Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1261: What the boss said makes sense

The vehicle was parked in a deep recess, and the sight around it happened to be obstructed. The man in the lead saw surveillance not far away, "Get out of the car and go in and hide."

In an instant, everyone abandoned their cars and fled in.

After everyone went in, Brother Quan highlighted his communication location, and the bottom one also got in.

By the time a group of people from the dark net passed by, it was already too late.

Everyone enters the dense forest.

At the same time, a coordinate suddenly lit up in the basement of the Nangong family.

Nangong Zi stood in the basement, looked at the bright spot, pressed the back of the chair with both hands, and did not speak.

The entourage who was usually fooling around, with a playful smile and bickering with the boss, faced this bright spot, and his heart was also tugging.

You know, the other party is a black net.

Entering other people's territory, isn't it just giving away the head.

If they are not careful, their brother may die at any time.


People who lick blood on the tip of a knife are not afraid of themselves, but they care about the lives of their brothers.

In the forest, when there is silence, after a gunshot, it is no longer silent.

There is another group of vehicles heading for the dump site in the rear.

"Hide and force the people in the dark to come out."

An Kechun looked at the group of avoiding people, she frowned, "What kind of drama is Nangong Zi going to do?"

She couldn't understand the situation now, she knew that the black net was targeting her, as long as she appeared alone, Nangong Zi's subordinates would be fine. According to the current situation, even if they accompanied him into the black net, they would not escape the final outcome, but he still let his men in.

"Could it be that Nangong Zi just put on a show and asked you to accompany me in, does that count as agreeing to my request to help me?"

An Kechun asked.

"Stop **** nonsense." Someone directly scolded An Kechun angrily. "If you knew what our boss was thinking, the Patriarch wouldn't be called Nangong Zi now."

An Kechun gritted his teeth and had no choice but to hide.

The forest was silent again.

Some of the poisonous insects in the bush had crawled up to the faces of Nangong Zi's subordinates, and the men did not dare to move.

An Kechun finally took out the medicine bottle that Dean gave her and threw it over. Everyone looked at An Kechun, and then at the medicine bottle.

Holding his breath, he looked at the poisonous insect. It seemed to smell something, and immediately turned around and fled.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "Auntie, thank you."

An Kechun: "...Get out." She is most annoyed to hear these three words now.

The people in the black net are still waiting for the poison in the dense forest to stung them up and expose their positions.

But they waited and waited until they got up.

In the end, people in the dark showed up one after another, and they could only search on the carpet.

Seeing the target getting closer and closer, a whistle sounded, and a dozen people lying on the ground got up unharmed in an instant, and fought with the Heiwang people.

The dark web has also planted snipers in the dark, but they have been unable to aim.

There was a gunshot in the forest, and it was unknown who fired it.

"Brothers, our boss has said that we are not a good person, and the dark web is not a good thing. We bad people kill bad people, and every time we kill one, it will be regarded as accumulating virtue for bad people like us."

This is the first time An Kechun has heard of this point of view, bad people kill bad people and accumulate virtue for bad people.

"It's different after reading a lot of books. What the boss said makes sense." During the fight, they chatted casually.

When the leader of the black net was annoyed and insisted on getting rid of one person, Brother Quan said: "A Peng, do you think what the boss said makes sense?"

The man called A Peng quickly put a small thing on the black net killer's body, "The boss's words are the most reasonable, you must listen and do it."


The basement of the Nangong family, "Boss, the locator is placed on them."

Nangong Zi leaned on the single sofa with stilt legs and announced: "Ming Qiang, dispatch."

A group of people from the outside passed the abandoned car site, and after receiving the order from the 'family', all of them loaded their bullets and rushed in.

"Master, Nangong Zi's people have arrived in another six vehicles. According to visual inspection, there are 20 people, and there are only 18 people in our outer circle." Including the first wave of people, there are more than 30 people from Nangong Zi.

"The target is An Kechun, retreat. Let Nangong Zi's people play in it for a while."

The people from Heiwang received the news, their eyes met, and they looked at An Kechun at the same time.

Giving up on the action, he went straight to An Kechun, "Back."

When Brother Quan saw this, he knew that there were snipers in the dark, because they couldn't aim at the target in the fight just now, so he didn't shoot. "They retreat, let's lie down."

So, everyone went into hiding again.

The man who was aiming at the target in the dark was annoyed by Nangong Zi's subordinates, and immediately began to scold him.

The hot-tempered killer fired several shots directly at the bush.

He didn't respond at all, but instead exposed his sniper position.

Among the people behind him, aiming at the direction, he shot the killer behind the leaf without any hesitation, and the man fell from the tree.

"That's all right, they have taken away the good deeds." Brother Quan said from behind a bush.

"Brother Quan, are you going out?"

Brother Quan shook his head. Some people on the dark web are impatient, but it doesn't mean that all children are in a hurry.

Moreover, snipers are such a rare species, if one is wiped out, the black net will definitely lurk in the dark and kill them for a few rewards.

"Then we can't wait forever."

A whistle sounded again in the forest.

Then, someone threw a smoke bomb into the open forest.


Brother Quan gave an order, and everyone got up, took advantage of the cover, and went out.

Another sniper, with a beard, saw Nangong Zi's cunning men firing wildly in the jungle full of smoke bombs because they couldn't see clearly.

It seemed that a shot had been hit, and he heard the movement stop suddenly, and then their conversation, and he helped his own people out.

The sniper on the tree was happy, and it took less than three seconds.

A series of volleys hit him directly.

The smoke cleared.

There is no one in the jungle, as if no one has been here.

There were two people lying on the ground, one of them was motionless.

Another, shot in the shoulder, was dripping with blood.

He gritted his teeth and got in touch with the inside of the dark net for rescue.

on the way.

A Peng's leg was wrapped in gauze, and the driver drove all the way to the hospital.

Nangong Zi's phone rang, and he answered it.

"Boss, it's all done."

Nangong Zi's face was cold, and his tone was also cold: "This is not what I want to hear."

"A Peng, he was shot in the leg."

Nangong Zi rolled his Adam's apple, "Call me if there is an update."

On the screen, there was a red dot that was moving all the time. It was the people from Heiwang who had caught An Kechun going back to his lair.

An Kechun wore a hood, gritted his teeth and wanted to scold Nangong Zi's people as trash, and it was unnecessary to come to that fierce battle. She thought that Nangong Zi really had a good idea.

Unexpectedly, it was just a show, for her to see!

Not knowing where she was, An Kechun felt someone searching her body, "I don't have a locator."