Lost Lovers

Chapter 445

Cao Hua was so proud of his face that he faced Tang Sihuang with a negotiating attitude, saying, "Sir, why don't we negotiate a deal? As long as you promise me a condition, I promise you to leave without any harm."

Tang Sihuang ignored him and looked at the cab: "Keep driving on."

"You!" Cao Hua was angry and stared at Tang Sihuang fiercely.

I drove forward for about a minute and stopped again. A tall man stopped with a band of people.

"Sir, what should I do?" Tang Wu whispered, "Simple?" He made a secret gesture, meaning to shoot.

司 Tang Sihuang waved his hand and said, "Go down first." He must figure out if someone can actually manipulate the zombies.

Everyone got out of the car and looked behind the gang. They didn't see the zombies.

"Release Cao Hua!" The strongest man in the group yelled angrily.

Tang Miao was shocked in his heart. Is this Cao Hua's lover? Really ... ugly. The man is at least one meter nine and looks very majestic. Under the two thick eyebrows, a pair of small eyes are not wider than a seam, his nose is crooked, and his mouth is a bit crooked. Anger looks very fierce, like an angry lion. He and Cao Hua are two extremes.

This is, Tang Miao was surprised when several stiff figures appeared behind the group of people. I haven't seen those zombies just now. Can that person really control the zombies?

He hit Tang Sihuang's arm: "Daddy."

"Saw it." Tang Sihuang stared directly at Xiong Nan with deep eyes.

Cao Hua whispered, speaking very fast: "Trust me now? Promise me a condition, and I promise you to leave smoothly."

Zombies are getting more and more, and they are getting closer. Tang Sihuang turned his mind and said, "Let them go."

Cao Hua's eyes flashed a happy look, and he quickly said a word, ran to the opposite side, and rushed into Xiong Nan's arms. Shu Xinyan also left. After walking away, he looked back at Tang Miao and others. Tang Miao thought her eyes were a bit complicated, and seemed to sympathize with them?

"Did they do anything to you?" Xiong Nan looked at Cao Hua with concern.

"No," Cao Hua glanced at Tang Sihuang, and lay meekly on Xiong Nan's chest. "Qiu, they are going to collect goods in p city, and let them take us together."

Tang Miao froze. How did Cao Hua know they were going to p city? He didn't feel that Cao Hua had the power, but Shuxinyan had it.

"Stay here well, what are you going to do in the city of P?" Cao Hua, the bear male known as Qiu Brother, froze tightly, frowning and said that hostile eyes locked Tang Sihuang.

Cao Hua twisted her coquettishness in his arms: "Qiu Brother-it's good here, but I will soon be out of clothes, and the dishes I eat every day will not even have salt. Let's go to p city to find some. "

Tang Miao endlessly chills.

"Let them take us? As soon as we leave here, we lose our initiative." This autumn brother is not stupid.

Cao Hua also said: "Qiu brother, what are you afraid of controlling the zombies? If they dare to play tricks, you immediately manipulate the zombies to deal with them. We can go to P city by ourselves, but we can't find the way. Then, follow These people can also let them open the way for us. "

Brother Qiu Qiu thought for a while, and nodded: "All right." I don't know what he did, the surrounding zombies scattered slightly, standing still.

"What are you looking at? Go!" Qiu brothers shouted at Tang Miao and others with a knife. Some of these people look like authentic farmers, while others don't look like rural people. They were probably recruited or controlled by Qiu.

Brother Qiuqiu said, "Yangzi, go and drive their car."