Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 725: Territory supplement and upgrade

When Zong Shen walked into the room, Luna was already fast asleep.

He stretched and leaned over to kiss Luna's forehead lightly.

After she became pregnant, Luna's perception was no longer as sharp as before, but she became lethargic instead.

Zong Shen didn't know how the night elf women's reaction to pregnancy was different from that of human women.

The birth of the elves does not depend entirely on sexual **** and maternal childbirth.

The elves in this world also had a rich and wonderful history of civilization evolution in the ancient era.

Now this era, that is, the era of the human kingdom is coming to an end, and the lords will appear on the stage.

The last era was an era in which humans, elves, orcs, goblins, undead, and other ethnic groups coexisted side by side. These ethnic groups have not disappeared yet, but have only become supporting roles in the mainland.

Going back further, that is to say, the last era was when elves, orcs, goblins and other races gradually developed and rose.

In detail, it was before the end of the last era.

The Well of Eternity and the World Tree are the real "mothers" from which the entire huge race of the elves evolved.

In ancient times, night elves were dark trolls transformed from the Well of Eternity.

In the following period of time, classes were distinguished among the night elves, and they became high-level elves and ordinary night elves.

Since then, the end of the last era kicked off, and the night elves were divided into more side branches after the cruel battle of the ancients.

The Highborne, fel-forged and invaded by blood-burning demons, became "satyrs," sadistic, fallen demons with split hooves, shaggy lamb legs, goat-like horns, Razor-sharp claws and a long lion's tail.

Satyr's creator is Xavius, who was once the most trusted advisor of the Night Elf Queen. There are many, many stories in which Xavius ​​has a demon curse that can transform other creatures into "Sarty", thus creating a new world. The fallen demon race.

Xavius ​​guided the Burning Legion's invasion before the end of the era.

"Sartre" was also mixed in the Burning Blood Legion and wreaked havoc on the mainland with those burning blood demons.

In any case, "Sartre" can be regarded as one of the elves.

At that time, the nobles of the Highborne were confused by the energy of the Well of Eternity, and used the energy to assist the Burning Blood Demon to open the dimensional portal above the dome, which eventually caused the energy chaos in the Well of Eternity to cause an explosion, causing these upper-level nobles to sink to the bottom of the sea and fight with them. The so-called ancient gods signed an agreement to obtain the power of the ancient gods and transformed into "Naga", which is also a branch of the elves.

In addition, there are also [Nightfallen], [Withered], [Spider], [High Elf], [Sindra], [Blood Elf], [Broken One], [Salain], [Void Elf], and [High Elf] headed by Vereesa.

After various coincidences and many mutations, the night elves gave birth to complicated branches.

There are many branches that have already had completely different beliefs and customs, almost an entirely new ethnic group.

There are also many people who still retain the ancient beliefs and hug each other to keep warm.

If I really want to tell the story about the elves in the ancient era, I can't finish it even for three days and three nights.

Zong Shen actually didn't know about the situation of the above elves, and he couldn't pay attention to these issues for the time being.

Fortunately, Luna is a pure night elf, so there is no need for him to study so many customs.

Zong Shen put all the battle armor and equipment into the storage compartment, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, when Zong Shen Youyou woke up with his eyes open, Luna was no longer by his side.

He stretched his waist and opened the [Territory Level Leaderboard] to take a look.

The first place is still himself, the territory level is lv18.

The second place is Chen Rui, whose territory level is lv15.

The territory levels from the third to the fifth are all lv13.

Compared with yesterday's ranking, everyone has made progress.

The average ranking level has increased by as much as 1 to 2 levels.

I don't know if Chen Rui will make it to the level today, but Zong Shen always feels that this kid has plans to overtake in a curve.

After all, tomorrow at 12:00 noon is the time to start the defensive challenge, and it is also the time to settle the [Territory Level Ranking] rewards.

Zong Shen thought about it, and decided to upgrade the territory two more levels.

It just so happened that he had nothing to do today, and the defense of the territory and the relocation of related buildings were almost completed. It was better to upgrade two levels to make him feel more at ease.

Anyway, now he has become the dominant lord in the region.

There are no hostile targets that can threaten him within the scope of the territory upgrade challenge.

So he can completely upgrade his territory without any scruples.

At present, there is only a difference of three levels between Chen Rui and his territory, and this gap will soon be eliminated.

With the improvement of the territory level, the difficulty of the territory upgrade task is also increasing. The most obvious is that the range of attracting hostile targets has expanded a lot, and each level takes more time.

Zong Shen's task today is very simple, he can take advantage of the morning to replenish and upgrade the territory.

Then at noon, use [Anna's Divination Coin (Special)] to perform a [Fortune Divination], and yesterday he drew [Great Ominous], which is not suitable for opening the box.

Just count on another wave at noon today.

If he still didn't get the [big murderer] today, then he would save the treasure chests on hand and open them later. Anyway, with the current level of strength of him and the territory, this wave of treasure chests is not bad.

The increase in the overall level of strength has also improved the strength foundation of the territory.

The treasure chest opening gain is no longer as decisive as it used to be, it can only be used as a supplementary enhancement.

Speaking of which, he experienced a day of [big murderous] possession yesterday, but nothing changed.

Perhaps it was because he didn't open the box, and the strength of the enemies he faced was far from theirs, so he didn't feel the trouble of the decrease in luck.

On the contrary, the effect of [Great Fortune] is obvious when opening the box. Perhaps the effect of [Fortune Divination] is originally reflected in this kind of random event.

After Zong Shen was fully dressed, he casually took out a piece of dry food from the storage compartment and gnawed on it.

Without further ado, go upstairs and go to the top of the tallest tower in the lord's fortress.

This is not only the commanding heights of the territory but also the absolute center.

He was here yesterday for the territory upgrade mission.

Zong Shen took out the communication crystal and contacted Vereesa, Luna, Sanpang, Mariel, and Howie.

Gu Xiao

They were ordered to let all the farmers working and building outside return to the defensive circle of the territory. The soldiers formed a small team and wandered within a kilometer or two outside the central circle to stand by and cooperate with the defensive buildings of the territory to meet the enemy.

In addition, all defense towers with indiscriminate large-scale damage such as [Magic Artillery Tower] turn off automatic attacks, so as not to accidentally injure friendly troops and cause confusion.

It took more than half an hour for a series of orders to be delivered and implemented.

The larger the territory and the larger the population, the more time it will take for Zong Shen's orders to be implemented. This is a very normal situation.

After the scale of the territory is further expanded, a more efficient administrative system and information transmission tools will be needed. Since there is loyalty at the bottom, Zong Shen is not worried about the administrative staff.

Those heroic talents in charge of logistics and internal affairs will never delay or shirk in this regard.

The functions and systems he wants to optimize are the subdivision from the grassroots to the top.

Only after the division of labor can it be clear and professional, thereby improving the efficiency of related fields.

Zong Shen has carefully considered these situations, and he can slowly carry out reforms and explorations at that time.

After all the farmers returned to the defensive circle and the soldiers dispersed in small groups, Zong Shen summoned [Territory Data] with a thought.

[Territory level: lv18]

[City Lord's Mansion Level: lv8]

[Current expandable range: 19 kilometers in radius, complete the land expansion task to expand successfully]

[Click to open the territory upgrade task]

Zong Shen naturally chose to upgrade his territory decisively.

The task of upgrading the territory level from LV18 to LV19 will attract 190 hostile targets within a radius of 95 kilometers to rush over desperately.

After more than half an hour, the enemy appeared on the periphery of the territory.

When Zongshen was upgrading his territory, he also attracted a Calamity Raven Church scout riding a Frost Raven who was passing by within the range...

The Frost Raven has now become the "refrigerator" in the territory. It is responsible for spraying frosty air into the food storage cellars in the territory every day, turning those cellars into ice cellars.

It can be said that its appearance has improved the shelf life of food in Zongshen's territory by several levels.

Even the church scout chose to join Zongshen's territory after being imprisoned for a few days.

Now he has already become a part of the territory, but because the rank is not high, that guy often shoulders the work of running errands.

From this point of view, it seems that the upgrading of the territory has also created a lot of "bad fate".

There were 190 hostile targets attracted in this wave, and there were almost everything that flew in the sky and ran on the ground.

If it weren't for the seals in the Boneyard, the underground imprints in various areas would also be in a semi-closed state.

I'm afraid Zong Shen will still encounter a group of ferocious undead breaking out of the ground.

The first batch to rush to Zongshen's territory were sixteen prairie bulls and a pack of more than sixty prairie wolves.

These wild beasts are rare in the area, and most of them have become hunting targets and food sources for the lords. It is not easy to attract wild beasts this time!

This is also because the range of attracting hostile targets is further expanded after the territory level is increased.

It is estimated that there are just these beasts that escaped the net within the range, and then they are naturally attracted.

To be honest, this attraction mechanism for territorial upgrades is still very domineering.

Most of the prairie bulls are at the ordinary level, and a few are at the elite level.

The strength of those prairie wolves is slightly stronger, ranging from white board wolves to elite wolves, and there are even a small number of captain-level prairie wolves, and the wolf king at the head has reached the rare level of strength.

If this kind of strength was placed in Zong Shen's novice stage, he would be an opponent not to be underestimated.

But it's completely irrelevant now.

The soldiers didn't even need to take action, as the prairie bulls and prairie wolves were within a few kilometers of their territory when they encountered the ultra-long-distance blow from the [Juannu Tower].

These wild beasts launched a charge without fear of death, leaving a trail of corpses.

Before he had advanced far, he encountered territorial fighters who were scattered in small groups moving in this direction and blocking them. Within two or three minutes, all the prairie bulls and prairie wolves turned into corpses.

The soldiers dragged the corpses of these beasts back to the territory, and after simple processing, they could be turned into fur raw materials and various meats.

The territory's demand for food has always been great, and it can be said that it has not decreased.

After all, the population of the territory has been in a state of positive growth.

It was even more so after Zong Shen inherited the unclaimed territory, and the surge in population turned into pressure on food.

So the current territory will not give up any food.

Beasts represent fresh meat, which can be transformed into food reserves through pickling, drying, and refrigeration.

Zong Shen can imagine that the recipe for tonight's territory must be beef bone soup with roast wolf meat, plus one or two fruits or vegetables...

At present, the territory has a logistics team dedicated to cooking, consisting of five or six farmers with cooking experience.

Zongshen built a professional canteen building a long time ago, which can satisfy the cooking of big pot meals.

After all, this big pot meal model is not a long-term solution. He has planned the reform plan of the free people for a long time, so now he can only make do with it.

The first batch of wild beasts were killed within minutes, and the second batch is still on the road and they don't know when they will come back.

Zong Shen was not in a hurry, he just leaned on the sentry tower and watched the scenery leisurely.

Even if it has a radius of 190 kilometers, it will take a while to come here. Zong is ready to wait until noon. sky…

Presumably, the lord system should also carry out certain screening, and there is a corresponding priority relationship of hatred value.

For example, first attract hostile targets who run fast ~lightnovelpub.net~ with mounts, and then hostile targets that can fly.

Finally, there are those slow-moving hostile targets.

No one can say for sure about this kind of thing, not even the strategy module.

At most, he will screen out all the targets within the range for you, but within a radius of 190 kilometers, that is a piece of land with an area of ​​113,354 square kilometers, which is much larger than the 200 kilometers x 200 kilometers square lord's arrival area.

There are at least one hundred and eighty thousand hostile targets within this range. Presumably, no matter how large the radiation influence range of the lords is, there are still many optional hostile targets.

So Zong Shen is not worried about the territory expansion task itself, and the time it takes is basically within his calculations.

Anyway, his small goal today is to supplement and upgrade the territory before noon to prevent being overtaken by other lords on the leaderboard!


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