Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 757: The Return of Tie Zhu and His Marriage

With doubts in his heart, Zong Shen stared at his attributes.

[Raptor Druid: Sova Wind Crow]

【Qualification: Excellent】

[level: lv10]

[Properties: (click to expand)]

【Hunger and Saturation: 80/100】

【Loyalty: 75】

Zong Shen has no ink marks and chose to expand the attribute.

【Strength: 18】

【Agility: 25】

【Wisdom: 32】

【Charm: 12】

[Life Point: 425]

[Magic value: 465]

[Magic damage: 57~62]

[Puncture damage: 39~42]

[Head armor value: 20]

[Upper body armor value: 30]

[Lower body armor value: 15]

[Magic resistance: 25]

[Active skill: Hurricane lv10 (consumes 80 mana points, sings for 6 seconds, summons a hurricane within a range of 60 meters to blow an enemy unit into the air 8 meters to 15 meters above the ground, and interrupts the Actions such as attacking and casting spells. Units blown up by the hurricane cannot move or attack. When attacked, the hurricane status will be released. This skill lasts up to 30 seconds. When the target lands, it will receive a certain amount of falling blunt damage. time 2 hours)

Elementary Fairy Fire lv10 (instantaneous, consumes 35 mana points, can reduce the armor value of a single enemy target by 8 points and make it impossible to enter the stealth and stealth state, lasts for 10 minutes, the effect of this skill cannot be superimposed on the same target, no cooldown time)

Wood magic bullet lv10 (chant for 2 seconds, consume 30 magic points, launch a wood magic bullet, and cause magic damage multiplied by 1.1 to the target)

Forest eagle form (consumes 150 mana points, transforms into a giant eagle, increases basic piercing attack by 80 points, has the ability to fly, cannot cast spells in this state, the maximum duration is 30 minutes, and the cooling time is 8 hours)]

(The third-level raptor druid can be transformed into a forest eagle form, the fourth-level storm raptor druid can be transformed into a storm crow form, and the raptors transformed by different levels of raptor druids are also completely different

In addition, the third-level raptor druid can continuously apply [Elementary Fairy Fire] to different enemies to reduce the target's armor and make the opponent unable to sneak, and the hurricane can interrupt spellcasting or attack preparation)

After reading the attributes of [Raptor Druid], Zong Shen probably understood the role of this guy.

[Claw Druid] is a standard melee unit. It has mastered group buff magic [group roar] and single healing magic [life recovery]. It is an out-and-out milk tank.

Then [Raptor Druid] is the spellcaster who casts negative states for the enemy, and the two complement each other to enhance the combat capability of the team.

To weaken the enemy is to indirectly strengthen one's own side.

"Sova Wind Crow, you should return to the team first."

"Lord Vereesa's place."

Zong Shen pointed to the [Druid of the Raptor] in front of him.

In this regard, Sova Wind Crow has no objection, he has long thought of where Vereesa led the team.

Because there are many elf warriors in that queue.

[Raptor Druid: Sova Wind Crow] After leaving, more troops completed their assembly and came to the central area from the living area.

Zong Shen happened to let those third-tier dharma masters go back to their teams, go back to their homes, and find their own mothers.

As for [Tier 3 Dragonborn Swordsman], it was also incorporated into the ranks of melee soldiers.

It includes [Sergeant Rhodok], [Strong Fencer] and the like.

There is no way, the territory currently has incomplete arms, and there are not many small arms like [Tier 3 Dragonborn Swordsman], so we can only mix them with similar arms first.

After the largest number of Tier 3 recruitment roll fighters were settled, the scene was immediately refreshed, although it was still noisy.

At this time, he set his sights on Tier 4 and Tier 5 arms, while Tier 6 and Tier 7 arms were still in the recruitment process.

Just when Zong Shen was about to inspect the fourth-tier units, a melodious horn horn sounded from the south of the territory.

The whole army assembled and Zongshen arranged a few heroes in the sentry tower there.

One long and one short of horn horns, indicating the arrival of friendly troops!

Soon, Zong Shen saw that his old acquaintance was also an old confidant, Tie Zhu who was sent to Dinan Village for "business"!

And the scout team before the territory!

I saw them alone driving a carriage loaded with supplies.

Not only did they bring a batch of supplies and food to the territory, they also brought 89 farmers, bringing the total number of farmers in the territory to 7,760.

After Zong Shen's several times of training, plus this period of adaptation, Tie Zhu and others finally succeeded in gaining a firm foothold in Dinan Village and controlled a part of the power in the village.

Now I can finally feed back the territory!

It's not easy to think about it!

Without Zong Shen's personal action, relying on Tie Zhu and the scout team, it would take more than a month to annex the village.

This is because Zong Shen provided funds and direction guidance.

But thinking about it carefully, it is not bad for Tie Zhu to be able to achieve this step.

After all, the scout team has always been an embarrassing existence in the territory, especially when Zong Shen has not yet explored and developed the [Remains of the Shadow Poison Assassin League].

The most important role of scattered scouts is to find paths and assassinate.

However, Zong Shen has a nearly omnipotent strategy module for exploring paths and information.

In terms of assassination, the enemies that Zong Shen faced often did not need to be assassinated, and they were all upright.

Even enemies that are occasionally suitable for assassination are well defended.

The anti-stealth level of the natives and the Lords of the First Advent is not comparable.

Because of this, the positioning of Tie Zhu and the scout team was rather awkward.

Since he has no chance to perform his duties as a scout, and cannot participate in frontal offensive and defensive battles, he might as well be dispatched to Dinan Village to do things.

With the wedge of Tie Zhu, Zong can quickly take over Dinan Village in a relatively gentle way after the defensive challenge is over.

It happened that the location of Dinan Village was between the territory and the poisonous mist swamp, which was in line with Zongshen's strategy of expanding to the south.

The carriage soon stopped at the southern open space in the central area of ​​the lord's fortress.

Zong Shen closed his eyes, and disappeared in place the next moment.

A few seconds later, he brought Mariel to the open space to the south.

At this time, Tie Zhu and the others had just got off the car and were preparing to count the supplies

As soon as the light blue light flashed, Zong Shen used [Wandering] to bring Mariel to appear here.

His [Wandering Wandering] is like [Elementary Flash], which can bring individuals along.

As a price, the number of cooldowns needs to be +2, that is to say, taking someone once is equivalent to using [Wandering Walk] twice, and after accumulating 10 times, you have to cool down and wait for five minutes.

It is very convenient to carry people occasionally.

When Zong Shen appeared, Tie Zhu noticed it instantly.

The scout team headed by Tie Zhu immediately stepped forward and knelt down in front of Zong Shen.

"My lord, Tie Zhu led the scout team to return to the territory on time to prepare for the battle according to your order!"

"The enemy must step over our corpses if they want to break through your walls!"

Tie Zhu lowered his head and said loudly!

"Tread over our corpses!"

The same is true for several other scouts, repeating in a sonorous voice!

Good guy, Zong Shen remembers that Tie Zhu was not so clever when he went back to Poison Marsh, but now his eloquence seems to have improved a lot.

It seems that being on one's own side really exercises a person's comprehensive ability.

Of course, eloquence is also an aspect of ability.

"Very well, at least you didn't live up to my expectations."

Zong Shen nodded, and first affirmed the work results of the scout team during this period.

When Tie Zhu and the others raised their heads, Zong Shen had already taken out a dagger from the storage compartment.

It was the [Short Dagger of the Tendon Breaker (Purple)] that he found from the ruins of the underground fortress.

This dagger is a rare piece of equipment, and its attributes are not bad. It can completely replace the dagger in Tie Zhu's hand.

"Take it, Tie Zhu, this dagger is specially prepared for you."

Zong Shen said calmly, holding the side of the dagger with his palm and turned the handle of the knife to the iron pillar.

"Thank you for your gift!"

Tie Zhu was not polite either, and took the [Short Tendon Severing Dagger (Purple)] with both hands, and bowed his head again, with a very low posture.

Speaking of which, Tie Zhu was one of the three farmers who Zong Shen landed.

The other two initial farmers have long since disappeared from the crowd, and Zong Shen doesn't know their current situation, only that they are still alive.

According to Tie Zhu's memory, these farmers all lived in a mysterious country called "Yuelan".

The reason why Tie Zhu was able to stand out from the three ordinary initial farmers was entirely due to his personal diligence. At least compared to the other two farmers, Tie Zhu was more honest and loyal.

Zong Shen has always used two steelyards as the standard for selecting talents.

The highest priority is character and quality, followed by aptitude and ability.

Zong Shen doesn't care about those who have strong aptitude but have no value in cultivation, and those who have a maverick personality and don't obey orders.

On the contrary, it is the kind of character who is normal and obedient, and he is willing to devote resources to training.

From the perspective of the lord, the obedient is better than the talented.

Of course, this standard is not absolute. If a talented person is strong enough to change the development trend of the territory, then Zong Shen will make an exception and choose the policy of Huairou and win over to appease.

Tie Zhu belongs to the more diligent and obedient category.

Of course, there is still a big gap between him and Juan Wang Sanpang.

San Fatty is the legend of the peasants in the territory. He turned himself into a heroic talent with good qualifications by relying on self-discipline and training, and achieved class leap and transformation. His story can be regarded as a legend among all the peasants of the lords in the whole domain. A legendary experience.

Compared with him, Tie Zhu was inferior.

However, under Zong Shen's intentional training, one day Tie Zhu can also become an outstanding talent.

Zong Shen firmly believed in this, and Tie Zhu was also very confident.

Just when Zong Shen was about to get Tie Zhu to stand up after rewarding [The Dagger of the Tendon Breaker (Purple)].

I saw Tie Zhu and another [Third-Rank Viper Blade] scout named Katerina moved two steps in a kneeling position, as if they still had something to say.

Zong Shen tilted his head slightly, making a gesture of listening.

"grown ups…"

"Tie Zhu has something to report to you!"

Tie Zhu hesitated at first, hesitating in his speech, then he seemed to have made a certain decision, and said in a firm voice, which was somewhat manly.

Zong Shen had a playful expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He already roughly guessed what Tie Zhu was going to say to him!

Tie Zhu pondered for a moment before speaking.

"My lord, Katerina and I..."


Before he finished speaking, Zong Shen interrupted him with a light cough.

Tie Zhu and Katerina raised their heads timidly.

At this moment, the sun shining from the east just reflected Zong Shen's figure, Tie Zhu and Katerina felt that Zong Shen was radiant in an instant.

"I see."

"You want to be with Katerina?"

"Or are you two in love with each other?"

With his hands behind his back, Zong Shen spoke out Tie Zhu's thoughts.

Seeing the lord, he had already understood the intentions of himself and Katerina.

Tie Zhu nodded resolutely, and took Katerina's hand casually, and the two hands intertwined and tightly held each other.

"Yes, my lord..."

"It's a good thing, as long as you both agree."

Zong Shen grinned, and the people under his command actually began to fall in love freely.

According to the principle that there must be omens before a change, perhaps after the defensive challenge, there will be a new round of rule challenges, including the child in Luna's womb, who will be able to gain the vitality of pregnancy after the rules are changed.

And now the love affair between Tie Zhu and Katerina also shows that changes are about to appear.

To be honest, Katerina has a good figure and can be said to be extremely hot, but she used to be a subordinate of that despicable lord Hideki Mitani.

Having suffered humiliation and abuse, it seems to be the experience of Dinan Village, which made the honest Tie Zhu walk into her heart with unique care.

Anyway, Katerina is not Zong Shen's woman, so Zong is naturally encouraging.

Zong Shen is not the kind of "stallion" who treats every female leader as his own woman.

Now that the territory has such a large population, among which there are thousands of female citizens, if everyone is his woman, Zong Shen can't make up for it even if he eats the dragon's waist!

It is a great thing that the citizens can fall in love freely.

We must know that reproduction is the most important mission of any ethnic group and any ethnic group.

In the short term, or within three to five years, Zongshen can quickly absorb the aboriginal population by plundering and merging, but this is not a long-term solution. If you want to truly make the territory develop healthily, free love and reproduction are the key. essential link.

It is also an important link in the long-term future of the territory!

"It's interesting~lightnovelpub.net~ I will bless you all."

"When the territory has settled down in the near future, the free folk reform will be carried out."

"Farmers will receive basic land and seeds, and soldiers will also receive military pay according to their rank and contribution. At that time, I will allow you to form a family."

"If you are going to hold a wedding, I will personally host and bless you!"

Zong Shen said with a smile, his words gave Tie Zhu and Katerina a reassurance.

"Thank you so much!"

The two directly kowtowed and kissed the land in front of Zong Shen, which was a big gift!


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :