Lost Lovers

Chapter 232

The two of them chatted and worked while they were not tired or cold. After digging for more than two hours, the harvest was not small, and two snakeskin bags were installed. Motorcycles don't fit well, Tang Miao put them into space first.

I took a rest and ate some fruit. Tang Miao and Tang Sihuang left on motorcycles.

The three chickens were still found by Charles, and Tang Miao put them in the basket in front of the motorcycle. The rope on the neck of the head was tied to the motorcycle, and the other ten sheep followed. There are five other Tang Miao left in the space, there will always be a chance to take them out.

After crossing the mountain, Tang Miao went around without anyone and took the off-road vehicle out. The two rushed to the base with a flock of sheep. Charles and Haway ran outside, and if there were sheep left, the two hurriedly rushed over to drive them back.

Tang Miao can't help but lament that they are getting smarter.

When they came near the base, the two inevitably became people's attention again. However, these sheep are very thin and dirty, and no one suspects that their origin is abnormal.

According to the principle of a quarter, Tang Sihuang only needs to hand in two sheep and half a bag of potatoes, or one sheep and a half bag of grain. But the staff responsible for inventory checking hoped that Tang Sihuang would bring out nine sheep, and more than a quarter of the shares would be converted into points for them.

Tang Sihuang refused without hesitation, but told him that he could exchange it with flour and rice. The staff naturally couldn't force him, only to watch with regret that he had brought the sheep into the base, but was wondering if they could change some if they killed the sheep. Now that people are not full, the sheep are even less likely to be kept, so he concluded that the sheep of the Fruit Corps must be killed.

When I came home, Chunxi and others saw the sheep smiling.

Tang Sihuang first asked whether there were any hidden dangers in the matter of He Ye, and learned that there was no movement in the base in the past two days, and there should be no problems. In addition, regarding the results of the research, the base did not make it public. I do n’t know how the upper layers considered it.

司 Tang Sihuang only decided to keep two sheep, let people let the news out. Those who want to change the sheep or mutton can use the food, rice, wheat flour, corn flour, noodles, noodles, sweet potatoes and so on. Now that it's getting colder and colder, they have to start stocking more food for the cold winters.

Xiao Xiao Hu Lin was the fastest, and soon he brought someone to carry flour and sweet potatoes, and exchanged 50 pounds of flour and 10 pounds of sweet potatoes for a 44-pound sheep. This is because Tang Sihuang saw a 10% discount on their relationship. The other sheep were also quickly replaced by several economically strong survival squads. Some people want to change a few pounds of mutton, but unfortunately their speed is too slow, and several sheep are replaced.

司 Tang Sihuang proposed to kill both sheep, one of which may be kept until the Chinese New Year, and the other two were decided by Tang Miao and Chunying, two "chef chefs".

Everyone has been watching the fresh meat for a long time. Tang Miao brought the sheep back for everyone to eat, and did not intend to let everyone dry. The second group of people and the third group of Zhang Wang and Tang Yi went out of the task. They were not good at eating alone, and they planned to handle the sheep first and wait until everyone was at home.

In the afternoon, Tang Wu, Tang San, and Chun San started to live. Tang Wu and Tang San killed the sheep and deal with the sheep. Before the end of the world, they only ate lamb chops occasionally. Nowadays, lamb chops are good things. If you cook well, they are also a very delicious dish, such as braised lamb chop, red lamb lamb, hot lamb, lamb chopped, onion Sheep miscellaneous soup and miscellaneous soup soup.

Hunchun met in the kitchen alone, and five people were at home in the evening, preparing buns stuffed with cabbage.

They didn't let Tang Miao and Tang Sihuang intervene, and they were too busy. Tang Miao and Tang Sihuang sat next to each other on the sofa in the living room, and their laptops were on the coffee table to play movies.

Tang Miao also held a bag of pumpkin seeds in his hand, which was fried by Chunying after digging up the pumpkin seeds.

"Eat less, get angry." Tang Sihuang saw him sullen and frowned. He never eats these snacks.

"Eat a bit more." Tang Miao muttered a little addicted.

After a while, there was a pile in the trash. Tang Sihuang could not see it and took the paper bag away.

"Eat tomorrow."

Tang Miao smashed his mouth and could only give up.

晚上 That night, the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, it was extremely cold, and the cold wind blew across the wall. Tang Sihuang estimated that it might snow, and some were worried about a few people who did not return.

一 Every morning the next morning, everyone got up and saw that it snowed. The ground was white and half a foot thick. The heavy snow was still falling, and the snowflakes kept falling down like goose feathers. It was dense and dense, and the scene five or six meters away was not clear. Occasionally a strong wind blew, Snowflake was suddenly rolled up and danced quickly, and after a few rotations, he fluttered and fell. When a person stands in the snow for a few seconds, a layer of snow can fall on his body.

The cold wind is cold, as if it can penetrate into the bones, and it makes people worry about the situation outside the base.