the handle with one hand to ensure she could use it at any time.

The streets are not clean and tidy. The pavement is made of rubble, and sometimes there is a small section of rammed earth pavement. There are two drainage ditches about 30 centimeters wide by the roadside, which converge to several ponds along the terrain. inside.

Since there is no perfect urban sewer system in the city, sewage and feces along the streets are often poured into the drainage ditches, where they are collected in the ponds and become foul-smelling.

Countless flies and insects were flying over the pond, and the smell was disgusting.

In addition, those mercenaries and adventurers also defecate everywhere.

The feces would be picked up by those scavengers and sent to the nitrile factory in Bangseong.

The people who do this are basically homeless teenagers, carrying baskets and wooden clips to collect feces along the street. Each basket of feces is about 20 kilograms, which can be exchanged for 2 dinars.

They also contribute to the cleanliness of the city.

As for the urine is basically untreated, so the streets are always filled with the smell of urine.

This smell reminds Zong Shen of those public toilets that are rarely taken care of by people on earth. It is the same smell on the top!

This is the style of Bangcheng, and it is not really beautiful.

In terms of hygiene, Bosbon is doing okay, at least it's not as **** as here.

Maybe the central area of ​​Wentrobon would be better.

After all, the scale of the area here is much larger than that of Bosbon, and the corresponding management difficulty and logistical pressure have also increased exponentially.

Zong Shen had considered hygiene issues when he built the territory.

A large number of toilets were built near the living quarters.

Including the farming and pastoral areas, toilets are also built at intervals.

All manure is collected by the building and turned into primary fertilizer.

It can also be used as a raw material for [Stanley Compound Fertilizer].

Feces and urine are actually a useful resource, in addition to the most common fertilizers.

It can also be used to make nitrate in the field, and bury manure and urine into the soil to obtain nitrate.

Then through the nitrate production, the obtained nitrate can not only make ice, but also make gunpowder!

Of course, the toilet is one aspect, and the urban sewer system is also crucial.

If the area to which the territory belongs is hit by natural disasters and heavy rains, unreasonable building arrangements and terrain will lead to waterlogging in the territory, including agricultural areas.

When planning the four major areas of the territory before, the southwest direction with relatively high terrain was deliberately selected for this reason.

While Zong Shen was on guard, he looked at the situation in Wentrobang.

From the situation of the aboriginal city, he can sum up some problems, which can be avoided or solved in advance by applying it to the development of the territory.

He walked briskly, and Betty followed hard.

After more than half an hour, they finally arrived at the Free Trade Market of You Merchants!

It is also located near the outskirts of the city, occupying a huge area.

The transaction form is also very simple.

Each travel merchant will park a covered carriage in place.

And display part of the goods in kind.

After negotiating the price, go out of town to pick up the goods.

There is a tourist business station outside the city, about ten kilometers away from the city.

Zong Shen is going to buy more this time, at least a big business of hundreds of thousands of dinars.

Mainly food, cloth, iron tools and other practical commodities.

So he is going to find a powerful big travel businessman.

It's hard for him to tell the difference just by looking at the surface. After all, everyone is a covered carriage with a few physical samples.

Unless he goes to chat one by one to ask, but it's a waste of time.

In order to save precious time, he directly asked the strategy module.

A few were screened out, with a relatively honest travel business force in the city of Wentrobang with a cargo inventory of more than one million.

As for the price, don't worry, there has been market bidding here, and the price is very transparent.

The most recommended in the Raiders module is a travel business force called Golden Pocket Watch.

Zong Shen didn't have any ink, and according to the guide's guide, he found the traveler who stayed in the market with the gold pocket watch.

Through the inquiry, he basically knew the latest aboriginal prices.

The price of a basket of unbranched wheat is about 20 dinars and it weighs about 30 kilograms.

Converted to a maid standard, it is equivalent to a month's salary of a chores maid in Baron Bezos' castle.

The same weight of white flour is more than double the price, at 1.5 dinars per kilo.

Because the white flour has been removed from the bran and has been ground, the intermediate processes are different, and the grain weight is also different.

And the flour can be made into bread, scones and other staple foods with simple processing.

Although the price is subdivided into kilograms, the tourist merchants do not sell them retail.

The flour is usually packed in baggage buckets, 200 kilograms per bucket, and the price is 310 dinars. The weight bucket is 10 dinars. As for the weight, it doesn't matter. .

In addition, there are common fruits and vegetables such as apples, melons, watermelons, and tomatoes for sale

The price of a basket of apples is 35 dinars, and other fruits and vegetables are about the same.

After all, a basket can only hold that, and no one will spend all their salary on fruits and vegetables.

The nature here is similar to the wholesale market, and it does not do those scattered businesses.

There are small shops and various restaurants selling food, vegetables and fruits in Bangcheng.

Small batch purchases are a small bag of flour, two or three apples, and occasionally fresh meat or jerky.

In addition to flour, vegetables and fruits, dried meat, standard storable military rations, eggs, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks are also sold. Considering the consumption, storage period and price, storable military rations, eggs, and live poultry and livestock will not be considered for the time being. After all, Master Mars and the preparation of the big ranch are almost done.

Preliminary poultry and livestock rearing systems are easy to construct.

Even if there is a real shortage of supplies at that time, it is a big deal to make another trip.

With the portal and the mobility of the Raptor Warcraft, a round trip can be completed in a few hours.

He plans to buy a large amount of flour, a medium amount of jerky, and a small amount of vegetables and fruits~lightnovelpub.net~ This jerky is also divided into several grades.

From beef and mutton jerky to duck jerky, the cheapest is "wild meat jerky".

The so-called "wild meat" are things of unknown origin.

The price of beef and mutton jerky is 22 dinars per kilogram, and the weight barrel is about 150 kilograms. The length of each jerky is 30 cm. It is also a dried product after drying, dehydration and weight reduction, so the price is relatively high. expensive.

The batch of supplies worth 20,000 yuan given by Baron Bezos at the beginning, the jerky was calculated according to the portion.

It's really expensive to buy in large quantities.

The second-class duck jerky is 15 dinars per kilogram, and the weight bucket is about 145 kilograms. The length of each jerky is fifteen centimeters, and it is basically duck breast.

The cheapest "wild meat jerky" is the most outrageous. The price per kilogram is only 3 dinars, which is only twice as expensive as flour. God knows what kind of strange meat it is. Those [unknown jerky].

At that time, the conditions were poor, so he gave the jerky to the farmers who rescued it, and then fed it all to the wolves.

Now that he is not short of money, naturally he will not buy any "wild meat jerky".

As for the price of cloth, there are also many stalls, from the cheapest hemp burlap to cotton and linen mixed cotton and pure cotton, as well as expensive silk and silk.

It's just that the stock of the latter two is relatively small.

Zong Shen is ready to purchase cotton, linen or pure cotton, which is enough to meet the reserve needs of the territory.

The width of the cloth here is fixed at three meters, and the length can be cut at will.

The price of a piece of 3m x 1m cotton and linen is 8 dinars. If this piece is used to make simple long-sleeved trousers, one or two sets can be obtained.

The price of pure cotton cloth of the same size reaches 15 dinars, which is less than double the price.

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